Gabriel, I'm (not) a serial killer

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Gabriel, I'm (not) a serial killer Page 1

by Frank Spoiler

  I'm (not) a serial killer

  Frank Spoiler

  Translated by Rafael E. Martínez

  “I'm (not) a serial killer”

  Written By Frank Spoiler

  Copyright © 2015 Frank Spoiler

  All rights reserved

  Distributed by Babelcube, Inc.

  Translated by Rafael E. Martínez

  Cover Design © 2015 Frank Spoiler

  “Babelcube Books” and “Babelcube” are trademarks of Babelcube Inc.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  I'm (not) a serial killer

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14


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  If I had an answer for what I do, it wouldn't be coherent or satisfactory, there's no possible justification for murder.

  I'm a (non-serial) KILLER!

  I can't remember the exact day the dreams began... Dreams? I can't even be sure if that's what they were. Because, who was that old man visiting me almost every night and talking to me for hours on end (or what felt like it?) And why, why was it impossible to remember anything he'd said, once I was awake?

  Well, I don't know how to begin.

  How can I say that... I'm a killer?

  Oh! There, I've said it...

  That was easier than I thought .

  So yes, I'm a killer... Why am I telling you this? Could it be you're my next victim? In the end that's all you are for me. But not yet, no. You'll have time to make a run for it while I finish my story, but I'm not giving you much of a head start... just enough to have a laugh while I kill you.

  And now I must tell you my story, suffer not! (yet)

  Ah, why do I kill? For a very simple reason... I'm a hater.

  Chapter 1

  The fillet knife

  It all started less than a year ago...

  Oh, sorry, how rude of me, I'm... Gabriel... at your service... um...

  Less than a year ago, it all began... my head couldn't take it anymore, my mind seemed to be about to explode with... hatred! I didn't know why but I hated everyone... It was horrible, wherever I looked, hatred was all I could feel... A sick hatred, terrible and insufferable, filling me with rage and anger. No, I didn't know what was happening to me, it felt inhuman, otherworldly... I just hated everybody!

  Nevertheless, I woke up that morning feeling good... Without a thought, I left my apartment. "Yes, a pig sty, but mine damn it!" Not knowing how or why I went up two stories. -I was kind of hypnotized-.

  I'm sorry, didn't I say so? (I'm such a scatterbrain).

  I didn't hesitate, I rang the bell and my lady neighbor was quickly at the door. A looker of a fifty something that would gladly open her legs after you bought her dinner, "and then some more." I mean, she ate the whole thing. (Including dinner, of course.)

  I admit that more than once, (more than twice) I did buy her dinner... I'm a man! But there would be no dinner this time... Her belly took the first stab, way down there, almost making her cunt bigger. She was still smiling, happy to see me, until her insides felt the cold message of metal and her nervous system relayed it to her brain, telling her that something, -not a good kind of something, but the painful sort, was going on down there...

  And then her mouth twitched and she tried to scream in pain.

  I didn't let her, I covered her mouth with my left hand while I pushed her into the room with the weight of my body. I kicked the door shut. I was calm, she lived there by herself. I looked into her wide, not understanding eyes... I didn't understand either, I felt no pleasure... I just hated her.

  I noticed her pulse racing for a second, she was trying to escape my deadly embrace, and then... nothing. Her glassy eyes, gently touching death, told me she wanted to say something... I didn't let her, I kept my hand on her mouth and waited 'till I heard her last breath, her death rattle.

  Quite at ease, -no hurries- I cleaned the fillet knife with her clothes and left it in the kitchen. A few days back, after dinner, she'd told me her kitchen lacked one of those; 'cause she already had ham, you know? Someone with more dough than me had given it to her, the ham, for sure.

  Well, see? I got her the knife.

  Did I say that I got her at the first stab? Well, it's true, it only took one, it was all she could take. Why give her more?

  Sorry, please don't go far, I have to piss!

  Boy! That was a close one... and it's a two meter... walk to the toilet.

  Still with me, victim? Yes, I'm talking to you, who else? Don't make a fuss... you're still going to die.

  Excuse me, I just realized I haven't described myself physically. Not that you would care much, I could be your neighbor from the first or second floor, who cares?

  Indeed! Victim, you got that right: An ordinary man, not short nor tall, not skinny or fat... not ugly or handsome. A V E R A G E. Just like a neighbor?

  So let me get on with it, otherwise you'll be bored to death and that's not my thing. I want to KILL you.

  So where was I? Oh, right! Once I left the knife in the kitchen sink, washed clean, how else?, I walked towards the door without looking at the victim, what was the point? I knew she was dead! I walked out and slammed the door shut. I started down the stairs (a step at a time for I'm not quite in shape) and came across the tenant of the sixth floor, who looked at me with no interest at all. I looked at him with much interest; knowing right away who my next victim would be. And so, I marked his face...

  I got to the landing and entered my home without a hurry. I knew the fifty something wouldn't be found for a couple of days. I had time to prepare an alibi for when the cops started asking questions. I knew I was going to be asked more than anyone else there... You'll know why later.


