Bush League: New Adult Sports Romance

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Bush League: New Adult Sports Romance Page 40

by Pfeiffer Jayst

  The thoughts running through my mind were fast and fleeting. Many warnings to myself that this was wrong and needed to stop. Those musings were soon conflicted by other scandalous thoughts that insisted that I needed this, that I wanted Rorke more than anything in the world. The strong desire inside of me could be satiated by only one thing, and that thing was gingerly rubbing between my legs.

  With athletic ability I wasn't aware I possessed, I swung around quickly and landed right on Rorke's lap. My boobs shook in delight as I settled, only the thin layers of our underwear separating us. My wanting mound landed directly on top of where his throbbing cock was positioned, our parts pressing firmly against each other, daring the both of us to finally give in. While staring deep into his eyes, I lifted myself briefly and pulled those pink panties down, kicking the slightly damp underwear from my ankles. As I did this he slipped out of his own tight boxers, our bare skin ready to finally meet. Lowering myself down on him, I let my naked femininity rest on top of his manhood, letting my wetness lay claim to his shaft. Rorke appeared amused the whole time, hoping it would finally happen while not rushing me at all.

  "What about your two week rule?" I asked while gingerly maneuvering my soaking lower lips up and down his engorged shaft, teasing him, giving him the opportunity to be the one to stop things. Rorke sat up straight with me in his lap, looked deep into my eyes while telling me, "I don't care," before planting a firm kiss right on my lips.

  Our mouths merged and tongues danced with intense passion as our lower halves came together in a forbidden union. He slid inside of me with ease, causing me to bite my lip, stifling another moan from escaping as he stretched my tight pocket. Our lightly stubbled parts rubbed together in perfect rhythm as I moved like a belly-dancer, my hips circling all around my stepbrother's lap while he slid in and out of me. He was quite preoccupied with my breasts, his mouth attentive to both of them, breaking contact for only seconds at a time. My right hand fell behind me for support as I brought Rorke in and out, slightly increasing the speed at which I made him disappear inside of me. My special nub pressed against his hard body as he stretched me pleasurably with defined thrusts inside. When one of Rorke's hands met mine, he interlocked our fingers and I drove even harder down onto him.

  My mind stepped out of itself for a moment to remind me that this wasn't a good idea. A few weeks out of school and these were the kinds of decisions I was making. I mean, how could I ever judge anyone, for anything, ever again? All of the tabloid stories about Rorke made me feel as though I was better than him but now, I was just as scandalous. God, if anyone took a cellphone picture of him and I walking into this room together? Realizing the foolish risks I had taken, it dawned on me that if they wanted to, security could very well sell the footage from the hallway or wedding if they thought to look for it. Shit. This decision was going to live with me forever. I'd forever been known as some spoiled step-heir to a giant fortune. The kind of girl who would screw her stepbrother on the night of her parents' wedding. No matter if I stopped suddenly, right in the middle of this...it was too late, this had definitely happened. He was inside of me. It was a reality. If I could never say that I had never slept with a family member. This new reality was a scarlet letter. Part of my permanent record. Still though, looking down at his thick shaft sliding in and out of me, I couldn't help but think it was all worth it.

  In an effort to try and forget the taboo nature of what we were doing, I tried to focus on him. Looking down at the boy I was riding, I felt a giddiness wash over me. At least in that moment, I felt it was all worth it and I wanted that feeling forever. I watched his face as my hips dragged Rorke in and out of me, his hands and eyes continued to be preoccupied with my breasts. When he eventually caught me watching him, his eyes locked with mine and we both got lost in each other, all while moving together as one.

  My head soon felt light and full of sunshine as an intensity started to crest from deep inside. My eyes closed again as I focused, my knees propelling me all around. I felt Rorke's strong hands take hold of my hips in an attempt to bring me even closer, to take control of my body. My head shot back from the explosion inside of me, the fragments of which spread down to the tips of my extremities. My own hands clasped my breasts as I bucked and bulled all around, completely out of control, the wild flailing was proof of that. I continued to slide on my stepbrother's well lubricated cock in an attempt to keep the amazing feelings coming, to get as much life as possible out of the climax.

  Our hands joined together as I slowed down a little, my orgasm slowly starting to recede. When I had blissfully pushed myself all the way down, so that Rorke was all of the way deep inside of me, I felt it. A warm feeling filled my lower half, the sensation soon overwhelming.

  It was then I realized that my stepbrother hadn't put on a condom.

  "Rorke!" I leapt off of his naked body as quickly as I could. When I had landed on the side of the bed, his warm juices crept out of me and down my inner thigh, some collecting on the bed. In a panic I tried to wipe it far off of me, using a tissue from the desk beside the bed. The worry and anxiety set in as I wondered how much worse I had just made this situation. Our moments of bliss may very well soon have serious consequences and I silently chastised myself for another poor decision. Looking over at Rorke, he matched my incredulous glare with one of confusion, he had no idea what he had done wrong.

  "My stepbrother just fucking came in me, that's what," I informed him when he insisted to know what was wrong. It's kind of difficult to shame someone while wiping their jizz off of your own thigh. He still didn't appear worried.

