The Villain

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by Jordan Silver

  The Villain


  Jordan Silver

  Copyright© 2015 Alison Jordan

  All Rights Reserved

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10


  Chapter 1

  “Draco here...yes I know, what the fuck do I care just do it yeah?" I hung up the phone and shook my head, looked like I might have to play hardball after all. When it rains it fucking pours and right now there was a cluster fuck of storms on my horizon.

  I don’t play well with others, and don’t give a fuck to, but some fuck is always trying to play in my sandbox, like who the fuck invited you?

  This time though it was as if these fucks had decided to join ranks, like that shit was going to faze me. Now I was about to hit back but I didn’t have time to play footsie with the fucks, so I’m going to hit the head and watch the sheep scatter.

  Picking up the phone right away, I hit callback. "Yeah Chase, he has a daughter doesn't he? How young is young? Eighteen? Old enough to bleed old enough to breed grab her." Fuck did I check the phone for bugs this morning? Whatever.

  The fucking feds be on my nuts like fleas on a dog’s ass, one wrong move and I’ll have to bury some fuck for sticking his nose in my shit. I tapped my fingers on the high polished wood of my desk as I contemplated my next move. Too soon to tell what is, I’ll have to wait until Chase got back here and go from there. No sense in thinking too hard on that shit until I know.

  I went back to what I’d been doing before I was interrupted. The dumb fuck sitting across from me was sweating bullets and looking like he’d already tasted his death. Good for him, at least he knew what was coming. That’s what happens when you try to fuck over Draco Santorini. I have no problem making examples out of dumb fucks.

  “Do you understand why I have to kill you?” I looked him square in the eye as I asked him this. I like to be fair after all. If a man was about to die, he ought to know the fuck why? Parents tell their children why they’re being punished don’t they?

  “Mr. Santorini, Draco, sir, I didn’t mean anything by it. It was just a misunderstanding.” He fidgeted and moved around on his chair, I was expecting to see piss stains any second now. Why the fuck these humps keep fucking with my shit, when they can’t even stand a little heat, was beyond me.

  Everybody knows that if you fucked with Draco, you’re gonna get burned. Still, every couple of months or so, some new fuck was in my shit. I guess that’s what happens when you’re top dog. Everybody wants your spot.

  “Well, your little misunderstanding just cost you your life.” I’m not sure if he felt the shot to his forehead or not. Sometimes they say a shot to the brain kills you before the pain sets in. The fuck do I know? I’m no scientist.

  I shook my head and holstered my piece. What a fucking waste, he probably would’ve amounted to something in a couple of years if he hadn’t been so fuck stupid. I keep telling these humps about selling shit on my streets, but no one seems to listen these days.

  Everyone was after that quick buck and never kept sight of the big picture. This was my neighborhood, my streets, my people. I have to look out for them, especially the kids.

  I keep the streets clean and the people appreciate that shit, that’s why they don’t mind me doing what the fuck I do. Not that I need their approval mind you, but it’s just good business to get along with my neighbors rather than to always be at war with the fucks.

  The first thing I’d done when I took over this turf, was wipe out the head kingpin and scatter his crew to the four winds. After showing my might and the fact that I didn’t give a fuck, that got the others in line and they knew to get the fuck gone or they were next.

  I cleaned up the schoolyards and used my resources to fish out the dirty cops who were part of the drug ring. How the fuck you’re gonna have a war on drugs when the generals are pushing the shit? What the fuck?

  The dumb fuck who’d just lost the right to breathe was the last in a long line of assholes who thought that they could sneak in under the radar. He was a low level jackass out to make a quick buck, now he was dead. No drugs in the school zone.

  The only thing I hated more than a drug-dealing fuck who pedaled to kids, was someone who broke Omerta. For those who don’t know, that’s the sacred code of my people. The men in my family have been living by it since my great grandfather came over from the old country. Murdering fuck that he was.

