Alien Comfort Women: The Complete Bundle

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Alien Comfort Women: The Complete Bundle Page 2

by S. L. Hadley

  She settled for small, shallow breaths that she hoped would keep the intrusive thoughts to a minimum. Or slow their progress at the very least.

  Maybe there was another way out of her present situation. The Coleos was alien but, if her suspicions were correct, it was still very much a male. There were other ways to satisfy one than just lying on her back. And, while it had been a while, Nadia was fairly confident in her skills. All she had to do was reach out a hand and—

  No! This wasn’t her! It wasn’t! The damn alien was inside her head!

  Did that really matter, though? Even if the pheromones were causing her to feel this way, it was still her brain experiencing the emotions.

  Before she even knew what she was doing, Nadia began to reach forward. Curiosity was getting the better of her. That was all this was. She’d give the Coleos’ tentacle-cock a quick tug and that’d be it.

  “No!” she growled, yanking her hand back so hard she bashed her elbow against the rocks behind her. The pain made her bite her tongue. Almost instantly, the taste of blood in her mouth and the pain in her arm drove the seemingly irresistible thoughts from her head.

  The door was open. Nadia took a step toward it.

  The Coleos roared, the sound practically deafening at such a close range. It skittered to the side, blocking her escape route, then forward. Its front limbs grabbed her by the wrists, lifting her into the air and pinning her to the wall. The sudden violence left Nadia disoriented and she gulped a breath.

  It was a mistake.

  Her fear began to subside again, as did her aching of her shoulders and back. But, welcome as the change might have been a few days ago, it now brought something new with it.

  A tingling dampness began to make its presence known between Nadia’s legs. She growled, aiming a weak, ineffective kick at the alien’s face. It barely connected. And, as she flopped back against the wall Nadia quickly discovered she lacked the energy for another.

  Not to mention the fact that there was something deeply erotic about being pinned and restrained by so powerful a creature.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Nadia muttered, going limp.

  Was the Coleos planning to keep her suspended like this all day? A part of her hoped so. While she might not be able to feel him inside her at this angle, perhaps he could use his mouth? His fanged mandibles might not be ideal, but as long as he was gentle….

  The Coleos peeled her away from the wall. It kept her airborne, though, and it was hard not to marvel at the surprising strength of its undersized arms. So, rather than fight, Nadia remained limp and allowed the creature to maneuver her as it pleased.

  The result was far less alien than the drone itself.

  Nadia found herself dangling on all fours, the Coleos’ otherworldly hands grasping her sides, just above her hips. It rested her tailbone against the smooth belly of its exoskeleton, enabling her to just barely brush the ground with her toes and fingertips. The discovery left her terrified, relieved, and embarrassed all at the same time.

  And she couldn’t wait.

  Something large, warm, and silky glided across the backs of her thighs. Nadia squirmed, struggling for a glimpse of the alien cock as it prepared to penetrate her. Or at least, she hoped it was. The thing might have been as long and as thick as her arm, but the way it moved sent shivers down her spine.

  Then she felt it. The broad serpentine head of the alien’s member slithered vertically up the length of her slit. A prickling sensation toward her navel left her blushing—it had been nearly two weeks since she’d had a chance to shave. Not that the drone seemed to mind. Its exploration increased in speed as it squirmed against her outer petals, gyrating and covering itself with the wetness it found there.

  “What are you waiting for?” Nadia groaned. Everything from her knees to her breasts tingled with anticipation and she squirmed eagerly. Deep inside, her body ached for him. “Just put it in!”

  While it seemed unlikely that the alien understood what she’d said, it certainly had no qualms about obliging her. Nadia’s eyes bulged and her mouth dropped open in a silent scream as the enormous member lined itself up and began to slide inside her. It stretched her wide, almost obscenely so, and without any of the teasing buildup she was used to. Her insides quivered around the massive cock, unable to clench down or decide whether the sensations she was feeling were pleasurable or painful.

