Amelia's Deception (Deception Series Book 1)

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Amelia's Deception (Deception Series Book 1) Page 4

by GG Shalton

  She eyed some movement in the corner and saw little shadows dart underneath a table. She smiled knowing who it must be. Amelia stepped beside the table and casually took some tarts off a tray and handed them under the table. She felt little hands grab the tarts. She giggled as she lifted a corner of the tablecloth and whispered to the boys, “The footman just left. I will try to hide you while you go behind the curtain and scoot your way back up toward the staircase.”

  The little boys nodded, and she blocked their view as they hid behind the curtains. She saw their little shoes scurry around the wall and watched their heads poke out near the servant’s stairs. She followed them upstairs to make sure they were safely back in the nursery.

  “Thank you for your help, Melia,” Ronnie whispered as he stuffed the rest of the tart in his mouth.

  “I won’t tell anyone, but you better stay clear of downstairs. You wouldn’t want your brother to catch you.” She couldn’t help but smile at the mischievous twins.

  “Will you play with us? We are bored staying in our room. Our nurse fell asleep a few hours ago.” Luke looked at her with his big brown eyes.

  Amelia hesitated. The truth is that she almost preferred to stay with the twins than face the town or Mr. Baird. She kneeled looking directly into their chubby faces. “I would like to play, but I am expected downstairs. Maybe I can come over another day and bring my little brothers. I think all of you would have a grand time.”

  Amelia went back down the servant stairs through the kitchen to the ballroom just as they announced the supper dance. She took in a deep breath as she looked around for Andrew. He surprised her when he touched her elbow from behind and escorted her to the dance floor. After the dance, he escorted her to the dining room and filled her plate with food.

  He chose a table away from the other guests. Amelia had hoped to sit next to Rachel, but her table was full of other friends. She was in whispered conversations with her brother, and Amelia didn’t want to interrupt.

  The man stared at her as she took a drink of lemonade. It was unnerving how his gaze went through her. After a few moments, a smile teased on his lips. “Are you hungry?” He slowly bit into his food.

  She took a bite of her biscuit not wanting to speak to him.

  Andrew took a drink and seemed to study her reaction to his questions. She could see he was trying to engage her in conversation.

  “What do you like to do when you are not going to balls?”

  She finally made eye contact with him. He held his head in his hand propping his elbow on the table. Shifting his attention on her, she noticed that his eyebrows were perfectly shaped and his expression was astute holding many questions. He was hard to read. “I um… don’t attend social events often. My father is a peer, but we are not connected, Mr. Baird.” She wasn’t for sure if he thought she was a rich heiress or not.

  He curved his mouth into a half-smile. “I gathered that, Miss Abbott. My question was about you. What do you like to do?” His masculine tone was a bit provocative.

  She looked down at her plate. “I don’t have much time for myself. I help take care of my little brothers as they lost their governess. My stepmother has taken to her bed most of the time, so I help with household duties. A few months ago, I learned to bake.”

  He grinned taking in her answers. “You bake?”

  She nodded and a smile slipped out. “I know most the debutantes here would never be caught in a kitchen. But we lost most of our kitchen staff and I missed apple tarts. Those are my favorite.” A youthful giggle followed her confession. “Our housekeeper showed me how to bake and I have been doing it ever since.”

  She raised her chin, proud of her accomplishments. The moment passed as she attracted some unwanted attention from some other tables who whispered at her presence. She quickly paused then looked away not wanting to encourage any gossip.

  He slanted his head oblivious to any onlookers. “You are an amazing woman.”

  Amelia’s face flushed at the term woman. She was one and eight and most often was referred to as a young girl. But she didn’t like the way he was staring at her.

  Rachel approached the table appearing jittery. “Amelia, I need your help in the lady’s drawing room.” Clearing her throat, she looked at Andrew, “You don’t mind if I steal her?”

