Carpathian Vampire, When You've Never Known Love

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Carpathian Vampire, When You've Never Known Love Page 13

by Lumi Laura

CHAPTER 10 Bounty Hunter

  Next morning Alex woke remarkably refreshed, and with considerable less guilt over the murder than she'd imagined. Sunlight bothered her more than yesterday but still, it was tolerable. Local television was a continuous stream of reports concerning a murdered man found by two lovers inside Dimitrie Ghica Park. The man appeared to have been mauled by a large animal, perhaps a bear. Another man, also attacked, claimed it wasn't an animal, but a woman, a wild vampire woman. Snickers and guffaws ensued.

  Over breakfast, Alex watched the news with her grandmother, who said, "Good. The bastard's in the ground. Now, people will sleep easier."

  The police had confirmed that the dead man was the rapist. The man's widow was also on TV, and she had somewhat of a different opinion. Through tears, she said, "He was a wonderful husband. A big woolly bear, gentle, sensitive. Couldn't have been the rapist."

  Alex made an excuse to her grandmother, left the house and walked downtown. Just off the main street, she noticed a group of people and went to investigate. She saw that the police had cordoned off an area just inside the trees. Alex walked up to a man and asked what was going on.

  "Murder," he said.

  "Is it the man on TV?"

  "Killed by an animal. Or, if you're the sensational type, a vampire." He laughed.

  Alex liked this guy's sense of humor. "Are you the sensational type?"

  "I'll wait until he's buried. If he rises again..."

  "Is that the lore? If killed by a vampire, you become one and live forever?"

  "Well... it's not quite that easy. Once bitten, you have to suck the vampire's blood before you can turn. Not something they're anxious to let just anyone do. Vampires value their lofted state and consider themselves special, above mortals."

  "They see it as a privilege?"

  "Exactly. Both the vampire and the victim have to consent. Otherwise," he shook his head, "it's a no-go."

  "That's a comforting thought. They won't spread very fast."

  "Yes, but unfortunately lately we've heard reports, not yet verified, that some vampires can turn an individual just by biting them, and the transformation is quick. Really scary, if true."

  "Apparently, you believe all this vampire nonsense."

  "Young lady," he said, eyeing her from head to toe, "I am Stefan Stanescu, vampire hunter extraordinaire!" Stefan was taller than anyone she'd ever known. He had dirty blond hair and a ruddy complexion overrun with freckles.

  "Now that sounds sensational." She couldn't repress a laugh. "They should have had you on TV this morning." She was amazed at her own audacity, talking to a man about her own crime without a shred of nervousness. He would put her in the ground if he knew.

  He laughed too. "I'm not big on publicity."

  "The deceased was the rapist?"

  "Petru Balc. Married son of a Bucharest physician. He'd been under surveillance for a month, but eluded police last night, or perhaps they'd have caught his assailant. Apparently, he raped her too, without knowing she was a vampire."

  "And paid the ultimate price."

  "That's the vampire's other victim over there," he said, pointing toward an older man gesticulating at two police officers. His neck was bandaged.

  Alex stepped back to put Stefan between the man and her. "And he'll be a vampire too, if this new theory pans out?"

  "Radu Cuza. He's hysterical over the thought. Won't quit asking questions about vampires. He has a wife and four kids, two boys and two girls. I think he's safe. If he had anything to worry about, he'd have turned by now."

  Alex fell silent. What if she hadn't quit when she did? Orphaned kids and a widow? She must talk to Catalin again.

  Stefan looked at her suspiciously. "I don't remember seeing you before. From around here?"

  "Bucharest. Visiting my grandmother. Do you hunt vampires on your own?"

  "I work for the Monastery. I'm a bounty hunter, so called by some," he said scratching a freckled forearm.

  "Oh! Father Zosimos?" Immediately, Alex knew she'd made a mistake.

  "You know him?"

  "Yes. Well... know of him. My grandmother knows him."

  "What are you hiding behind that blush?" Stefan asked.

  She look away and wouldn't answer.

  "So you're back to Bucharest this fall?"

  "No, I'm off to Oxford. More intellectual punishment."


  But before Stefan could respond, someone tugged on Alex's sleeve, and she turned to see Jaklin and Mikhail.

  "Hi, Missy," said Jaklin, her face beaming. "I've been calling you. Don't you recognize your own name?"

  Alex was immensely glad to see her two friends. Jaklin's fake sour face made her feel warm inside. Mikhail was striking in his black leather jacket, short-cropped beard and glasses. "I'm sorry I left so suddenly the other night. I wasn't myself." She'd thought that if she saw them in daylight it would lessen the intrigue and her attraction. Not a chance.

  "I understand," said Mikhail. "We were freaked out by our behavior too."

  Alex took both their hands, held them longer than she should. She was glad they broke up her conversation with Stefan. She walked off with her arms around the two of them. She called back to Stefan, "Good luck catching your vampire."

  "At least I know it wasn't you. You're out in daylight, and you wear a cross. On the other hand," he said, "the murderer always returns to the scene of the crime."

  Alex walked with Jaklin and Mikhail away from the crowd, and they stood near a large oak looking at each other.

  "What's that about a vampire?" asked Jaklin.

  "One man killed and another injured," Alex answered. "Stefan thinks it was a vampire, but then he's a vampire hunter, so he would."

  "He's kidding, right?" said Mikhail. "Vampires? That's just Bram Stoker fiction. All this goth craze is fun but nonsense."

  "Not sure myself." Although it was only her second time seeing them, they still seemed like old friends, and more adorable than before. "What is it about you two?" she asked. "I'm not like this with anyone."

  "We've been talking about you too, about the three of us, together," said Mikhail, he looked down bashfully, wouldn't meet her eyes.

  "I know," said Alex. "I'm beginning to realize that something has happened to me, and you two seem to have been drawn into it."

  "What happened?" asked Jaklin. "You've brought Mikhail and me closer together too." She glanced at Mikhail and then back at Alex. "We can't quit thinking and talking about you. It's as if we're distant cousins."

  "Perhaps not even that distant," added Mikhail.

  "Stranger things have happened to me lately," said Alex. "Perhaps I can tell you more tomorrow. I'll be busy this afternoon and tonight."

  "So will I," said Jaklin. "We have a conference, and I have to work three to midnight, but let's get together tomorrow evening. Know a place?"

  "Restaurant Bucegi," suggested Alex. "Just down the street, past the traffic circle. We'll try to figure out what's happening to us over pizza."

  "It's just good old physical attraction," said Mikhail with an infectious smile.

  "Might be. Could be bigger than you realize," said Alex. "I can't tell you everything I suspect now. Perhaps I can tell you more tomorrow night."

  She kissed Jaklin on the cheek, smiled at Mikhail, and walked away. She had to get back to her grandmother.


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