Taming the Wind

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Taming the Wind Page 13

by S. L. Kassidy

  Nakia ran her hand up Ashni’s bicep and shoulder. The simple contact made Ashni want to purr. How in the hell have I survived these past few weeks without her? She felt grounded and secure in herself, like she knew who she was again.

  “Am I not allowed on your conquest?” Nakia asked, her lip poked out in a little pout.

  “You would ride with me as I take over your homeland?” The thought hit her deep in her chest. Adira and Layla had been conquered by the Roshan and now rode with her, and were the closest to her. Adira had even ridden with her father. The Empire gave them chances they never had with their own people, Adira especially. For Nakia, a princess, she had everything. Except a choice. You can give her that.

  “My homeland? The same homeland which gave me to you in the first place, only to snatch me away and give me to a beast without any regard to my desires?” Nakia arched an eyebrow.

  Ashni nodded. She understood that. She kissed Nakia’s cheek and down to her neck. Nakia’s eyes fluttered shut for a long moment. Ashni would love nothing more than to pay Nakia all the attention she wanted and needed, especially if Nakia honored her and stayed with her.

  “I need you to understand, I’m not going to stop conquering the West. This isn’t only my father’s dream, not only my dream, but everyone in my military. This is the dream of my people. I can’t have you objecting when I take cities or towns or worse.” While she’d do anything for Nakia, she couldn’t ask others to do the same. So, if Nakia was going to be upset as they took over new lands, Ashni wouldn’t be able to do anything about that.

  A soft smile lit up Nakia’s features. “I know who you are, even if I haven’t seen you in that context. I know who you are.” She cupped Ashni’s face. “I know you and I want to stay with you.”

  Ashni inhaled, feeling full to bursting. She couldn’t help herself, going in for a kiss on Nakia’s sweet lips. The touch of Nakia’s skin felt more powerful than her lightning. It was hot, burning, calming. She felt like she could explode, but also ooze into a puddle. It was sinking into a warm bath after a good sparring match, comforting and easing. Who gave Nakia this ability to make me feel this way?

  It was in this moment Ashni knew Nakia couldn’t possibly be a punishment from the gods. She was the greatest gift and the gods had to test Ashni to make sure she was worthy. She’d go to the ends of the planet for Nakia and still didn’t feel worthy. She was beyond blessed and would have to sacrifice so much to the gods. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  Nakia returned the show of affection, pulling Ashni closer. She wants me. Ashni had never felt a greater peace than she did at that moment. This beautiful gift from the gods wanted her, deemed her worthy. She’d live her life in devotion to Nakia for this blessing. All too soon, Nakia eased away.

  “Are you sure?” Ashni asked because this seemed too good, too great.

  “Do you not want me?” Nakia countered, her voice a whisper again. There was a notable tremble, like she was afraid Ashni wouldn’t take her along.

  “Of course I want you! You think I came to this burnt out hellhole for the fun of it? I wanted you. I want you. I’ll always want you.” Ashni was willing to compromise too much of herself for Nakia.

  Nakia gave her a hard look. “Then stop asking if I’m sure. I wouldn’t say this if I wasn’t. Now, was your marriage proposal true or just a ploy to try to outmaneuver my father?”

  Ashni sighed and pressed her forehead to Nakia’s again. While she couldn’t hear Nakia’s thoughts, like the tales she had been told as a child claimed, she felt comforted with the contact. In children’s stories, it was said people who loved each other and shared a soul bond could hear each other’s thoughts. They were that close. It didn’t involve them touching foreheads, but supposedly people on their way to a bond like that could hear thoughts from the simple contact. Nakia didn’t understand the gesture yet, but she’d tell her in due time.

  “I’d be honored to have you as my spouse right after I’m done with this business,” Ashni replied with a smile.

  “How long do you think that’ll take?” Nakia asked with a huff.

  “I’m not sure.” Ashni liked to think conquering the West would be quick, but there was a lot of West and she knew conquest never went as planned.

  The look in those darling green eyes could’ve killed a lesser soul on the spot. “And I’m meant to wait? Am I not good enough for you to just pause your precious dream?”

