Stories of the Confederated Star Systems

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Stories of the Confederated Star Systems Page 2

by Jones, Loren K.

  “Admiral Kerhonkson,” she said as she pushed the answer stud.

  “Mara, what the hell are you doing?” the voice of Fleet Admiral Franco asked.


  “The president just chewed my ass about you interfering in the—in the business of a new research directorate. Damn it, woman, there are some things you just don’t have a right to know. Whatever the hell you’re doing, stop it before you get beached.”

  “Admiral, what are—”

  “Do it before I have to make it an official order and have you relieved, Admiral Kerhonkson.”

  “Yes, sir.” The line went dead and the admiral looked at Lady Leslie. “Your son?”

  “You may refer to him as President Roberts.” Lady Leslie turned and pointed a wrinkled finger at Captain Reordan. “Return to your ship. The Wells and her crew are on detached duty from the Navy. You answer to me and my staff, not this officious busybody.”

  Captain Reordan gave Admiral Kerhonkson a pensive glance, then came to attention and said, “Yes, Lady Leslie.” She left the office, but behind her she heard Lady Leslie say, “That’s one. You don’t get two.”


  Captain Reordan found Master Chief McCormack engaged in a lively discussion with a male Senior Chief when she returned to the shuttle. The chiefs immediately ended their discussion with a wave and Master Chief McCormack waved her captain on board before closing and securing the hatch. “Is everything all right, Captain?” she asked as she took her seat.

  Captain Reordan didn’t look up from her computer terminal as she answered, “Yes, Krys, everything’s fine. Head back to the dry-dock. I have to look something up.” They had been underway for fifteen minutes when Captain Reordan grunted. “I’ll be damned.”


  Captain Reordan shook her head. “My meeting with Admiral Kerhonkson was interrupted by our new boss. Lady Leslie Roberts is the head of our new research directorate. She’s also President Roberts’ mom. She’s got quite a bio. Born on Hector’s World as the youngest daughter to King Alonso Del Rios, her brother was King Rolando, and her nephew Antonio is the current king. She was married to Prince Rupert of Andersen’s Planet for three years, no children. No information on the divorce beyond the fact they got divorced. She married Lieutenant Commander Gregory Roberts, who eventually became Admiral Lord Roberts, and then First Lord of the Admiralty Roberts.”

  Krystal let loose a long, low whistle. “Boss lady’s no one to mess with. What happened?”

  “She came in, slapped down Admiral Nosey, and then called the president when there was a question of who works for who. We work for her and her directorate.” Captain Reordan sighed gustily. “And I still have no idea what that directorate is called or what our mission is.”

  “Given the capability of the Wells, you know it almost has to be historical research.”

  Captain Reordan nodded. “Too true. Where’re the cards? I’ve got to win my pants back before we reach the dock.”


  There was a message waiting for Captain Reordan when she reached her office. “Erica,” Lady Leslie’s voice said as her image formed on the screen, “you are hereby directed to ignore any further summonses from Admiral Kerhonkson. While you are inhabiting one of her dry-docks, and her people are refitting your ship, you don’t answer to her.” Lady Leslie’s face frowned out of the screen.

  “However, because of her actions today, Eric has decided that we need to make an announcement. I want you on Earth tomorrow morning for the formal presentation. We’ll be holding a press conference on the steps of the capitol building in Geneva at eleven in the morning, so present yourself in full dress kit no later than nine. The paperwork is being transmitted for your executive officer’s clearance, and will probably be waiting for you. Get him briefed, then head planet-side.” The screen went blank without another word.

  Captain Reordan muttered, “Damn,” as she checked her in box. Sure enough, Kellin Frazier’s full clearance was right on top. She pushed a stud on her com panel and he answered almost immediately.

  “XO’s stateroom, Commander Frazier speaking.”

  “Commander, come to my office. I have your clearance and I’m ready to brief you on our ship.”

  “On my way, Captain,” he answered and the com clicked. The Marine at the door announced him a moment later and he came to attention in front of her desk. “Commander Frazier reporting as ordered, Ma’am.”

