And I Trusted You

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And I Trusted You Page 8

by Jamela

  “Whew, I can’t wait until you get here for the night!” She said with excitement.

  “Dang. She is so good to me. Samantha would be asking all kinds of questions and hounding me about who I’m spending my time with. Just being a pain in the butt.” He thought “Okay, thank you baby. The funeral is tomorrow at 2pm. I’ll see you in a few.” He told her then hung up the phone. It was so easy to be himself and free with Liz.

  He and his cousins and a few friends headed to a strip club across town. Everyone was making comments to him because he was the only one married. “Hey Stan, are you sure, Sam isn’t gonna sneak up on you?” Arthur said. “Nah, she don’t have to do that. You know married women got spies everywhere. She’ll be tellin’ him where he went when he gets back” Laughed Richard. “Yeah, and she’ll have all the attitude to go with it. Watch and see.” Grinned Scotty.

  “You guys are just jealous because you don’t have the same benefits I have. I don’t have to go out looking for sex like you trifling bums.” Stan boasted.

  “Yeah, you’re right, you don’t. But, you got a ball and chain all in one. You don’t have any freedom. Look atcha, sittin’ there shakin’ in ya boots, just cause we talkin’ ‘bout Sam. Don’t be scared, man. WE can tell it’s been a while since you’ve been out with the guys, but we promise we ain’t gonna tell on you.” Richard said as they all laughed.

  Stan spent a few more hours with the fellas then decided he wanted to go home and handle his business with Liz. The stripper on stage was just about her size and he couldn’t keep his mind on the conversation with the boys. So he made his excuses and headed back to her place. Just as she’d promised the key was under the doormat. He let himself in and walked back to the bedroom. The lights were off, but he could see because of the candles glowing in the dark. Liz was lying on the bed in a body stocking. He remembered they discussed the kinds of outfits she liked to wear. But he forgot about it until he saw her in it. Dang, she is fine! He dropped the key on the dresser and slowly walked over to Liz. She sat up just enough to let her legs gap open a bit. He took a long slow look and huskily said, “I’m gonna take a shower.” He walked into the bathroom to start his water. “I can’t believe I’m shaking.” He didn’t bother to pack a lot of clothes and for once Sam didn’t do it for him, so he didn’t have any PJ’s to sleep in. He hurriedly jumped in the shower then dried off with the towel Liz had left for him to use.

  When he stepped out of the bathroom, Liz was poising on the bed. She stood up and beckoned for him to come to her with her right index finger. Once he was standing beside the bed, she finished drying him off and let the towel fall to the floor. As she pulled his head to her breast, he felt his manhood go rock hard. He groaned and deftly pulled her down and beneath him on the bed. She smiled and playfully kissed him on the nose. “You know, I’ve been waiting for this moment for years. It’s about time we get the chance.” She said spreading her legs for him. He entered her in one swift thrust. He only had one thing on his mind, making sure they are both satisfied. The course of their lovemaking took several hours. They went from the bed to the floor to the shower and back to the bed. Finally, breathing heavily he rolled onto his back. Propped up on one elbow he said, “Thank you for being the woman for me. I haven’t felt like this in years!” He smiled and laid back on the pillows. He looked over at the clock and realized it would be time to get up in a couple of hours. He hadn’t gotten back from the club until 1am. Here it was already 5:30am, “I’d better get a couple of hours sleep. The family wants everyone at the house no later than 10am.” He informed Liz.

  He mentioned to Liz what was on his mind and they rolled over in each other’s arms to sleep. The next morning (such as it was) they had a light breakfast and Liz gave him the key to the house. She wouldn’t be home when he finished up with the family and she fully expected it to be an all-day thing. So, Stan dressed in his navy blue suit and put on his shoes then headed over to his Aunt’s house. When he arrived there were already a few family members present. Friends were stopping by and soon the house was full of people. Around 12:30 a black BMW pulled up as he was looking out the window. He was actually thinking about what it would be like to move there. To his surprise, he noticed how much the car looked like his wife’s. He dismissed the thought as him having a slightly guilty conscience and walked away from the window. A few minutes later on his way back from the bathroom, he saw a silhouette that looked familiar. He walked around and through the crowd and came face to face with the person. Standing beside the woman was his little girl, Alicia. He bent down to kiss her on the cheek as he looked up into the face of his wife. He almost fell back on his heels. “What is she doing here?” He thought. “Hi, I didn’t know you were coming. What made you change your mind?” He said stepping back.

  “Alicia is really upset about losing her favorite Aunt and she wants to say goodbye. So I figured I’d come on up and give her the chance. Besides, you’ve got a hotel room, so we can just stay with you and not have to worry about anything. Besides, Alicia misses you, you know how she is.” She said tipping up to kiss him on the cheek. He walked outside holding his precious daughter in his arms thinking about the huge change in plans. “This messes up my trip royally. It’s a good thing I didn’t wait ‘til tonight to make love to Liz. Now I have to find the time to get over and explain things to her. Dang!” As the family lined up in their cars for the funeral procession, Alicia wanted to ride with her father, which meant Samantha would also be riding with him. Besides it would look funny if they took separate cars and he didn’t want that to be the case.

