Apocalypse Dance

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Apocalypse Dance Page 16

by M. Barnette

  The way he fucked he could not be gay.

  She turned and looked at him. Long hair. Handsome face, body to die for. Oh God! Not possible, Nikki. Get a grip.

  But she'd known a gay man at work who'd been married and had three children before his wife divorced him to marry another man, not because he hadn't been faithful, but because she hadn't.

  No. This cannot be happening.

  Lost in her own fears, Nikki had missed part of the conversation. But she didn't miss seeing Luke reach one big rugged hand out to touch the blond's mouth much the same way Bells himself had caressed her lips.

  He moved away from the touch. “Don't,” he said in a voice that held a note of serious menace in it. Nikki felt herself breathe a sigh of relief as she made another attempt to eat the stew.

  "Changing your tune now that the woman's here, huh? Okay. We can talk more later.” The big man walked away and Bells turned his seat around to face the counter.

  "You folks have a doctor here?” she asked after she swallowed a mouthful of the food. It was good, real beef, potatoes and carrots with a hint of onion and garlic. If nothing else the food was almost worth whatever danger they were facing. And, from the icy expression on the blond's face they were in some kind of serious trouble.

  Something the man at the gate, Murph, had said to came back to her then.

  "We got enough of your kind here already.” He'd thought Bells was gay.

  The implication behind the words hit her.

  There were gays in town. Maybe a lot of them.

  And one of them wanted her man.

  * * * *

  Bells's eyes widened in shock as Nikki turned and grabbed his shoulders, laying a smoldering kiss on his mouth in front of everyone in the diner, one hand sliding up to grip the braids at the nape of his neck.

  Breaking off the kiss, she glowered at the room full of men. “Just in case any of you boys were getting ideas, he belongs to me!” Her voice had a hard edge to it, and her hand was still tangled in his hair. “And I don't loan him out."

  There were a few laughs. Luke actually smiled at her, showing crooked teeth. “So he's your boy? And here we thought the boy had himself a woman. Turns out she's the one in charge."

  "You better believe it, and no one plays with my toy but me."

  She saw Bells staring at her, his expression clearly showing that he was wondering what she was up to. Trying to save his ass—literally—from the sound of it, the very same way he'd been trying to protect her from the men at the gate. He gave her a very slight almost smirking ghost of a smile and a tiny nod of his head. His eyes glittered. Amusement. She could see it clearly.

  It was more emotion than she could recall him evincing in public before.

  She dropped a hand on this thigh and gave a proprietary squeeze, “I've got me a good one here, I don't plan on giving him up. Not even for an hour."

  "What if we took him from you?” one of the other men asked.

  He watched as the woman looked over her shoulder at the speaker, her face locked in a decidedly unfriendly glare, full of menace and confidence. “You're welcome to try, but I'd have to kill you."

  The cool confidence in Nikki's voice startled Bells as much as the kiss had, but he kept the reaction off his face this time. The funny thing was, he got the distinct impression she wasn't bluffing. This time he didn't even try to hide his smile of amusement.

  The diner's owner was regarding Nikki thoughtfully. “You said something about a doctor? You know where we can find one?"

  Nikki nodded. “Right here,” Bells heard her say. “I'm a doctor."

  "Hell, woman, why didn't one of you come out and say so!” Luke stated enthusiastically. “We haven't had a doc around here since the Plague. If you're the worst quack ever given a degree you'd be better than anything we've got."

  "Lots of folks need doctoring around here, too,” another man added from where he sat down the counter from them. “My wife's expecting. I'd be willing to pay your boy's meal if you come and check on her."

  "Food for her and your boy's on the house,” the diner's owner stated. “Soon as you're done eating, you can start doctoring with me. I got a sore foot that's driving me crazy. Frank over there can pay your breakfast. You earn a meal for every person you take care of, sound reasonable?"

  Nikki grinned at Bells and nodded. “Sure.” Her hand squeezed his leg and she smiled at him.