  “Sit down, Commander. This is the story of our ship.” She waited until he was seated, then related the story as she had been told. His reaction was predictable.

  He whispered, “A time machine?”

  “A Temporal Cruiser. We are unlikely to be using her for interstellar flight, though. Not sure the drive can function like that anymore. But we will be making hyper-jumps to different time periods. Right now, you, me, Jarred Williamson and his twenty engineers, and Krystal McCormack are the only ones outside the upper echelons of the service and government who know about this. Even the few other crewmembers who’ve reported haven’t been told anything other than we’re refitting an old ship as a research vessel. Most of Jarred’s people came from the Chaffee, so they already knew most of it.”

  She paused and shook her head. “I’ve been summoned dirt-side for the official announcement. Then I’ll find out what our directorate is actually called. I’ll take Krys with me—oh, I should mention that Krys McCormack and I served together on the Volochev twenty years ago. She was a Second Class when I was a JG acting as ComOfficer. We’ve been friends for a long time, and I requested her for this duty.”

  “Understood, Captain. Damn. Time travel. Never thought it would really happen.”

  “I’m pretty sure no one did. Like many great discoveries, it was a total accident, but we’re going to take full advantage of it. Now I’ve got to tell Krys that we’re going to a formal occasion—she’s gonna love it—and then go dig out my dress uniform.”

  “I’ll keep our ship on an even keel while you’re gone, Captain,” Commander Frazier said as he came to attention.

  “Very well, XO. Dismissed.” When Commander Frazier closed the door on his way out, Captain Reordan pushed the com button once again.

  “Chief’s Quarters, Chief Samson speaking.”

  “This is the captain. Is the COB there?”

  There was a brief pause and then Master Chief McCormack’s voice came on. “COB.”

  “COB, come to my office.”

  “Aye, Ma’am.” It took less than two minutes before the Marine announced, “Chief of the Boat, Ma’am.”

  “Send her in.”

  Master Chief McCormack came to attention in front of the captain’s desk and said, “COB, reporting as ordered, Ma’am.”

  “Fuel your kitty again, Krys, then lay out your dress whites.” She pushed the replay on her com unit and let Krystal see and hear the message. “We’re going to play dress-up and go to a party.”

  Master Chief McCormack’s grin was as wide as her face. “Oh, Erica, you know me soooo well. We going tonight or in the morning?”

  “Tonight. I contacted Space Port Geneva for rooms while I was waiting, but they are already booked due to the ceremony. It was only announced an hour ago, but you know how bureaucrats are. So, being the kind captain that I am, I arranged two rooms at the Avalon.”

  Krystal’s grin grew even wider. “The last time—”

  “We’re not doing that again,” Erica interrupted. “This time I’m the captain and I’ll have to cover our asses. Though I have to admit, it was fun.”

  “So we have to behave like grownups this time. Damn. Ah, well, it may be time. I’ll need about three hours. My whites are still packed. I’ll have to have station services do a quick run through. Want me to take yours?”

  Captain Reordan shook her head. “No, mine are freshly pressed. I’ve been expecting something formal for a while, though I didn’t think it’d be this elaborate. Be sure to bring all your costume jewelry and fruit salad
as well. Especially the blue one.”


  “If someone asks why I brought along an enlisted woman, I want them to see it.”

  “You’re expecting trouble.” Captain Reordan nodded mutely. “So you think that’s going to shut someone up?”

  “Not the person I’m thinking of, but Eric Roberts once wore a Marine lieutenant’s uniform. He will deal with any trouble as soon as he sees that ribbon. Or his mom will. Tell you what, Krys, I’ve never been so instantly intimidated by anyone before, and the woman can’t be more than a meter and a half tall. There’s just something about her that made me feel like a toddler again.”

  Krystal shook her head slowly. “I gotta meet this lady. I’ll com you when my uniform is ready.” She came to attention briefly, then did an about face and left her captain’s office.


  The trip down to Earth was routine. They received clearance to land and park the Kitty in among dozens of other Navy shuttles, then they slipped into a locker-room and changed into civilian clothes. Their day-to-day uniforms were unceremoniously stuffed in a rented locker. When they walked out, all anyone saw was two well-dressed, attractive, forty-something women as they caught a transport to the Avalon Resort.

