Collection of Short Stories

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Collection of Short Stories Page 5

by Carol Taylor


  If Looks Could Kill...

  It was the high-school reunion that had started it all. He wasn’t gangly anymore, nor awkward. In fact he was charming and downright handsome. She was entranced. It was pretty much the same for Dan. Charlene was extremely attractive and looked better than he’d remembered her in high school. A week after the reunion found them enjoying a romantic dinner together and laughing about the previous weekend.

  It was great fun to have a four-year history of high school together. It seemed to get the romance off and running without a hitch except for one little incident at dinner that had somewhat rankled with Charlene. Though Danny was very attentive to her throughout dinner, it seemed that a group at a table across from them often distracted him. She had once or twice managed a surreptitious glance in their direction but had not been able to guess whether it was the pretty woman in the group he was looking at or simply that they were in his direct line of vision. She put it out of her mind.

  Saying goodnight outside her front door, the incident flitted across her mind, teasing her subconscious. But several romantic kisses and hugs later, it was forgotten. She knew she wanted to see Danny again. She was pretty sure he felt the same.

  And so they dated. It was all fun and romantic and had it not been for the repetition of Dan’s lack of attention on their first date, they might have gotten really serious. It became evident to Charlene however, that Danny was not just staring at whomever was in his path, it seemed he couldn’t help looking at every pretty girl that came near. She tried to ignore his wandering eyes and felt embarrassed when she caught him but she wasn’t one for causing scenes.

  It was impossible not to notice when he looked every pretty girl up and down, staring after them till they were out of sight. And even though she’d remind herself of the many compliments he’d paid her and the way he looked at her, she just couldn’t ignore his bad behavior. He was acting like a teenager. But she wanted a serious relationship and his interest in other women was spoiling that chance. “You know,” she started off bravely one evening after yet another beautiful woman had caught his eye, “I really wish you wouldn’t do that.”

  “Do what?” he’d asked innocently.

  “Look at other women,” she answered boldly.

  “All guys look at other women,” he’d answered without batting an eye.

  “Yeah, perhaps,” she’d retorted, not giving in to his nonchalance “But not like you do.”

  “And how exactly do I do it?!,” he said sarcastically. She bit her lip. This was the kind of arguing and scenes she hated. But she wasn’t going to let go that easily.

  “You don’t just look. You STARE,” she said loudly.

  “No, I do not!,” he replied hotly.

  “Yes, you do!,” she insisted.

  “Name one time I’ve stared,” he shot back annoyed.

  “OK, just a couple of minutes ago there was a pretty woman using that phone over there and you couldn’t keep your eyes off her!” There she’d said it and he couldn’t escape this time.

  “OK, so I stared,” he submitted, “Big deal. I’m just looking.”

  “Well it really ticks me off,” she said, still annoyed.

  He smiled. “Jealous, huh?”

  She glared at him. “Why wouldn’t I be? You think those women are unaware of your interest?”

  “Really?” he said a little too eagerly.

  “Yeah, really,” she said dryly. “If you’d rather be with one of them than me, then why don’t you go after them?” she said peevishly.

  “Oh, come on,” he said soothingly, “It’s just a habit. Remember I was married to the witch of the north. She left a lot for a man to desire. I need to see a pretty woman once in awhile, that’s all.”

  “Yeah?,” she said, feeling her blood rise hot within her, “I thought you considered the woman you were with tonight pretty!”

  “Very!” he said immediately and seized the opportunity to take the attention off himself by honestly praising her beauty. She was mollified--at least for the present. And for the rest of the evening he made a concerted effort to keep his attention on Charlene and she pretended not to notice how difficult it was for him. She sighed when he finally left her at her door. She really liked this man, but somehow she just knew the argument that night had not solved anything.

  She was right. His extra attentiveness to her was short-lived and Charlene found herself constantly swallowing her pride as he tried to pretend he wasn’t girl watching. But it was impossible not to feel second-rate every time he made another woman the object of his attention. But what could she do?