  "All right then,” he replied, his admiration for her going up another notch. She'd solved their problem, rather than adding to it. He nodded to the diner's owner as the man put a bowl of the stew down.

  "Eat up. If she can fix this damned foot of mine, you'll both get seconds."

  "Deal,” Nikki told the man. “If you've got any medical supplies, I'd like to have use of them, if no one minds. We don't have any."

  "You'll get whatever you need,” Luke told her. “Just tell us what you need and we'll get it for you. As needed, of course."

  Bells took a bite of the stew. “You're right,” he told Nikki, “This is good. Real good."

  They ate, then Nikki took care of the man's foot, digging a piece of glass out of the heel and treating him for an infection as Bells watched, the blond still wary of the people. His worry was unfounded, and before the hour was out they had another patient and the use of some medicines that the residents of Danbridge had been hoarding. They'd also had their fill of stew and fresh baked bread, and had received five bullets for his .375 which pleased him.

  The cool ping of tension that had kept him on the alert faded and he finally relaxed somewhat, able to stand nearby and watch Nikki as she worked, realizing as he did that she was an excellent physician.

  Chapter Nine

  Word spread fast through Danbridge that Nikki was a doctor. Before the pair knew what had hit them, she was flooded with patients in need of care, most of them from the town itself, but others coming in from outlying farmsteads and more distant towns once the only working radio station in the area transmitted the news.

  She diagnosed and treated people as best as she could. After a few days they let her into the nearest thing to a hospital they had where she could dispense medications they'd been hoarding in their combination clinic and pharmacy since the Collapse. All the medical people in town had died when the plague swept through, and they were only too pleased to give her free rein to take care of those people who really needed her help. In exchange they gave them more ammunition, food and water, and one of the older men helped Bells rig hard shelled saddle bags for the back of his bike. It would let them carry what they needed and alleviate the backpack Bells had been wearing. The bike was heavier, harder to handle, but he assured Nikki it wasn't too much for him to control. She took his word for it.

  Nikki wasn't the only one who had skills that could help the townsfolk. Bells taught a few of them, two women and a man, how to reload bullets, and repaired a trio of machine guns they'd gotten from a National Guard armory. They had stopped working for reasons too complex for the townsfolk to handle, but, with a little assistance at the local machine shop he soon had all three guns working. He helped convert several of their cars to burn alcohol, adding to the capabilities of their police force.

  Once people realized that the man with the bells in his hair and the pretty woman weren't going to do anyone any harm, and that they weren't spies sent by any of the Warlords—local or otherwise—the way they were treated changed. The sheriff even offered to have another house added to the power grid if they'd just stay.

  And they'd considered it, until the day a Hummer carrying a pair of Rangers showed up.

  Not wanting to bring that kind of trouble down on the people in Danbridge—even as well armed as they were, with the wall to help protect them—the pair came to the conclusion that they'd have to leave rather than jeopardize the town because there was no possible way for Danbridge to hold off the Rangers if they came in force.

  Not when Roderik could send tanks to back up his killers.

One thing they had found out was that the Rangers were looking for three men and a woman, and had given descriptions of Hawk, Dal, Nikki, and Bells, going so far as to mention the first three by name. They were termed hunted outlaws in the eyes of the King of the Lone Star Empire, but none of that held any weight to the people in Danbridge. The Empire's most northern border was still far to the south and the laws of their self-proclaimed king didn't extend anywhere near them.

  But, knowing they were being actively sought meant Bells and Nikki had to leave rather than bring any trouble down on the townsfolk.

  To the sorrow of the folks in Danbridge, they set a day when they'd be moving on. It was getting well into fall now, and if they didn't go soon snow would keep them from leaving until spring.

  At the urging of a larger community farther north, they decided that would be where they went. It would keep Nikki where she was needed. She was the only doctor within two hundred miles, and she derived a sense of accomplishment from using her knowledge to help people who appreciated her efforts.

