Sweet Spot (Plaything Book 2)

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Sweet Spot (Plaything Book 2) Page 7

by Tess Oliver

  "That's it, darlin', let's see a little more of you."

  I pushed my legs wider still and reached up to grip the edge of the pillow that I rested my cheek on. The expectation was making me so wet with desire, I was sure he could see it.

  The bed lurched side to side as Chase reached over me to the second pillow I had tucked against the headboard. He slipped it beneath me so that my ass was up higher than the rest of my body.

  "Perfect." His voice was deep and gravelly.

  He settled back between my widespread thighs and smoothed oil over my ass. This time the mewl was a long, shuddering moan. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the feel of his strong hands on me, massaging away the day's tension, all the while creating a frenzy of heat in my pussy. I clutched the pillow in my fingers and found myself lifting my ass higher, inviting him to explore every inch of me. Which he did. His hands smoothed along the backs of my thighs and then journeyed back up toward the apex between my legs.

  I gasped as his fingers grazed my pussy, teasing me almost mercilessly with their light touch. I wanted so much more than that. Chase had brought me back to that heightened sense of pleasure where nothing but an explosive ending would satisfy me. I cried out in relief when his finger slid inside of me.

  "Oh, Chase," I whispered across the pillow.

  As his finger dipped inside of me, his free hand reached between my body and the pillow and settled against my clit. Even sandwiched between my pussy and the pillow, his thumb deftly strummed my clit. I felt the bed move, and for a moment, I thought he might strip down and fuck me. I bit my lip, slightly terrified and slightly thrilled at the prospect. I wasn't sure if I was ready. I'd been waiting for so long, I wasn't sure if I was mentally prepared for it. As badly as I wanted him, I wasn't sure yet.

  But he didn't undress and he didn't climb on top of me. Instead, his mouth pressed against my bare bottom, sprinkling it with kisses as his hands brought me closer to climax.

  "Chase, please, don't stop," I pleaded.

  "Never," he said between kisses.

  I moved my ass higher and harder against his hand, wanting him to go deeper. In seconds, I writhed desperately against the pressure of his hand and his mouth as if I was racing for something, something that was just out of reach but that would be well worth the effort. And as I reached that edge, the abyss that I knew would soon swallow me, I cried out. "Oh, yes, Chase. Fuck yes!"

  My body shuddered and a glaze of warm perspiration covered me as my pussy clenched in spasms around his hand. He leaned over me again, stroking my back and bottom as my heart rate returned to normal. I relaxed my head against the pillow and let my mind drift into a drowsy state of bliss.

  Chapter Twenty


  I continued to rub excess oil into Macy's skin. It was so fucking fun bringing her to orgasm. She reacted with every inch of her body as if she'd been craving that level of satisfaction for so long she wasn't going to take any of it for granted.

  I needed to stretch my legs out and my cock needed to be relieved of my kneeling position. My poor cock. It was never going to forgive me. At one point, when she seemed almost to plead my name, I was sure she'd ask me to fuck her. But it never happened.

  I stretched out on my side next to her, placed my head on the pillow and faced her. Her long lashes fluttered open. She was bone tired and in need of a good night's sleep.

  "Ten stars," she sighed.

  I kissed her lips.

  "I can't believe what happens to my body when you touch me." Her words were stretched and slow. "And then I reach this point in time where I think either this ends with an orgasm or I die. A simple, quick and wholly unsatisfying death. Do you ever feel that way? Like you will just die if you don't get to finish?"

  I thought about the two times that I'd been in her bedroom and smiled. "Yeah, I've felt that way too."

  "Thank you for not letting me die." Her voice trailed off and her eyes closed tight. She was asleep.

  I watched her for a few minutes, the way her lip twitched ever so slightly while she slept and the soft sounds she made. Then I climbed off the bed and wrapped the blanket around her. She didn't even stir when I leaned down to kiss her cheek. She was out. And I was out too. Out of my mind with wanting this woman.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I was doing it again. It seemed I was seriously going to have to consider moving Sweet Spot to another location just so I wouldn't waste work time watching for Chase to come out of his building. After an incredible deluxe massage at the hands of a true master, I'd drifted into such a deep, much needed sleep that I slept straight through until my alarm woke me at four.