  When the drone’s tentacle finally bottomed out inside her, she heaved a sigh of relief. But if she’d expected the chance to grow accustomed to having something so large inside her, the alien had other plans. No sooner had it plunged itself against the deepest part of her then it began to pulse. Not in a climactic way, but as though inflating and deflating in a rhythmic fashion. The sensation was so unlike anything Nadia had experienced before that it took her a moment to decide whether to yelp or moan.

  Eventually, she settled on the latter.

  Gradually, though far faster than she expected, Nadia began to adjust. The sheer impossibility of the alien’s member ceased to astonish her and she began to appreciate the unfamiliar texture and pressure of the mercilessly throbbing shaft. Rather than the rapid, almost frantic pleasure she’d—occasionally—experienced with human lovers, the drone’s technique was intoxicatingly patient. But rather than leaving her bored or underwhelmed, the experience was almost infuriating.

  Nor could she lend a helping hand. No matter what she did or where she touched, Nadia’s body seemed hardwired to accept stimulation from only one source: the writhing, alien organ buried inside her sex. Combined, it amounted to the sweetest torture she could possibly have imagined.

  Nadia squirmed, mentally willing the creature to move faster. Partly because she was getting tired of dangling there and partly because, God, did she need to cum.

  “Come on,” she whined. “Faster! Please….”

  This time, the Coleos was deaf to her pleas. Its tentacle-cock continued to throb and stroke her insides with the same unhurried pace as always. And the monotonous pleasure of it was beginning to drive her mad.

  Head lolling, Nadia spotted Dr. Card. The man was still sitting in his original spot. He dropped his gaze too late, however, and she felt her already flushed cheeks burn hotter. The man had been watching her get fucked by an alien.

  On some level, Nadia knew she ought to be embarrassed or angry. But at the moment, with her pheromone-addled mind desperate for any possible source of stimulation, it struck her as one of the hottest things in the world.

  “Dr. Card,” she murmured. The words came out oddly inflected, timed to the swelling of the Coleos’ appendage.

  The man looked up and Nadia grinned.

  “Want to join?” she teased, licking her lips.

  Card looked at her like she’d lost her mind. Hell, she probably had. But at the moment, Nadia didn’t care. The good doctor had a cock that needed sucking.

  “I’m serious,” she insisted. “Whip it out and get your ass over here.”

  The doctor stood but made no move to join her. For a moment, he seemed to see if she was joking. Then his eyes darted up to the massive alien looming over her. He swallowed nervously.

  Then, one hesitant step at a time, he inched toward her.

  Nadia beamed, eyeing the pronounced bulge beneath Card’s lab coat. Had that been from watching or because of her offer? Not that it mattered, she decided. Either way, she was about to get what she’d asked for.

  Card slowed as he drew near, watching the Coleos for any sign it minded sharing. It offered none. In fact, it barely seemed to notice him.

  Twisting as much as the drone’s claws would allow, Nadia reached out and pressed her palm against the front of Dr. Card’s pants. The man jumped but did not retreat. Instead, he leaned into her touch, stiffening beneath her touch. She grinned, moaning softly as the Coleos’ member gave a particularly significant throb inside her, and squeezed carefully.

  “Big boy,” she whispered. “Let me see what you’ve got there.”
/>   Card paused, grimacing and dropping his gaze.

  “You know,” he said, “We don’t really get to clean up much. It’s probably—”

  Nadia squeezed harder, gritting her teeth as a wave of pleasure made her eyes shut temporarily. It took more than a few seconds for the delightful pressure to abate. Finally, after what felt like an age, she was starting to get close.

  “Doctor,” she moaned. “Quit stalling and let me suck your cock.”

  The tentacle-phallus had left Nadia panting and her mouth dry, but the instant she laid eyes on Dr. Card’s manhood her mouth began to water anew. Though nowhere near as long or girthy as the Coleos’, it was nevertheless impressive for such a scrawny man. Curling her fingers around the marvelous shaft, she practically dragged the man into range.

  True to Card’s warning, Nadia could taste the man’s potent musk before she even brought him to her lips. Ordinarily, that fact would have repulsed her. But now, with the air full of otherworldly pheromones, the scent made her wetter than she’d thought possible.

