Immortal Transition

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Immortal Transition Page 5

by K J Carr

  I went on tip-toe and kissed his cheek. “No problem, bro. You know I would do anything for you.” I kept my voice light and casual.

  He grinned, pushing a strand of curls out of my face before letting me go. With a glance at the crate and the sleeping puppy, he left his office.

  I stood looking down at Vern for a moment. My hope was that the pup would help keep Achilah away from Marcus, since I feared that he might try to possess my brother again. Vern growled in his sleep, pushing a little paw over his face. The collar gleamed in the low light.

  Well, in any case, the collar would help to protect them both. I turned and left, as my stomach growled. I could smell Irish stew cooking, which would be a great dinner for tonight, along with a piece of pumpkin pie. My stomach growled louder thinking of it.


  Nica! I was trying to get ready for bed. It had been a long day and last night, El had taken up a lot of my sleep energy by pulling me into the Void. Inias had taken one look at me and canceled our session tonight.

  Tomorrow, I would have weapons training again. I was looking forward to using my new staff, my eyes going to it, leaning against the wall in my bedroom.

  “TK?” I kept my voice low as I changed into my pajamas.

  The little Chlarm daemon raced up the stairs, sliding to a stop.

  Nica! Achilah is planning something big! T’Koran’s eyes were wide.

  I stopped and looked at the daemon. Sitting down slowly on my bed, I patted the space beside me. He jumped up and sat, adjusting his shorts from riding up.

  “Do you know what?” I studied his strange face.

  He shook his head. None of those I talk to know anything. It is being kept to just the higher daemons at this time.

  “Just the higher daemons?” That was weird. While there wasn’t much talk between the different levels, the Chlarm daemons often were able to plug into the rumor mill easily. For them to be shut out….

  I looked sharply at TK. “Do you think he knows about you?”

  With a catlike face, the look of surprise looked strange. Perhaps. He sounded unsure.

  I patted his leg. “Perhaps it isn’t you, per se, TK. Perhaps he just realizes that the Chlarm daemons are everywhere and could be gathering information. That probably is common knowledge.”

  He nodded, not looking reassured. You could be right, Nica.

  “Be careful in any case, little one. I don’t want anything to happen to you.” I finished getting changed and pulled down the sheets on my bed. TK jumped down and scampered towards the stairs.

  Always careful, Nica. Always. He grinned at me and disappeared. Sweet dreams!

  I smiled tiredly. I was hoping that I could get a restful night tonight. Of course, once my head hit the pillow and my eyes closed, I found myself pulled yet again into the Void.

  El rarely pulled me in two nights in a row. I glanced around and realized she wasn’t here.

  “El?” I took a step and turned, searching all around me. “El’noviria?”


  I turned, finding her behind me. This was the energy aspect of the woman. I got the distinct impression she was surprised to find me here.

  “Why did you pull me here?”

  She shook her head. “Not me, Nica. This time, you must have crossed by yourself.”

  I sat suddenly. I have never been able to just walk into the Void when I tried to. I would have to figure out what I had done. Because I had done it this time, I wasn’t in the cave. We were free-standing in the Void. Perhaps in time, I could create a structure to come to, but right now I was amazed I had even crossed the boundary.

  Joy came from El. “This is a major step forward! I have been waiting for you to realize you are able to do this!”

  “Indeed.” I was thinking hard and wasn’t even paying attention to what I was saying.

  “Nica!” Well, that was a reprimand if I ever heard one. I looked up, my attention focused on her.

  She continued. “This is a major advancement in your powers.”

  I nodded. “Perhaps, El, but I wished it had given me one night of sleep first. I am exhausted.”

  El studied me. “You are. Let’s play for a little while and then you can go back and sleep.”


  “Hide and seek. You are it always. Come find me, Nica!” And with that she disappeared into the Void.

  “I don’t want to play.” I grumbled. I looked out around the Void and wondered how I would find her.

  Remembering our conversation from the night before, I concentrated on her essence. Standing, I turned slowly in a circle. There. Over by the blue area. Before I could think, I took a couple of steps in that direction and was in front of her. I could see we were near a park, but not quite on Earth per se.

  “Good job, Nica! Again!” And she disappeared.

  I found that I could move swiftly through the Void, focusing in on her energy. In addition, while I stayed in the Void, it appeared I was traveling towards the various worlds as well – even the Tennin one – without crossing into them. This was pretty cool!

  After about fifteen bounces around the Void, with me finding her quicker each time, El waved and disappeared. I realized she expected me to get back by myself. Well, that could be a problem.

  I hesitated and then concentrated on my house and everything it meant. I stepped and could see my bed, except I was still in the Void. How to cross back over?

  Exhaustion hit me, hard, in that moment. I closed my eyes and thought about my bed. It felt so nice, the sheets so soft against my skin. And my pillow! Turning, I opened my eyes slightly. I was back in bed. And physically back on Earth.

  Too tired to think anything more than how glad I was I had gotten back in one piece, I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

  Chapter 7

  Whack! Whack! Clack!

  We were working with staffs again, except now I used my new staff. It had taken me some time to get use to its weight and balance, though, since it was a little longer than the practice one. Of course, Inias wasn’t satisfied until it felt like an extension of my arm.

