Her Treasured SEAL (Midnight Delta Book 11)

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Her Treasured SEAL (Midnight Delta Book 11) Page 5

by Caitlyn O'Leary

  “Slow down, Love. We have time.”

  “No. Now,” Karen panted.

  He brushed a kiss against her temple, then whispered in her ear. “Let me savor you.” He guided her back against the pillows and the velvet breeze brushed against her skin making her ache even more.

  Heat and honey flowed through her veins as his calloused fingertips caressed her hips, and held her in place at the same time. “Can you be still?”

  She nodded in the dark.


  “Yes,” she sighed.

  Those talented fingers slid down to her outer thighs. Drake’s warm breath awakened every nerve from the tips of her toes to the end of each strand of hair. The pleasure was too much, and she moved again, it wasn’t on purpose, but he kept her safe, his hands gently clamping down, keeping her torso in place.

  “I need,” she said the softest of whispers.

  “I know what you need,” he whispered back. “I don’t want you to hurt. Feeling needy is okay,” he said softly, “hurting isn’t.”

  Drake’s fingers trailed to the inside of her thighs. So close, but not close enough. “Please,” she moaned.

  He blew on her over heated flesh, then finally he put his mouth to her, and the rush of heat crowded out all reasonable thought. Karen slammed her feet against the bed and she arched up high then cried out as a wave of both pain and searing pleasure swept through her.

  Chapter Four

  “KAREN?” DRAKE WAS awake in a nanosecond when he heard her cry of pain. He leaned over her trembling body. He could see the tears in her wide emerald eyes. “Honey, where does it hurt? Do we need to get you to the hospital?” She frantically shook her head.

  “Karen, talk to me, what’s wrong?” She was clearly hurting.

  “It was a dream.” Her voice was forlorn.

  How could a dream give her pain? Then he thought. “Honey, did you move wrong?” He pushed back the covers, and turned on the lamp on the nightstand. “Let me check your incision.”

  “No.” She pushed at his hands. “Please Drake, don’t touch me. It’s too much.”

  He held up his hands in surrender. “Baby, I’m not touching you, I promise.” What the hell was going on? He watched as tears leaked down her temples. Fucking-A. He needed to check her out, she had to be hurt bad.

  “Karen, I need to take a look. You could be bleeding.”

  “I’m not,” she assured him.

  “Why are you crying. You’re hurting, aren’t you?” He watched as she bit her bottom lip, finally she nodded. “Can I look?” She shut her eyes, then nodded. Drake carefully lifted her gown. She wasn’t bleeding, which was a huge damned relief. It still made him wince to see where they had cut her open. The incision had gone from red to pink, and right now it was looking a little more swollen than when he’d helped her get ready for bed.

  “Karen, I think you put stress on your tummy somehow while you were sleeping.”

  She turned her head away from him, or was it the light? Drake wasn’t sure. She was acting totally out of sorts, and he couldn’t figure why. He hated that. He looked down at her stomach again, at the spot where she had been cut open so that Andrew could be given life. He placed a reverent kiss against her healing scar, her body bucked.


  “Honey, tell me what’s wrong, I’m begging you.”

  “I had a dream.”

  He had to strain to hear her. When he looked up he could see red suffusing her face. Drake gave her a questioning glance, as she pushed down her nightie.

  “I dreamed of us. We were...were...” she stuttered.

  Many of the puzzle pieces fell into place, including the cry he had heard. “Ah, Honey.” He gathered her into his arms, and pulled the covers around them. She burrowed her face against his neck.

  “Hold me?”

  “I am.”

  “Hold me tighter,” she asked in a soft voice.

  He gathered her a little closer, he knew that her breasts and tummy were both sensitive and he’d be damned if he was going to cause her even the slightest bit of discomfort. “Karen, why are you in pain?”

  “I arched up.”

  Yep, that would explain it. He kissed her forehead, and extricated himself from her arms and got out of the bed. “I’m going to get you something for the pain, it’ll help you sleep.”

  “That’s probably for the best,” she agreed.