  Exquisitely polite young men came and took their bags, and Krystal sighed as they made their way to the desk. “Do I really have to be good, Erica?”

  The captain chuckled softly before answering. “Just no skinny-dipping in the fountain this time.”

  Krystal whispered, “That was your idea,” just before they reached the desk.

  Captain Reordan asked, “Do you have reservations for Erica Reordan and Krystal McCormack?”

  The man at the desk punched a few keys on his keyboard and nodded. “Yes, Madame. Adjoining suites twenty-three-oh-five and twenty-three-oh-seven.” He handed over two keycards. “The bellmen will see you to your rooms.”

  Captain Reordan took the keys and handed the one marked twenty-three-oh-seven to Krystal, then nodded to the bellmen. The two young men led off without a word, and Captain Reordan shook her head as she followed Krystal’s gaze. The young man did have a nice backside. In fact, both of them did.

  When they reached their rooms, Captain Reordan tipped her bellman and let him go, then stood in her doorway to see how long Krystal kept her young man. It took three extra minutes for the bellman to emerge from her room, and he had a bemused expression on his face as he walked past Erica. Krystal came out a few moments later with a similar expression. “What?”

  “He called me Ma’am, Erica. Ma’am? I’m not old enough to be called Ma’am by a man his age—am I?”

  Captain Reordan shook her head slowly. “I’ve been getting it from men my own age for twenty years, Krys, so I’d have to say yes, you are—don’t!” she snapped as Krystal’s fist came up. “Hitting your captain is not allowed.”

  “Even if she deserves it?”

  “Especially if she deserves it. Come on, let’s go up to the restaurant and see what’s on the menu.”

  Krystal nodded and fell in beside Erica, getting in step automatically. Neither noticed. Like most long-time service members, it was as natural as breathing. They took the elevator up to the restaurant that occupied the entire roof of the building.

  “Two for dinner?” a pretty, brightly happy young woman asked.

  “Yes. By a window, please,” Krystal answered.

  “This way,” the girl said with a big smile and led them to a seat that let them look out over the city, almost straight down to the ground. “Will this do?”

  “Yes,” Krystal said as she took a moment to look outward.

  “Anton will be your server.” She laid two menus on the table and went back to her station.

  He was there immediately. “Good evening, ladies. I am Anton. What can I bring you to drink?”

  Krystal again took the lead. “Margarita, double-shot of Quervo Gold, frozen.”

  Anton simply nodded and turned to Erica. “And for you, Madame?”

  Erica smiled and said, “Mango daiquiri.”

  Anton nodded again and turned away, saying, “I shall return shortly,” as he moved.

  Krystal breathed, “God, that’s a beautiful view.”

  Erica had to agree. “Yep. Now quit looking at the waiter’s butt and look outside. There’s a lot of traffic coming into the port.”

  Krystal looked out and nodded. “Big to-do tomorrow. Now are you going to tell me who you’re worried about seeing or not?”

  “Admiral Ruel.”

  “Paul Ruel? Wasn’t he your CO at one time?”

  Erica nodded. “When I was engineer on the Moscow. Krys, he opposed my advancement from lieutenant commander to commander. Opposed it so vehemently that he threatened to resign his commission if I was promoted against his recommendation. I was, he didn’t, and Admiral Kenyon took me onto his staff to show Captain Ruel what he thought. Captain Ruel disapproved of my tendency to treat enlisted personnel as humans and not just expendable equipment.”

  Krystal nodded. “Now I remember. Wasn’t he encouraged to retire because of his relationship with a young lieutenant?”

  “Relationship? No. He was sexually and mentally abusing the man. But that was all right in his book because they were both officers. As far as he is concerned, officers and enlisted are two different species.”

  “And you think he’s going to be here?”

  “He’s a representative from Spain now.”

  “He’ll be here.”

  “Your drinks, ladies,” Anton said as he stopped to deposit their order. “Are you ready, or shall I return in a few minutes?”