  Twisting about, Nadia grasped Card’s hips and drew him still closer. She moaned, eyes fluttering shut as the man’s cock slipped past her lips and glided deep along her tongue.

  “Oh, God,” Card hissed. Knees buckling, he grabbed a fistful of her hair—and, less deliberately, a breast—to keep from toppling over.

  The sudden contact sent a thrill lancing through Nadia’s core. The rough, unyielding pressure of his fingers far surpassed even the arousal of the thick, pulsating tentacle in her snatch. Almost at once, she found herself hurtling toward a long overdue climax.

  Nadia tried to scream, but the sound died in her throat. Instead, she began to thrash, bobbing her head as forcefully as her current position would allow. As intended, her sudden enthusiasm made Card tense. His shaft swelled larger between her lips and his fingers tightened further against her breast. Again, Nadia cried out.

  Everything about the situation made her want to squeal with delight. Card’s grip on her hair tightened, making the nape of her neck ache as he began to grunt and thrust into her mouth with reckless abandon. Nadia gagged, sputtering as he nudged the back of her throat with his tip. But, bizarrely, even that sensation—paired with the feeling of being taken from both ends—left her gushing.

  “Nadia!” Card groaned, hips shuddering. The nearness of his orgasm was obvious, and he made good on it a moment later.

  Nadia, for her part, wasn’t far behind. She bore down with his lips, squeezing the base of Card’s throbbing shaft and lashing the underside with the flat of her tongue. Her own sex felt as though it was electrified, and her ears rung with the intensity of her approaching orgasm.

  Without warning, the Coleos roared, just as the first burst of Dr. Card’s cum erupted against Nadia’s tongue. He flinched, scrambling back in mid-orgasm. His erection, however, continued to quiver with far greater single-mindedness. Nadia whimpered softly as a substantial rope of the man’s burning seed splattered across her face.

  Then she felt it.

  The Coleos’ claws tightened around Nadia’s waist as its member shuddered violently, deep inside her. It began to swell, larger and larger, stretching her channel until she was certain it would split her in two. Then, with enough force to make her toes curl, the beast began to cum.

  Nadia squealed loudly, trembling as the throbbing tentacle filled her. Her limbs shook wildly as though possessed of minds of their own while pleasure, like nothing she could have imagined, rushed through her. It was like the highest peak of an ordinary orgasm, but the bliss did not ebb or flow. Instead, it remained constant until Nadia was sure she would go mad from it.

  Somewhere, in the back of her mind, Nadia was dimly aware of the alien’s seed spilling out of her. It bubbled out around the swollen extremes of its member, leaking down her legs and up her inverted chest. There must have been half a gallon of the stuff, and it had formed small pools against the undersides of her breasts by the time the creature was satisfied.

  Nadia groaned as the beast’s member slowly deflated and slipped free of her thoroughly abused folds. She tried to clench down but managed to delay the inevitable for only a split-second. At least a pint of creamy ejaculate dribbled out after it, flowing down her stomach and along the groove of her collarbone.

  At last, the Coleos’ set her back down. Nadia tried to collect herself, but her limbs refused to obey and she landed in a trembling heap. Every inch of her ached pleasantly and she wanted nothing more than to close her eyes and savor the feeling. So she did, sighing deeply in satisfaction.

  She didn’t even see the Coleos turn and leave, but Dr. Card wouldn’t allow her to sleep. He crouched beside her, gently shaking her by the shoulder.

  “Nadia?” he murmured. “Are you okay?”

  Gritting her teeth with annoyance, Nadia opened her eyes. She glared at the man and resisted the urge to punch him. She was trying to rest and enjoy the afterglow and the pathetic man wouldn’t let her?

  “What?” she snapped, allowing the displeasure to bleed through to her voice. Bitterly, she wiped the man’s inferior seed from her cheek with a palm.

  Card sat up straight, eyes widening. He cleared his throat.

  “I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  Nadia continued to glare at him.

  “I’m fine,” she said. Then, lying down, she turned her back to him. While the simple floor wasn’t exactly comfortable, she was too tired and felt too good to care.