  He went to the kitchen and came back with a glass of water, then got a pill from her bottle and handed it to her. She took a sip. “Drink it all,” he admonished. She sighed, then drank the entire glass. He grinned, then put the glass down. He got back into bed and immediately pulled her back into his arms.

  “I love it when you hold me,” she said as he reached over her and turned off the light.

  “That works out pretty good, because holding you is right up there with lasagna.”

  She hit his shoulder. Hard. But he got her to laugh, which is what he’d wanted.

  “What’s the ETA on sexy time? I’m not talking sexy ‘sexy’ time. I figure that’s months away. But me pleasuring my woman sexy time?” Drake asked.

  Karen’s hand started a path down his torso, but he stopped her. “Honey, we’re not going there. If I can’t reciprocate, then my cock is on lock-down.”

  He saw her green eyes widen in the darkness. “Now that’s just plain stupid,” she protested.

  “Karen, since meeting you, being with you, loving you, how could I want anything else but the magic of us being together? I’m not talking the sex act, I’m talking us loving one another. When your body’s ready for more, then I’ll be ready for something more.”

  Again, she shoved her face into his neck and he felt her hot breath saw in and out against his skin. “I love you,” she whispered softly.

  “Love you more. Let’s get some sleep before your mom hands off the little guy.” Karen’s breathing changed to rhythmic sighs. Having her warm and lush body nestled close to his had a predictable effect on him, but he was just going to have to be content with having his woman and child near and safe, after all, that was what truly made him happy. And on that note Drake followed Karen into sleep.

  DRAKE GOT UP BEFORE dawn and went for a run. When he was back he slid into the bathroom without waking Karen. He wanted to beat Wilma to the kitchen. She had been making breakfast since she got there. He wanted a chance to spoil both Eastman women. What’s more, he wanted to see if he could find out what was bothering her before Karen woke. Wilma had been upset before they had left for the townhome yesterday.

  He got out the waffle iron and turned it on, then he started to core and cut up the strawberries. He wasn’t surprised when Wilma wandered in when the coffee started to brew, and the bacon started to fry. She was an early riser.

  “Good morning,” she said brightly.

  “Andrew’s still conked out?”

  “I took him into Karen while you were out. They both fell back asleep after she fed him, but if I know my girl, the smell of bacon will get her out of bed.”

  “Hopefully we’ll have a chance to talk before she gets up.”

  Wilma tilted her head in question.

  “I think something’s bothering you, and I want to know if there was anything I could do to help. Is it about James?”

  Wilma’s shoulders sagged. Damn, Drake hadn’t wanted to be right. “Is it his health?”

  “We’re not sure. The doctor called and said some of his numbers were elevated and they wanted him to come back in for a full workup. Jim is going with him today.”

  It was obvious that Wilma wished she was going with her husband. No wonder she was conflicted. James had suffered from an aggressive bone cancer four years ago and lost part of his leg. “Do you need to get home? I’m perfectly capable of taking care of Karen if you need to leave.”

  “She’s still weak, even if she won’t admit it, and you have a job to go back to.”

  “I’m on family leave.”

told me that you haven’t left her in five months, how much longer can you afford to take off?”

  Captain Hale, Mason’s commander, had been very accommodating, but his team needed him. It killed him, hearing about the last three missions that he hadn’t been a part of. “The clock started again when Andrew was born.”

  “That’s not what I’m talking about. How much longer can you handle staying at home?”

  Damn, she was good. He said as much.

  “Honey, I’ve raised three boys.”

  “With you here I’ve been able to get to the base and get in some training. But what you haven’t taken into account is how much I adore my wife and child. Spending time with them means the world to me.”

  Wilma’s laugh warmed the kitchen. She walked over and wrapped her arms around Drake. “I love it when you refer to Karen as your wife.”

  “Well, she is. Regardless of the ceremony, she is my wife in all ways. Shit, we should have gotten married sooner.” Goddamn bedrest. “But you’re deflecting. Do you need to get back to Alaska?”

  “We’ll see what today’s tests say.”

  “Let me phrase this another way. Do you want to get back to Alaska?” Wilma stepped back and sighed.