  Erica smiled and said, “Prime Rib, as rare as you have. Vegetable medley and rice pilaf.” Anton smiled and turned his attention to Krystal.

  “Porterhouse, rare, baked potato and beans.”

  Anton said, “Very good, ladies,” then bowed and turned away.

  Krystal sighed and said, “I know what I’d rather have.”

  “You need to get out more.”

  “Erica, I thought that was you,” a woman’s voice said from behind her, and Erica turned, then quickly stood, motioning Krystal to do likewise.

  Erica gathered her wits and said, “Lady Leslie, I didn’t expect to see you here.”

  “You didn’t think I’d stay at the port, did you? The Avalon is the finest resort in the city. But you and Krystal already knew that, didn’t you. It’s not your first time here.” Erica and Krystal shared a quick glance that made Lady Leslie chuckle. “Oh, come now, I have full reports on both of you. Your adventure here twenty some years ago was so very amusing to read. It was one of the reasons I approved Krystal for duty on the Wells. The captain and COB have to work well together, and Krystal has proven her courage and flexibility in the most trying circumstances.” She smiled impishly, which was a surprisingly frightening expression on her, and waved someone forward. “Ladies, this is my grandson, Bertrand.”

  A young man in a navy ensign’s uniform came to attention, but didn’t salute. He said, “Ma’am. Master Chief,” as he stood at his grandmother’s side.

  Erica said, “Mister Roberts,” as she bowed her head slightly, and Krystal bowed her head more deeply.

  Lady Leslie chuckled at the tone of Erica’s greeting. “Oh, don’t worry, Erica, I’m not foisting him on you. Given the nature of your vessel and assignments, his father would never allow it.” She ignored the intensely curious look he gave her. Smiling, Lady Leslie reached out and patted Erica’s hand. “You ladies enjoy your night, but don’t be hungover tomorrow.” With that she took Bertrand by the arm and turned away. She looked over her shoulder and said, “And stay out of the fountain,” with a trace of mischievous glee.

  Erica and Krystal sat down and exchanged a glance, then burst out laughing. Krystal said, “You’re right. There’s something terrifying about that little old lady that has nothing to do with her size or birthright. I sure am glad she’s on our side.”

  Anton returned a mo
ment later and all other concerns vanished. No Navy meal could compare to one at the Avalon.


  There was a knock on the door between their suites and Krystal’s voice asked, “You up yet?”

  Erica walked over and unlocked her side, then opened the door. “Been up for hours. My body thinks it’s about ten in the morning.”

  “Clock says six.”

  “Lying piece of—”

  Krystal laughed. “Now, now, be nice. Let me take a look.” Erica came to attention as Krystal walked around her. “Everything is satisfactory. Me?” She came to attention as Erica inspected her.

  “Perfect as always, Krys.” She reached out and adjusted the rows of ribbons that decorated Krystal’s chest, then nodded. “Looks like we’re ready, Master Chief McCormack.”

  “After you, Captain,” Krystal replied with a bow as she opened the door.

  Erica led the way to the elevators and hit the call button. “We’re going to be early, but better early than late for these things.” The elevator arrived and the doors opened to let them in. Only one other person was in the car, and he ignored the women in uniform.

  In the lobby, Erica approached the concierge. “We need transport to the capitol building.”

  The man bowed his head and clicked his heels, then made a gesture with one hand. One of the dozen or so young men standing around the room immediately hurried out and flagged down a taxi. “This way, ladies.” The man led the way and he and the bellman held the doors for them.

  “The capitol building, please,” Krystal told the driver, and he immediately accelerated out of the parking area. The ride was long, but interesting. Geneva had been chosen as the planetary capital of Earth long before the founding of the Confederated Star Systems, and had taken on the role of Confederate Capital naturally. The city had expanded tastefully, and the architecture was in some cases stunning. The architects had stayed with the original Swiss designs, and had done a magnificent job.

  The taxi came to a stop at the capitol drop-off point and Erica paid the bill. Erica led the way up the steps. A man in the uniform of the Capitol Guardians met them at the top. “Are you here for the ceremony?”


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