  Chase had been long gone, but the scent of lavender still permeated my room and my skin. I had almost hated to take a shower because I could still feel his hands on me smoothing the oil over my skin and I wanted to hang on to the incredible feeling.

  It was an hour after opening, the early commuter rush was just slowing, but Chase had still not emerged, assuming he was in his penthouse. That prickling sensation that struck me every time I imagined him up there entertaining one of his many women friends resurfaced. There was every chance that he had someone up there with him. And I couldn't blame him. I now knew what it was like to be taken to the height of arousal, where nothing else would do for an ending other than an orgasm. Last night, I had seen the thick bulge in his pants when he stood over my bed. I found it hard to believe that I could possibly be stimulation for him. I had seen the two women he had on his arms the first day I met him, and I felt utterly out of their league. On top of that, I was an inexperienced ninny in the bedroom. But I hadn't expected the erection. He had taken excellent care of my needs and had left my house with no satisfaction of his own. It seemed depressingly likely that he would have gone home to find some of that satisfaction with someone else.

  Harlan, an office manager from the building two blocks down and a regular customer, walked up to the stand. "The usual, Macy."

  "Sure thing." I pulled a box out from under the counter and unfolded it.

  "Looks like we might get some rainy weather later," he noted.

  "Yeah, I hope it stays away until I'm done packing up for the day. Oh, I'll need to start a new pot of coffee. You want four, right?"

  "Yes, please." Harlan pulled out his cell phone for a conversation, and I turned to the coffee station to start a new pot. I had to lug gallons of water along with me each morning to fill the pots. An arduous task, made more difficult by the fact that I had to park a good block away. I'd invested in a solid rolling cart, but I still had to make three trips to the car to get all my supplies to the stand for the day. Chase had brought up the idea of hiring someone to help and the truth was, I really needed it, but there was just no way to do it without the business going belly up. As it was, I was just scraping by.

  I finished with the coffee and turned back to Harlan. He had moved off to the side to finish his call, but someone else was standing at the counter. My heart stuttered in my chest, and a low sinking feeling filled my stomach.

  "Trevor, what are you doing here?"

  He had changed his hair. It was shorter. It was hard to know why I was ever attracted to him in the first place. He pushed his expensive sunglasses onto his head and looked pointedly up at the sign. Then he swept a sneering gaze around my tiny kiosk. "It's hardly the bakery you always dreamed about."

  "Yes, I had to change a lot of my dreams, thanks to you. But I'm doing just fine."

  "Are you?" I realized I also hated the sound of his voice. Was his tone always that arrogant?

  Harlan returned for his order.

  "I've got work to do, Trevor. Nice seeing you. Now go away."

  Harlan's eyes widened at my comment to a presumed customer. "My ex-fiancé," I muttered with just enough disgust to let him know the man had deserved my rudeness. Harlan seemed to understand and nodded. I filled his coffee order and tried hard to ignore the shadow looming over my cart. Apparently, my blunt, simpl
e message telling him to go away was too hard to comprehend.

  I finished with Harlan. He shot me a wink before walking away. Trevor decided he had the right to walk around to my side of the stand. I found myself jammed in the tight space with the one person who I hated more than anyone. Had he always worn that foul smelling aftershave or did it just smell bad now because the man wearing it was such a pig?

  "I need you to get out of this kiosk now."

  Trevor took hold of my hand, but I yanked it away.

  "Macy, let's get together and talk about this. I've changed. I'm working out my problems, and I think you need me."

  I laughed. "I don't need you. Oh my god, if there's one thing on this entire planet that I do not need it's you. I don't ever want to see you again. Now get out of this kiosk."

  "She asked you to get out. I suggest you do that." Chase's deep, smooth voice was the perfect contrast to Trevor's grating, arrogant tone.