  “Yes. But I adore Karen and Andrew too. Leaving them isn’t easy.”

  “But you want to go.”

  Wilma nodded.

  “Then you need to go. Why don’t you check on flights while I finish making breakfast?”

  “I’ll do it after. You need to turn that bacon.” Drake looked over his shoulder. Shit, she was right.

  “PIPER SHOULD BE HOME from class in a couple of hours, I’ll be fine until then.”

  Drake crossed his arms and stared at her. Andrew took that moment to let out a cry from his infant seat.

  “I’ve got him,” they both said at the same time.

  “Drake, Honey, you know you want to go to the base. This is a drill you designed, you know you want to be there to run it with your team.”

  “No, I don’t.” She watched him lie. “Mason will tell me the results.” He extracted Andrew from the small chair, and even though she was frustrated with her man, her heart melted a little seeing him hold their son.

  “Drake, I’ve seen the doctor, she told me I was progressing nicely.”

  “It’s only been three weeks.”

  God, she hated it when he jutted out his chin like that. She just knew that Andrew was going to do the same thing whenever he got in a stubborn mood.

  He came over and put his arm around her, so the three of them were in their own little world. “Karen, I’m still having trouble with the fact that I almost lost you. You might think that three weeks has been a long time, but for me it was just a moment ago, and I break into a cold sweat whenever I think about it. I’m sure I’ll get over it, but can you bear with me a little longer?”

  “Drake, you love your job, this isn’t a career, this is a calling. I’m perfectly fine.” Still no response. She rose up on tiptoe and kissed his chin. Looking up into his eyes, she said, “I love you.”

  “I love you more.”

  “We need to come up with a compromise.”

  His eyes turned thoughtful. Then he released her and took out his phone.

  “Drake, I don’t need a babysitter,” she said sharply.

  “This is the compromise. You were fine when it was your mother,” he reminded her.

  “That’s because it was my mother, mothering me. I’m used to that.”

  “Are you still upset about her keeping things from you? Everything turned out fine with your dad’s test results.”

  “I’m upset that both of you kept things from me. I’m a grown woman.”

  “You figured it out in five minutes.”

  “Of course, I did. Mom wouldn’t have left for any other reason. Geez, you two need to work on better cover stories.”

  “This time I’m not even trying to come up with one. I’m being up front about you needing someone to stay with you. Don’t I get points?” he wheedled.

  Karen sighed. He was in his stubborn mode and he was charming, she was doomed. She knew when to give in. Drake spoke into his phone, “Call Sophia Gault.” He put Sophia on speaker.

  “Hi Drake,” she answered.

  “Hey Sophia. I was wondering if you would mind coming over and keeping Karen company for a bit, while I go to the base today. Piper’s still at school.”

  “I would love to. I’m here at the food bank with the girls. We’re just finishing packing the weekend rucksacks for the kids. Did you know it’s over six hundred here in San Clemente?” Drake winced. His family often had to rely on a food pantry back in Tennessee when he was growing up, he knew the hardship those six hundred children were going through.

  “Hey Drake! We’ll all come over,” Karen heard another woman call out. It took a moment for her to recognize Angie Donatelli’s voice. She was Finn Crandall’s fiancée. Now it was Karen’s turn to wince. The idea of hosting a bunch of women held no appeal.

  “Tell Karen we’ll stop by the café and bring food. She doesn’t need to worry about a thing,” Sophia assured them.

  “I’m listening Sophia,” Karen said. “It’s okay, I have plenty of things to eat.”

  “I insist. You just relax. We’ll be there in less than an hour. I can’t wait to get my hands on Andrew Mason.” She and Drake smiled at one another. It was true, Sophia hadn’t really had a chance to hold Mason’s namesake since the hospital.

  “I’ll see you soon,” Karen said resignedly.

  “Wait, what should I bring for you to eat? I’m ordering from the diner.”

  “Anything but salad.” Karen answered. Now she was perking up. Comfort food from the diner sounded damn good.

  “Chicken and dumplings? Meatloaf?” Sophia asked.

