God Don't Like Haters 3

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God Don't Like Haters 3 Page 11

by Jordan Belcher

  "You're all I got left, Kirbie," I said to myself in the loneliness of my Lamborghini.

  One hand on the wheel, I reached into the inside pocket of my suit jacket and pulled out a small pack of cocaine. It was a sample I had requested from Julian. The fashion-savvy Beltrán Cartel leader called me out on it too, saying he'd already gave me a sample pack not long after my first day of freedom. But I lied and said I lost it, when in all actuality I had cut it open and washed it down Sundi's kitchen sink because I didn't want to disappoint her.

  But now Sundi had no stake in my decision-making.

  I got to the airport with time to spare. Kirbie's flight wasn't scheduled to arrive for another half hour. I drove under a couple overstreet walkways, then pulled over in a no-parking zone and turned on my hazard lights.

  I examined the pack of cocaine in both hands like it was a gold bar.

  "This is what will give you control over the industry again," I said. "Drug dealing is the one advantage you have over Eliyah. You just can't let it control you this time. All things should be done in moderation."

  I opened up the plastic and sniffed a moderate pinch of cocaine off my fingernail. Instantly, bold sensations seemed to replenish my aged insides, giving me a feeling of youthful euphoria. I leaned my head back against the headrest and smiled.

  Wow, I thought.

  Then I reached in my glove box and grabbed one of my business cards, used it to scoop up a larger sample of coke (larger, but still moderate compared to what I used to snort back in the day) and sniffed it into my opposite nostril in one big face-twisting drag.

  The high was nothing short of amazing.

  Satisfied, I started up the Lamborghini and followed the airport signs to Kirbie's terminal. All I could think about was what kind of sexy jeans she'd be stepping off the plane in—and how long it would take me to get between her pretty little legs.

  GabbyTV: BUDDY ROUGH STRIKES AGAIN! Reports are out that La'Renz 'Buddy Rough' Taylor physically assaulted his former mistress Sundi Ashworth, leaving her hospitalized in an Atlanta medical center. The motive behind the assault is alleged to have stemmed from sin-filled JEALOUSY! Apparently La'Renz didn't like the fact that Sundi has been boinking music mogul Eliyah Golomb since he went away to prison, so the ex-con bashed her head through her car window. And yes I have proof (see link below) that Sundi has been sleeping with Eliyah. Exclusive pictures were sent to me anonymously that clearly show the two doing the do. And in a statement from Eliyah Golomb himself, he stated that he's "deeply embarrassed" by the photos of him exposing all his glory, therefore authenticating them. Now before you all start calling Sundi a ho again, let me put it out there that she's currently in a coma and we all need to keep her in our prayers. She's the victim here. As they say, For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged. Let's hope this applies to La'Renz's ass too.

  GabbyTV Exclusive—>Click here for exclusive nude pics of Sundi Ashworth!

  Chapter 22

  Sammy "The Hitman" Russtrip

  Brooklyn, New York

  "She could have tried to kill Sundi a thousand different ways," I explained to Eliyah, who was sitting near me at the head of the conference table in the east corner of his mansion. "The human body is inexplicably resilient. Its core programming is first and foremost survival, and the body will shut down and reboot over time to ensure survival. So for Rose to think a mere beat down would finish Sundi Ashworth off ... I just think it was foolish, amateur, and short-sighted. She took no post-attack checks to make sure her vic was dead."

  "I did too!" Rose shouted. The old Spanish woman was sitting across from me, to Eliyah's left, her baggy eyes fixed on me in a venomous rage. Even though Eliyah gave me the floor, I knew she wouldn't be able to hold her tongue. We were the only three in this room. "I checked her pulse and I didn't feel one," she said. "I thought the girl was dead."

  "There's more than one way to check for life."

  "I didn't have time to try anything else. We were in a parking garage. People come and go and I had to get out of there."

  "Then you shouldn't have attacked her," I countered.

  "What gives you the right to question me?"

  "I have never made an attempt on a target's life and had one survive."

  "Me either, till now."

  "Somehow I doubt that."

  "Sundi is practically dead!" Rose shouted.

  "The recovery rate of people who enter a comatose state due to injury of the cerebral cortex is relatively high. Rose, you're old enough to know that it's a good chance she'll pull through."

  "Fuck you, bastard!"

  "Fuck you too, bitch."

  "You're nothing but a big kiss-ass!"


  "!Me cago en tu puta madre!"

