The Game

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The Game Page 2

by Natalie Clarke

  He seems far too optimistic about this whole situation, everyone knows a casino is there to take your money, not give you more.

  I knew coming here was a bad idea, but when my dad sets his mind on something, there is no changing it, it would be pointless to argue.

  “While you do that, I’m going to go look around.” Not that I’m even remotely interested in taking a look around, I just can’t stomach watching my father throw our hard-earned money down the drain. Money that we desperately need to pay off our debts.

  “Sure, see you later.” Just as I begin to walk away, I hear, “Hey, you going to wish your dad good luck or what?”

  “Good luck!” I reply, with all the enthusiasm I can muster.

  I weave my way through the crowds of people. Laughter and sounds of conversation fill the room, the stench of men's cheap cologne lingers in the air, burning my nose.

  I come to a stop in front of the small group of stores that line one side of the room. One in particular catches my eye, through the window I can see mannequins outfitted in the most beautiful dresses I’ve ever seen.

  I walk up to the door and pull it open. Quiet music fills the space. As the door closes, the noise from the room outside is muted and the air is filled with the scent of vanilla.

  I walk slowly, eyeing each dress carefully, touching the soft, silky fabrics that cling to the mannequins. I wonder what these dresses would look like on me.

  “Can I help you, miss?” I jump at the sound and turn to find a slim woman in a tight-fitting black dress standing in front of me. She has a small round face and long golden hair that cascades over her shoulders.

  “Umm, no thank you, I’m just looking.”

  “Okay, well, let me know if you need anything, anything at all.” She looks me up and down and fakes a smile.

  “I will, thanks.”

  She lingers for a few moments still looking me up and down, before she finally turns on her heel walks away, she sneaks a glance at me over her shoulder disapprovingly, sneering in disgust.


  I roll my eyes and carry on admiring the dresses on display until I reach the back of the store, the entire back wall is mirrored, floor to ceiling. Looking into the mirror, I self-consciously adjust my dress, just being here makes me feel uneasy.

  I can see the woman in the reflection of the mirror over my left shoulder, her arms folded across her chest, shaking her head, as if someone like me is beneath her, that I don’t belong in this world, that I don’t fit in.

  Maybe she’s right.

  A customer must call her as she moves over to assist them, taking one last disapproving look at me. I watch her leave in the reflection of the mirror, rolling my eyes.

  Before I have chance to look away, someone catches my eye, a man, standing in a group of four others just outside the shop, a man who’s looking directly at me. From what I can see from this distance, he’s handsome, about mid-to-late twenties, he has short dark wavy hair, cropped closely at the sides and much thicker on the top, just the right length to allow a girl to run her fingers through.

  I force my eyes away from the man, shaking my head, acutely aware that I'm staring. I smile at my embarrassment and continue browsing. I steal a glance at the man every now and again through the rows of beautiful dresses, his gaze still lingering on me, his head tilted slightly in curiosity.

  My heart jumps.

  Why the hell is someone like him looking at me?

  I tear my gaze away from him before coming to a stop in front of a floor-length emerald green dress with beautiful lace detailing all over. It has thin shoulder straps with a long slit running up the left side. It’s the most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen. I turn over the price tag and I almost choke when I see how much it costs. $6500!

  Jesus Christ.

  Who in their right mind would pay that much for a dress?

  I take it off the rail and walk over to the wall of mirrors. I hold the dress up to my body and put my head through the hanger so that the dress hangs down my front. I touch the material, smoothing it down, imagining how it would look on me. I can dream right?

  I’m so captivated by the dress that I don't pay much attention to the sound of the door opening and closing, or the sound of heavy footsteps getting closer to me until I feel a strange tingle running down my spine, that feeling that someone is watching you.

  “You should try it on.” A deep, gravelly voice from behind startles me.

  I look up into the mirror over my shoulder to find the man from earlier, standing directly behind me, gazing at me with the sexiest smile I've ever seen.

  I turn to face him, clumsily pulling the hanger back over my head, displacing my hair which has now fallen over most of my face.

  Smooth Hayley, real smooth.

  The man chuckles and steps toward me. He brushes my hair away from my face and tucks it neatly behind my ear. His simple, light touch sends shivers rolling down my spine.

  I sheepishly look up to his face as he towers over me, he must be at least 6’2”. He's the most gorgeous man I've ever seen. His piercing blue eyes have a sharpness that makes me feel like he is staring deep into my soul. His full, kissable lips make my knees weak, and a light dusting of stubble covers his jaw that could easily cut through marble. From what I can tell, under his tailor fitted suit, is a strong, lean, muscular body, his biceps standing out slightly under his jacket, my gaze sweeps over the beautiful man, slowly.

