Mage Prime (Book 2)

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Mage Prime (Book 2) Page 32

by B. J. Beach

  Once again he placed his hand on the dark area in the wall of the sphere. “Reduce speed and ascend to normal altitude.”

  The only visible response was the smoky grey patch fading away, leaving the wall uniformly clear.

  The Grrybhñnös huffed and pulled back his hand. “Humph! That answered that! Well, as we no longer have control we might as well enjoy the view, such as it is.”

  The water below them was now a flat and featureless blue-green blur, the lurid orange sun appearing to tremble as it hung just above the horizon. Karryl looked out in all directions but the sheer speed of their transport reduced anything on which he may have been able to focus to quivering lines and shimmering blurs.

  The look he gave Dhoum spoke volumes. “Are we going to crash?”

  Dhoum gave him a long look. “After everything you’ve just been through? That’s very, very doubtful. We might slow down a bit quick though, so I suggest you get yourself settled. I suspect we’re nearly at Torgaard.”

  Lying back and stretching out his legs, Karryl felt the comforting warmth of the floor reposition as it gently but firmly moulded itself to cradle his body. Dhoum crouched low beside him, the long hair of his face brushing the floor. Eyes closed, Karryl relaxed a little in the floor’s embrace.

  * * *

  It was almost dark when he awoke. Surprised that he had fallen asleep so easily, he peered into the dusk.

  He gave the still sleeping Dhoum a nudge. “Dhoum! I think we’ve arrived.”

  His companion made a low rumbling noise and opened his eyes. Standing up he vigorously shook himself, robe and russet hair flying in all directions, then joined Karryl in peering through the clear wall of the sphere. Far below them, domed roofs glowed eerily in the near darkness. As they watched, Torgaard’s tall central building appeared ahead of them, its graceful arched portals illuminated by a soft and welcoming light. Like a ship entering a safe harbour, the sphere rode quickly and smoothly to a stop in front of one of the portals, a shining walk-way appearing in the air between.

  Karryl and Dhoum stepped through the sphere’s wall, hurried along the walk-way and through the portal into the wide, purple and white mosaic-floored corridor. Solen stood waiting for them. Briefly he clasped hands with the two arrivals, but made no move to lead them to the lower levels. Deep concern showed in the tutor’s blue eyes.

  He looked first at Karryl then rested his gaze on Dhoum. “We regret the unseemly haste of your return journey. We wish you could have remained here a little longer as was our intention, but events have rendered this impossible. Master Symon has gone ahead of you. It is now vital that you follow him back to your own land. Your birds are flying, gentle Dhoum. Their minds conveyed to me great concern.”

  The Grrybhñnös turned dark blue eyes on Karryl. “Solen is right. When the birds fly of their own will, something has seriously disturbed them. Let’s hope we’re not too late to do anything about it.”

  Karryl opened his mouth, but Dhoum asked the question. “Did they reveal the cause of their concern?”

  Solen shook his head. “They would only disclose that they had been sent aloft to hasten the return of yourself and Master Karryl. Therefore I will detain you no longer. The sphere is waiting to take you over the valley to your departure point.”

  Karryl looked towards the portal. The sphere in which they had arrived was indeed still hovering, a small iridescent, rainbow-hued orb at the end of the glistening pathway.

  After clasping Karryl’s hand once more, Solen gestured towards it. “Go now. Perhaps some-day, you will visit us again.”

  With a lump in his throat, Karryl could do no more than nod mutely, before following Dhoum out through the portal and onto the pathway. Sensing their approach, the orb’s rainbow colours merged into gleaming white, its size increasing until it was large enough for them both to enter. They rode in thoughtful silence. Minutes later the sphere touched gently down on the hillside across the valley from the city. Standing on the soft green grass they watched the white and perfect sphere until it was out of sight.


  Sitting on the grass Karryl removed his cream coloured biretta and spent a moment or two contemplating the complex embroidered sigil on its front.

  He frowned up at Dhoum. “These birds; what are they? Neither you nor Symon have mentioned them before.”

  Dhoum settled down beside him in a puddle of grey fabric. “As a species they are becoming increasingly rare. Our race discovered them not too long after we arrived on our world. We found them not only highly intelligent but also quite amenable to the idea of becoming our messengers.”

