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Twilightfall Page 20

by Viktor Zólyomi

  I ordered my most powerful mages to open the Gateway, but they told me it could only be opened by a magical key of sorts. It would seem, that's what Zack wanted all along.

  I ordered my servants to guard the Gateway day and night, and wait for him to return. I suspected that wherever the Gateway took him, this was the only way in, or out.

  Months passed, and he didn't show up. I was starting to think he was dead. But I didn't recall my servants. In the end, after over five months, he came back through the Gateway.

  There was a sword in his hand. A black sword with lightning crackling around the blade. My servants attacked him, but he cut them down. Only two of them escaped. They called for reinforcements, but by the time they got there, Zack was gone. I haven't seen him ever since, up until yesterday.'

  `So, this is why you are angry at him?'

  `Angry? The word anger does not even begin to describe how I feel about him!'

  `Did you chase after him?'

  `I wanted to, and for a while I unsuccessfully did search for him. In time, I decided not to pursue him any more. You see, around the same time when he came back, something interesting happened in Arghard. Have you ever heard of the sect of Morden?'


  `It was a well hidden sect, no wonder you didn't hear about it. Morden is a Demon Lord. He is worshiped as a god by some fools in Ess'yer. At least he used to be. You see, shortly after Zack's return, the sect dissolved. I keep an eye on such underground happenings, that's why I know. Morden was ruthless, but he was kind to his most faithful followers in that he bestowed powers upon them. After Zack's return, these powers were gone. When they tried to contact their so-called god, he didn't reply to them. All signs pointed to that either he was dead, or missing, or his powers were gone forever.'


  `When was this?' I ask.

  `Around a century ago.'

  A century ago... What did Zack say in that icy world, about the creature in the cage stone? That he's been there for a century?

  `What kind of powers did Morden have?'

  `The usual demonic powers that demons have. Well, I guess there was one thing of note. They say he was surrounded by an aura that could drive people insane, or at the very least make them quiver in fear. His own servants feared to stay close to his avatar on the rare occasions when he appeared before them.'


  He actually captured a Demon Lord in a cage stone! How?!

  `Do you think Zack made him disappear?'

  `I don't know what he did. I just know this. After I heard the news about Morden's sect, I got suspicious. It seemed too much to be a mere coincidence. I had my mages dig up some information on the sect, and on Morden. Eventually, they found out that some of the markings on the Gateway in that ancient ruin were Morden's markings. Then they told me of a magical dungeon created by Morden for his enemies. It would seem that this Gateway lead straight into that dungeon. According to what my mages found, only certain items would open up the Gateway. The trick is, the items only work one way. Once you pass through, you're trapped for eternity. Unless you can kill the Guardian.

  The Guardian was a powerful demon, guarding over that magical dungeon. They claimed that he was armed with a powerful sword possessing untold power. At least that's what the legends claimed.

  Now, there we had it. This legend of the dungeon, the Guardian, and his weapon. Then, there was Zack, coming back through the Gateway, armed with an insanely powerful sword. It wasn't hard to do the math...'

  `What of Morden's disappearance?'

  `Again, I do not know anything for certain, but I assume that either he himself was the Guardian, or he decided to try and stop Zack after Zack killed the Guardian. I am more inclined to believe the latter. It's easier to believe that Zack defeated Morden after he obtained that wicked weapon.'

  `Has Morden ever reappeared?'

  `No. Never. Now do you see why I never pursued Zack? With all my hatred for him, I decided not to chase him. But I always hoped that one day, an opportunity would come, and I could get even with him. Yesterday I had this chance. But somehow, Zack got away.'

  `Why are you telling me all of this?'

  She pauses, and smiles with a vicious, wicked smile. Then she continues.

  `Because it seems to me like you have a grudge with him, and I want to help you.'

  `Help me?'

  `Yes. Zack is very dangerous, and very cunning. I had my chance yesterday, but I failed to get him. I underestimated him. I won't make that mistake again, but it may take another century or more until I get a chance at him again. But you... You may get your chance sooner. That's why I wish to give you some advice against him.'