  I looked at him. His green eyes were normally sparkling with humor, but this time they were dark with anger. The muscle in his jaw twitched, and somehow his shoulders, now tense with anger, managed to look even broader than normal.

  Trevor looked at him and his brows twittered with annoyance. But there was also a glint of fear in his face, something I'd never seen before. "Sorry, dude, this is between us, so why don't you go back to wherever you came from."

  "I'm not going anywhere." Chase cocked his head just slightly. He stood silently, his jaw clenched, waiting for Trevor to step out.

  Trevor looked at me. "Are you sleeping with this jackass?"

  "It's none of your damn business what I do. You have no part in my life. Now get out of here, so I can run my business."

  Trevor's harsh laugh rocked my small stand. "Do you think I'd actually want you now that you're damaged goods? Whore."

  From the corner of my eye, I saw Chase flinch, but I put up my hand to stop him from moving toward Trevor.

  I scowled up at the jerk who had basically stolen four years of my life. "That's it, isn't it, you sick creep. You just had it in your head that you wanted a virgin bride. And while I stupidly waited for you, you helped yourself to every woman who would have you."

  I pushed past him and walked around to stand in front of Chase. Chuck and George and every passerby had stopped to watch, but I didn't care. I was filled with so much rage at the thought of losing out on all those years, years I would never get back, all I could think of was getting back at Trevor.

  "If finally finding out what it's like to kiss and be touched by a real man and not a slimy, spoiled narcissist like you makes me a whore, then I'm happy to be damaged goods." Since there was no room for me to stomp out of and no doors to slam shut for dramatic exit, I threw my arms around Chase and kissed him. The onlookers applauded, and Chuck shot out a loud whistle.

  Spoiled asshole that he was, Trevor swung his fist at the coffee cups I had stacked on the counter. They shot in every direction. He stomped out of the kiosk.

  Chase moved me behind him in a protective gesture that made my chest feel heavy with affection for the man.

  Trevor lifted his chin and stood nearly toe to toe with Chase. "You can fucking have her."

  "Sorry asshole, but I think she just made it pretty clear that she wasn't yours to give. Now I'm going to let you walk away from here with all those pearly whites still in your smug face, but if you ever come near Macy again, I will fucking hurt you."

  Trevor stuck around for about two more seconds before marching off with that same petulant stomp I saw after I called off the wedding.

  Chase turned to me. "Are you all right?"

  "I'm fine, I mean for damaged goods and all." I tried to act nonchalant as if the entire incident was just one to be laughed at over tea with the girls, but my pulse was just beginning to drop low enough that I could no longer hear it in my ears.

  Chase lifted my chin with his fingers and brushed my lips with a light kiss. "He's an asshole. Seems to me, you dodged a big, ugly bullet when you called it off with that guy."

  "I couldn't agree more. And thank you for that. I wasn't sure how to get rid of him, but you seemed to have found his weak spot—fear. I always had this inkling that he was the type of guy who would pull his wife in front of him as a shield if someone broke into the house." I still hadn't forgotten that Chase had immediately pushed me behind him for protection. That was when I realized I'd never felt that way with Trevor.

  With the day's entertainment over, people returned to whatever it was they were up to. George and Chuck got back to work but I was sure I was going to get the third degree the moment they had some spare time. I had customers heading toward Sweet Spot as well, which Chase noted too.

  I took hold of his hand before getting back to work. "I didn't get a chance to thank you for last night either. I'm afraid I was a very rude hostess last night when I fell fast asleep. I'm sorry, but your deluxe spa treatment had been so relaxing, and I was so tired—"

  Chase leaned forward and kissed my forehead. "My pleasure, and I see you've got customers so I'll quickly ask you what I'd planned on asking you before I saw that clown standing in the kiosk. It's my weekend at the Plaything beach house, and I was hoping you'd go with me. We could leave Saturday after you close up and be back Sunday afternoon in time for you to get ready for Monday."

