Just His Type (Part Four)

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Just His Type (Part Four) Page 15

by June, Victoria

"I've seen what you can do with your hands Felicity," he added with a broad grin. "You can fix anything. Anything. You're a better mechanic than I am. A better mechanic than your dad, even. Plus, when you run them through my hair," his gaze turned hungry, "they're perfect."

  Together we laughed and chatted and put a significant dent in the bowl of potato salad. It was like being with the old Matt, the casual, relaxed, funny one. Only it wasn't - because he was sitting across from me bare-chested and his smile was... mischievous -- sexy and flirtatious and all for me. When the buzzer went off announcing the end of the dryer cycle, we both pouted in unison.

  "I don't want to go back to reality. Do we have to?"

  Matt reached over and caressed my bare knee. Beneath the towel his hand danced up my thigh to rest on my hip.

  "Your dad will be wondering where you are," Matt reminded me.

  "I can call him," I said weakly. In the past I wouldn't have cared if I didn't go home at night, but I knew Dad was still struggling with getting sober. He insisted on doing it cold turkey and even though I rid the house of booze, there was always the fear that he'd find a way to get some if he wanted it badly enough. I folded my arms then swayed while I considered the options . . . then considered them again.

  "I have an idea. . ." Matt glanced over at the small alarm clock beside the bed. "It's only a little after six. Why don't we go to your house for a while and hang out with your dad? Then maybe later tonight we can go back to my place."

  How did Matt figure that Dad needed me to look after him? I hadn't said anything about Dad's struggle to sober up, just as I'd never said anything about his drinking problem in the first place. Matt saw way more than I gave him credit for.

  We straightened the spare room, collected all the towels, and brought them downstairs to the kitchen. I laughed at Matt's pouting as I dressed again. We threw all the towels in the wash and then piled into Matt's car. He gave a long, enthusiastic toot of the car horn as we drove past his parents' house. It wasn't really fair to chase Rhiannon, Joe, and Sophie from their home, although I was grateful for the alone time they'd given us.


  Dad couldn't hide his surprise when Matt and I ambled into the living room twenty minutes later. He didn't ask us any questions though as we settled on the couch, however he did send me an encouraging grin when he thought Matt couldn't notice. We watched the news and the sports highlights and then half of an action movie before my father's snores filled the room.

  It was half past nine when I glanced at the clock. I rose and tucked an afghan around my father and then snapped off the lamp at his elbow.

  "Think he'll be okay there?" Matt whispered as he came to stand behind me.

  "He sleeps here most nights." And out of the habit of covering things I added, "It's easier on his back than being in bed."

  I turned around to find Matt smiling down at me. He smoothed my hair down. "You're so good to him. You're so good to me."

  I shrugged. "What can I say? I have a soft spot for mechanics."

  Matt's smile grew crooked. "Think it's safe to leave him now?"

  I nodded. "He'll sleep through the night. And he can drive himself to the garage in the morning."

  "Does that mean I can finally take you home?" Matt murmured. "Are you spending the night with me?"

  "If you want me to."

  "Oh, I want," Matt purred.

  I reached up and curled my hand around Matt's cheek. By the looks of it, he hadn't shaved all week and his stubble was starting to get soft. I rubbed it teasingly, hoping he'd let it grow. A beard would suit him.

  "Need a few minutes to pack an overnight bag?"

  I batted my eyelashes. "Why? Am I going to need pajamas?"

  Matt bit back a groan. "Never! Just a toothbrush and clean coveralls for tomorrow."

  "And bra and panties," I teased. "Maybe a t-shirt, a pair of socks."

  Matt tilted his head. "What are the chances I can just keep you naked in my bed all day tomorrow instead?"

  I patted his cheek again, a little more forcefully. "Slim to none, I'm afraid. We have a lot of jobs booked tomorrow."

  "Slave driver," Matt muttered with a disgruntled laugh. He whirled me about and pushed me in the direction of the stairs. It only took a few minutes to collect my things. I left Dad a note even though I knew he would figure out exactly where I was when he woke in the morning.

  Matt passed the five-minute drive back to the garage by listing out loud all the ways we'd make love. Half of me couldn't stop laughing at some of his outrageous suggestions; the other half was on fire imagining us carrying out his sexy ideas. He let me climb the stairs this time, but we were only a few feet inside the door when he scooped me up and carried me, laughing, to the bedroom.

  "Are you convinced I am physically unable to walk?" I joked as Matt set me down and began divesting me of my t-shirt and khakis for the second time in a day.

  "I like slinging you about," Matt said in a raspy growl. "Makes me feel manly."

  I helped pull his polo shirt over his head and then splayed my hands against his broad, hard chest. "Of course, because you're not manly enough."

  Matt shrugged before he brushed his thumbs over my nipples. I moaned.

  "I feel the most manly when you make noises like that for me," he drawled. Gently he picked me up and laid me down on his bed before covering me with his warm weight. "Let's see how many more noises I can coax out of you."

  As it turns out, he managed to get quite a lot.

  It was after midnight before I conceded defeat. Matt slumped over me, his breathing just as ragged as my own.

  "You know. . . I'm not going to be able to move tomorrow because of you."

  He patted my hip. "It'll be a nice reminder."

  I laughed into his shoulder. I wasn't going to need a reminder of our time together. There wasn't any way I was liable to forget it.

  "Are you going to be able to get any work done around the shop now?" I asked with a giggle. "Or are you just going to spend your day ogling my butt every time I bend over?"

  Matt chuckled and shifted off of me then wrapped me against his body. "Felicity, honey," he announced as he drew the blankets over us. "I've been ogling your lovely bottom every time you've bent over for the past two months and still managed to keep up. Tomorrow will be no different."

  I feigned shock and elbowed Matt in the ribs.


  His response was sleepy laughter. I felt his large body relax against mine and with each passing moment, the effects of the long day snuck up on me.

  "Yeah, but I'm your pervert," he mumbled as he dropped a kiss on the top of my head. "So that's got to count for somethin'."

  "It counts for everything," I said just as exhaustion set in. Matt's hand settled on my waist and then together we slept.


  Make sure to check out:

  Part One- Lilly’s Adventure

  Part Two- Rhiannon’s Adventure

  Part Three- Adele’s Adventure




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