  "Right back at'cha."

  "Stop it you two!" Eliyah shouted. "Rose, can you step out for a minute so I can have a word alone with Sammy?"

  Rose put on her fake, obedient smile and told Eliyah she'd be glad to. Then she stood up and threw me another icy look before storming out of the conference room making all the noise in the world in her fleece jogging pants. Swish-swish-swish-swish.

  "Why don't you like Rose?" Eliyah asked me after she was gone. He leaned back in his leather executive chair and studied me. He seemed amused.

  "I think she's incompetent," I said. "She's trying to hold on to something that she used to be. She's old, and it's evident that her better judgment is cooked. She needs to let go."

  "It's hard for all of us to let go of our former selves, don't you think?"

  "That's no excuse."

  Eliyah nodded in agreement. "But here's my dilemma. I need Rose. I have a lot of situations popping up, especially since La'Renz got out of prison, and it's hard keeping up with it all because it's hard finding good help. Unfortunately, you can't be everywhere at once."

  "My son Jarvis would have made sure Sundi was dead. And that's allowing that he would've even attacked her in the first place. Rose's orders were to drop off the photographs at La'Renz's hotel room and leave. That's it."

  "But La'Renz was supposed to brutally assault Sundi himself upon seeing the pictures. He didn't. And when Rose saw Sundi walk into the parking garage without a scratch on her, she made a judgement call. We can both say that it worked. The media is holding La'Renz responsible."

  "But what happens when Sundi wakes up from her coma and identifies Rose?"

  "We'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

  I sighed. "Rose was wrong. Any real investigator knows that there's only one constant that can be counted on during a mission—and that constant is self. You can't depend on your target to move into your trap. You have to make him move into it. And that takes planning, not improvisation like Rose did. I teach Jarvis this all the time."

  "Are you saying that Jarvis is ready to go out on his own?" Eliyah asked. "Is it time to split you two up?"

  I pondered on this question for a moment. All I really wanted was for Rose to get fired. Jarvis still needed guidance, his firearm skillset in low-light shooting was mediocre, and his idea of hard work was screwed up—he was too excited about getting his first on-the-job murder but got bored quick with the prep time leading up to it. And too much of his time was spent on that damn smartphone.

  However, I was confident that my son could do a better job than Rose.

  "Yes," I said to Eliyah. "You could split us up and he'd be fine."

  "He's ready?"

  "Yes, sir, he's ready."

  I brought Eliyah up to speed on all the information I had on his targets. I reminded him that a few weeks back Sundi Ashworth and Thomas Dyer had lunch together, and that this morning Thomas hopped on a flight to Atlanta, Georgia, most likely to visit Sundi in the hospital. I told him that my son Jarvis discovered that La'Renz's artist, Kirbie Amor, was cheating on her back-home fiancé with a local rapper named Coras Bane, that it was information that could be used to reshape her public image if La'Renz succeeded in making her a superstar.

  I didn’t tell him about the time La’Renz came close to walking up on me and Jarvis when we were sitting in the Yukon outside Sundi’s townhome. We pulled off before La’Renz discovered us, but the mere mention of it would make me look bad.

  Afterwards, I shook Eliyah's hand and was on my way out the door when he stopped me.

  "Sammy, I have one more question for you."

  I turned to him, stuffing my hands in the back pockets of my brown slacks. "Yes, sir?"

  "If things don't pan out like we want them to and I ask you to kill La'Renz Taylor for me, will you be able to do it?"

  I frowned. "Yes, sir. Why do you ask?"

  "You used to work for him."

  "That's true. But I didn't swear an oath to him. My services aren't offered on feelings of obligation due to prior employment or friendship or patriotism or any other silly notion. My services are offered by contract only, in two-year terms. That's how it's always been."

  Eliyah looked at me for a moment, then nodded slowly, as if my answer brought him clarity. I thought I saw the faintest of smiles appear on his face. "Okay, Sammy. You're dismissed."

  Chapter 23

  Thomas Dyer

  Atlanta, Georgia

  I never thought I'd be sitting beside Sundi Ashworth while she laid in a hospital bed with oxygen tubes taped to her, as if she were some kind of experiment gone wrong. It killed me to see her in a coma, fighting for her life.

  I leaned forward in my chair, planted my elbows on my knees and brought my fists together and said a silent prayer, begging God to return her to full health. I was on the verge of tears.

  And when I opened my eyes and saw her beaten face again, I couldn't hold back; I started to cry.

