A Clean Up Man

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A Clean Up Man Page 15

by M. T. Pope

  “I’m coming . . . I’m coming.” He moaned. I took two fingers and quickly stuck them in his ass and he bellowed out like a banshee. He collapsed back on to the bed. I could hear him breathing hard. I got up out of the bed and looked at him for a second. I’m going in for the kill.

  “You ready for some more, daddy?” He rolled over and the look on his face was one of pure satisfaction. But, I wasn’t satisfied just yet.

  “Some more?” He looked at me like he was done. He looked spent.

  “Yes, I got a monkey on my back and he whispering in my ear to keep going.” I smiled.

  “Damn, I ain’t never have no dude put it on me like this. What you trying to do, make me fall in love?” He chuckled. I did as well. He was clueless. And it also let me know that I wasn’t the only one he was doing outside of his wife. It made me more attentive to do what I came here to do.

  “I’m not like most. I get the job done.” I walked over to the nightstand and from next to the Bible I picked up a condom and threw it at him.

  “Strap up, daddy. I’m going for the ride.”

  I watched as he put on the condom on his semi-hard dick. I sat down on the bed and took his meat into my hand and began to pump life back into it.

  “Daddy, I like it doggie style.” I got up off of the bed and he did the same. I positioned myself onto the edge of the bed and wagged my ass like a dog.

  I looked over my shoulder as he positioned himself behind me and began to enter me.

  “Oh, yeah. Put all of it in me, daddy!” I pushed back, helping his dick into my ass. When I felt his balls on the back of my legs I knew that he was all the way inside of me.

  “Damn, you tight.” He moaned.

  “All for you, daddy. All for you.”

  Before long he was pumping me slowly and then his speed began to pick up. Over the next half hour he flipped me over and fucked me, then he laid me on the bed and spoon fucked me. That was another one of my favorite positions. He ground into me and kept the pace slowly and methodically. He was taking his time. I didn’t mind, either.

  “Take that ass . . . Take that ass . . . Take that ass.” He began to pump faster and faster. I was whimpering the whole time like he was really punishing me. Don’t get me wrong, he was fucking me, but I’d had better.

  “I’m about to come . . . I’m about to come.”

  “On my face . . . On my face.” I quickly pulled away and turned over while he simultaneously pulled off the condom and squirted on my face.

  “Damn, you put it on a nigga.” He collapsed back down on the bed.

  “Let me go clean my face up and I’ll be back for the next round.” I got up and threw my ass as I walked into the bathroom.

  After I cleaned my face, I walked back out of the room to find Jarrod fast asleep on his stomach. I mean, he was snoring hard. I had only been in the bathroom for a couple of minutes.

  “Daddy . . . Daddy . . . Jarrod!” I called out to him. There was no answer because he was out for the count. I quickly got dressed and gathered my things and my Bible off of the nightstand. It secretly video recorded everything we did tonight. After I packed my bag, I took a picture of him in bed. The tattoo of his fraternity that was tattooed across his shoulder blade was a real good catch for my collection. I might just send a homemade CD to his fraternity as well. Who knows? His momma might get one too. His ass might have to move out of town when I’m finished.

  I quickly made my way to my truck and headed on home with a huge smile on my face. I knew for a fact that he would be calling me very soon.

  Chapter 20


  I sat in my dining room at my mahogany dining room table with all the evidence I had on Jarrod to destroy his life. I had the frozen condom with his semen still in it. I also had the bottle of K-Y liquid with both sets of our fingerprints on it, and the video footage of him and me from the other night and the picture of his tattoo. I asked the Lord for forgiveness for using a Bible-replica recorder in the room that night. I got it from one of them surveillance stores. All you had to do was place it where you wanted to place it in the room, cut it on, and record. It ran for hours and ran on a rechargeable battery. It looked and felt like a real Bible. It didn’t have any lights or obvious buttons to give it away or anything. And for what we did, I knew he wasn’t going anywhere near a Bible.

