Amelia's Deception (Deception Series Book 1)

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Amelia's Deception (Deception Series Book 1) Page 8

by GG Shalton

  Brian cleared his throat. “Mr. Baird. May I introduce Mr. Keeling? We had a few business meetings in London a few weeks ago. He spent the last few years in America and would like us to invest in some cotton factories in the colonies.”

  Mr. Keeling’s voice faltered at the recognition of the man they call Black Baird standing in front of him. “Nice to finally make your acquaintance although under unsavory circumstances.”

  Andrew tried to control his breathing. He raged inside as his voice rumbled. “Mr. Keeling, your brother-in-law touched what is mine. One of my most precious possessions—she is my wife.”

  Mr. Keeling’s eyes widened at the admission. “I make no excuses for him. A relation only by marriage. I give him no defense and ask to make amends because he is with my party. Please accept our apologies.”

  Andrew’s breathing slowed, his face drawn in a scowl. “What compensation would you propose is fair?”

  Mr. Keeling looked at his partners. They whispered among each other. “We propose to pay you his portion of the two factories we built in the states. He owns ten percent of Wallington Cotton.”

  Andrew looked at him and tilted his head. He smirked. “Mr. Keeling, that is how he will compensate me. How are you going to compensate me?”

  Mr. Keeling pulled at his cravat. “I don’t understand?”

  Andrew lifted the corner of his mouth dissecting the men with his stare. “Come inside to the inn. I have my solicitor with me today. We will draw up the paperwork. You will give me fifty percent of Wallington Industries.”

  Mr. Keeling gasped and looked at his partners. He shook his head. “Impossible. Mr. Baird.”

  Andrew raised his brow. “Your brother-in-law insulted my wife. Practically absconded her. You are traveling together and are responsible for his actions as he is with your party. You can either bring him home in a box to your wife, or you can sign over fifty percent of Wallington Factory to me. Don’t insult me, Mr. Keeling. I will ruin your name, and no one will do business with you ever again.”

  Mr. Keeling’s partners shifted nervously as Mr. Keeling ran his fingers through his hair. He was trapped and knew he had no choice. “Be reasonable, Mr. Baird.”

  Andrew looked at Brian who called the guards to circle the group. “Don’t insult me, Mr. Keeling. I am losing my patience. You are lucky all of you are still alive.”

  Mr. Keeling turned red, unable to breathe properly. “I hardly know what to say. I must confer with my partners.”

  Glaring at the man, Andrew’s face lacked emotion. “Be quick about it. I must tend to my wife.”

  Mr. Keeling walked away from the group and whispered to the two men by their carriage. One of the men was lifting his arms visibly upset. The other took off his hat and wiped his brow. After a few moments, all three came back to the group. “We agree to your proposal, Mr. Baird.”

  Andrew slapped him on the back. “I am a great business partner, Mr. Keeling. Have no fear.”

  Mr. Keeling’s face was red as some sweat trickled down his brow. “Can I take my brother-in-law to my carriage? He may need a doctor.”

  Andrew motioned for one of his men. “You do understand that he cannot leave here unscathed.” He whispered to his man loud enough for the group to hear. “Break his arm. The arm that touched my wife.”

  He looked at Mr. Keeling with all seriousness. “If he comes near her again, I will kill him.”

  The men looked at each other suspiciously, emotions playing havoc as the air grew heavy. Accepting their fate, they followed Andrew aimlessly into the inn. Hesitantly, accepting some brandy, they drank with him. His personality completely changed and he was well-mannered and humorous to be around, a common trait of his after an altercation. Mr. Keeling signed the paperwork and said his goodbyes. Andrew went to find his wife.

  Amelia finished soaking in a tub that the innkeeper’s wife had prepared for her. Wilma had helped her into a new dress, and she sat drinking tea by the fireplace. She asked Wilma to leave her alone to calm her nerves. Pictures of the unconscious man kept coming into her mind. Although he had hurt her, she could not help but to wonder of his welfare. Her arm still stung, but she thought by tomorrow the redness would go away.

  A knock on the door brought her back to the present. “Come in, Wilma.”

  A deep voice sounded, “It’s me. Wilma is eating lunch.”

  From the corner of her eye, she saw Andrew enter. Shivering, she held the shawl closer to herself. He came beside her and knelt on the ground in front of her. “I have taken care of the man who hurt you. Please don’t worry anymore. Have you eaten anything?”

  Amelia shook her head. “I am not hungry. But I put an apple in my reticule for later. Andrew, I am curious. It’s just that the man… Will he die? There was so much blood.”

  Andrew touched her face. “You’re my wife. I know that you have an aversion to this marriage, but I made a vow to protect you. You are mine, Amelia and no man will hurt you. The man is being taking care of by his brother-in-law. I don’t think he will die. Unless, of course he touches you again.”

  Amelia trembled. “Are we leaving soon or staying here tonight?”

  Andrew looked around the room. He spotted the tub and smiled. “We will leave within the hour. I am going to wash up. You can stay if you want. But if you prefer to meet your maid, she is in the dining room.”