  Even though he had been thinking in the back of his mind about leaving Samantha since he’d gotten there, he wasn’t ready for everyone in the family to know that just yet. Contrary to how he felt about her, his family loved her to death. They all thought she was the best thing in the world for him. “Wait until they meet Liz.” As they drove to the chapel, there was little conversation between Sam and Stan. Alicia chattered the entire ride. Finally when they parked and were on their way inside, she grabbed both her parent’s hands and entwined them. Stan looked over at Sam to see what her expression was. She gave him a small smile, but said nothing. They were seated with the rest of the family with Alicia between them. As the service progressed, Alicia became upset. When it was time to view the body, she held onto the hand of her mother and tugged on Stan’s pants legs until he picked her up. She buried her face in his shower as they all walked past the body of her favorite Aunt. She didn’t want to see her Aunt this way. Samantha could do nothing to calm her down, so Stan took her outside. He explained to her once again about death and tried to calm her fears. Finally the rest of the family began to file out of the chapel. All of his buddies from last night were in a group together. He was so busy with Alicia, he hadn’t noticed them standing only a couple of feet away. “Dang, Sam is getting finer and finer. That baby weight looks good on her.” Noticed Scotty.

  “Yeah it does. Stan is a fortunate man. I hope he knows what he has.” Pointed out Richard, rubbing his chest.

  “Well, I know one thing. If Stan ever decides that he doesn’t want her, I’m gonna give it a shot. She’s perfect. A banging body, beautiful face, intelligent and she owns a business. Shoot, what more could you ask for? And she must be good to put up with Stan. We all know what a playa he can be.” Commented Arthur rubbing his chin in admiration of the sight.

  Before anyone knew what is happening, Arthur walked over to Samantha and struck up a conversation. It was brief and ended in a hug. The rest of the guys watched in amazement as he just walked over and said something and got a nice hug.

  Just as Arthur was walking back to the guys, Stan spotted them. He walked over with Alicia. “Hi guys. I want you to meet the lady of my life. This is Alicia. She’s my daughter. Say hello sweetie.” Stan prompted.

  Alicia politely walked up to each one and shook their hand. “Nice to meet you.” She said as she walked back and grabbed her father’s hand. Sam walked up a few moments la
ter and began to chitchat with the guys refreshing her memory of them all. They were all in their wedding, but she never developed any kind of relationship with any of them. A few minutes later Alicia interrupted saying she was hungry. Stan decided they would go back to his Aunt’s place to get a bite to eat. He made sure Sam knew he would be getting up with the boys later. Then he would have a chance to stop by, see Liz and explain whom and what had derailed their weekend plans. On the drive back to the house Sam calmly asked Stan if it would be all right if she hung out with a few of her old acquaintances and attended a business meeting. She had made arrangements with his cousin Amber to watch Alicia. Stan was surprised, but didn’t think anything of it. He fully expected her to sit in the hotel room most of the time, only leaving to do a little shopping.

  “Sure. Have fun. I’m not sure what time I’ll get back. You know how the fellas can be when we haven’t seen each other in a long time.”

  “That’s okay. I’m sure I’ll be going through the same thing with my meeting. But I know Alicia with have a good time at Amber’s. She really wants her to spend the night. You know her daughter is the same age as Alicia and also an only child. It’ll give them a chance to get to know one another, but I haven’t decided if I’m gonna let her stay yet. It will be all right with you won’t it?” She questioned.

  “Yeah sure. No problem. She needs friends her age and family could never hurt.” He said as he parked in front of the house.

  They all get out and walked into the house. There were only a few people there so they were able to get something to eat quickly and find a place to sit. Stan tried to make small talk and Sam was uninterested. She apologized saying her mind was on her latest project. She was a writer and frequently published in national magazines. Currently she was working on her third novel. Stan never knew the topics or anything about them until they are published. He asked her once why she didn’t use the computer for more than just typing up her stories. At first she didn’t understand, but once he broke it down to her, she explained that she had an assistant to do her research online. So there was no need for her to bother with it. He felt she was missing out, but at least it provided him with the opportunity to do the things he wanted. She had a state of the art laptop that she took everywhere with her and he used the desktop at home.

  Once they spend a couple of hours socializing with the family, they made their excuses and left. Stan hadn’t checked into a hotel, so he had to sneak off and call a hotel to get a room before they arrived. He claimed he needed to go inside to determine if they had fixed a problem he had with the room earlier, or if they had moved him. The desk clerk was intuitive and played along with him. He got the keys and they went on up to the room. Samantha had left Alicia at the house with Amber. She would pick her up later or in the morning depending on how her evening progressed.

  It is just going on six o’clock. She opened her suitcase and pulled out a sleek black pantsuit. Stan changed into something more comfortable and told her he was meeting the guys at Richard’s place at 7:30 on his way out the door. Samantha didn’t worry too much about it. She had her own plans for the evening. Seven years together and this must be what the seven year itch was all about. Anyway, two could play that game, but she wasn’t one of those women.