  On Friday evening they got drinks and snacks and sat in the local happy hour bar happily talking and laughing. At least Charlene pretended she was happy. She was only giving Danny half her attention sure he would find some pretty girl to admire. Danny didn’t disappoint her. He seemed oblivious to the fact that their relationship was already on shaky ground and was back in his old habit after only a few minutes together. He became fascinated with one particularly pretty blond with long hair and dimples. And though obviously a great deal younger than him, she wasn’t shy about acknowledging his attentions. Charlene was incensed.

  When they went into dinner, she noted that he sat at a table where he could easily watch his new amour. Charlene sat and fumed while he spent the evening surreptitiously trying to get the little blonde’s attention. And even though the little hussy had a date, she managed to cast him several smiles. Charlene could take no more. Excusing herself she told him she was going to the ladies room. Danny smiled innocently and told her in a seductive voice to ‘hurry back,’ then unrepentantly went back to his flirting.

  Charlene hadn’t been gone more than a few moments when, to Danny’s great delight, the pretty blonde’s date stood up, kissed her on the cheek and headed out of the room, probably to get something from his car. She turned her dimpled face towards Danny, caught his eye and smiled. He was radiant. He smiled broadly and nodded his head at her. Then to his ego-inflating amazement, she got up and came towards him purposely. His heart started pounding with excitement. She was actually going to come over and talk to him! As she stood in front of him, he caught his breath. She was very beautiful and very young. He was incredibly flattered. “Hi,” she said sweetly.

  “Hi,” he said back flirtatiously.

  “Don’t I know you from somewhere?” she said with a little laugh.

  “Uh, not that I know of,” he said as seductively as he could. This was unbelievable. She was openly flirting with him and he hadn’t done more than smile at her. He puffed his chest out a little. This was just great!

  “Oh well,” she continued, looking a little shy, “I thought maybe you thought you knew me?”

  “No, I….,” he started to say, but just then her date came around the corner and stopped dead in his tracks. At first he just stared at the guilty pair as if he couldn’t comprehend the situation. He looked at his date, then at Danny and the anger building in his eyes was unmistakable. For a moment the three of them froze. Then little blondie, seeing his anger rising, stepped back accidentally catching her foot on a chair leg and slipped unceremoniously onto Danny’s lap. He caught her to hold her steady wondering how her date would take this unforeseen development. But when he looked up, he found the young man looking transfixed at something behind Danny’s chair. With one accord Danny and his lap partner turned to see what had caused his stupefaction and understood in a heart-stopping moment. Charlene had just walked back into the room and was standing with her mouth hanging open in utter disbelief. The four players in the little drama could not seem to move for several moments. Then little blondie broke the silence with a low “Uh oh” and turned back towards her boyfriend.

  Charlene’s entrance had given him the respite he needed to control his anger and he didn’t even look at her. Instead he quickly and angrily walked
over to their table, grabbed the bill, told his pretty date to find her own way home and walked out without another word. And Danny watched dumbfounded as Charlene followed suit. She yanked her coat from her chair and stalked out without a word.

  Danny stared after her. He couldn’t believe it or take it in. Charlene didn’t understand. This was just an accident. He was crazy about her and she was walking out of his life, probably forever. Why had he been so stupid as to play with her feelings? For a moment he felt totally miserable. But just then his co-partner in crime stirred on his lap as she attempted to get up. He smiled down at her and she looked back at him with a rueful smile, “I guess we’re in trouble, aren’t we?” she smiled.

  “Yeah, I guess so, “ he said, helping her up, somewhat unwillingly. “I don’t suppose she’ll ever speak to me again,” he added as she sat down across the table from him.

  “No, I don’t suppose so,” agreed his new ‘date’. “Mine was certainly angry, wasn’t he?,” she said with a sigh. “And it’s all very well him telling me to find my own way home, but I only brought five dollars with me!”