  His little misunderstanding as he called it, had cost a kid his life. A kid with a promising future, who was looking for a little pick me up because he’d bitten off more than he could chew with football and class and a whole slew of other shit that no seventeen year old should have to deal with.

  Now he was dead, and the brain-fucked dad who’d been pushing him too hard was wishing he’d have done shit different. I should cap his ass too for being a fucking moron.

  Then again, who am I to talk? My dad had passed his empire on to me. Granted the shit was mostly legit by the time he passed the reins, but still. There were still pockets that could do with a little cleaning up. I didn’t mind getting my hands dirty once in a while, but the days of running wild in the streets were long gone.

  Great grandpa Alfonzo had ran with the scarred one in Chicago back in the golden days. The poor shoeshine that was breaking his ass to make a buck and put food on the table had a very unique skill. He could slit your throat where you stood and you wouldn’t know it. At least that’s what grandpa Al was always boasting about his old man. The Stiletto, that’s what they called him.

  By the time gramps had passed shit on to dad it was a whole lot calmer than those days, and the family had branched off into more legitimate endeavors, which brings us to today and yours truly. I’m the new face of the underworld, the kind of fucker that makes grown women leak on themselves when I walk into a room. Hey, that’s what the fuck they told me. They know I’m a bad boy, but they can’t resist.

  Where the fuck had my mind wandered to? The fucking guy was starting to stiffen on my damn Persian rug, the fuck! I pressed the button under my desk and sat with my head resting on the chair back. I hate like fuck having to kill someone, and every time I do it I tell myself never again. But the shit’s easier than dealing with the same fuckery over and over again.

  My men came into the room to take him out and I went back to work. There was always some shit going on around this bitch. Crime was a never-ending taskmaster. Those fucks who complained about their nine to five bullshit jobs should walk a day in my fucking shoes.

  I was bored with the damn paperwork in two hours flat; how the fuck did the pencil pushers do this shit? It was my own fault though. Since I don’t trust any motherfucker walking, I have to take care of this shit myself. The last motherfucker got thrown off the roof, thieving fuck.

  But in hindsight, I could see how crunching somebody else’s numbers day in and day out could push an asshole to that point. People should just be more careful who the fuck they tried to rob that’s all.

  I heard a whole lot of commotion outside in the hallway, just before my boy Chase came through the door with something that was kicking and screaming. “Whoa, whoa, whoa; what’s all the racket?” He pushed it... whatever the fuck it was, towards my desk.

  All I saw was a wild mass of jet-black curls, and a tiny form under it with tits, I like tits. My interest wasn’t really peaked though, I have women coming at me from all angles, it gets tiring if you wanna know the truth. I was about to ask my boy what the fuck? He was supposed to be on a job, not fucking a
round with some wild ass female. And then I got fucked.

  She picked her head up and I got hit in the gut and the heart. I was halfway out of my chair and I got stuck in motion for a hot minute. Totally fucking bowled over.

  I regrouped fast enough that I was sure neither of the room’s other occupants noticed my little life altering moment. It still took me a minute though to process. I felt like I was drowning, no joke. Like water was rushing over my head and I was fighting to breathe. I shook that shit off best I could, but it wasn’t easy.

  “Damn. What have we here?” I stood from my chair and walked around my desk. She was hot as fuck to say the least. Short, about five three maybe, wild as fuck black curls, and cat green eyes. My cock thanked me and I hadn’t even so much as smelt the pussy yet.

  “A pain in the ass that’s what.” My boy looked beat to shit, there were scratches up and down his arm, and what looked like blood on his lip. I looked at the little dynamo who was trying to kill me with her eyes. Damn, I haven’t fucked anything that wild in...ever.

  “Now Chase, that’s no way to speak about a young lady, especially not one as gorgeous as our guest. Now where did you find her? And before I forget, thank you.” I grinned at him and he rolled his eyes. My boy isn’t known for his sense of humor.