  Ashni chuckled and caressed from Nakia’s neck to her forehead. “I’d definitely pause it for you, but we’re already moving and there’s a lot of ritual that goes into a Roshan wedding, especially that of a royal.” She groaned. “My mother will have to be there.” She didn’t even want to imagine her mother’s reaction just to hearing Ashni wanted to get married, let alone what she’d do on the day of the wedding.

  “I look forward to meeting her.”

  Ashni shook her head. “No, you don’t. I’ll get word to her and we’ll work from there.”

  “It doesn’t mean anything to you that I’m already married?”

  Ashni scoffed. “To a man we’ll never see again and I don’t respect a marriage where one person going in didn’t have a say in the matter.” There were arranged marriages in the Roshan Empire, much more often than love matches, but both parties had a say. No individual was more equal than another in many aspects of the Empire.

  “You don’t…you don’t care?” Nakia squinted.

  Ashni ran a hand through Nakia’s hair. It was oily, needing more maintenance than they could provide in the basic camp, but she didn’t care. Once they got settled, Nakia would be able to properly freshen up. She kissed Nakia again, just for the hell of it, just because she could.

  “Originally, the Roshan were nomads in a harsh environment. You lost family, spouses, and children easily. You learned to treasure the bonds you had, regardless of what a person went through. You’re not sullied for marrying him, especially if you didn’t want to. You’re also not sullied if he touched you, especially if you didn’t want him to.”

  Nakia sat up. “He didn’t!” She glared at Ashni as if insulted.

  “Of course not. You’d have slain him if he had. Adira told me how you came at her with that desk leg.” Ashni wished she witnessed that.

  Nakia pouted. “I didn’t know it was her. And how did she ever climb such a great height? Is she part bird?”

  “You’ll find Adira and many closest to me have unique abilities or just wills made of iron. The gods like to shine upon us. But, you are the greatest light they could ever give me.” Ashni meant it. Yes, she might conquer the West, but that was something for all of them. Nakia was just for her and no matter how upset the gods might be, they had already given her this gift. She’d never let anyone, even the gods themselves, take Nakia from her.

  Nakia arched an eyebrow. “You mean that?”

  “Of course I mean that, kitten.” Ashni gave her a squeeze. “I had to leave my crazy sister in charge of the actual army while I came out here for you. I shudder to think what Layla might be doing, but it’s okay because I’m here with you.”

  Nakia leaned into her and that was enough. Well, that and Nakia would stay by her side. In fact, Nakia seemed fine with the idea of marrying her. If I have actually fallen out of favor with the gods and it’s not with Nakia, then where? She’d worry over it later, but she still would make sacrifices and prayers and everything else necessary to thank the gods for Nakia.


  Nakia couldn’t believe Ashni not only came for her, but wanted to marry her, even though she was technically already married. The idea flooded her thoughts, pushing out the trauma of the past few weeks. The desire to kiss Ashni flashed through her, and she didn’t fight the urge.

  As soon as their lips touched, Nakia was taken back to their first kiss in the tent so many months ago. There was a rush of heat and desire, but a mellowing sensation underneath it. A pool of warmth filling her. It was like spaces inside of her were made whole through Ash
ni. Is this the soul bonding thing Bashira told me about?

  Ashni accepted her affection with the same enthusiasm as she had in Khenshu, back before all of this happened, like she meant it when she said it didn’t matter Nakia was married. Tears burned her eyes as it felt like happiness floated in her blood. This was what it was like to be accepted. More than accepted. This was what it was like to be loved unconditionally. This was what it meant to be precious.

  Nakia couldn’t keep her hands to herself as she deepened the kiss. Feeling the caress of Ashni’s tongue sent jolts through her. She pawed at Ashni, not sure what she touched, but needed to touch everywhere. Nakia pulled away, finding it harder to breathe as she itched for Ashni.

  “Will you…will you…” Nakia had to take a deep breath. She couldn’t say it, even though they had done it countless times. From the way her heart pounded, she feared Ashni would laugh, refuse to touch her ever again, and leave her to this accursed land, even though Ashni already said she could go with her.

  Ashni grinned. “Whenever you like, wherever you like, and however you like.”