  Karryl looked at Dhoum, raised an eyebrow, and grinned. “And spies?”

  “Yes that too, but only recently.”

  “What are they like?”

  Dhoum rubbed his muzzle and looked over the valley into the blue-white sky above the distant city. “Wait a little longer, and you’ll find out. I summoned them while we were in the sphere.”

  Karryl joined Dhoum in his scrutiny of the sky, but it was Dhoum who saw them first. He pointed to the left of the distant central building’s glittering dome. Five small dark specks rapidly resolved themselves to become recognisable as birds, heading towards them over the rooftops.

  Karryl jumped to his feet with a gasp as the flying messengers became clearly visible. “They’re eagles!”

  Dhoum pushed himself up and stood beside him. “What were you expecting; pigeons? No, they are not eagles. I think they’d be quite offended if you called them that. They are in fact, Lammergeyers.”

  Karryl’s hands went to his mouth. As the huge birds flew closer he stared in wide-eyed amazement at Dhoum. “I thought Lammergeyers were just a myth!”

  Dhoum’s amber eyes twinkled as he stroked his throat-patch. “It has until now, suited the needs of our race not to correct that assumption. But there have been occasions when it has been necessary to send the birds not only to this world but also to yours, hence the birth of the myth. Now, I suggest you get out of the way.”

  A shadow fell across the hillside. Powerfully muscled, golden-feathered legs extended huge talons as the first of the massive birds soared gracefully down to land in front of them. Twelve feet of dark brown, gold flecked wings remained outstretched, fierce rose-hued eyes staring down at them over a cruelly hooked beak.

  As its four equally impressive companions filled the air above the hillside, Dhoum reached up and gently grasped the long beard of glossy feathers which adorned the handsome bird’s throat. “My faithful Lamak, momentous times lie before us. It is my wish that you know and trust Master Karryl as you know and trust me.”

  The great bird slowly lowered its enormous wings. Folding them sedately over its broad black-feathered back, it turned its long sleek head. The Lammergeyer gazed unblinkingly at Karryl as if somehow estimating his worth.

  The voice which entered his mind was deep and resonant. “My children and I offer you our warmest welcome. We understand that great things are expected of you. My eldest will bond with you and will fly at your command, wherever you may be.”

  Awed and fascinated, Karryl was still struggling to frame a reply when another Lammergeyer, only marginally smaller and lighter in colour than Lamak, drifted down to settle beside him.

  Quickly folding its wings over a sleek broad back, it turned and looked Karryl straight in the eye. “My sire honours me. Long have I desired to be a bonded messenger of the Grrybhñnös. To be only the second to be bonded to a man is truly unequalled. My name is Ekha.”

  Hearing the warm, almost amorous tones of what was unmistakeably a female voice, Karryl tentatively held out a hand as he struggled to recover his composure. Ekha lowered her head. After a quick glance at Dhoum and Lamak who were watching closely, Karryl stroked his palm once over the sleek black tipped mahogany feathers of her brow. He failed to suppress a gasp. In that short moment, Ekha reached into his mind with hers. He flew with the great birds, rode thermals over wide grassy plains, soared h
igh above their mountainous eyries, hunted, fed and fought. He understood the complex hierarchy, the choosing of a lifelong mate, the gatherings in time of need, and the enforced solitude of the transgressor. Feeling humbled and privileged, Karryl removed his hand from the wide feathered brow and stood back. As if nothing had happened Ekha lifted one wing a little and began to preen. Designed for ripping and tearing, her hooked beak now delicately teased and arranged the tiniest of brown and golden feathers.

  Lamak’s approving voice entered Karryl’s mind. “It is as it should be.”

  All too soon, he was brought back to cold stark reality.

  Folding his arms, Dhoum looked up into the great bird’s noble and fearsome face. “Solen said you were sent with messages of concern. Who summoned you?”

  Lamak lowered his head until it was level with Dhoum’s. “Had it been any other except you, we would have ignored the summons. But we cannot ignore those to whom we owe our being.”

  Dhoum’s eyes opened wide. He and Karryl exchanged glances.