  I may come across as a peculiar and charismatic killer, but it's not true, there are no charismatic killers, just murderers without feelings. If you ever cross paths with me, don't wait for a smile, run, run and do not stop until you get to a police station, and never hesitate to denounce me. Your life, not mine, will be the one in danger.

  Don't ever think there are no murderers like Gabriel, you have them for neighbors, friends and even close relatives. Every smile you get could hide a killer waiting for you to turn your back.

  I, Gabriel, am telling this story. I never meant to be what I am, but I'm not here to apologize; I don't need to and I don't want to. I committed a lot of crimes, some of them are horrifying even to me, and I will never be a saint, but nevertheless, I got something in my favor; I know how this story ends.

  Chapter 2

  No hurries...

  Just as I thought, when the cops came they made four questions to the neighbors, but I was practically assaulted... I knew well how to get away. {Secret} And again, as it usually happens, nobody saw or heard anything. Of course, I saw nothing ether. So what about the neighbor who saw me come out of there? Well, don't you worry any more... I guess he decided to go on a little trip... And not to Disney World. I forgot to tell you, most of the members of that community lived by themselves. Oh, and don't worry about him suffering, the truth is he didn't even noticed he was embarking on a one way trip.

  I re
member he looked at me...

  A few hours after killing the fifty something -did I tell you her name? How rude of me! Claudia, that was her name.- So I was saying, when he opened the door he looked at me, surprised to find me at his doorstep. I didn't give him a chance to open his mouth, I cracked his skull with a hammer on the first blow. The splintering of bone sounded like stepping on gravel. I don't know if I'm that strong but his skull gave in like butter to a knife, at the first try, showing brain mass mixed with blood... Yes, I know it sounds ugly, even disgusting, and I'm not saying the worst, -like, I kept hitting him but the dude refused to die. I chopped him up with a hacksaw. Yes, I know, "how odd", but I couldn't find anything else damn it! Obviously the guy wasn't a DIY enthusiast... By the way, did I tell you why I killed him?... "Because he saw me come out of Claudia's flat?" Not even close! (You're so clueless) I hated him from the moment I laid my eyes on him. Don't ask me why, I hate you too and I don't even know you... Well, that's not entirely true, you don't know me but I know who you are... So don't be surprised if I come after you when my story is done. I hate you all equally. I will come into your life one day, to end it, it doesn't matter how long it takes, nor the way it's going to happen... There's no hurry.

  No children and no politicians

  There's only two kinds of murder I will never do: politicians and... children.

  No politicians for a very simple reason: the cops get to looking like rabid dogs and, of course, those are crimes that are not forgotten nor forgiven easily. Therefore, I don't care for them. And there are some of them I would gladly rip apart! And children? No! I wouldn't touch them. They remind me so much of myself. You might not believe this, but I was a child too and, make no mistake about it, I was a model child. True, that was a long time ago, when I was still innocent and dreamed of being an astronaut. That doesn't mean I won't happily tear them to pieces if I ran into them as adults. But again, I don't enjoy killing... I don't in the least, it's just an obsession, an irrational hate (yes, I'm telling you), irrational! And I never visited a shrink... I know the evil is in my head; I don't know when it really got in me... I will explain more, later, about something which for now, I will not tell.

  I guess you're waiting for me to tell you about my next deed. You morbid fucks! (Imagine me laughing out loud).

  I'm sure you're wondering what does this guy do with the corpses?

  Didn't I tell you? Sorry, again, for my absentmindedness... I eat them. I love human flesh!

  It was my neighbors fault, the jerk. The day I killed him and butchered him; when I took him home to store (waiting for the right moment to smuggle him out unseen) I opened the fridge and... nothing, not even a bone to make soup with! Damn it! I thought "I forgot to shop on Thursday." And suddenly my mother came to my mind. And a devilish thought... Why not? It's not such a bad idea. How about having a tender steak from some part of my neighbor? It's not like he would complain.

  Said and done. I always had a thing for veal liver, so, liver it was... And it was truly good and tender. Really, if you ever go there, start with that, it's delicious! The heart, too, was gone in the next couple of days... Delicious as well! I will pass along my cooking methods, in case you want to try them.

  Good, enough with the kitchen and on with the story.

  Three months after my second murder I started to feel a pulsing pain in my head, which was its way of saying "I'm back... I'm hungry and I hate."

  What was really weird is that it only lasted like ten minutes; ten insufferable minutes, but only ten... Then my head was back to normal, with a hatred that made my bones shiver all over. And then it was like a dance routine, over and over. Take a shower, wash your mouth, brush your teeth, run a comb through your hair, get dressed... and go hunting.

  Chapter 3

  Bones for a broth?

  You know, this thing about writing and telling you about my life... it's not really fun. It would be more fun to go out and hunt you down... I don't know why but I'm starting to dislike you. Anyway, I'll try to keep my grudge ad boredom in check 'till I can't take it no more. So be weary; I could come from behind and slit your throat in one swoop.

  I forgot to say that, logically, I was not born this way, my life was way past normal until... "Well, let´s just keep that one for the end... like, before I kill you?"