  The response made Nakia’s heart thump even heavier and her throat closed, making breathing even harder. “On top of me.” Saying those words at any other point would’ve made her cheeks burn with embarrassment, but right now, she needed that. She needed Ashni’s weight to anchor her to the world, and that Ashni was there, wanting her.

  Ashni didn’t reply, just moved on top of her. Nakia groaned, feeling Ashni’s body push her into the pillow underneath them. Ashni kissed her, full of passion and something else, something gentle and kind, something she wanted more of, now and forever. She clutched Ashni shoulders, gripping her like she might never let go.

  “I’ve got you, kitten. I’ll always have you,” Ashni promised, pulling a breath away.

  Nakia could only nod, breathless. She believed Ashni, and the words filled her heart. Ashni’s lips floated across her neck, hands easing underneath her shirt. The feel of Ashni’s fingertips on her skin set her on fire and she whined long and loud.

  “Are you okay?” Ashni asked.

  “Yes, please, continue.”

  “Then, let’s get you out of these clothes, even though you look damn good like this. Remind me to shower you with beautiful royal robes and jewels.”

  “Later.” Nakia would happily take whatever gifts Ashni wanted to bestow upon her, but right now, she needed to feel Ashni, to know this was real, to know they were together.

  Ashni sat up on her knees to help Nakia out of her clothes. Ashni stripped just as quickly and came back to kiss her before she could fully appreciate the sight of Ashni’s nude form. She got to appreciate the warmth of Ashni’s skin against her own. She felt safe and secure under Ashni, like nothing could ever harm her again.

  They kissed again, tongues caressing each other and settling Nakia’s soul. Ashni’s fingers brushed against her ribs and then to the swell of her breast, touching her softly, like she was adored.

  “Can I taste you?”

  “Yes, please.” Nakia wanted nothing more than that, nothing more than this closeness, this intimacy.

  Ashni’s lips drifted from Nakia’s mouth to her cheek to her neck. Each press of her lips made a mark on Nakia’s heart. This queen wanted her. This demigod wanted her. Not because of what Ashni could get in exchange for her, but just for her.

  Nakia cried out as Ashni latched onto her nipple. It had been weeks since the last time she felt this pleasure and it completely took her by surprise. Ashni changed pressure as soon as the sound escaped Nakia. Her mouth so tender, treating Nakia like she might break. It made Nakia want to melt into the bedding.

  She purred as Ashni’s hand came to her neglected breast and kneaded it. Her body hummed, and she mewed a little louder. Ashni responded to the noise, flicking her thumb across one nipple and suckling harder on the other. Nakia’s hands found themselves lost in Ashni’s thick hair, pulling out some braids. She cried out as Ashni’s teeth grazed her sensitive flesh.

  Ashni looked up at her with wide eyes. “Too much?”

  “No, no, no. Please, keep going. Let me feel you.”

  Ashni dipped her head and went back to giving Nakia her full attention. Nakia’s hands went from Ashni’s hair to her shoulders. She could feel the lines of hard muscles in Ashni’s back, and she groaned from the thought of those muscles protecting her. Soon, Ashni’s mouth vanished from her breast, down to her stomach, which flipped in anticipation of what was to come. Ashni paused just below her bellybutton.

  “May I?”

  “Yes!” Nakia appreciated Ashni checking in, worrying over her, especially considering what could’ve happened, but right now she just needed Ashni to reaffirm their connection.

  Her fingers gripped Ashni’s hair just before Ashni’s tongue lapped at her. She cried out so loud the whole camp probably heard, but she didn’t care. Ashni didn’t let up, taking slow, long strokes with her tongue. Her body shook and shivered in bliss, legs falling open wider on their own to invite Ashni in for more. Ashni’s lips wrapped around her clit and that was it. Pleasure shot through her, stars danced behind her eyelids, and her body tensed.