  I dropped my head back. "That sounds amazing. Are you sure you want to waste your beach house weekend with me?"

  "Yes, I won't even go if you say no."

  "You know what, yes, I will go. I'm ready for a real day off. In fact—" I glanced in the direction that Trevor had lumbered off. He was gone, and gone for good, I hoped. "I'm ready," I repeated and gazed up at him, hoping he'd understand. He seemed to, but it was obvious he didn't want to jump to conclusions. "I'm starting to feel a little greedy about the whole thing."

  Chase still hadn't responded, and I wondered if I'd just made a major ass of myself by assuming that he wanted to take me to bed. "Of course, if you're not interested . . ."

  "Not interested?" His deep laugh caught me off guard. "Holy shit, not interested. Considering that I've been thinking of little else, I think I can safely say I'm interested. I'll call you later."

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Macy shifted in the passenger seat and lifted a strand of her hair. "Do I smell like powdered sugar? I swear I can shower for an hour and still not get the smell of baked goods out of my hair." She laughed. "Guess it's a good thing I don't work at the fish market."

  "And yet, I'd still find you adorable."

  She turned to look at me and titled her head in disbelief. "Seriously, if I was sitting here right now with the odor of fish guts on me, you'd still think I was adorable?"

  "Yep. I mean I'd probably have one of those old fashioned clothespins on my nose, but I could look past it." And I wasn't exaggerating. I was done second guessing myself when it came to Macy. The moment I saw that creep standing close to her, threatening her and throwing hurtful words at her, I wanted to tear the asshole apart. There had been other instances when I came to a woman's aid. I was never one to stand back when someone was getting physically or verbally abused, but I'd never felt such rage. It explained a lot. It explained why I couldn't stop thinking about Macy and why I'd been ignoring texts and calls and invitations from other women. I'd been like a monk for the past few weeks because I only wanted one woman. Even in my own head, it sounded completely foreign, as if someone else was thinking it. I never thought those words would cross my mind. I'd given Trey plenty of grief over his instant love for Georgie, but I'd never expected it to happen to me. I hadn't bothered to tell any of them and especially not Trey because I would never hear the end of it.

  It was late on a beautiful Saturday afternoon, but the clouds on the horizon looked less than friendly as I drove along the coastal highway. "My phone says rain tomorrow, but I'm holding out hope the little rain cloud icon will turn to a sun before morning. You never know out here. A good onshore breeze can
push the clouds inland before the first drop falls."

  Macy pulled her gaze from the side window. "Of course, if it rains, we could always stay in all day. I'm sure we can figure out something to do."

  "I like your way of thinking. You know, Macy, I'm enjoying the hell out of showing you the pleasures of an orgasm, but we don't have to jump ahead. I want you to be sure you're ready."

  "I'm ready. After that horrid incident with Trevor, I asked myself why the hell I was still playing the part of the good little girl. I never wanted to wait. It was him. And after those two blissful evenings with you, I realized I was missing out on something amazing. At least it's amazing when it involves you. Something tells me it would have been nothing but disappointing with Trevor. Selfish bastard that he is."

  I drove the car up the driveway to the beach house. Last year, the house had gone up for auction at a price that was too good to turn down. We'd decided to buy it as an investment property, fix it up and sell it for profit. But by the time we paid to have it fixed up, we decided it was too cool to sell.

  "Oh wow," Macy stretched up to see out the windshield. "It's so pretty. Love the landscaping and the view. I can only imagine what it's like from the front of the house."

  I parked the car. We climbed out and I grabbed our bags. All I could think about was twenty-four hours of Macy. I unlocked the door, and Macy shot past me to the front window. She pulled back the curtains to reveal the azure blue water and ivory white sand below. The sun was low in the sky, peering through the thickening clouds. The beach visitors had long since packed up their umbrellas and chairs for the day.

  Macy turned to me. "You have a Jacuzzi on deck. Of course you do. Why wouldn't you in a place like this." The house was small compared to some of the other estates lining the beach, but we'd spared no expense in the remodel.


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