Lover's Leap

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Lover's Leap Page 23

by Pamela Browning

  “Probably how miserable you were and how much you wanted to get it over with.”

  “Bingo. You can still read my mind. But the other thing was that I was so glad that you were holding me. Knowing that you were there for me every bit of the way made the experience of childbirth even more special. I can never tell you how much it meant to me.”

  “It’s I who should be thanking you. For making me part of your life. For showing me how to love. And for giving me a son. I want to hold you—both of you—forever. To belong to you. To know that you want me and need me—”

  “And love you. Forever.”

  She lifted her lips for his kiss. He kissed her lingeringly, lovingly.

  “I think I hear the music, Tate,” she said against his lips. “Dulcimer music.”

  “I hear it, too,” he said, and for a moment, only a moment, they saw the vague outline of Peg and Tsani standing at the foot of the bed with their arms around each other. They looked blissful and radiant and somehow at peace.

  Thank you, said Tsani. We love you, said Peg, and she smilingly blew a kiss in their direction. Then, still in each other’s arms, they faded away into the night.

  eISBN 978-14592-7489-1


  Copyright © 1996 by Pamela Browning.

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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