  Amelia’s face turned pink at his jest. Refusing to acknowledge his implications, she answered, “I will leave you to your privacy and find Wilma. Perhaps I will get a bite to eat.”

  He laughed out loud. With a sheepish smile, he countered, “We are married. One day we will bathe together. You may enjoy it.” He loosened his cravat and began to undress in front of her.

  Amelia’s eyes widened, not wanting to see him naked, she hurried out the door as he was removing his breeches. He was laughing as she closed the door behind her.

  The party traveled several more hours before stopping for the night. The Peacock was a popular inn that was much larger than the other ones they had come across. The owner knew Andrew by name and welcomed him with open arms.

  Amelia was escorted to a huge room with a four-poster bed. The innkeeper’s wife told her it was the best room they had available. Amelia appreciated her kindness and freshened up before dinner. Their servants delivered the trunks to their room and Amelia went downstairs to inquire about getting some food. She had skipped lunch and was famished.

  She eyed Wilma eating with the other servants. Amelia gave a hopeful glance to the group longing to join them, but Andrew insisted she sit with him. He sat at a table with some of his men that were dining alone in a secluded area away from the others. She stayed quiet beside him and did not participate in the conversation. Admittedly, the roast beef was simply delicious and the buttered asparagus melted in her mouth. She topped it off with pudding for dessert. Unbeknownst to Andrew, she snuck a few bites of his pudding as well when he wasn’t looking.

  Andrew ordered her some wine to drink. The warm fruity liquid burned as it went down her throat. She was not used to drinking alcohol and only had champagne one other time in her life. A warmness came through her veins as she asked for another glass.

  The conversation was limited and she concentrated on her food. And of course, the wine. When dinner concluded, Andrew walked her up to her room.

  Her balance was a little off as she stood up. Not wanting to admit that she may have had a little too much to drink, she made no mention of it. He suggested she retire for the night as they had another full day of travel early in the morning. He kissed her cheek and told her he would meet her later.

  Alone in their room, Amelia was bored. She wished to stay downstairs a little longer, but obeyed her husband and stayed in their room. Wilma came up a few minutes later to help her undress. She was talking nonstop about a piano player that was go
ing to be there later that night. She knew him from London and was excited to dance. Amelia listened with interest and feigned exhaustion so Wilma would leave her alone.

  A few hours later, Andrew had not come back to their room. Amelia shifted in the bed unable to sleep. Not that she exactly wanted to see him. Curiosity of the fun going on downstairs took a toll on her. She could hear the vibration of the music and an occasional scream of delight coming from the inn’s main dining area. After contemplating several minutes arguing with herself, she sat up and put on a dress determined to find some entertainment.

  The music filling the hallway became louder as she neared the stairs and walked down. A quick look around the room showed many women sitting on men’s laps. Drinks were covering the tables, and people were singing out loud. The piano music was lively, and a few patrons were playing cards. She spotted Wilma hugging a man that she didn’t recognize. Brian was kissing the neck of a serving girl and Andrew was nowhere to be found. Amelia went to find the innkeepers wife. She was trying to stay clear of the drunken men who seemed to watch her. The innkeeper’s wife was surprised to see her.

  “Mrs. Baird, this is no place for a lady at this hour. You should not be down here. Can I assist you?” She fumbled with her apron trying to guide Amelia back up the stairs.

  Amelia was annoyed at the way people treated her. She was not a child and pulled away from the woman. “I assure you that I will not break. If I could trouble you for some warm milk?” She had no idea what to say, but could only think of what could help her sleep.

  The woman raised a brow questioning her request, “Milk?”

  Amelia knew it sounded absurd but nodded. “Yes. If it’s not too much trouble.”

  The woman shook her head. “No trouble at all, Mrs. Baird. I will have Clinton escort you back to your room, and I will be up shortly with the milk.”

  Amelia shook her head, “I will wait.” The innkeeper’s wife whispered to Clinton and he nodded and walked away. A few minutes later Andrew came up behind her.

  “Amelia? I heard you were down here. You must go back up to our room at once.” He took her by the elbow and tried to guide her toward the stairs.

  She stopped and looked up at him. “I don’t understand why I can’t come out of the room. Am I being punished? Why are you not staying in the room?”

  He looked surprised at her question. “If you would like me to join you, all you have to do is ask. I am sure I can find something for us to do.” He winked and raised his brow suggestively. She closed her eyes regretting her outburst and the implications.

  Pouting, she lifted her chin. “I only wanted some milk. I apologize if that upsets you.” She stepped away from him crossing her arms.

  Sternly, he touched her face. “Watch your tone, little one. I understand that you had a dreadful day. However, you will not be insolent with me. When I tell you to do something, I will not be questioned.”

  She stared at him for a minute. Without responding she turned away from him and walked back up the stairs. Hearing the whispers of the people behind her. She felt humiliated and the hatred for her new husband grew inside her.

  Andrew watched her climb the stairs without acknowledging him. He had to remember her youth. Such innocence needed to be protected. One day things would change between them, and they could build a relationship together. She would learn her place and act more maturely.