  * * * *

  The whole community had turned out on their last night in town to say their goodbyes and to throw the biggest party they'd had in a long time, everyone pulling out the stops for the potluck at the diner. Strings of Christmas lights ringed the outside of the diner and hung around the room inside, draped the counter, and ran down the street from building to building. The band had set up on the street and there were tables and chairs lining the sidewalk and street, the center of the intersection left as a place for folks to dance.

  Nikki smiled at Bells as he spun her around, then stepped away as the line of men and women separated, the square dance caller leading them apart.

  During their few weeks in town he'd changed, losing some of the coldness, the killer taking a back seat to the man. Or was it the Dragon? She wasn't sure, but she did know one thing with heart-wrenching certainty. She was in love. She'd never felt as strongly attracted or as emotionally attached to any man in her life. Sure, she'd been in love before, but this was different. This wasn't just a desire to be with him, it was a need. An ache. When they were apart she missed him, looked for him, listened for the sound of his voice.

  But even through his smiles, through their lovemaking, she could tell he was holding himself a little aloof. Keeping his distance. Avoiding attachments.

  It wasn't in anything he did, or said, that showed he was holding back. It was in his eyes. In the way he looked at her sometimes. Or in the way he wouldn't look at her at others.

  Knowing he wasn't in love with her left an aching emptiness in her heart. But she could take it so long as he was there. And he'd promised, promised to always take care of her, and that was something she believed.

  It wasn't enough. But it was better than losing him completely.

  They were back together, spinning with the caller's orders, dancing to the sound of the town band amid a crowd of laughing, happy people.

  Taken away from Bells again, Nikki found herself paired with Luke. A bathed and smiling Luke.

  "We're sure gonna miss you, Doc Nikki. We really are.” He put his hands on her waist as they wove between the other dancers.

  "Well, Colby isn't that far away."

  "Sure we can't convince you to stay?"

  Nikki smiled, “Colby's got more of a militia, I think we'll be safer there, and they'll be able to handle the Rangers better. You know how those bastards are, I wouldn't want you folks have to take them on for our sakes."

  "Yeah, they had no call to shoot Clyde the way they did. None at all."

  "Well, he should be able to go back on guard duty by the end of the month. So long as he does as he is told and stays off that leg."

  "He will, I'll see to that,” Luke asserted. “Missy sure does wish you'd stay on a little longer. What with her being so close to having that baby."

  "I know that, too,” Nikki said, glancing at the hugely pregnant woman who was seated on a bench near the door of the diner. There were two little girls, tow-headed, blue-eyed, hanging on her, both of them eating candy apples and laughing.

  The music ended and Luke grinned at her as he took a step away from her, giving Nikki distance now that the dance was over. “Any chance of me borrowing that boy of yours?"

  Nikki frowned. “Now, Luke, I've already told you no several times."

  "Yeah,” the big man glanced at the blond who was heading their way, “but I had to ask one last time. He's got such a pretty mouth, and that ass of his, whoohoo."

  She couldn't help but smile at the man's words, “Yeah, he's got a fine butt, doesn't he?"

  "Damn right he does."

  "Yet again I find myself the object of a discussion,” Bells said dryly, but there was a sparkle in his eyes that Nikki caught before his gaze went hooded and unreadable.

  Nikki felt a thrill as he slid his arm around her possessively, and she leaned into the contact, taking what she could get, even if it wasn't love. Affection was something at least.

  "Matt wants me to play guitar for a bit, do you mind?” he asked her.

  "No, of course not."

  "I'll keep her out of trouble,” Luke promised.

  "Yeah, but who's going to keep you out of trouble?” he countered, giving Nikki a gentle squeeze.

  "Well, that's one I'm sure I don't have an answer for, what with Clyde being stuck in that wheelchair for the whole party.” He grinned at the blond. “Of course, I'd be happy to let you get me in trouble if you get bored with our fine Doc here."