  Samantha followed the directions to the restaurant she had been given. When she walked in she was immediately approached by her date. “Whoa! I thought you looked good today. That little red number is sayin’ a taste. You workin’ it Mami.” Arthur said and pulled the chair out for her to be seated.

  “Oh, thank you.” She replied with a chuckle. “I appreciate you inviting me to dinner. I probably would have been sitting in the hotel room watching TV until it began to watch me.”

  “Now there is no need for that in a city this big. Trust me, there is plenty to do. I don’t understand why you and Stan aren’t out doing something together, anyway. “

  “You know, he works a lot. He spends a great deal of time online working and I have my own business to run. We’re just so busy with things.” Sam replied looking over the menu.

  “Sad, so sad. You two should make more time for each other. You need that to keep fire in a marriage. Anyway, that’s not why I asked you to meet me. I have a small advertising firm. Recently we took on several new clients and we are in need of some good writers for copy. I know you used to do that when you and Stan first got married, so I wondered if you would be interested in doing some work for us. That is, if you still do that kind of work? You could make your own schedule and do it from home, if you like.”

  “Your firm is here?

  “No. I actually live about 45 minutes from you guys. Stan only discovered that last night. You know, we’ve all gotten on with our lives and though I send him sporadic emails, we never discussed where I lived. I relocated there about six months ago. So, the office would not be too far away from you.” He interjected.

  “Well, I’ll have to think about it. I do still write copy from time to time, between novels. Give me more of the details, including the salary. You know a sistah gotta have the right kind of funds coming in.” She smiled.

  They talked about the business and what would be required of her and how he felt she could contribute to the company. When business was finished and she had accepted his offer for employment, the conversation took a more personal turn. He wanted to know all about her past and how love had been treating her since he had last seen her at the wedding. She gave the details and he listened attentively, all the while asking questions as if he was investigating her. It was similar to the research she did when she wrote a book on a person. She commented on this and he assured her it was just his nature.

  The evening came to an end and he offered to take her home. She pointed out she had driven and that she really didn’t feel like going back to the lonely hotel room. “Why don’t we go somewhere for a drink and a little music.” He suggested.

  “Oh, that would be really nice. We could celebrate our new business relationship.”

  “And I certainly hope the beginning of a wonderful friendship as well” He replied as he grabbed her elbow and escorted her out to her car.


  Meanwhile, Stan had gone over to Liz’s place. She was sitting on the sofa in the living room. “Hi baby. I’m glad you’re here. I already cooked dinner ‘cause I kinda planned on us finishing what we started last night.” She smiled seductively as she walked over to kiss him as he closed the door.

  “Sit down for a minute, Liz. There has been a change in plans. My wife and daughter were at the funeral today. Sam decided to drive up to help ease Alicia’s fears. I had to go get a hotel room and everything. So, I’m gonna have to cut my weekend short. I’m so sorry. I never ever expected this to happen.” He explained shaking his head and holding her face in his hands.

  “Well, we can make the best of the time we have left. I know you’re married and you don’t want to hurt your daughter. But, know this. I’m always here for you. Now, let’s eat so we can get to the really fun stuff.” She threw over her shoulder as she strutted into the kitchen.

  They ate a nice dinner of T-bone steaks; baked potatoes, a Caesar salad and a dinner roll. She had his favorite beer and she drank her usual glass of water. When dinner was over, she put the dishes in the dishwasher and they went to the bedroom. She had Stan sit on the bed naked as she danced for him. She could tell Stan liked it because “Stan Jr.’ was pointing straight up.

  She finished the tease on his lap and he entered her with a sigh of ecstasy. They rocked back and forth until climax then lay back on the bed to rest for a minute. Shortly after, Stan was ready to go again. This time it was slow and easy. When they had finished he took a shower and explained he would take his things to the hotel. Even though he was sure he didn’t love Samantha anymore, he wasn’t ready to leave her yet for the sake of Alicia. Liz said she understood this and suggested they go out dancing for a little bit. Stan agreed knowing Sam would probably be sitting up in her PJ�
�s watching TV until she fell asleep.

  They got dressed and drove separate cars to a little club on the same side of town. The crowd was pumped and the DJ was spinning some oldies but goodies. They were fortunate to find a table and order drinks. Liz was sitting in the chair dancing when Stan asked, “I guess you wanna dance?”

  “Yeap, I sure do. I don’t come to clubs to chair dance. Besides, dancing is how I keep the figure you just enjoyed so much.” She commented as they walked to the floor.

  As they danced, she showed her skills. On the appropriate parts, she was grinding and workin’ it. He was glad he had some rhythm and could keep up with her. Then a song she really liked and apparently everyone else too, came on, ‘cause the floor became jam-packed. Everyone was bumping into each other dancing, but it wasn’t a problem. Suddenly, Stan’s face turned red (it is noticeable since he is so high yellow). He got a shocked look on his face and turned away. Liz could not figure out what had changed. She knew she was doing what he liked based on the conversations they had shared over the years.


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