  `Go on.'

  `Two things. First, if you get a chance to ruin something that he really desires to do, take it. Killing him is nowhere nearly as satisfying as foiling him. Don't kill him straight away! Humiliate him first!

  Second, when it comes to fighting him, avoid his sword, and try to wrest it from his hand. If you manage to take his sword, you will have a distinct advantage over him. It's very powerful. The sword is said to be sentient, but you should be able to wield it anyway. Don't drop it, though. It will likely return to Zack if you do.'

  `So, I should fight him with his own sword?'

  `Yes. But even then, don't make the mistake of underestimating him. Don't hesitate to kill him when it gets to it. If he was butt naked, completely out of magical energy, and armed with a damn toothpick, he could still kill a man. And no, I'm not joking. He can do it. In fact, I think he could kill someone with a carrot!'

  `You know what? I believe you.'

  `Well, that's about all the advice I can give you. I'd also tell you not to trust him, but I think you already know him well enough...'

  `Why should I trust you?'

  `You don't need to. Just remember my advice when it gets to fighting him. You also don't need to thank me. But if you feel like it, give him my regards when you kick his ass!'

  With that, she walks away, leaving me alone atop the battlement.

  Why would she help me like this, I wonder...

  As for Zack Sands... I may not like him much, but I don't think he deserves to die. He helped Jason fulfill his vengeance, even if he did it in a way that I didn't like. If anything, I owe him for that. I'd still love to kick his ass one day though. Maybe one day I will. But I won't kill him. If Meliorath thinks that I will be her puppet in getting her revenge, she's wrong. She's very much wrong...

  Army of darkness

  Ru Akenosh, Draconia, present day (3 and a half hours before Twilightfall)

  Flora stands alone on the top of the wall, resting her hands on the parapet, and staring towards the horizon, lost in her thoughts. I approach her, and she hears my footsteps. She slowly turns towards me.

  `Nice view, isn't it?' I ask her.

  `Don't you have a fear of heights, Zack?'

  Oh, will you fucking shut up...

  `No, I don't! Anyway, come along. I'm finished.'

  `I hope this was worth it.'

  `Oh, it was. Soon you will see. Come!'

  I teleport us to Mel's throne room. As I thought, she's waiting right there on her throne. She's reading the book of the Librarian. As she notices our arrival, she looks up from the book.

  `Hey, Mel'! Let's head down to the dungeon! I'm finished.' I tell her.

  `So soon?' she asks, frowning. `It's not even dusk yet.'

  `Yeah, I tried to hurry. The darkness will serve us, so I want us to be at the Keep by dusk.'

  `Fine.' she says, and she arises from the throne. `Show me those monstrosities you created...'


  We walk down to the dungeon, and Mel' orders the guards to open the door. We step inside.

  `Alright, Zack! Where are they?'

  `Right over there, a bit further back. You will see them as you get closer.'

  She starts to walk towards the far end of the main dungeon, and Flora and I follow her. A while later, sh
e slows her steps and eventually stops as she notices the thirteen undead creatures. Made up of black, translucent bodies, they float above the ground. They have no legs, just arms that end in long, sharp claws. Their eyes glow reddishly. They stare forward, waiting for their master to command them.

  `Behold, the thirteen undead creatures I have created! The chaos wraiths!'

  `What the Hell are these things?' asks Mel'.

  `They are just about the most powerful of all undead creatures.' I tell her. `They're physically weak, but they have great magical power. In the dark of the night, they are able to animate the dead effortlessly. So, if some of your warriors die, these chaos wraiths will bring them back as undead warriors and make them continue the fight.'

  `You expect me to let you use these?!'

  `No, I expect you to use them.'

  `Excuse me?'

  `Look. I don't like to leave such creatures in your power, but I have no other choice. Voi'Shek must be stopped. You have good experience on the field of battle with troops. You know how to command them, how to group them, how to best use them. We can't spare the time it takes for you to tell me where to send my minions. Best if you do it yourself.'

