Bush League: New Adult Sports Romance

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Bush League: New Adult Sports Romance Page 21

by Pfeiffer Jayst

  “Finn...we've got one song that's only halfway done and a few ideas we need to flesh out. This has to get done, man.” Vida's nagging was getting stronger as she felt the pressure of the clock ticking. We did have one song, a song I wrote in a fit one night, and as far as I was concerned it was very close to being finished. I had played it for Dakota (who recorded it with her phone) and she was blown away. To further convince my co-songwriter, I started to strum it again, humming along lightly so she could write down any lyrics that popped into her head.

  My hands maneuvered up and down the guitar with ease, since this song and its melody had come to me, it refused to leave. My brain couldn't shake it. Looking over at Dakota and Vida, they were transfixed as well, there was something to this song that captured everyone that heard it.

  I'm gonna tear down the walls around your heart

  Don't look back now baby

  I was here from the start

  A chance glance down the hallway and I found that someone else had been called by this particular tune; Allie was standing outside of her door, trying her best not to be spotted. I continued to play and sing, locking eyes with her, giving my words even more meaning. An intense connection formed from opposite sides of the house, burning between us. It was the closest I had felt to her, to anyone for that matter, in a long time.

  Dakota ruined the moment by deciding she should pipe in.

  “I don't know Vida, the song sounds perfect as it is. It's just...amazing.”

  I had wowed the intern and was thankful for that, even if she had committed a rookie move in chiming in when her opinion wasn't asked for. Vida kept her annoyance in check even though she had plenty of reasons to rip Dakota's head right off. The break in the song woke Allie from reality; as Vida and Dakota had a terse back and forth, Allie slunk back into her room and closed the door.

  “Why don't you two run off to get dinner while I write down these chord changes?” I suggested to them.

  For once Vida was agreeable, after making me promise we'd get more done in the next 24 hours. I assured her we would even if I wasn't entirely convinced that would be possible. The two soon found their way out the door leaving me alone with the one person I loved, the one person who hated me.

  Writing songs was easy, at least compared to figuring out what to say when I was done singing. I didn't know what to say to Allie or how to get us off this bickering routine we had developed. All I knew was that I wanted to be near her, to feel her warmth against me, inside of my arms. Standing outside of her door, I raised my hand to knock several times but had to keep lowering it when I felt my tongue tying itself in knots. It took a few moments to realize that she was playing music. Very faintly I heard a familiar song coming from her room.

  I'm gonna tear down the walls around your heart

  Don't look back now baby

  I was here from the start

  She was listening to my song. I stood completely still and heard her start it over a few times, playing the clip all the way through as though she couldn't get enough. My hand acted on its own accord and knocked gently on her door. The music suddenly stopped and Allie was soon in the opening of the flung open door, looking beyond irritated to find that it was me who had knocked.

  “What?!” she spat, again looking everywhere but at my face. Her arms crossed over her large chest, her brow furrowed and I'm certain she had no idea how achingly gorgeous I found her even then.

  “What'cha listening to?” I asked in a way I regretted because of how smarmy I knew I sounded. I saw a bright shade of red start to creep over her face until it was all covered, unable to hide her embarrassment.

  “I got a track early and have to review it. It's ok, not really something I'm into.”

  “Is that why you keep listening to it over and over again?”

  She had no response, she had been caught red-handed. Allie bowed her head and moved aside, as if to invite me in.

  “Let's get this interview over with,” she sheepishly muttered but it was enough for me to vault through her door enthusiastically. Once she established that I was to sit far away from her, I readied for the inquisition.

  Allie fumbled through sheets of paper and was completely flustered, unsure of how to proceed. I went straight for the elephant in the room. Her phone was still attached to the speakers and while looking right at her, my finger found the play button to resume the song.

  She knows what she wants

  but she's too scared to go get it

  I'm right here baby,

  I won't leave you again

  As I watched Allie get wrapped up in the my words coming through her speakers, I moved closer to her until I was sitting alongside her on the bed. Going for broke, I brushed some hair off of her forehead as she continued to look away, intent on listening to the song all the way through again.

  “I could get the guitar and play it for you. Just for you,” I offered in a whisper.

  “What's it about Finn. The words, who are they about?”

  This was the first time she had actually looked at me, her eyes pleading for what her heart wanted but she knew better than to go after.

  “It's about the one time I felt something deep. I guess you can call it love. It's about the only time my heart felt connected to someone else.”

  Allie had turned her body towards mine, opening up to me as I moved myself even closer. Our faces started to drift towards each other, as if on their own, destined to meet again at the lips. My hands rested on her thighs as I wished to feel more of her.

  “Do you not...feel it anymore?”