  Andrew’s guarded expression flinched causing his annoyance to show. Although he tried to mask his frustration, he politely agreed, “Of course.” He stood as Amelia walked away.

  Amelia followed Rachel to the room and she quickly pulled her to the back area through a side door that led to a private sitting area.

  “What’s amiss Rachel. You seem distraught.” She took a seat on a wingback chair facing the fireplace.

  Rachel sat in the chair next to her and lowered her voice in case anyone followed them. “I spoke to my brother briefly about Mr. Baird. You can’t speak to him again, Amelia. In fact, you may want to leave the ball. He is a criminal and operates many underground businesses. Unsavory businesses if you know what I mean.”

  Amelia covered her mouth with her hands. The gravity of her words fell heavy upon her chest. Visibly shaken, she muttered, “Criminal?”

  Rachel let out an exaggerated sigh. “Yes, as you can imagine, I am very upset at my brother for allowing him into our home. He is known as the Black Baird, and many people owe him money. The men he is with are not friends, but work for him as guards and they do the dirty part of his business. My brother owed him money and he was here today collecting. No telling what would have happened if he did not pay them. It was just bad luck that he saw you.”

  Amelia’s heart raced trying to digest what her friend was telling her. “What do I do?”

  Rachel looked around the room studying the entryways. “We will take the side door to the kitchen and take the servant’s stairs. You will wait in my room until everyone leaves and I will have my father’s carriage take you back home. I think he will leave once he knows you have left the party.”

  Amelia hugged Rachel. “I am not sure why he would take an interest in me. He must think my father has money.”

  Rachel shook her head holding onto Amelia’s hand. “That’s what I said, but it’s not true. Apparently, he is very wealthy and owns many estates. He has legitimate businesses as well. Probably how he hides a lot of his criminal activity. I can only imagine that he pays off many people. Besides, have you seen yourself, Amelia? You are beautiful. There could be no other reason.”

  Amelia did not feel beautiful and his interest in her was unwelcome. She snuck out the side door and took the servant stairs up to Rachel’s room. She closed the door behind her and lay on Rachel’s bed hoping that Mr. Baird would go away.

  Andrew noticed Rachel enter through the side entrance of the ballroom. She scanned the room and approached a young lord. He walked closer to the couple to eavesdrop on their conversation. Rachel leaned toward her friend’s ear and whispered, “Amelia had to leave.” She looked away and made eye contact with Andrew. Trying to break her stare quickly, she stepped beside her brother.

  Feeling confused and a bit agitated, he approached her while she stood behind her brother. Straightening his shoulders, he asked: “Did you say that Miss. Abbott has left?”

  Rachel looked up at Andrew, “Yes sir, she had to be home early.” Rachel turned away from him, continuing her conversation with other guests.

  Andrew stared at Rachel’s back and tried to control his temper. He did not like to be dismissed by a spoiled young chit. Her brother must have seen the discontent on his face and intervened before he could say anything to his sister. “Would you care for some more brandy?”

  Andrew narrowed his eyes studying the earl. “Not tonight. I have other engagements.” The earl seemed to breathe a sigh of relief at his statement and walked him to the front doors.

  Andrew lifted hi
s chin at his men who went out the door before him. “Johnathan, I will need a word with you in the morning. Please be expecting my visit. I don’t like to wait.”

  The earl forced a smile loosening his cravat. “As you wish.”

  Andrew stared at him for a moment and left.

  Chapter 4

  “Marriage?” Johnathan tried not to fall out of his chair. Taking a drink of water, he tried to calm his nerves. He wiped his mouth. “Are you mad?”

  The earl could see that Andrew’s patience was running thin. “Johnathan. Please watch your tone with me. I have been patient with your rudeness, but I can only be pushed so far.”

  The earl inhaled a deep breath. “Forgive me. I just don’t think I could be more shocked. Miss Abbott is a young girl with no experience outside of the schoolroom. I don’t see the attraction for someone like you.”