  “Would you let me take you home?” he offered quickly, hoping it would sound chivalrous when there was nothing else he would rather have done.

  “Well,” she said, hesitating, “I guess I don’t really have a lot of choice. I got myself into this and now I'm stuck. Are you sure you wouldn't mind?” she continued uncertainly.

  “No,” he said, this time completely honest, “Of course not. Don’t even think about it.”

  “But,” she said, “How do I know I can trust you? I mean, we hardly know each other,” she added shyly.

  “Well I can get you a cab if you’d rather. But then you’d have to trust him, wouldn’t you?” he smiled.

  “Yeah, you’re right.,” she sighed, “…better the devil you know,” she added with a twinkle, and then smiled at her blatant cheek. They laughed together and he stood up.

  “I’d better pay my bill and get us out of here before you change your mind,” he said. She smiled a bewitching smile at him and went to her table to gather her things. He began to suspect that the evening wouldn’t turn out to be a total dud after all.

  They talked as he drove her home and she fed his ego with her flirting. Every once in awhile she’d interrupt to give him directions but the conversation never really lagged until he suddenly noticed that they were in an area he was very familiar with. ‘Wow,’ he said to himself, ‘that’s a coincidence, this is the same area of town Charlene lives in. How very peculiar.’ But then the whole evening has been peculiar. He wondered if it really was over with Charlene and felt a severe pang of regret. Would she understand that this was all a mistake? His mind was racing with possibilities of winning her back as they drove on. Charlene had warned him about his girl watching. Would this incident be his undoing? It wasn’t like he was trying to get anything started with those other girls. He felt sure he could make her see his point. And in the future he’d be less obvious when he wanted to look.

  As he brought his attention back to the present he began to feel uneasy. They were driving in the very neighborhood that Charlene lived in. Could these two girls possibly know each other? No, that was ridiculous. This girl was far younger than Charlene. He dismissed such silly notions and tried to pay attention to his companion. But in a moment his heart was pounding, for she was asking him to turn onto the very street that Charlene lived on. What if he was seen delivering his new ‘date’? He gulped and wiped his brow. What a strange coincidence. Still his pretty companion chatted gaily, seemingly unaware of his discomfort. She couldn’t know that this was the very same street Charlene lived on. And yet….

  “Right here,” she said cheerfully and Danny’s heart gave a sudden leap. They were pulling up right in front of Charlene’s house!

  “Are you… sure?” he stammered, completely bewildered.

  “Of course silly,” she said as she was getting out. “Don’t bother to walk me to the door,” she insisted as she closed the door and leaned into the passenger window.

  “But this is…,” he continued uneasily.

  “…where Charlene lives?,” she finished for him, and she watched his eyes widen in surprise as he nodded. What was going on here? He hadn’t told her his date’s name. How did she know…?

  “I guess, then, that you really didn’t recognize me, huh?” she said, all wide-eyed and innocent.

  “Recognize you?,” he said dumbly.

  “Of course I was only a baby when you and Charlene were in high school together and she says we don’t even look like sisters....” She paused with a mischievous twinkle in her eye to watch the effects of this bombshell. She wasn’t disappointed.

  “Sisters!!,” he exploded, horrified.

  “Oh, you didn’t know?” she said with mock surprise, “I guess I don’t look much like my brother either then?,” she asked in an innocent voice.

  “Your brother!!,” he stammered in a falsetto voice, completely beaten.

  “Yeah, come to think of it you wouldn’t know him,” she continued smoothly, “He’s a good two years younger than me. He always takes me out to dinner when I come into town. Good looking devil, isn’t he?,” she said lightly, pretending not to notice his extreme discomposure. She was enjoying this. “Well, thanks for the ride. See you around,” she said as she turned to go, and then added, “Well, probably not, huh? Goodnight…..chump.”

  And she left him with his mouth hanging open and a bright red flush creeping slowly from his neck to his ears as she fairly skipped up the drive to the door Charlene was holding open for her.


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