  "Wait, you're not on the pill?" he asked as though he couldn't even believe the question as it left his mouth. When I angrily explained that I wasn't, the look of concern on his face was intense. For a few moments, he just stared at me, the both of us quiet, processing the gravity of our situation. Rorke's head then cocked as if he was about to say something, something to make this all better, but no words came out. Finally he collected his things and got up from the bed.

  "Yeah, I should really get going," he finally decided without even looking at me. Though I wanted him to be careful about walking in the hallway, I wanted him gone much more. He made sure to fix his clothes as not to look like he just banged his sister and reached for the handle of the door. After one quick look back, he left the room. I sat on the bed, head in hands, wondering how I had let my life get this messed up.





  A beam of sunlight traveled millions of miles to Earth unobstructed, intent on finding the very small crack between the hotel curtain and the window of the room I was in. It was a direct hit, landing directly on my closed eyelids, waking me up with that friendly 'You're on fire' sensation. After I angrily threw a pillow towards the window, the rude beam of light was momentarily blocked. Still tired, I attempted to fall back asleep which turned out to be impossible given how annoyed I was.

  This was this first morning in weeks where I had been allowed to sleep in a little bit later and it would be wasted. Each morning Hubert insisted I talk to him on the phone as I jogged, like he didn't trust me to do it without proof. When I had told him I needed these two days off for the wedding, he had absolutely protested it, saying I should only go to the ceremony and come right back to the gym. It took quite some convincing to let him allow it but finally he agreed, “But you call me on that morning jog,” he demanded. Since I had every intention of eating and drinking my father into the poor house after the ceremony, it felt like a lie assuring him that I would. The promise rang in my head as I lay exhausted in the bed, knowing that I had to stick to what I had agreed to. Bitterly I peeled back the covers of the bed, cursing my trainer's name under my breath.

  I found yesterday's shorts and yesterday's hoodie and got them ready to put on. As I went to step into the gym shorts, my body felt a little different. By this point every morning, no matter how hungover or tired or whateve
r, I would always be harder than Chinese math. Looking down at my lower half, I found that my dick was asleep, not feeling the obligation to awaken with the rest of my body. This was odd, it was always at full staff in the morning without fail. Looking down, I was amused and confused finding my trusty tool resting so comfortably. Just as I was about to shrug it off and head out, I suddenly remembered the activities of the night before...


  My dick magically began to rise as the vivid memories of the previous hours flooded my mind. The way we twisted together as she rode me until we both came. The pleasant sensation of reliving that moment cut short as I remembered that I really did cum, right inside of her. No condom or nothing. While I guess I really should've been worried, I couldn't think about just how damned hot the whole thing was. I mean, she's my uptight, snotty stepsister. This wasn't supposed to happen and that made it so, so hot.

  Before leaving, I grabbed my phone to call Hubert, get some proof so that this jog would actually mean something. First I saw that thankfully, he hadn't called yet. Next I saw that I had a text waiting, it was from Madelyn.

  “Wanna dance?” she had texted me at some point during the wedding, before we had done much more intimate dancing. I wanted to keep talking to her, to open back up the lines of communication. Without much of an idea of what to say, I could only think to text her "Sure," hoping she'd find it funny. She didn't write back.

  Once I got outside, I wanted to get a little distance away from the hotel before I called Hubert. Have a nice sweat going on and some loss of breath before talking to him. Make it sound like I was really giving myself a go of it. I was almost all of the way out of the parking lot when I heard it.

  “Rorke?” a female's voice reached my ears. My head quickly turned to the sound that was calling my name. There was my new stepmother Carol and dear ol' dad, standing by the door, seeing off their guests. I had been spotted so I had to go over.

  “Son,” Carmine addressed me, “surprised to see you're even awake,” he said while patting the backs of a few old men as they left the hotel.

  “Yeah, I'm on a pretty strict schedule,” I proudly informed him even though I knew it would fall on deaf ears.

  “That's good to hear. Hope you've had time to find yourself somewhere to live. By the way, have you met Roger Balive?” Father moved to reveal a man that had been standing with him. A short, overweight, balding man with a kind face. “Roger here has just sold my entire estate. Say Roger, did that sale include the carriage house?”

  Roger stepped forward and looked at me with apologetic eyes. “Yes sir, it does. The entire property.”

  My father didn't look at Mr. Balive but instead watched me closely, studying my face to watch the anger start to grow. He thrived on my misery.

  Mr. Balive left the uncomfortable moment and I chose to not even address my father, turning instead to Carol, I tried to speak quietly.

  “Hi, Ca..Mrs...'Mom'...” the two of us laughed as I struggled for the right way to speak to her, “Sorry I missed the breakfast.”

  “Oh, it's ok. You're obviously busy with this... stuff. Very proud of you.” Her response was reasonable and calm, I don't know why Madelyn was always insisting her mother was so irrational.

  “So, um, is Madelyn still in there?” I asked while pointing back towards the hotel, “Eating breakfast?”