  Even with her eyes closed, Nadia continued to listen. It took quite a while for Card to abandon her side. She grinned, feeling herself start to drift off. Good. Let the man stew for a while. She needed to save her energy.

  After all, the Coleos had chosen her to bear their brood. Her. Nadia. Out of all the women on the planet. And she’d be damned if she let them down.


  Nadia sat against the wall, head in her hands. She tried to avoid glancing down at her stomach, but the tingling behind her navel was proving difficult to ignore. It hadn’t even been 24 hours and she was already showing.

  Oh, God. What did I do?

  Letting out a shaky breath, Nadia struggled to convince herself it was all in her imagination. But that was even less manageable. There was no mistaking it; she was pregnant with some twisted alien spawn.

  And the worst part was she had to force herself to be bothered by the fact. The pheromones were beginning to take their toll. Another day or two and she’d be lost—just like every other woman in the room.

  “Card,” Nadia called out, softly.

  The doctor looked up, still sitting in his usual corner. His expression was guarded.

  Not that Nadia could blame him. She’d lashed out at the man twice already since waking up from her nap. The man’s theory was unmistakably correct. Nadia couldn’t even look at the man for more than a few seconds without being filled with irrational fury.

  But, if this was going to work, she’d need his help.

  “I’m sorry about earlier,” Nadia said, looking anywhere but at the man. “I’m not myself right now. You were right. But, I need your help.”

  The man replied at once.

  “I know, it’s fine. What do you need?”

  A new wave of rage erupted in her gut and Nadia gritted her teeth as she waited for it to pass. She curled her hands into fists, digging her nails into her palms to distract herself.

  “I’m going to try and escape,” she said. Staring up at the ceiling, she tried to convince herself she was merely praying aloud rather than speaking to the detestable man. “And I’ll need a distraction.”


  Alien Comfort Women

  Volume Two

  By S. L. Hadley

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  Crouching in the corner nearest the door of the luminescent harem chamber, Nadia Martinez struggled to make herself invisible. It wasn’t hard. She hadn’t eaten in two
days and hunger left her feeling she might wither away at any moment, though, her constantly growling stomach made her attempts at stealth less effective than she would have liked.

  Taking a deep breath, Nadia gave the room one last glance. As she did, her gaze lingered briefly on Hardin. The woman didn’t look up, instead studying her swelling stomach with the same glassy-eyed stare she’d worn the last few days.

  Fighting down a wave of regret, Nadia moved on.

  Dr. Card knelt beside a grimacing woman, one hand resting on the woman’s massively pregnant belly. The other cradled her neck as he whispered something Nadia couldn’t make out. After a few minutes of hushed conversation, he looked up, met Nadia’s eyes, and nodded.

  With another preparatory breath, Nadia pressed herself flat against the rock wall and waited.

  Without warning, Dr. Card’s patient cried out. Nadia looked on in horror as the woman began to thrash. A visible rippled passed through her bloated abdomen, traveling down from her swollen breasts to the hair covering her exposed mound. Then, she squealed as a slimy, black tentacle several inches in diameter slowly slipped out of her. It dripped with semi-transparent ichor, slathering the stuff everywhere it slithered.

  Another followed after, causing the host-mother to cry out again as her folds were stretched wide. Rather than subside, however, her screams only grew louder as the twin tendrils coiled around her parted thighs.

  Dr. Card looked up, meeting Nadia’s wide eyes with a similar expression of dismay. As the moment passed, however, his professionalism returned. Swallowing hard, he leaned down and began speaking to the woman once again.

  Tentacles going suddenly taut, the infant alien began to drag itself free of the woman’s womb. Her screams continued, despite Dr. Card’s best effort, growing shriller as the creature’s obsidian head crowned.

  As she continued to watch, every inch of Nadia’s body broke out in goose bumps. If it wasn’t for Dr. Card calmly kneeling at the woman’s side, she would have worried for the mother’s life. Instead, she was merely disgusted. Her disgust quickly turned to bewilderment, however, as the woman reached down toward her partially birthed alien offspring.


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