  I had our whole sex session on tape, from the moment he walked into the room until I made my exit. I had a nice, pretty box in which I was going to pack everything up nice and pretty, and have that puppy delivered FedEx Express right to his house. I was still on the fence a little about sending a copy of the CD to his job, to his fraternity, and to his mom.

  I had even thought about kidnapping the kids, but decided against it, because that would have been risking jail time. I just needed to know when to strike and watch his life crumble right before his eyes. And when he comes begging me to take him in, I will leave him out to dry like he did me and probably the other men like me.

  When he said that none of his other guys treated him the way that I did, I knew that I needed to do this for them and for me. This bastard needed to be shown that you can’t just turn people out and go back to your regular life and act like we don’t exist.

  I put everything on pause because I just wasn’t sure if I was ready to strike just yet. I had one more thing to do before I sent off the bomb.

  I didn’t have any work to do for a day or two so I decided to chill out for a few. Let things marinate in my mind. I went to the Redbox and got me some movies and decided to chill at home on my sofa by myself. Doing that made me wonder if I was going to be alone all my life.

  After this was all over and done, what was I going to do? I couldn’t keep sleeping with married men and risking my business; that was getting old quickly. I popped in the movie The Hangover and laughed myself to sleep. It was one of those days when being alone wasn’t optional. Everybody had somebody or something to do, except me. I was cool with that for the day, though. I even flirted with the idea of getting a pet, but I only flirted with it. I didn’t want to commit myself to something like that until I was sure I wanted it permanently. So many decisions, I didn’t know what I was going to do.

  I fell asleep right there on my couch and woke up the next morning to the buzzing of my phone.

  I had a text message from Jarrod: Wassup, dude.

  I shook my head at “dude.” I had adopted that word from him, too. It is amazing how many things we involuntarily pick up from sex partners or spouses.

  I texted back: Wassup, Officer.

  A minute or two later another text came through my phone: Wassup with you later?

  I replied: I’m busy later.

  He replied: *frown* How can I get you to be not busy?

  I texted back: No way to be not busy later.

  He replied: You going to make a brother beg?

  I smiled and text back: Maybe you’ll have to take me in and frisk me, Officer . . . *Big Smile*

  He texted back: I would love to make you assume the position again. *Pulls out dick and jerks it*

  I replied: I would hate for you to have to use your nightstick on me and beat me into submission.

  He texted back: I’d do what it takes to get my man. *Still jerking my dick*

  I replied: I bet you would, Officer. A ride in the back of the paddy wagon just might put me into submission.

  He texted back: Well, I guess a full cavity search is in order.

  I replied: You’ll have to catch me first . . . lol

  He texted back: Bet. I always get my man. May not be until later, but I will get “it.”

  I replied: Happy hunting, Officer! Until you place me under arrest . . . lol . . . later.

  His last text read: Bet!

  I saved that texted conversation just in case I wanted to use that against him too. I got up off of my chair and walked up the stairs to my bathroom. It was time for me to take a shower and get ready for the rest of my day. I didn’t have much planne
d. I just wanted to go back to the picture shop to see if the old man was back and if my picture was ready. I called the place before I got ready to go and there was no answer. I decided to drive on over there to see what was what. Maybe I might luck up and the old man would just happen to be there.

  I had on some khaki-colored linen pants and a white V-neck T-shirt and some basic sandals when I left the house. It was sunny and breezy out. Just like I liked it to be. It was spring and the weather was a little haywire, cold one day and warm the next. I slowly walked out of my house, taking my time, because I knew that I didn’t have much to do today outside of this picture. Work had been a little slow lately and I was getting worried about the flow of money coming in. This recession was taking its toll on everyone. I wasn’t strapped for money, but still needed to keep the money stacked in my bank account for even harder times, if they came.