  “She’s Felix’s daughter.”

  “Get the fuck out; that mutt produced this? Tell me sweetheart, were you adopted?” I walked around her, taking her in and loving what I saw.

  “Fuck you asshole, now let me the fuck outta here.”

  I was, to say the least, shocked. I think my mouth hung open for a good half a second. This shit was too good to be true. I like a woman with a little sauce; my pussy of late has been very bland.

  All those groupie types that liked hanging off my dick. A bunch a whiny, complaining simpletons, who only breathed to please me. Who the fuck wants that shit? Okay, it was fun for like, the first five years or so, but fuck, you can’t eat the same shit day after day without growing tired of the fuck.

  “What did you say your name was again sweetheart?”

  “None of your fucking business, my dad is going to kill you once he hears about this.” She’s killing me here, it’s like someone took all the shit I liked and rolled it into one little package. This better not be a fucking joke or I’ll be so pissed.

  “Your daddy is an ass. Why the fuck would he mess with me when he knew he had you in his cache? See, this is what I’m talking about Chase; no one does their homework anymore. Had he done his, he would’ve known that if he fucked with me, Draco was gonna come after the pussy.”

  I walked over and sniffed her neck. She still had that new girl smell on her. I’d giver her until tonight to smell like me. I’m gonna put my stamp on this one and soon.

  One, to piss off her old man, and two, because no one has ever made my cock this hard without having it stuffed down their neck or up their snatch. She’s a keeper alright.

  “You may go now Chase, I’ll handle the pain in the ass from here.”

  “Watch it Dray, I think she’s part rabid.” She actually lunged at him and I had to catch her with an arm around her middle. He made the sign of the cross and backed out the door, leaving me to wonder just what the fuck he had landed me with.

  Chapter 2

  She headed for the door as soon as I released her and I had to pull her back by the tail of her designer shirt. Daddy’s little princess wears the good shit. Good, hopefully she’s the apple of his eye; it’ll make defiling her all the sweeter.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” She took a swing at my head and I looked down at my cock to see if he was seeing what the fuck I was seeing. He of course, was making his presence known. Obnoxious fuck; let me at least catch her name first before you start your shit.

  “Okay you, I was thinking maybe five minutes of conversation might be nice, but if you just wanna fuck, that’s cool too.” I don’t know why I was fucking with her; something about her attitude tickled the fuck outta me and I couldn’t resist trying to get a rise out of her.

  She struggled in my arms until we were face to face and I felt that jolt again. This shit was starting to worry me and a worried Draco is a dangerous fuck. “I’m telling you, you keep that shit up we’re fucking.”

  I had to hold both her hands behind her back after that, which brought her tits in close proximity to my face. “Damn, what the fuck have they been feeding you?” My mouth actually fucking watered, she wasn’t going to make it. My gentleman gene was corrupted sometime back in the second grade and has been on a downward spiral ever since.

  She had a rack on her to rival any grown woman’s and her ass wasn’t too shabby either. I don’t usually go for the teenage type, I’m no fucking cradle robber, but I was a hundred percent sure this one was going to be on my rod before the day was out.

  That was going to cause a whole other set of headaches I was sure, because her old man is half jackass and he can’t seem to get it through his head that I’m the wrong motherfucker to cross. From the looks of her, she’s been well cared for, which means the fuck might want her back. My life is never fucking easy.

  “Stop moving around like that babe.” She was trying to knee me in the balls or some shit I don’t know. I’m six three she’s a whole foot shorter, but still she was trying to topple me. If she only knew that the shit she was doing was only making my wood harder she’d freak I was sure. For all that she had a mouth on her, she struck me as one of those preppy types beneath all the bravado.

  “What am I stupid, I’m supposed to just stand here and let you manhandle me?” Damn, she’s beyond gorgeous, no wonder that mutt had been hiding her ass. Fucking idiot got caught slipping though. Of course he wouldn’t expect me to go after her it was against the code. But since he’d been the first to cross the fucking line, it was fair game. Besides I make my own rules anyway when dealing with assholes, fuck that.