  `Are you telling me these things will obey me?'

  `Yes. I saw to that. The chaos wraiths obey only you and I, Mel'. They will follow your every command. Come on, try it.'

  She looks at one of the chaos wraiths.

  `You! Come here!' she says, and the chaos wraith begins to float towards her.

  `See?' I ask.

  `Fine... Alright, stop!'

  The chaos wraith stops, and she looks towards me.

  `There's only thirteen of them. I had over a hundred prisoners here.'

  `Yes, but it took the life force of between five and ten of your prisoners to create one of these chaos wraiths, depending on how much their imprisonment had weakened them. I was hoping to create more, but your prisoners were greatly out of shape. You really should have fed them better... Anyway, these thirteen will do fine.'

  `Just what exactly do you plan to do, anyway?'

  `Something I don't want to do, but I have no choice. Voi'Shek is holed up in Danny Boy's Keep. I can't get inside, he has raised wards that prevent me from teleporting inside. We must either break through the front gate, or lure him out. To do either, we must first destroy the alter golems. As much as I hate even the thought of it, we must destroy the golems.'

  `The bastard has Daniel's golems under his control?'

  `No, he doesn't. But he has Danny Boy imprisoned in a stasis void, so the golems will just carry on their duty of guarding the Keep against outside invaders, just as Danny Boy commanded them to. They will also not enter the Keep until Danny Boy orders them to. That's why that fuckface is in such a good position. The golems will guard him despite that he has no control over them. Zero effort, maximum result.'

  `So let me get this straight. Your big plan is that we begin the attack, and as my warriors fall, these monstrosities will raise them as undead, and we will continue to press forward until we defeat the golems, then go in and get Voi'Shek?'

  `Basically, yes.'

  `That's not much of a plan, Zack!'

  `It's a perfect plan! Nothing can go wrong! As long as we do it at night. We must complete the siege by dawn. In daylight, the chaos wraiths will be almost powerless.'

  `Fine. I'll go along with this madness. On one condition.'

  `Yeah? Like what?'

  `Command them to obey only me.'

  `I don't think I heard that right.'

  `Do it, Zack! I will not debate this. You should be glad that I don't have you killed!'

  `Do you see these fingers, Mel'?' I ask, as I point my clenched fists towards her, with the middle fingers pointing upwards. `These fingers say: fuck you! I'm not doing it, I'm not a fucking idiot!'

  `You'd better do it, Zack!'

  `Listen, Mel'! If you think for one split motherfucking second, that I will...'

  `You will do it. Or there will be no siege. At least not with you.'

  `You'd fall without my help, Mel'! You know that!'

  `I'll take that risk. Rather than take the risk that these things create an army of undead for you. Now it's up to you, Zack! How much do you want Voi'Shek dead?'

  I sigh.

  `Alright, have it your way, you fucking cowardly pitfaced cuntwhore!'

  I turn towards the chaos wraiths and address them.

  `Alright you brainless fucking ugly sons of bitches, listen up, and listen good! From here on out, you will not obey a single one of my fucking orders. Is that fucking clear?'

  They do not react, but that's just what I expected. I turn to Mel'.

  `There. There's your fucking army! Happy now?' I ask. I see from the corner of my eye that Flora is looking at me with a very much disapproving look on her face. Can't blame her, really. But this was necessary. She will understand in time.

  `Call them here!' says. Mel'. I face the chaos wraiths once more.

  `Get your slippery fucking asses over here, right fucking now!' I tell them. Nothing. They do not approach.

  `Good!' says Mel' with a wicked, satisfied smile. `Now let's go. My troops await by the citadel.'

  I blink a couple of times and look at her.

  `By the citadel? Why in the fuck aren't they at Keehmor Keep?! I fucking told you that we have no fucking time to waste!'

  `Calm down, Zack! It won't take long to get there. Come, let's go upstairs.'