  I waved to the old nosy lady across the street as I hopped into my truck. I adjusted my mirror and then pulled off. A few blocks down my street I noticed a police cruiser following me. I guess Jarrod really is after me.

  I decided to keep it moving and see where things were going. Every turn I made he made, and then when I made to the business district in historical Catonsville he was right behind me. He wasn’t even hiding the fact that he was following me.

  When I pulled up to the photo shop the lights in the place were still out. I was extremely disappointed. I wanted to get this over with and move on with my life. I sat there for a few seconds sulking and I didn’t even notice Angie walking up to my truck until it was too late. I mean, I wouldn’t have pulled off or anything like that . . . well maybe, but now it was too late. It made me even more depressed to see her sauntering up to my truck. Then it dawned on me that she was the one following me and I instantly became enraged.

  “Good afternoon, Officer.” My tone was as dry as the Sahara desert. “Is there a problem?”

  “No problem.” She smiled. “Just making sure you are all right.”

  “Making sure I’m all right?” My eyebrows rose as I spoke. “You sure you’re not just minding my business.”

  “Humph.” She laughed to herself and then looked at me with a stern face. “What’s up with you always being so nasty?”

  “Me . . . Nasty?” I pointed to myself.

  “Yes, you. Your mother told me what happened between you and her at dinner the other night. Why be disrespectful toward her? You know you only get one mother, right?”

  “No shit, Sherlock. I know that. I love my mother and I apologized to her. But I don’t see why I’m explaining myself to you. It’s not any of your business anyway what goes on between us.”

  “Is that right?” She paused and wiped her perspiring brow with the back of her hand. It wasn’t even that hot out here to be sweating. Maybe it was that hot-ass blue uniform she had on. “She is my concern. She’s my wife.”

  “Look, Angie.” If I were Mike Tyson, right now would have been the moment I’d bite a piece of her ear off. I was just that angry. “Don’t come at me with all of that shit. Mind ya business. You’re not real family anyway. You’re just a substitute . . . an imitation of the real thing. Get it! You’re second best. Now get back to your job and let me be about my business.”

  “It’s like that?” She looked at me like she wanted to beat my ass.

  “It is as long as you’re in my mother’s house.” I smiled. She was speechless. She just turned and walked back to her cruiser.

  I pulled off before she did and decide to stop at a 7-Eleven for a Slurpee and two Big Bites. It was a little past noon and I was famished. I knew that my mother would be calling me soon because she and Angie talked about everything. I didn’t know if I wanted to answer the phone when she called.

  Chapter 21


  “What’s up, my nigga!” Carlos greeted me as I walked up to his table in Hooters. It had been a week or two since we had been on an outing with just us two.

  I smiled as Carlos got up out of his chair, and we slapped our hands together in a balled-up fist and embraced in a manly hug. Some folks in the place looked at Carlos like he had lost his mind.

  “Nigga” was still taboo from anyone of the lighter hue to even hint at, much less say. I knew that it meant love and was never offended by it. It’s a term of endearment when it came to Carlos and me, at this time. “I can’t help but say that I missed you, dude.” Carlos spoke with a bright smile on his face.

  “I bet.” I laughed. I guessed we were both preoccupied with our own lives, but when we got back together it was the same old same old. It’s like we never missed a beat. “I miss you too, bruh.”

  “So what’s been going on with you?” he asked as I looked at the Hooter’s menu. We were at the one in Towson and it was quite busy on this Friday evening.

  “Nothing much.” I shrugged my shoulders. I avoided eye contact with him and looked around the room at all the patrons who were busy with their own lives. I knew it was the guilt riding me, but I moved on past it. “I’m just taking it one day at a time. What about you?” I asked, and then a smile crept across his face before he even said a word.

  “Life is good. I have all I need. I really can’t complain.”

  “She got you whipped like Mike Tyson did Robin Givens in that hotel room, doesn’t she? Your ass is out for the count.”

  He burst out into laughter. A few people looked our way to see what was so funny.