  Nakia could hardly catch her breath as Ashni loved her. When Ashni slid a finger inside her, passion poured from her. Moans filled the air, not all hers. It sounded like Ashni was delighted to give her pleasure, to let her drown in bliss. Each simple move of Ashni’s finger and flick of her tongue was like touching the heavens themselves. Nakia sank into the feeling, crying out as it became harder and harder to breathe, in a good way. Her body trembled and shuddered as she rode out the wave of love crashing through her. Before she even realized it, Ashni had her wrapped in a tight embrace.

  “I’ve got you, kitten. I’ve got you,” Ashni said, her voice low and tickling Nakia’s ear.

  “You do.” Nakia sighed. Her body felt like it was made of liquid.

  “I will always have you.” She kissed the side of Nakia’s head. Somehow, this relaxed Nakia more, and she fell asleep in Ashni’s loving embrace.


  Ashni watched Nakia sleep and felt at peace with Nakia’s weight pressed to her chest. Ashni would shower Nakia with all the gifts in the world and never stop letting Nakia know how special she was. She ran her fingers through Nakia’s hair.

  “You won’t have to worry about anything else. I’ve got you,” she promised to not just Nakia, but to the gods as well.

  Chapter Nine

  SITTING ASTRIDE MIDNIGHT THUNDER with Ashni at her back, Nakia wasn’t prepared for the sight of a ruined Phyllida, even though she thought she was. It was a punch to the gut to see the walls of the city broken, but it faded. She wasn’t sure what to make of the reaction. Maybe it was growing up with the idea that the city was impregnable and to find out how wrong that was. Just another childhood lie destroyed. Ashni leaned down, nuzzling her.

  “You okay?” Ashni asked.

  “Yes. I suppose I didn’t expect it to look like this.”

  “You still with me?”

  “Yes.” The word was as solid as they were. The moment of shock was over. Yes, the city conquered, but this wasn’t her home. It had never accepted her.

  Ashni took her hand. “The palace isn’t as bad.”

  Nakia doubted that, but nodded. By the time they got to the palace, Nakia adjusted and it didn’t faze her to see the palace crumbled in many places. Ashni gave her a little squeeze around the middle.

  “It’s okay,” Nakia said.

  “Are you sure?”

  “This was just another prison to me not too long ago. I’m fine.”

  Ashni kissed her cheek, maybe to comfort her or to remind her that she wasn’t in prison anymore. She didn’t need the reminder, not with Ashni pressed against her. They quietly made their way into the palace, leaving Midnight Thunder with a stable hand.

  “Are we sure it’s not you who lost the gods’ favor?” Ashni asked her sister as she and Nakia entered what used to be her father’s throne r
oom. Her father was nowhere to be found, but according to Ashni, Layla managed to conquer the city. Apparently, that wasn’t enough.

  Layla snarled and kicked the throne, knocking it over onto its side. It landed with a crash, some intricate stonework cracking off in the process. “How could he have so many damn guards? I had him!”

  Layla’s husband, Naren, seemed to come out of nowhere and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. His lean arms clutched her and she calmed her down enough to keep her from going off on more of the furniture. Layla growled, but didn’t try to break free.

  “It’s okay,” Naren said.

  “It’s not okay. He’s seen our army size and got a taste of our tactics.” Layla stomped her foot. “Now, he can go on to warn others about us.”

  General Adira waved her words off. “No use living in the past. We simply have to press forward and come up with new tactics. You whining isn’t going to get Dorian back.”

  “Do we know where he went?” Ashni asked, looping an arm around Nakia’s elbow.

  “I’ve put people on it,” General Adira replied.

  “He probably ran to Valen,” Nakia said without thinking. The whole space seemed to pause and all eyes were suddenly on her.

  “Uh…Valen?” Ashni asked.

  “It’s a city northwest of here. My father married my eldest sister to the prince as soon as he possibly could. Their riches are legendary in the region, as is their army,” Nakia replied. Thia had gotten the best of the deal, but she was sold as much as Nakia was.

  “Does sound vaguely familiar,” General Adira said.

  “We need to know everything about it,” Ashni said.

  “Try asking your spouse.” General Adira motioned to Nakia.

  Nakia blinked. “Excuse me?”

  Layla scoffed. “Oh, please. Don’t act shocked now. She went off course for you and you’re standing here in the rubble of your home with her. You’re married in all but name at this point.”


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