  I chance another look up at his face, he is watching me intently with the hint of a smirk which tells me he has caught me checking him out. I open my mouth to speak, but I seem to have forgotten how to talk.

  “You should really try it on,” he repeats, motioning to the dress in my hands. “I bet anything it would look beautiful on you.”

  “I... um. There… there wouldn't be any point,” is all I can manage to squeak out awkwardly.

  What is wrong with me? Why am I reacting like this? I’ve never had any problem talking to anyone in my life but standing here in front of the most beautiful man I have ever laid eyes on, my brain has turned to mush.

  “Why not?” he asks curiously, his brows knitting in question.

  “Because… looking at how much it costs, it would take me like, a whole year before I could even afford it. Besides, I don't go anywhere that would justify owning a dress like this.”

  It's getting so hot in here. I'm burning up, my cheeks feel like they are on fire. I slowly back away from him and return the dress to the rail just behind me.

  “Let me buy it for you,” he offers.

  “I... excuse me?”

  What? Is he for real?

  “Let me buy it for you.”

  “Why the hell would you do something like that? You don't even know me.”

  “Maybe not, but what I do know is that, that dress would look incredible on you.” He takes a step forward, stopping only a foot away from me, his voice softens slightly as he peers down at me. “It would match your eyes, perfectly.” His voice sends vibrations through my body.

  He shouldn’t be standing this close. I need to back away from him. But why can’t I get my feet to move? They feel heavy, like they’re suddenly made of concrete.

  “I can't let you do that.” I manage to take a step back. I need to get out of here. I can’t spend a second more this close to him. “I'm actually going to go, but, umm, thanks anyway, I guess.” I turn on my heel and hurry out of the store, squeezing my way through the masses of people until I find my dad at one of the slot machines.

  My heart is racing, my cheeks flushed.

  Why would he offer to pay for a dress which costs $6500 for a total stranger? Why someone like me?

  I can't get his face out of my head. Those piercing eyes that I am sure will haunt me.

  I shake the image away and look at my dad. “Any luck?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

  “Nope, not yet.”

  “Dad, can we just go? We aren't going to win anything, don't you know these ma
chines are rigged to not let people win any money.”

  “Just one more go. Here, you pull the lever, be my lucky charm, sweetheart.”

  “Really, dad?” I sigh.

  “Yes, come on.” He ushers me to face the machine and stands next to me.

  I take a deep breath and roll me eyes. This is so stupid. I reach for the lever and pull. The items on the screen roll... and roll... and roll.

  I glance back at the store where the man is just leaving, his gaze locked on me.

  My heart skips a beat.

  I try to tear my gaze away, but I can’t. It’s not until I hear Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding, that I’m pulled out of my trance.

  “Holy shit! Hayley!” my dad shouts.

  I look at the screen. All of the icons are perfectly matched. This can't be happening. The sound of coins falling fills the area. My dad’s arms wrap around my shoulders as he kisses the top of my head. People all around us stand and watch at the spectacle.

  When the sound of falling coins subsides, me and my dad look at each other in disbelief. The people surrounding us begin to clap and congratulate us. A ticket pops out of the machine with a barcode on it and my dad reaches for it.

  “Hey man, what’s your secret?” a man from the machine next to us asks.

  My dad peers down at me proudly. “My daughter it seems is my lucky charm.”

  I’m in shock. I feel like I'm dreaming. Did we actually just win? Did that actually happen?

  He holds up the ticket. “Come on, we take this ticket and get our money. Let's go.” He reaches for my hand and leads me through the swarm of people.

  $25,000! We won $25,000.

  We take our ticket to the cashing office. “Congratulations, Sir. Your money will arrive into your account within the next three to five days,” the man behind the desk says.

  “Thank you,” my dad replies.

  I smile at the man before backing away, following my dad towards the exit.

  A man steps out in front of us. It's him, the man from the dress store. “Congratulations.” He holds out his hand to my father, who takes it.

  “Thank you, me and my daughter are very happy, we’re still in shock.” My dad puts his arm around me and squeezes tightly.

  The man extends his hand out to me, I take it hesitantly. When our hands touch, I gasp, it feels like I just got an electric shock and I jerk my hand back quickly.

  Did he feel that too?

  I smile awkwardly at the beautiful man.

  He holds my gaze for a moment longer before turning back to my father. “I can imagine. This is my casino, and I can tell you, winning big doesn't happen very often. Consider yourselves lucky.”

  He owns the casino.

  He looks between me and my dad and his lips stretch into the most beautiful smile. “Well, congratulations again. If you’ll excuse me.” His gaze flicks to me once more before walking past me, close enough that our shoulders brush each other.

  I get a hint of cologne, citrusy with a hint of musk. It is nothing like the cheap, overwhelming cologne that clings to every other man in the room, punishing my nostrils as I walk by. His scent is intoxicating, tickling my nose in the most perfect way.