  She orders the chaos wraiths to follow her, and we head upstairs. She leads us into the courtyard and outside the citadel. As we step outside the gates, I see her army. Part of it looks like any army would in Ess'yer. Humans, elves, orcs, trolls, dwarves, wearing various kinds of armors and carrying different kinds of weapons. Roughly a thousand of them altogether, as far as I can tell. They are Mel's slave army. They are basically blade fodder. The pawns that can be readily sacrificed in the battle.

  The rest of her army consists of dragon-kind. A few hundred half-dragons, armed to the teeth. And dragons. Some pretty damn big dragons. Roughly a hundred, or so.

  Quite an impressive army, in total. A thousand or so slave soldiers, at most half a thousand half-dragons, and something like a hundred dragons. What can I say, I expected much more. I know she has several thousand slave soldiers throughout Draconia, and at least five-six hundred dragons still follow her, not to mention all the half-dragons. Compared to that, she has only gathered less than a quarter of her army. It seems she does not want to send in all her troops, she fears to leave her territory unguarded. No matter. They should do.

  To the far left of the army, there is a small group of robed figures. Half-dragon mages. A few dozen of them. There is something shimmering behind them. It's large, at least fifty feet tall, and two hundred feet wide.

  `Is that a Teleport Gate?' I ask.

  `Yes.' replies Mel', as we approach the mages. `I had my mages conjure it when you locked yourself in the dungeon. It took them a while, they finished just an hour ago. But now it's done. It will stay open just long enough to move all these troops to the far side. Right to Keehmor Keep. Then, the siege can begin.'

  `I was about to say that I'm impressed. But what the fuck took them so long? They're fucking amateurs!'

  `Oh, will you shut up...'

  We slowly approach them, and one of the mages addresses her.

  `My Queen! We are ready!'

  `Good!' she replies. Then, she points to the chaos wraiths. `These creatures here will aid us in the battle. They will raise our fallen warriors as undead.'

  `Is... is that really necessary, my Queen?'

  `Yeah, damn motherfucking right it is!' I tell him. `You do know what we're up against, right?'

  `Yes, Zack, they know.' says Mel', with an annoyed voice.

  `Good. Now listen up, you would-be wizards! These things are powerful, but physically weak. You must protect them at all costs. The battle must be won by dawn. They are ridiculously weak durin
g day. Speaking of which...'

  I look to the west and see that the sun has almost set. Splendid!

  `Everybody be silent for a while!' I exclaim. `My moment is approaching...'

  `What moment? asks Flora.

  `Just shut up for a minute or two. It's almost here. Do you see how the sun has almost fallen beneath the horizon? See, there... It's descending, vanishing, and now... There... It is gone. My moment has come...'

  I take a deep breath, and breathe out with a satisfied smile.

  `Darkness falls... Welcome... to my world!'

  `Give me a break, Zack!' says Mel'. `You are so corny...'

  `Shut up Mel'! You've got no sense of showmanship!'

  `You shut up, Zack! It's time I addressed my troops!' she says, and she walks towards her army.

  As she walks a good thirty feet away from us, her contours become blurred, and her image begins to change. She starts to grow, and change her shape. A few seconds later, she stands before us in her dragon shape. A large, threatening red dragon. Larger by far than all the other dragons gathered in the army camp. Truly a majestic, beautiful sight to behold...

  She stands on her hind legs, spreads her impressively large wings, raises her head high to the sky, and opens her jaws. She cries out a fierce dragon roar, and then breathes a gigantic flame towards the sky.

  `Alright, Mel', I take that back. You do have a sense of showmanship...'

  She ignores me, if at all she heard me from down here. She lowers her forelegs and looks down at her army. The dragons now stand up, while the members of her slave army kneel and bow their heads. She begins to speak.

  `My kin!' she begins in a thundering, draconic voice, clearly addressing the dragons and half-dragons, and ignoring the slave army. `It is time! Eons have passed since the hated Draconian Brotherhood fell. You were not there when they were vanquished, but I was! I was there when our kind were slaves to the lessers! We broke free, and we destroyed the Brotherhood!


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