  “No, you’re not stupid, but you don’t strike me as the type to fuck on the first date, so unless you’re ready to acquaint yourself with my dick, I suggest you stop that wiggling around shit.” I don’t think she had any idea what kind of danger she was in. What the fuck did she think the rod of steel that was poking her in the stomach was anyway, my piece?

  “You’re a pig.” She tried to knee me in the nuts again.

  “Now, now sweetheart, you might not wanna do that. One, it’ll mean no drilling for you later, and two, I may or may not slip and cut your throat.” The grin that I tacked on there at the end didn’t go over so well.

  She did stop trying to unman me though, but I knew she was just waiting for an opening. “I saw what you did to my boy, but a word of warning, you scratch me, I fuck you, so any time you’re ready...” That took a little bit of the wind out of her sails, but not much. This one is a fighter; we’ll see how well she fights when I have her pinned on my dick.

  I dragged her over to the couch and sat with her across my lap, at least I tried to, but she wouldn’t hold still. “Babe, you gotta stop, I’m trying to be a gentleman here, but that shit will only go so far ya know what I mean?”

  I pressed her ass down on my cock so she’d get the idea. Her eyes flew up to mine, and fuck if I didn’t wanna kiss her. It’s been a long time since I’ve kissed a chick. Before I could make up my mind either way, she pulled some sort of maneuver and jumped off my lap.

  “Well now, I see daddy has been giving his little girl lessons. Too bad that one won’t work against this.” I cocked my gun behind her retreating back and she stopped dead in her tracks. What the fuck, she’s eighteen, I’m twenty-seven; I can’t spend all day running around behind her ass. That shit is tiring.

  “Now get that fine ass back over here.” She threw me a look over her shoulder before turning and making her way slowly back to me. I checked her crotch for wet stains, but she was calm as a fucking cucumber. Who is this girl? She has more balls than her old man that’s for sure. As for that fuck, I’m gonna enjoy fucking with him, the fuck.

>   “Sit.” She was standing in front of me with her arms folded and her foot tapping away like she thinks this is high school. “I don’t want to sit, I want to leave. I don’t even know why I’m here.”

  “You’re here because your daddy messed with me. He fucked up something of mine, and now get the drift.” I pulled her back down on my lap.

  “So, you still haven’t told me your name.” She folded her lips and looked away. I put my hand on her pussy through her jeans. She almost fell off my lap. Funniest shit.

  “Are you insane?” She pushed at my hand, but I just tightened my hold. My eyes were still glued to her tits, which I must admit were spec-fucking-ta-cu-lar. My mouth started to water again in earnest, no joke. I could already feel the little pebble of her nipple against my teeth and tongue.

  Fuck, I’ma fuck around and do her before I even learn her name at this rate. Fuck it, I started to follow through on that shit, moving my hand slowly over her, but for some fucked up reason I didn’t want it to be like this. What the fuck, since when?

  “If you lay a hand on me I’ll geld you in your sleep asshole.” Ooh big words for the little girl, maybe I’ll just take her right now after all. Maybe that’ll calm her little ass down. “Let’s test that.” I had to leave her pussy in order to rip her blouse open. She screamed bloody murder and threatened me with mayhem.

  Should I tell her that it was her attitude that was making me hotter than a rabid dog? Nah, why spoil the fun? “Fuck it.” I decided to drop the act and give her a real taste of the man she now belonged to. And fuck if she didn’t belong to me. Where the fuck had that come from? I shook it off and continued. I’m not down with that shit no matter how hard she makes my cock.

  With her arms held behind her, I lowered my head to her cleavage and sucked the skin between my teeth. I held it there for a good half a minute or more, making sure I’d done it right. Haven’t marked anyone in a long time either.


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