  My new stepmom got a wild look in her eye, excited about something. “Oh, no. Maddie had to leave early this morning. You didn't hear it from me but I'm pretty sure she's getting back together with her ex-boyfriend. They've been talking back and forth, hell, she was even texting him during the wedding. Anyway, she's been talking to him about getting back together which is good because she doesn't have anywhere to stay. She's gonna get to go live with him and maybe have a little fun while she's at it...” As she finished that sentence, stepmom's voice got low and she elbowed me playfully in the ribs even though I was horrified by what she was saying. She didn't know, she thought this was amazing gossip that would, for some reason, entertain me.

  “Speaking of which, what are you gonna do? The house is definitely sold, all of it is. He seems pretty serious about making you go live on the street.” Just as she finished talking, my delightful father showed up at her side, wanting to oversee the conversation.

  “What's going on here?” he asked, his new bride staring up at him with complete admiration. Not knowing any better, Carol tried to diffuse the tension.

  “Oh nothing,” she told him with a playful pat on the chest, “I was just explaining to your son here how you kept me up all night and how sore I am right now.”

  My father and I both looked at her with complete shock. I think she was unaware of what she was saying until it had left her mouth. Her face soon read complete embarrassment and she excused herself, leaving my father and I alone together. Carmine came in real close and voice got real terse.

  “You've got one week and then you're out, you understand? The house is gone and I don't care where you go.” The overwhelming scent of breath mints wafted over my face even though I tried to squirm out of the way. Father remained stiff and incredibly close to me, holding on to my arm and not willing to back down. In desperate need to get out of there, I gladly backed off first and faded away from my father, breaking into a jog in only a few strides. As I slowly made distance between Carmine and me, I started to dial Hubert.

  “It's almost 10 o'clock in the morning!” he barked into the phone as soon as our connection was made.

  “Hubert, it's been a very rough night but I'm here now, let's do this.”

  “Fight's in one day, I hope you're ready. Your opponent didn't take two days off. Whatever it is, you'll be running some extra today,” he insisted as we started our way into the woods.





  The morning after my parents’ wedding, I needed somewhere to go and fast. The Fratelli estate was out of the question, I needed some time far, far away from Rorke. Even though he had been the one who proposed meeting up, when I texted Derek that morning, trying to sweet talk him into letting me stay over, he responded quickly insisting that it wasn’t a “good time”. I’m not sure why I was surprised. Without any other idea of where I could go, I remembered the phone number one of my co-workers had given me. The little old lady who was looking for someone to help her around the house. It was a long shot but one worth attempting. As soon as I was far enough away from the hotel and my family, I called Mrs. Rosenbloom that morning, naively believing she may be the answer to my prayers.

  “Hello? Mrs. Rosenbloom?” I had to repeat several times. “Your niece gave me your number,” (repeated several times) “would you be able to meet?”

  Once I was finally able to get through to her and she understood I wasn’t trying to sell her anything, Mrs. Rosenbloom carefully spelled out her address. She felt the need to add in some directions, as if she was completely unaware that GPS existed. After I repeated “uh-huh” a million times, we hung up with the understanding that I was about to audition for the chance to have a place to live.

  Pulling up outside the house she had painfully directed me to, I couldn't help but feel some delight upon noticing just how close it was to the fun of downtown. She had one of the only houses amid a swath of high-end buildings, a holdout from the aggressive gentrification that happened before I got there. She was clearly stubborn and I hoped that she may also have a kind and patient side too. I at least would have to exhibit such, it took several rings of the doorbell before she finally answered.

  The woman who answered the door was quite elderly and I then saw why she would need help around the house. Within moments of speaking with her, it was clear that her prickly personality hadn't dampened with age, she curtly demanded I get inside before one of her "pervert neighbors" gets a good look at me. As Mrs. Rosenbloom struggled with the turning of several locks, I was delighted to see how cozy and clean her home was, maybe the chores wou
ldn't be so bad after all.

  "Shoes! Take them off!" she barked so suddenly and loudly I almost jumped right out of my flats. "Unless you like scrubbing dirt out of carpet all night." I politely followed her demand and waited until she showed me the exact spot I was allowed to sit on the plastic covered couch.

  Next she was quick to list off a number of chores she expected to be completed daily. It was exhausting just to hear her say them, never mind the potential of being chastised for not doing them to her high standards. It took all of my power to convince myself that I could do it, that I could power through it because I didn't have any other firm option. Still though, I had to wonder if she had been down this road before.

  "A couple of nurses have tried," Mrs. Rosenbloom answered after I repeated my question a few times. "but I haven't been able to find the right fit."

  "Oh well, I'm not a nurse, you know," I informed her.

  "Can you clean though? That's most important."

  She had me there and through gritted teeth I assured her I could. Without even fully understanding my desperation, Mrs. Rosenbloom suggested a "try out", for me to prove to her how much she'd want me around. While I had thought we had already established that, I needed to be sure before we went any further.

  "Could we do it today?"

  Mrs. Rosenbloom accepted my proposal after making me promise that I wasn't a "doper". She didn't need to know that my only hidden shame was that I had intimate relations with a family member. Nobody needed to know that. Ever. As I was pondering how pathetic my life had become, this sweet old lady handed me a sheet with a list of chores and took on the demeanor of a drill sergeant, insisting I get started at once.


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