  Andrew lifted his brow blatantly annoyed. “Someone like me? Need I remind you that I could buy and sell you tomorrow and not blink twice? My associations are with far greater men than you.”

  Johnathan’s face drained of color. He tried to recover. “I meant no offense. If you want to propose to Miss Abbott, then that is your business. You would have to speak to her father. Need I remind you that she is a peer’s daughter? Are you sure you want the association with her father?”

  Andrew wiped some lint off his glove. “Exactly why I am here. I need you to introduce me and would like an escort to the family home along with your endorsement. I understand that they are in the middle of relocating and selling their London residence. I would like to secure the offer today. I must leave town tonight and would like to wrap this up.”

  Johnathan stared at him with disbelief. “Today? You want me to introduce you to him? I am barely acquainted with him. Besides, it would also be unsavory if I went to his home. His business dealings are questionable and he is about to go to prison.”

  Andrew slowly stood up. He walked around the desk shoving the earl’s chair against the wall. “Enough! I am not asking your permission.” He grabbed his face squeezing his chin tightly watching the blood drain away. “We leave at once.” He shoved his face back as he straightened his gloves, walking to the door.

  Johnathan rubbed his chin trying to compose himself. He stood up, “As you wish Mr. Baird, far be it for me to stand in your way.”

  The baron’s house was a bit drab and quiet. Andrew had heard most of the servants had been dismissed. The housekeeper led them to an empty drawing room and asked them to wait there until she could see if the baron was receiving. Looking around at the furnishings, it was obvious the baron had fallen on tough times. After a few moments, she reappeared and escorted them to a study. The sparsely furnished study included a desk and two old chairs with ripped cushions. The baron stood up to greet his guests.

  “Lord Breconshire. Please come in. I hope you will excuse the state of our home as we are in the middle of moving.” He gestured to the chairs.

  “Quite all right, my lord. May I introduce you to an acquaintance of mine?” He looked at Andrew. “Baron Brayton this is Mr. Andrew Baird.”

  Andrew nodded. “My lord.”

  The baron narrowed his eyes recognizing the name. “Did you say Mr. Andrew Baird?”

  Andrew smiled. “Yes, my lord.” The atmosphere in the room grew silent. The baron shifted and sat back down in his chair.

  The earl tried to lighten the mood. “My visit today actually concerns your daughter.”

  The baron turned and looked at Johnathan. “Amelia?” Johnathan nodded giving his attention to Andrew.

  Andrew smiled taking in the conversation. “Yes, my lord. I came to present an offer for her hand in marriage. I have recently become acquainted with her.”

  The baron leaned back in his chair. “I must say I am surprised by this offer. But I am afraid you are too late, Mr. Baird. I have already accepted an offer from my cousin. They will be married within a fortnight.”

  Andrew slanted his head and rubbed his lips together. “In a fortnight? Then she is not married yet. You will simply tell your cousin that you changed your mind.” He leaned back in the chair as his mouth twitched, challenging the baron. After a few seconds of silence, a thin smile snuck along his face. “For your trouble, I will pay your debts and you will not go to prison. I did some checking and I know about the men you owe money to. Those men are acquaintances of mine and they will not bother you anymore. But, just so we are clear, if you don’t agree to my terms, you will go to prison and lose my protection.”

  Johnathan’s mouth dropped open at the offer. Andrew heard a small moan coming from his mouth. He kept shifting in his chair looking toward the door. Andrew’s annoyance showed at his demeanor. He knew the earl was brought up as nobility and he had heard that his own mother was personal friends with royalty. Facing the realities of gambling and their consequences was unfamiliar territory for the young man. Andrew would bet a fortune that he never engaged in any foul play or associated with anyone outside of the ton.

  The baron rubbed his hand over his face. “I… um… Don’t know what to say?”

  Andrew lifted the corner of his mouth. “Say that you accept my generosity.”