  Ekha focussed her ruby-eyed gaze on Karryl. “We have flown far and seen many things.”

  Karryl’s mind was once again filled with stunningly vivid and detailed images from the combined Lammergeyer memory.

  The voice was Lamak’s. “We flew fast and high to the vast desert land. There we hunted and fed with the Vuqhlari. We did not remain long. The heat does not suit us. They told us of great black flying creatures with twisted unfathomable minds, and of men who gather in dark enclosed places. They plot and scheme to destroy all that is fair and good in our worlds, all to awaken their god who, they believe, sleeps far beneath the sand.”

  Frustrated, Dhoum clasped his hands together and shook them. “Friend Lamak, most of this we know. There must be something else.”

  A vivid image flowed into Karryl’s mind. Seen from high above, a sharp and clear bird’s-eye view showed Ghian standing on a wide platform overlooking the sun-blasted desert city of Vedra.

  He heard his harsh, powerful voice addressing a large congregation of black-robed priests, armed temple guards, soldiers and Grelfi, and understood the alien language which came from his cruel mouth. “There is little time remaining. In a short while our attack must begin in earnest, and there must be no failures. To fail is to die. The artefacts must be recovered, our great god restored to life. Prepare yourselves and your beasts. Our time here is almost done.”

  The image faded, and Lamak’s voice once more entered Karryl’s mind. “We fear for you and your world. We are powerless against such as these. We must return to the world of the Grrybhñnös to await the outcome.”

  Karryl felt a frisson of alarm and moved close to Ekha. “Suppose I need you to fly for me?”

  The huge bird cocked her head on one side and regarded Karryl as if he were some kind of simpleton. “Then you must call. If you want me to come to you, show me where you are. If you want me to go and see something, show me where.”

  A little abashed, Karryl breathed a sigh of relief. “That’s good to know. I’d hate to lose you so soon after we’ve met.”

  There was no reply, but the feeling of empathy which Ekha returned needed no words. Slightly moist eyed, Karryl turned away. Lamak and Dhoum were gazing intently at each other, obviously engaged in some deeply private conversation. Dhoum nodded and stepped back. Lifting his great wings, Lamak slowly extended them to their full awe-inspiring length. Uncharacteristically, Dhoum scratched his head then examined one of his claw-like fingernails.

  He looked sternly up at Lamak. “D’you know you’ve got fleas?”

  There was a note of mild amusement in the Lammergeyer’s reply. “All birds have fleas.”

  Dhoum was indignant. “Not such blasted big ones though.”

  Karryl detected what seemed very much like laughter then a chorus of Lammergeyer voices rang in his head. “Farewell!”

  Turning to face out over the valley, the two giant birds launched themselves upwards, their powerful wings beating the air as they rose to join the others circling high above. With one final circling swoop, the Lammergeyers saluted the two magicians before commencing an effortless upward spiral which took them swiftly and silently out of sight. Dhoum remained still for a few moments, his face turned up to the sky.

  Eventually he turned back to Karryl. “If you’re ready, we’d best be off.”

  The young magician nodded then frowned. “Ekha said that she was only the second to be bonded to a man. Who was the first then?”

  Dhoum’s amber eyes twinkled as he grasped Karryl’s forearm. “I’d have thought you’d have figured that one out. I don’t know the name of the bird, but the man was Keril, the first Mage-Prime. Now, let’s get back to Vellethen. Front courtyard of your place I think.”

  Two spirals of sparkling blue and white motes swirled outwards and upwards. The hillside lay quiet again.


  They materialised at the end of the courtyard in the teeth of the blizzard. Following a simultaneous and undignified dash for the shelter of the portico, Karryl slapped snow off his robe and hat as he stared open-mouthed at the whirling whiteness.

  Dhoum gave his robe and fur a vigorous shake and returned Karryl’s stare of amazement. “Not quite what we were expecting.”

  Karryl rubbed his arms and shivered. “The first thing I’m going to do is go in and put on a warm undershirt.”

  Before he could even take a step, he was contradicted by a voice from the doorway. “It’s good to see you back safely but there’s no time for that. You’ll have to use your warming spell.”

