Ruby Unscripted

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Ruby Unscripted Page 21

by Cindy Martinusen-Coloma

Together we count, yelling and laughing. “One, two . . . three!”

  And we jump.

  We’re in the air, falling and screaming. And for the smallest moment of time, we’re each alone and yet also together, suspended in that space between bridge and water, surrounded by air.

  And I guess life is just that.

  Moments of living on the ground.

  And also, great moments completely surrounded with sky.


  Ruby is a character who really came to life and brought me along a wonderful journey. So my first thanks goes to her.

  To Maddie’s best friends and my other “daughters”—Caitlin Clark, Natalie Martinusen (best cousin), and Morgan Holub—for inspiring the joy, excitement, and angst of being a teenager. I love you girls!

  I’m grateful to my husband, Nieldon Coloma, for your solid and pressing belief in me and my writing and for loving me so. Cody Martinusen, my adventurous firstborn, you are always loved and admired, no matter where you roam. Weston Martinusen, you fill my life with wonder, laughter, and love.

  My editors see more of me than I often can and guide me well. Thank you, Ami McConnell, for discoveries in my writing and pointing out the gold. Natalie Hanemann, for belief and great guidance, for seeing and encouraging. LB Norton, what fun we had editing Ruby, and what a great experience working with you again. And I am always, always grateful to Allen Arnold—thank you!

  Kimberly Carlson, I so appreciate your friendship, our kindred spirits, and your writing support and guidance. This book was greatly enhanced by your thoughts.

  To the women in my life: my mother, sister (sister power!), mother-in-law, sisters-in-law, my agent/friend (Janet Kobobel Grant), and my many girlfriends—you make me better by knowing each of you. And to Ruby Duvall: how thankful I am to know and be the granddaughter of such a woman of life, love, humor, and strength.

  I mostly thank my daughter, Madelyn Rose Martinusen, for being my inspiration. This is to the beautiful, intelligent, kind, dream-filled, sparkly, best girl in the world. I love you so!

  reading group guide

  1. Ruby is uprooted from her hometown and moves to a town with a very different culture. Have you ever been the “new girl” in school? How did you adjust? What were the hardest things about leaving your old life behind? What were the easiest?

  2. How do you cope with being alone? Are you good at making friends? If not, what are some ways to find good friends?

  3. When you feel out of place, what do you do to find stability? Do you tend to make more mistakes during these times? What are ways you can overcome instability and loneliness?

  4. When Ruby’s best friend, Kate, comes down for a visit, Ruby struggles with balancing her old life with her new life. Have you ever experienced this? What did you do?

  5. Kate makes a lot of mistakes in a short amount of time. Have you ever had a friend make huge mistakes that damaged her life? How did you treat her afterward? Did you have to get adults involved? Did you help her heal?

  6. What are some ways to balance doing your own things, and seeking your own purpose while retaining relationships that aren’t going the same direction?

  7. In what ways can you cherish the past, work toward the future, but stay focused and grateful in the moment?

  8. How solid are your beliefs and faith in God? What are ways you’d like to further explore growth in your spiritual life?

  9. If you were surrounded by people who had a different belief structure than you, how would you keep their friendship but stay true to what you believe?

  10. Do you believe that you can “script” or make your life what you want it to be? How much is in your control? Do you turn to your faith to help you with areas that are beyond your control?

  11. Do you have hobbies, activities, or interests that you feel are your purpose or calling? What do you think is the purpose for your life?

  12. If you live in a divorced home, do you have a hard time maintaining your relationships with both parents while living your own life? Do you continue to struggle with the divorce? Is there any part of you that feels guilty about the divorce? What are healthy ways to forgive your parents and to grow from the past?




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