  Her eyes couldn't have gotten any bigger and more eager, wanting an answer I knew I couldn't give.


  My words were like a gush of cold air blown into her face. I felt her pull back considerably so I moved in closer to compensate, not wanting or willing to lose the moment, the connection.

  “I wrote this song so I could always have her with me,” I told her and it was clear she had a hard time telling when I was being honest and when I wasn't. She remained skeptical of almost everything I said.

  “I'll forever regret losing...her but I'm not willing to forget,” I said trying to get even closer to her. Allie backed away, overwhelmed by the emotions swelling inside of her. She sprinted over to her desk and stood there with her back turned to me, my song still playing on repeat. Arriving right behind Allie, I was a little less forward, this time slowly pressing myself into her body, my hands on her shoulders as my mouth danced dangerously close to the nape of her neck.

  “It's not gone,” I told her as my hips thrust into her soft rear. “I still feel it.”

  The rigidness of Allie's body started to loosen, her falling into me, letting me take control. My hands moved down her arms and landed on her wrists, holding us steady against her desk. I moved her hair off of her ear and gently pulled her further into my body. “Do you still feel it?” I whispered as my lower half started to merge with hers.

  “Finn...I...” Her words stopped almost as abruptly as they had started. Allie's hands instead reached behind her and found my body, pulling me closer into her. She grasped at me with desperation, as if holding on to me would keep me from ever leaving.

  “Allie, I feel it too,” I told her while sliding my hands up her front and taking hold of her large breasts. My face nuzzled her bare neck as she let out a soft moan, immediately pursing her lips in an attempt to stifle any noise. We swayed back and forth together, our hips finding a perfect rhythm. When my hands slid a little lower and caressed her soft inner thighs, Allie was unable to prevent another gasp from escaping.

  “Finn...” she moaned as my hands gingerly toyed with the fringes of the waistband of her pants. She took in a sharp breath as I dipped my flattened fingers inside of her pants, caressing the lower half of her stomach before moving in rhythm to the wanting mound down between her legs.

  “Oh Finn,” she purred as one of my digits danced over her wet folds, toying with her as
we continued to move, her generous bottom pressed firmly against my cock which her hand was grasping for.

  “Finn,” came out like an urgent whisper once the tip of my finger breached the entrance of her femininity. Allie brought a hand up behind my head and pulled me in even closer as her other pushed my finger in deeper, all while we rocked together.

  Without warning Allie whipped herself around, opened her legs and pulled me in, planting her lips on me before I even knew what was going on. The swollen bulge hidden in my jeans pressed against her mound as we continued to rock in a frenzy. My hands flew all over, unable to find satisfaction only wanting as much of her as I could have, as much as I could feel.

  “Hello?! Where are they?” Dakota's voice suddenly called out. Allie pushed me off of her quickly, putting a distance between us in record time. She straightened her hair and clothes urgently and positioned herself far, far away from me. Her eyes directed me to a nearby chair, insisting I act casual lest anybody figure out what had been happening in here only moments earlier. I obeyed though I didn't care who knew. As Allie carefully watched the door, I knew this tryst was over, at least for the moment.

  “Hey,” I tried to get her attention with a charming smile. “Hey!” I had to repeat when she didn't immediately look my way. She looked at me like I was crazy, begging me to shut up. That wasn't gonna happen.

  “We're doing a secret show tonight. Will you come?”

  It was hard to tell if she was just agreeing with me to shut me up but Allie did say she'd be there. There would be a large crowd for sure but the only one I wanted to be there was her.

  “Promise?” I asked before leaving her room and she just rolled her eyes. That was good enough for me.


  Chapter Nineteen


  I went through a whole list of curse words once Finn left the room. It had happened again, against every vow I had made: he had got to me again. There was something about him that made it impossible for me to say no to him. Something about his smile, his smell, his touch. Everything I hated about Finn made me powerless around him.

  Reminding myself of the hatred wasn't too difficult once I heard Vida's voice outside. It brought me back to that moment where I learned of how she had wiggled her way into his life and took his attention off of me, the person he swore he loved. It was her confidence that added to my hurt; she didn't even blink an eye when he openly flirted with both me and Dakota. She felt she had him and had no idea that he had made several passes at me in our time here. Though I should've felt plenty of guilt instead I was even more annoyed that she couldn't be bothered to care.

  It didn't escape me that Finn was doubly hot due to the fact that we were about to be related through marriage. Forget the famous rock star angle, it was so taboo, so forbidden for us to fool around like we had. If I didn't find another outlet for my fantasies soon, Finn was going to continue to drive me crazy. That's when it hit me: his show, tonight. I needed to find a hot, like, super hot guy and just throw myself at him. Have a tryst to release all of this pent up frustration, get it out of my system. If Finn happened to notice, so be it. Then he could know the pain I felt when he went public with that tart.