  My third victim was a lovely grandma, did you know? Oh she was adorable! She was always asking me to help her with the groceries and I never hesitated, how could I! Poor woman. She would always give me candy for a reward, yes, "always"... She was charming.

  We became so close she never doubted I would take her to the park a hundred yards away from our neighborhood. And I would, she was so cute! Every time we took a wlak she would take my arm proudly, as if I was her son or grandson. We had to cross a small bridge that led to the next village, and the park was right there. The last day she asked me to go with her I had a horrible headache, but I said yes without a thought, how could I? It was past four in the afternoon of a hot, suffocating summer, so drinking water meant you had to watch it evaporate on your skin. THE STREET WAS EMPTY. How could I not?! It was simply genius ; right at the bridge... -The old adorable woman flew!- Of course, she was cute, but no angel...

  And then away for a few beers. God, was I thirsty!

  What? How can you ask such a question? She was old! You wouldn't want me to use her bones for a broth, right?

  Killer jokes aside, I could barely stand her! So watching her fall from that height (about ten meters) was almost, almost satisfying.

  Three beers later and after going home to get a few items, I left for work. Oh, did I not tell you I had a job? Well, yes, like every other neighbor I had to earn a living. And it's not a regular job, no, I... will not give you so many details. It might make you afraid to go on... suffice it to say that I'm closer than you think. Can't you feel the warmth breath in the back of your neck?

  Well, let us stop with the formalities, I feel at home with you here.

  By the way, I feel like dying when I'm at home. I hate my home!

  It was hard to believe how easy it was becoming to chose the next victim without reapeating the tool. Or the murder style. I did not want to be labeled. Every kill made me strong enough for the next one and so on... I'm limitless. It is so easy to kill.

  My next victim, I have to admit, was not of my choosing. She did it herself.

  I was at a live music pub; one of those where you can drink a few and, if you're not shy (like I was) dance on a small dancefloor that could hold no more than three or four of the shameless, to the enjoyment of two hundred outsiders -like myself, hum- What am I to do? The body has needs too. But I was saying, she was asking for it with the way she was swaying her curvaceous ass on the floor. She was alone at the time and it seemed like she was dancing just for me, slowly moving her hips while her divine olive eyes were fixed on mine.

  She had a naughty face, I mean, fun but not beautiful, true, but her body was portentuous: big hips holding a pair of dark, sensuous buttocks, which were raising more than just my eyes.

  I could doubt no more, I went to her, I came close to her ear and said - I'm Gabriel, and you? - I know, not very original but neither is my way of killing.

  She didn't say a word, she just pressed her body against mine and rubbed it so tight I felt like a racing car in the hands of Alonso. I let myself be fondled for a while until she started pushing me towards the toilets. I had been outted. I was led willingly through those hallways, glued to each other. Had someone lit a match right then we would have burned for sure. Fueled by alcohol and fired up, we went into the girls restroom "it's usually cleaner". A blonde girl was vomiting every ounce she had drunk that night. We gave us a half gone and dumb smile while wiping filth from her chin and walking out, slamming the door shut behind her. I did not wait nor did I check if someone was about to get in, I was so turned on and eager to drain the pipes (not of urine, of course) I turned her around without any resistance (she must have been used to it). I pulled he
r panties down with one hand while using the other one to unzip my jeans. A gorgeous ass was in front of me and I pushed her forward before sticking it all the way in. Julia, that was her name, moaned like crazy, apparently enjoying it more than me (Truth be told I didn't give a fuck if she did). I wasn't mean this time. When she was coming, she thrust herself back against me. I grabbed her head with both hands "She never saw it coming" and twisted her neck to the left, fast and hard. The sound, like a twig breaking, was the only sound she made.

  I didn't let her fall, I held her and lifted her slightly, walked a few steps and placed her in one of the empty booths, sitting on the toilet and leaning on one of the slabs separating it from the others.

  No one will miss her until the next day, when the cleaners came. That is something I never take for granted: always when the person is alone, and lonely, hopefully no one will miss them. Julia lived alone and she came alone.

  Chapter 4

  The hunt

  I left the pub the way I came in, very at ease. That kill had helped me relax and feel strong and safe again. It always did. So I headed for home, wanting to sleep for a while. I looked at my wrist watch (the cheap street-bought kind): 4:00 in the morning. More or less two hours before going to work. Shit! Every time the same, I have to find myself a working schedule for this hobby in order to have some off time. My bosses do nothing but point out that I party every day and I should do it only on the weekends in order to be fresh for work every other day. Shit on them! What was Lt. Mathias doing here at this hour?

  - Shit, lieutenant! Still around? - I made my best drunkard impression and stayed in character.- What are you doing here at this hour?

  - Gabriel! What the fuck are you doing here? This is not your route.- Mathias jumped.

  - Lieutenant! - I spat, angry.- Am I not old enough to know where to put my ass in?

  Mathias gave me a funny look, with that hound like face of his, and finally said:

  - Okey Gabriel, I couldn't care less if you put your ass up or down. Just remember you've had two warnings already... the third one...- He threatened me with his eyes and mimed jerking off.


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