  Nikki heard the silken laugh, saw the glitter in her lover's gaze, and wondered if, maybe, they'd done something she didn't know about. She didn't think they had, but there was something in the way Bells looked at the bigger man that made her suspicious. She'd never gotten up the courage to ask, nor was she sure she would have wanted an answer.

  "Okay, Matt's waiting for me. He's starving and they can't play anything until I get back over there.” He gave her a quick kiss and was gone.

  Nikki watched him go, then realized that Luke was watching him, too.

  "He's in love,” he commented to her in a quiet, very thoughtful tone.

  "Love? Bells?” she laughed, but there wasn't any humor in it. “No. He just likes the sex."

  Luke regarded her quietly. “He might never say it, Nikki, but believe me, I know what I'm talking about. He loves you.” The man gave her a sad smile. “Lucky girl. I'd trade my right nut to have a man like that."

  Nikki blinked. Glanced at her blond lover as he strummed a chord on the guitar, made an adjustment, and smiled at the rest of the people in the band.

  Can Luke be right? she asked herself.

  She didn't have a chance to think much more about what the man had said because she got swept up in the dancing and the farewell party, which went on far later into the night than anyone had anticipated.

  But she did learn two things about her lover.

  He could play guitar with the best of them.

  And he had the most wonderful singing voice she'd ever heard because he'd sung a song, a love ballad from some rock group she only vaguely remembered, and it had brought tears to her eyes because he'd been looking at her as he'd sung it.

  Luke, standing nearby, his hand on Clyde's shoulder, gave her a slight nod of his head and a knowing smile.

  Maybe he was right. But she wouldn't get her hopes up over one song and a nice time at a party.

  * * * *

  Bells shoved the door to their motel room closed, the last of their well wishers calling out their farewells as he turned the lock. “Damn...” he muttered, and noticed through the crack between the drapes that the dim pastels of dawn were starting to color the horizon. “We should be leaving right about now. That was the plan anyway."

  Nikki laughed behind him. “Best laid plans of mice and Dragons."

  "No shit,” he agreed, turning around to find her getting undressed, her back turned to him, long curls of chestnut hair tumbling free as she pulled off her knit sweater, the pale glimme
r of her skin drawing his gaze like a candle drew moths.

  His mouth went dry and something south of his gunbelt stirred to life.

  She was so beautiful. Gorgeous.

  "I just about danced my feet off,” she remarked as she tossed her bra aside, then shoved her shoes under the edge of the bed.

  He'd watched her dress and undress dozens of times in the last few weeks, and the sight of her creamy skin never ceased to get him hard, or make him want what she had to offer. Crossing the few steps between, them he slid his hands around her waist, fingers finding her hands as she unfastened the button of her jeans.

  "Hey,” he whispered, pressing his face into her hair.

  "Hey,” she replied softly. Her hands went still under his, and she leaned back into the warmth of his embrace.

  Bells just stood there, holding her, wanting so much to tell her how he felt. But he didn't dare. He couldn't bring himself to say it, to let her know what he was feeling. It wasn't fair to her. Wasn't right for Nikki either, much as he wanted her, ached for her.


  "Yeah,” she agreed.

  "Okay,” he murmured, helping her out of her jeans, pulling the covers back so she could slip into the bed. He pulled them over her, leaning down to press a gentle kiss on her mouth. “Sleep well, Nikki."

  "Hmmm...” she wound her arms around his neck and pulled him down for another kiss. “Coming to bed?"


  Her arms slid away, to let him get undressed.

  Shoving his revolver under the pillow, he got into bed beside her, turning on his side to wrap his arms around her firmly muscled body, fingers tracing along the curve of her hip. He liked her contrasts. Firm muscle with soft curves. It was a sweet combination that turned his blood to flame.

  Bells smiled when she snuggled back into his embrace, her cold feet pressing to his under the covers, his face buried into the curls of her faintly rose scented hair. Even being able to hold her was good. Felt right. And was so very wrong.


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