  Shrugging himself into a rather oversize and shapeless hooded brown coat, Symon hurried towards them. “Didn’t you see the messenger leaving?”

  Karryl raised his hands in a gesture of helplessness. “We haven’t seen anybody! We’ve barely arrived! Where are we going?”

  Symon peered out at the swirling blizzard. “First to see King Vailin to get more details, then it would seem we’re off to Mudlin to fight grelfons. Oh! By the way, I’ve only been back about half an hour myself. Vailin sent the messenger on the off-chance I’d be here.”

  Dhoum stood in front of Symon and looked him in the eye. “Don’t think I’m running out on you, but if you’ll go on ahead, I’ll join you as soon as I can.”

  Symon raised a white eyebrow, a thick layer of snowflakes serving to further emphasise its usual bushiness. “Do you know where Mudlin is?”

  Dhoum gave a dismissive flick of his hand. “Don’t worry. We’ll find it.” There was a faint ‘pop’, a gust of air, and Dhoum had vanished.

  Karryl frowned and looked at Symon. “‘We’ll’ find it?”

  Symon gave a knowing smile, shook his head, and scurried off along the corridor towards the main palace, Karryl close on his heels.

  * * *

  Vailin was pacing up and down his office when they arrived, Master Gibb’s pen scratching busily. “…therefore I have no viable option other than to request your assistance, as expeditiously as circumstances permit.’ The usual endings Master Gibb. As soon as they’re ready, I’ll sign them.”

  Looking slightly harassed, the young king turned to Symon and Karryl. “Thank you for getting here so quickly. I wasn’t even sure you were back. A platoon of my best soldiers is out in this blizzard, somewhere between here and a village called Mudlin. A farmer out checking his livestock got caught in the storm. He was heading across the fields for the road when he saw them. The trouble is, there are by his account two grelfons on the road in front of the platoon, and another of the creatures in a nearby field.”

  Symon grimaced and rubbed his chin. “Where is the farmer now? I’d like to… er… speak with him.”

  Vailin shook his head. “I know what you mean. Unfortunately, the poor fellow stumbled up to his chest in a ditch of icy water in his haste to get here. He just managed to get to see myself and Lady Evalin and tell his story when he collapsed. At the moment he is, to the best of my knowledge, lying unconscious in the Infirmary.
Is there anything you can do? The road will be nigh impassable by now, although the blizzard does seem to be easing a little.”

  Symon patted his palms together as if anticipating a country jaunt. “There is much we can do. Fortunately I know Mudlin, although it’s probably changed somewhat since I was last there. Come along Karryl. We have work to do.”

  The little magician was about to head for the door when Karryl stopped him. “We can go from in here, you know.”

  Symon looked a little dubious then respectfully inclined his head towards Vailin. “If you’ll excuse us, Your Majesty?”

  Grabbing Karryl’s arm, Symon inscribed a circle in the air above his head. The pair vanished, leaving Master Gibb not a little discomposed, and Vailin wondering whether being King was what he really wanted to do.

  * * *

  Symon had judged the distance well. They arrived right on the road, the grelfons between them and Vintar’s platoon. The blizzard had moved on, leaving large flakes of snow drifting down from a leaden sky. Karryl immediately closed his eyes and worked the warming spell, suspecting that Symon was doing the same despite his warm woollen coat. Assured now, of at least an hour’s comfortable warmth, Karryl cast a shield of silence round them both. He started to walk steadily forward, the snow pushing into his sandals making him wish he had at least taken a moment or two to pull on his boots.

  Ahead of him he could make out two bulky shapes, one somewhat closer to him than the other, vague and indistinct through the curtain of steady snowfall. Nothing seemed to be moving, neither grelfons nor soldiers. Karryl looked about him for any sign of the rumoured third grelfon. It was then he noticed that Symon was not coming along behind him as he had first thought. He stood still. Everything was still. Releasing the shield of silence, he listened. The only sound to reach his ears was the soft, whispering rustle as snow fell relentlessly on snow. He crept forward, one pace at a time, lifting his feet high and placing them carefully into the pristine whiteness. The grelfons remained motionless. He could see them more clearly now, some twenty paces ahead. Again he stopped to listen and look. It was then he saw something which made his heart beat even faster.


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