  “Yes,” Drake answered for Karen. “She’ll have both. She hasn’t been eating enough.”

  “Oh for goodness sake. I have been eating more than enough,” Karen said with exasperation.

  Drake leaned in and whispered in her ear. “You’re breastfeeding. The doc said you have to consume a ton of calories and you’re not.”

  She opened her mouth to argue, then she shut it. He was right. She’d been too tired to eat. That was so not good. “Sophia, bring a milkshake too, would you?” Karen requested.

  “What flavor?”

  “The only kind there is,” Karen said.

  “Gotcha.” Sophia laughed. “Chocolate it is.”

  Drake kissed the side of her neck, said goodbye to Sophia, and hung up the phone.

  “I need to get changed,” Karen whispered.

  “Too bad you don’t need help anymore. I miss that.”

  She started to laugh, and then he cupped her face. “Karen, I’m not joking.”

  “Oh,” she breathed. His sexuality had often taken her by surprise, and this was one of those times.

  “Yeah, oh.” He caught her bottom lip with his teeth and caressed it with his tongue. She trembled and her core melted.

  Andrew let out a small cry. Nothing major, just a, ‘I’m here, quit ignoring me,’ cry.

  “I think I caught a whiff of something. It smells like your son needs some attention.” Karen’s voice was weak.

  Drake sniffed and laughed.

  “Little man, you’re powerful. And your timing sucks.” Drake picked him up. “Let’s get you cleaned up. You’re about to have a bunch of admirers to entertain.” Andrew’s head bobbed against his father’s massive chest. It was almost as if he were nodding in agreement. Give him just a little bit of time, and he’d be just as big a flirt as Drake, Karen thought with a smile.

  By the time the doorbell rang, she and Andrew were ready for guests and Drake was ready to leave. He opened the door.

  “Hey big guy,” Lydia Hildalgo said with a huge smile. Her hands were full, and Drake grabbed the take-out bags, and put them on the bar between the living room and kitchen. Lydia’s sister Beth Preston came in behind her along with Angi
e Donatelli. Rylie Jones and Sophia were laughing about something as they brought up the rear.

  Karen was impressed how Andrew calmly took in the commotion. He didn’t fuss in her arms, instead his head moved constantly, almost as if he wanted to see what was going on. Three weeks old and he was just like his father.

  “I expected Evie to be here,” Drake said.

  “Aiden’s team just got off a six-day maneuver. He’s home today. I have no earthly idea what your sister could possibly be doing,” Lydia said tongue-in-cheek.

  “Shut up, my sister is a virgin.” Drake glowered.

  “A married virgin.” Karen grinned.

  “Exactly.” He pulled Andrew from Karen’s hold, and cuddled him close, then kissed his forehead. “You be good for your Mama. No back talk, ya hear?” Karen loved it when his Southern came out. Still holding their son, he touched his lips to hers. Heat flared, no matter that they had an audience, she curled her arms around his neck.

  When they broke apart, he gave her his trademark slow grin. “I love you, Lady. You be good and don’t do too much, ya hear?”

  “Drake, one day the doctor will give me the green light to have sex, but at the rate you’re going, you won’t get any.”

  Lydia and Rylie burst out laughing.

  “Okay, okay, I’ll back off. Did anyone ever tell you you’re beautiful when you’re angry?”

  “Oh my God, you must really like being celibate.”

  He leaned in and kissed her. Really kissed her. The man could kiss. He lifted his head and gazed down at her and grinned. “That knife cuts both ways.”

  She laughed. She couldn’t help it. He was outrageous.

  “I’ll be back tonight.” He turned to the ladies who had been watching with avid interest. “Take care of my woman.”

  “God, he’s a caveman.” Lydia shook her head sadly.

  “What are you talking about, yours is too.” Her sister, Beth, nudged her in the ribs with her elbow.

  “We’ll take good care of her,” Sophia promised. “Now let me hold Andrew Mason.” She held out her arms. Drake carefully transferred Andrew into Sophia’s waiting arms. Her smile turned golden. Most of the other women gathered round. He turned back to Karen and mouthed I love you. Then he walked out the door.


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