  The baron studied his face for a few seconds digesting his words. He knew he had no choice. “Mr. Baird, I will accept your conditions and your offer.”

  Andrew smiled taking some papers out of his bag. “Very good. I will need you to sign this paperwork and go fetch your daughter. I request a private word with her.”

  The baron fumbled for some ink and signed the papers without reading them. He looked at Andrew still in shock. “I will speak to my daughter and then give you a private audience if that is agreeable to you?”

  Andrew walked around the desk and shook his hand. “It is. I hope you understand that I need your support and encouragement for her to accept my hand.” The baron nodded and excused himself.

  Amelia was in her room with her siblings when her father entered. “Boys, I need a word alone with your sister.” They looked at Amelia for direction and she nodded for them to leave. He walked over to the chair facing her bed, slowly taking a seat. Amelia’s body tensed at his presence. Their relationship was not close and she could not remember the last time he came to her room instead of summoning her to his study.

  A smile snuck across his face as he addressed her. “It seems I have wonderful news! Our dire circumstances have changed.” He laughed out loud making a cackling sound. Amelia shifted in her chair wary of his mood.

  He clapped his hands together. “I can hardly believe it!” He shook his head still recovering from the shock. “Amelia, we are all counting on you to do the right thing. Your little brothers will have you to thank for their legacy.”

  Amelia smiled wearily taking in the compliment. Her father’s mood swings and usual condescending remarks caused her to hesitate before accepting his praise. “I don’t understand. What must I do?”

  He looked at her and slowly raised his brow. “I received another offer for your hand. I have accepted and he has agreed to pay our debts.”

  She examined her father’s features trying to decipher his meaning. “What? I don’t understand. Who would pay our debts?”

  For a moment, there was no sound. He leaned back in his chair teasing her with the knowledge he wanted to share. With an elated tone he continued, “A wealthy man who took quite the interest in you.” After another moment of torture, her father took in a deep breath. “A man named Mr. Baird.”

  Amelia felt dizzy. She stood up slowly from the bed. “No!” Grabbing her chest, she could hear a ringing in her ear as she replayed his words in her head. Mr. Baird?

  Her father’s demeanor changed and he stood up taking a step toward her. Gritting his teeth, he spoke in a threatening tone, “You will marry Mr. Baird and be a dutiful wife. The papers have been signed. You have no
choice. Do you understand me?”

  Tears filled her eyes. She reached for his arm as her fingernails dug into his coat, “Please, Father! You can’t make me. I will run away.” A sob escaped as she tried to catch her breath. “He frightens me and I will not marry him.”

  Her father lifted his arm from her grasp and smacked her in the back of the head. Amelia fell to the floor tripping over the rug as she pulled away from her father. He leaned over and grabbed her arm. “Do you want your brothers to live in poverty? What will happen if I go to prison? How long do you think they will last? They will be forced to work in unsavory conditions at their ages. All because of your selfishness.”

  Amelia pulled her arm out of his grip and ran away from him down the stairs. He ran after her pushing her to the floor at the bottom of the stairs. He lifted her up and hit her across the face with the back of his hand. Blood trickled from her nose and she laid in a ball on the floor weeping. Andrew and Johnathan ran out of the study watching the scene unfold.

  Andrew ran over pulling the baron off his daughter. He kicked him in the stomach and her father backed away from the stairs. “If you ever touch your daughter again, I will kill you.”

  The baron spit blood on the floor. “She is my daughter and I will do to her what I wish.”

  Andrew moved back toward him when Amelia screamed. “No! Please leave him alone.” She was holding her face as blood dripped from her hands.

  Andrew stopped and looked back at her. He straightened his jacket and looked at the baron. “She is my fiancée, and the papers have been signed. I will be her protector, and you will not touch her again. Do I make myself clear?”

  The baron stared at them. He narrowed his eyes but seemed to bite his tongue. “You are clear. If you will excuse me.”


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