  "Hey, can I go with you tonight? Vida says she's gonna be working with Finn up until the point he goes up on stage."

  There was Dakota again, unaware of what was really going on and of course, needing my guidance.

  "Damn, you look hot," she said, managing to get in my good graces again, at least temporarily. We talked about the article I was supposed to be putting together and she asked if she could write up a report from the show, something to add to what I was already planning on writing.

  "Knock yourself out," I told her, "Tonight I'm on the hunt for some hot dude to come with me to the wedding. I'm going to be holding auditions." Though I was trying to be funny, after I winked at the intern I instantly became aware I was just as much a creep as my soon-to-be stepbrother.

  "It's a shame that you and Finn couldn't work out," she said, causing me to freeze in place as my blood ran cold. "He's with Vida and he's also about to be your brother and all..." she felt the need to remind me of what I was already well aware of. "He just seems to really like you, that's all. And he's sooooo hot."

  The girl was living in fantasy land, unaware that the real world didn't work out that way. The fantasy never bleeds into reality, Prince Charming almost always turns out to be a dick and your realistic mate is someone you have to sometimes push yourself to want. As I studied myself in the mirror while using my straightener, Dakota had put on her own getup, a skimpy top with a leather skirt that defied her innocent age.

  "How's this?" she asked for my approval.


  "Good. Maybe I'm trying to get someone's attention as well," she said while borrowing some of my mirror space to assure herself that she looked good. Poor girl. If she's under the impression Finn's going to drop everything for her, she's headed for heartbreak. I didn't tell her that though, you have to let people make their own mistakes. A little hurt is good, in the long run. It makes you stronger. Once I found someone to get under, I was certain I'd be over this silly fantasy about Finn. To be done with this headache was all I wanted.

  Finn and Vida had left without us so I was left to drive Dakota and myself to the only club in town. Two city girls, dressed to the 9's for a wild night and I felt confident we'd be the envy of everyone there. Once Dakota plugged her phone into the car and played that song again, my mind went elsewhere and I was lost, Finn intruding on my thoughts yet again. With my chin up and a promise to stick to my plan, I stepped on the gas to get us there even faster. This would be the night I was finally done with Finn.


  Chapter Twenty


  As I warmed up backstage, Vida seized the opportunity to try and go over some of the riffs we had expanded on back at the house. My mind wasn't exactly there, instead I was anxious about this show. What if nobody came? It was a last minute "surprise" in a small, no-nothing town. But then again, maybe it would be fun to play in front of only a few people, just like the old days. Lord knows there wouldn't be many more opportunities for that any time soon. Truth be told, there was only one person I hoped would make it. I hoped that at least she would be watching.

  "There's Mr. Rock star," Sully called out as he sauntered on over. It dawned on me in that moment that I had completely blown off my band members ever since they had arrived in town, whenever that was. My mind was in a million different places.

  "How was the trip in?" I asked in an attempt to make them believe that I had been concerned about them.

  "Y'know, bumpy like all flights into small airports in the middle of fuckin' nowhere," Razor gave with a smile. "There any tail around here?"

  Vida and I exchanged a glance, one that told me that she wasn't surprised yet also not amused by the macho-male talk that was about to follow.

  "More than you know. Once you get a good look, you'll be begging the label to book us here ten times a year," I told them, trying to come across as believable. The expression on Razor's face indicated he was about to go somewhere that was going to get under my skin. Having known each other for so long, he knew how to get to me and I knew when he was about to try.

  "Heard you got a new step-sister," he said, letting it rest for a minute before continuing. "How 'bout you introduce me and Sully? We'd sure like to show her a good time."

  Razor pointed to his crotch before the two of them traded playful jabs to the ribs as they hooted and hollered, amused by the suggestion. It was all in good fun and not something I should get bent out of shape over but still, the anger started to bubble up deep inside of me. My face forced a grin as I contemplated physically letting them know not to talk about Allie that way. I knew I'd have to let it go this time but if they ever spoke of her that way again, they'd learn the hard way that it wouldn't be tolerated.

  Razor quickly composed himself then turned to my partner-in-crime
. "So Vida," he addressed her, "we got those new songs written or what?"

  Vida soon looked the part of a tattle-tale, as if she just couldn't wait to rat me out.

  "You're gonna have to talk to this one," she waved her thumb towards me. "We've only got a very rough draft of one song."

  The guy looked at me with disappointment. While they were off gallivanting and living the life, they had assumed I had been hard at work. They depended on me for their livelihoods and I was putting us all at risk.

  "I want to play it tonight. The new song. We can go over it real quick," I explained.


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