  He took a seat beside Brian and ordered another brandy. A serving girl with a plunging neckline approached him and took a seat on his lap. She rubbed herself against him. Andrew smiled and whispered in her ear. “Not tonight, sweetheart. I am here with my wife.” A disappointed look came across her face. But not before many servants witnessed the flirtation. The serving girl took the glass from his hand and licked the outside rim suggestively. “Is that the woman you sent upstairs?”

  Andrew took the glass from her and set it down. “Yes, she is my wife and who I will be sleeping with tonight.”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “If you change your mind, I am in room ten. You seem like a man that likes variety in his appetite.” She got up from the table and planted a kiss on Andrew’s lips before walking away. The exchange shocked Wilma and a few of the onlookers. Andrew stood up and excused himself. He retreated to his room finding the atmosphere of the inn getting too heated.

  Amelia shifted as he opened the door, but her eyes remained closed. Andrew took his time to disrobe and crawled into bed next to her. He heard her breathing and pulled her close to him. She never made a sound. He kissed her head and wished her a good night.

  Chapter 8

  The following days fell into a routine. Andrew avoided the carriage and chose to ride with his men. The servants whispered behind her back and always stopped talking when she got close to them. She was lonely and hated her new life. Andrew would walk her to their room and then spend the evening carousing with his men. He joined her late at night and kissed her on the cheek while she feigned sleep. She was repulsed by his touch.

  On their last night of travel, Amelia went out to the carriage to retrieve her book alone. She knew she might face Andrew’s wrath for leaving without an escort, but she couldn’t find him and didn’t want to wait. On her way back inside, she heard whispers and stood by the corner of the inn hiding near some bushes. She realized she had lost all propriety and good breeding by eavesdropping while hiding in shrubbery. But she didn’t care. This is how far she had fallen from who she used to be. When she heard her named mentioned, her curiosity peaked and she wanted to hear what they had to say.

  “It’s a shame is all I am saying. It’s obvious he married her for her nobility. He spends most nights with the help. He grew up like the rest of us and isn’t like her or her kind. He can barely stand to sleep with her.” The female’s voice carried across the lawn.

  “I know. Did you see him at the Peacock? The serving chit sat in his lap in front of everyone. He didn’t look like he was hurting none. No wonder he sent the misses back to bed.” A male laughed then broke out into a cough.

  “Did you see that kiss? I know who was a very happy man that night.” The laughing continued.

  “You all have nothing more to do than gossip. Who is it about this time?” The new voice was familiar and she recognized it as her lady’s maid. Amelia strained her ears to see if she would defend her.

  “Miss Innocent. Your lady.” The female’s voice paused and there was silence.

  “Hardly a lady. At least not anymore. I almost feel sorry for her.” The whole group laughed. “But not quite. Those types deserve what they get. The Black Baird will never be husband material. Miss High and Mighty will soon learn.”

  The group left and Amelia’s eyelids burned with tears that she fought to hold back. She entered the side door and walked through the kitchen unnoticed. When she approached the chamber door, Andrew stood in the room waiting for her.

  “Where were you? I was looking for you.” His arms were crossed and his face was serious.

  Amelia held the book in her hand. “I went to get my book. Forgive me, I couldn’t find an escort.”

  He stepped toward her wrapping his arms around her waist. Amelia tensed at his touch. He pulled her against his chest and she laid her cheek on his chest feeling his heartbeat. He stroked her hair running his fingers through the silky strands. “I missed you today. It seems I didn’t see much of you.”

  Amelia remained quiet hoping he would release her soon. She didn’t like him to touch her, yet knew his patience was running thin. Perhaps he would not remember his promise to wait for Scotland?

  He stepped away slightly to look down at her face. She was afraid to look up. “Look at me, Amelia.” She had no choice but to look up at him.

  She watched his eyes close as he brushed his lips against hers. His experienced mouth played with hers as he teased her to open to him. Without realizin
g it, he had opened her mouth and was rubbing his tongue against hers. He pulled her closer to him as he passionately kissed her.

  Her head was spinning and she was trying hard not to enjoy it. Her body tingled and she felt out of breath. When he released her, he moved his mouth to her neck placing light kisses down her throat and carefully caressing her back. Amelia felt weak and he had to help hold her up. She was experiencing feelings she had never felt before and it scared her.

  He whispered in her ear. “Oh, Amelia. Our time is close. You belong to me and soon I will make you mine.”

  Amelia’s heart pounded in her chest. Not wanting to encourage any more affection for the night, she remained silent. He rubbed her arms and kissed her forehead. “I will be up shortly after attending to the staff. I told them we would dine in our room.”

  Amelia nodded and readied herself for bed. She wanted to be fully clothed by the time he came back upstairs. Andrew’s attention to her comfort was evident. She always had the best room in each inn they stayed in. He always assured she had plenty to eat.

  They traveled most the following day arriving at Andrew’s estate the next evening. The massive home was surrounded by a stone fence and driveway. Huge stables could be seen beside the home with horses running freely. A large lake sat far behind the property surround by woods. There were servants standing outside to greet the party. Andrew was approached by his steward with urgent business, so Bull escorted Amelia into the home. She was greeted by a chambermaid who escorted her to a chamber. Andrew had insisted they share a chamber to sleep but have separate rooms for dressing.


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