  As my dad leads us towards the door, I look back over my shoulder to see the man looking back at me over his too and my heart leaps in my chest.

  I turn away and carry on walking.


  After arriving back home I head straight upstairs and collapse onto the bed. I don’t bother to close my curtains, instead, I let the light from the streetlamps seep into the room.

  I replay the day over in my head. It’s amazing how your life can change in the course of one day. Tonight, I can sleep with the comfort of knowing that our problems will soon be over. A couple more months and we can finally be rid of this huge weight that has been hanging around our shoulder for years.

  My mind wanders to the man at the casino, the intensity of his eyes staring down at me, the feel of his skin on mine as I held his hand, it makes me wonder what it would feel like to really touch him, to have him touch me, his full lips on mine, his hands on me...

  My hand travels down my body slowly, from the valley of my breasts, over my stomach to between my legs. My fingers trail over my clit which is now throbbing, a new feeling for me entirely. So many times I’ve tried this, tried to feel, for it to amount to nothing. I’ve felt nothing since him, since what he did to me four years ago. But as I think of the man at the casino, his face, his body, his smell, how it would feel to be with him, jolts of pleasure radiate through my body.

  My breathing quickens, the throb in my clit getting more and more intense as I bring my legs up and part them, letting them fall open, I can feel how wet I am through my panties. This has never happened before. I’ve never been able to get this far.

  I close my eyes and rub my clit with my finger. I imagine his lips on mine, the feel of his body between my thighs, his weight on top of me as he moves inside me. I increase the speed and pressure of my fingers as I chase my release. I imagine the beautiful sounds he would make as he thrusts into me, the sound of a deep groan rumbling through his body.

  How fast would he go? How hard?

  A small moan escapes my lips as my body erupts into ecstasy. I hold my free hand over my mouth, my teeth biting into my bottom lip to stifle my moans as I’m hit with wave after wave of my climax.

  Holy shit. I lie there, my breathing beginning to even out as I come down from my high, my legs still shaking from my release.

  After so many years of feeling nothing, years of my body not reacting to anyone, and all it took was one man. Him.

  I feel my eyelids begin to close and I slowly drift off to sleep, and dream of a beautiful man with eyes the colour of the ocean.

  Chapter 3


  I 'm sat on the edge of the sofa, a girl I picked up at the casino straddling my lap, her tongue in my mouth, her body pressed hard up against mine, all she’s wearing is a red lacy bra and the smallest thong I think I’ve ever seen.

  I can’t remember her name. Was it Anna? Hannah? Fuck knows.

  She’s beautiful, blonde and has legs that stretch on for miles, she’s exactly my type, so why am I not hard?

  I should be buried to the hilt inside this girl, fucking her until she’s screaming my name loud enough for the whole damn city to hear, so why am I not hard?

  All I know, is that the sounds she’s making as she grinds her pussy against my crotch, my soft crotch, are completely fake, too forced, and artificial, it's like she's trying too hard to please me.

  It’s the biggest fucking turn off.

  Don’t get me wrong, I love to hear a woman moan for me, scream beneath me, it’s the best fucking sound in the world, to hear a woman calling your name as she comes, when it’s real that is.

  But this girl, is just too false, it’s like she’s acting in a porno or some shit. Her moans against my mouth are too melodramatic and staged, she’s obviously never came across the term, ‘less is more’.

  She runs her hands over my bare chest, through my unbuttoned shirt, they work their way down, one of her hands slips into my pants, under the waistband of my underwear and wraps around my cock, stroking me, which has no effect.

  I try to focus, to force myself into being attracted to this girl, this girl who so clearly wants me. Tonight is no different from the hundreds of times I've been in this same situation, a girl, ready and willing to fuck, so what the fuck is wrong with me?

  She pops into my head.

  The girl from the dress store in my casino.

  I was talking with some of my business associates when she first caught my eye, gently running her hands over the dresses on display, after that I couldn't look away, I had to get closer, I had to know her.

  She looked so out of place in her pale pink dress and her cardigan, she looked like she was on her way to a tea party or a barbeque, not a night out in a casino in Manhattan.

  But among all the g
litz and glamour that's housed in my casino and my hotel, all the stunning women that come and go in their ten thousand-dollar dresses, with their designer handbags and their full faces of makeup that probably took half a day to complete, that girl was the most beautiful.

  She’s not anywhere near my type, but she stood out among all the rest, like everyone else around her were in black and white and only she was in colour.

  That long silky chestnut coloured hair that cascades down her back, stopping mid-way. That full, plump mouth, that sends my mind reeling, imagining all of the things her pink lips could get up to, lips I desperately want to taste. Those beautiful emerald eyes, the most gorgeous fucking eyes I've ever seen. Eyes I could get lost in, drown in.


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