  “Dude, you are so stupid. No, I’m not whipped. I’m . . . I’m . . . in love.”

  “Really? In love?” I cocked my head to the side. “Is she pregnant?”

  “Why would you ask me something like that?” He looked at me, somewhat perturbed.

  “I’m sorry,” I apologized. “You just caught me off guard with the whole ‘in love’ thing. Not that you couldn’t be. It’s just fast.”

  “Yeah, my mom said the same thing, so I really can’t be mad at you. I probably would have asked the same question or at least thought about it if the shoe was on the other foot.”

  “I really didn’t mean it that way.” I felt a little low for my fast-ass mouth getting me into so much trouble. “It just came out.”

  “Can I help you guys out with an appetizer?” A waitress came to our table with a pen and pad, ready to take our orders. I had to admit she was stacked in the chest area, which wasn’t unusual. What was unusual was the fact that Carlos didn’t even really pay her any mind. He would have charmed her out of her number by now if it were a couple of weeks ago. He looked at her once and then back at his menu. Damn, dude is gone! I laughed to myself, and then ordered a beer and some hot wings.

  “What’s so funny?” Carlos asked after he had given his order and she walked away.

  “You.” I spoke while laughing a little.


  “Yeah, dude, you changing right before my eyes. You didn’t even give the waitress a second look.”

  “That’s because I’m happy with what I have.” He had a glow on his face. One that only true love could give.

  “That’s a good thing.” I nodded my head. I was honestly happy for him. “That’s a good thing indeed.”

  “I’m so excited about the possibilities.” He spoke with a serious look on his face. “The thought of being a husband and/or a father one day is exhilarating. I mean I never in a million years could have imagined that I would be here right now.”

  I nodded my head as if I was listening, but instead I was going down my own life’s plan and wondered again if settling down with that special one would happen for me. They say there is someone for everyone. I halfway believed that. I was in mental limbo on love, happiness, and being one with someone else.

  “Kraig . . . Kraig.” Carlos waved a hand in front of my face. “Are you listening to me?”

  “Yeah, I’m listening.”

  He twisted his lips like he knew I was lying. “Dude, stop lying.” He laughed.

  “I was.” I smiled and averted my eyes from his.

  “Then what did I just say?”

  There was a pregnant pause on my behalf. My mind went blank because I wasn’t listening. “All right . . . all right . . . I wasn’t listening. I just trailed off into thought for a second . . . Sorry.”

  “What I was saying is that I was in the process of locating my father. I didn’t tell my mother anything yet, but I think I may have a lead.”

  “Really?” My eyebrows rose in curiosity.

  “Yeah, dude. I don’t know what is going to happen but I want to get some closure in my life before I start a new one. You know?”

  “Yeah, I feel you on that.” I nodded.

  “Any progress on finding yours?” he asked.

  The waitress came to our table and interrupted me before I could answer. She set our food in front of us. “If you boys need anything else don’t be afraid to ask.” She winked at Carlos, but he didn’t even notice it. That was because his head and attention were fixed on his cell phone. He probably had a text from Carla or something.

  “Sure, no problem.” I smiled and nodded my head. She didn’t even look at me twice.

  “Everything okay?” I asked as I picked up a wing and took a bite. I loved me some hot wings. I think it was the sauce that drove me crazy.

  “Yes, everything is fine. I just got a little something something from Carla.” He was smiling hard.

  “What . . . a sext?”

  “Nah, let’s just say it’s something that I can’t show you.”

  “Damn, don’t tell me y’all send nudes over the phone.” The present smile on his face got tighter, letting me know that I was dead on the truth.

  “From time to time.” He shrugged his shoulders. “It keeps us from doing the do.”

  “What?” I almost choked on my beer that I had just taken a sip of. “You two haven’t been intimate yet?”

  “Damn, dude, tell the whole Hooters about my sex life.” I was louder than I should have been, but I didn’t notice it until now.


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