  The cuts and bruises were so pronounced that if you hadn't known Sundi beforehand, you would never have known how beautiful she was.

  "Please come out of this, Sundi," I said to her unconscious body. I put my hand on her wrist. She was unresponsive. "Please, Sundi. I have so much I want to get off my chest, so much to confess to you."

  For nearly a decade I had been in love with Sundi Ashworth. No one could possibly know how painful it felt to hold such strong feelings in for someone close for so long. It had been eating me alive. I was going bald because of it. I had to watch her be mistreated by La'Renz Taylor time after time, watch her play second fiddle to Jazzmine Short when she should have never been anybody's second anything. She was a gem, and La'Renz treated her like a prisoner of war.

  And now this.

  The bastard came close to murdering her!

  I pulled out my phone and logged into The Site to see if there were any reports that he'd been arrested. But what I found was a trending post from GabbyTV that, in so many words, reduced Sundi to a whore who got what she had coming. I'd seen my fair share of exploitative posts from Gabby throughout her career, but this one was by far the lowest of the low. She even had the audacity to include text from the Bible, and then shared a link to nude photos of Sundi and Eliyah in the same reference.

  I didn't click on the pics.

  But I did click on the comments.

  LaQuisha Day: You can always count on La'Renz to fuck some shit up lol! At least he never disappoints.

  VVS Vernon: Eliyah and La'Renz were sharing Sundi Ashworth. I wonder if they shared Jazzmine Short.

  Krissy PraiseHim Walker: Why are we ignoring the real problem here? Yes, La'Renz might've went too far in handling things but it takes two to tango. Did Sundi instigate things by sleeping with La'Renz's sworn enemy? What kind of woman is that messy? Sundi isn't as innocent as the media wants us to believe.

  Michaela McDonnell: How the fuck did this bitch end up with two multi-millionaires? I can't get ONE nigga to split rent. And my titties look bigger than hers.

  Quita Wheeler: Gabby we can always count on you to give us the lowdown. I love u girl!

  RaShawn McElroy: @PittyTheFool @ClydeJones Look at these pics of Sundi Ashworth! Oh shit!

  PittyTheFool: She got a mean body. I would've tried to kill her too if she cheated on me.

  Clyde Jones: Eliyah didn't look like he was hitting that right ijs

  Terry's Lovin: I bet Eliyah is gonna take Kirbie from La'Renz next. Eliyah is a Jewish pimp.

  Edward RightToBearArms Consentino: Fuck these pictures. Gabby, where's the sex tape?

  Rita RealSpit Gibson: We sometimes hold these celebrities to a higher standard because of the influence they have over our young people. But they're human just like all of us. This is proof. We all have to face the consequences of our actions, no matter our status in life. This should be a lesson learned for everybody, not just our youth. Gabby said it best. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged. But she left out the rest of that verse. It says, And with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured unto you.

  It was happening to Sundi again. She had managed to repair her public image after the scandal between her, La'Renz, and Jazzmine Short, and now La'Renz had managed to ruin it again in less than six months. I promised myself that if Sundi didn't get better soon (and even if she did) I was going to make La'Renz pay for all of his crimes.

  He got off easy with prison.

  I never understood why Sundi was attracted to La'Renz. How could any woman be drawn to such arrogance, immorality and abusiveness? I told myself that Sundi had just been a young girl dazzled by his money and power, as most girls would be at that age. The spectacle of fame and fortune was hypnotizing. It would explain why she fell for Eliyah Golomb too.

  But there had to be something that Sundi saw in me because she just recently invited me to lunch. Maybe she was tired of being under the microscope in relation to men like La'Renz and Eliyah. Maybe she wanted to try out a season of normalcy that she'd find in me.

  I stared at her in tears ... Maybe I'm too late, I thought.

  "Hm-uhhh!" Sundi gasped.

  It scared the shit out of me when I heard the hard breath she took and saw how her chest heaved, literally arching her spine off the sheets in one contorted spasm.

  I catapulted to my feet, leaning over her bed and staring into her face waiting for her to open her eyes. "Sundi, can you hear me? It's me, Thomas."

  Then my worst nightmare took form. Her heart monitor flatlined.


  I ran out into the hall and screamed down the hallway. "Help me! I need a doctor in here! Somebody get a fucking doctor!"

  God Don’t Like Haters 4

  Coming Soon!

  Text JORDAN to 77948

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