  Luckily, the air was cool because I had worked up a considerable sweat. Doing staff work with Ridwan was like dancing with a bull, while wearing red. He seriously didn’t understand the words “Go slow.”

  Thump! “Ouch! Damn it!”

  Ridwan chuckled at me, circling. He only gave me a few seconds to recover before going back on the attack. Inias was standing in the shade, watching and evaluating as usual.

  I was a bit tired from the previous night wandering the Void. When I had complained earlier about my full day, Inias had told me that daemons didn’t wait until I was refreshed and had a full night’s sleep to attack. As much as I hated it, I had to admit he was right.

  Thwack! Whomp! Whomp!

  I was tired of getting my knuckles hit. And the smirk that sat on Ridwan’s face every time he was able to get a hit, which was often. Asshat.

  I went after the darn dark angel aggressively. Let’s see if he wanted to step this up a notch. The staff in my hand gave me confidence. I really wanted to hit his knuckles at least once.

  His eyes widened as he was suddenly blocking my staff. Then he glowered, stopped playing around, and showed me why he was the trainer and I, the trainee.

  Thunk! Clack! Whomp! Thunk! Thunk!

  “Oomph!” The air went out of me as he smacked my midsection hard.


  This last hit took my legs from underneath me and I hit the ground.

  Note to self – I haven’t even seen a fraction of what Ridwan was capable of doing with a stick. And how did he move so fast?

  “What the hell were you trying to do?” He stood over me, glaring down at me.

  I couldn’t answer him. Talking required air and there was none in my lungs.

  Inias came out of the shade and knelt beside me, staring down at me. “I don’t think she can answer you. No breath.” He chuckled quietly. Asshat number two. />
  I continued to gasp, waving a hand at them, my eyes beginning to see spots in front of my gaze.

  Ridwan sighed and slowly knelt on the other side of me. I was about ready to faint when he placed a hand on my diaphragm and pushed healing energy into it. The spasms that had prevent me from breathing stopped, and I was finally able to take in several deep breaths.

  “Better?” Both men watched me, their eyes somber. They must have realized they had waited a tad long before they had come to my rescue.

  My arm dropped to the ground as I took in deep breaths of the cold air.

  “Yes.” Okay, it was a wheeze but I was finally able to say something.

  Inias watched me for a moment longer and then stood. “Good. I think we should switch to the sword.”

  Well, no sympathy there. Geez.

  He turned and walked over to the tree he had been standing under, heading for the sword that was propped up against the trunk. It was the one he had given me a few days ago.

  My eyes widened. “Sword?” That was a squeak.

  Ridwan smile was slight, his eyes still slightly worried. “Well, we will mostly be working on your stance and balance. Getting you used to the weight of this particular blade. No actual sword play today, fortunately.”

  He popped up to his feet and threw his staff into the air. It disappeared when it reached its apex, winking out as if it was never there. Show off.

  He continued. “That aggressive attack you just did showed us you are ready for something a bit more deadly.” His smile widened.

  I banged my head lightly on the ground. Swords. Staffs. Meditation. This is my life now. Fuck my life.

  I sat up slowly, feeling my bruised stomach muscles strain. Damn, that hit had hurt!

  “Deadly?” I wasn’t really asking, just hoping for a few extra minutes to recover. I couldn’t stand yet without embarrassing myself.

  I had to admit, those hits Ridwan had given me would have done some damage a couple of years ago, even if he hadn’t hit me very hard from his perspective. With all the training I have been doing, though, I had developed some pretty strong abs. I might even admit to preening in front of a mirror a few times, flexing to see my little four-pack pop out. Nothing like the eight-packs the boys carried, but then it also wasn’t the marshmallow stomach I had just a few years ago. Guess the saying that age is just a number is true.

  Once I was on my feet, I found Inias standing next to me, the hilt of my unsheathed sword tilted towards me. I took it reverently, sliding my palm onto it. It fit in my hand. The weight of it felt natural.

  “I suggest starting out with both hands on the hilt.” Inias voice was soft.

  I was holding it with my right hand and I placed my left behind it. Ridwan moved behind me and lightly tapped one of my legs, putting me into a fighting stance.

  “Bring it upright, the hilt about chest height.” Inias helped to move it to the position he wanted me to hold it in.

  “Stand there for a minute. You need to be able to find this rest place.” He backed away and looked at me.

  He must have said something to Ridwan mentally because he gently put his hands on my hips and turned me a few degrees.

  “How does that feel?”

  I shook my head. “Awkward.” I thought for a moment and then switched my legs, changing my hands as well on the hilt. “This is better.”

  Ridwan moved around and studied my positioning. “I forgot. You are a southpaw.”

  “Indeed.” Inias crossed his arms in front of his chest, one hand touching his chin in thought. “Hold that, please.”

  I did and at first it was easy. Until time stretched out and minutes started feeling like hours. What the hell were they doing? My shoulders were already sore from the staff work and now this?

  I had just decided to drop my arms when Inias spoke.

  “Swing your arms to the front, keeping the blade in almost that same position. Just move through a slight angle with your bottom hand towards your rear foot.”

  He continued to walk me through a basic downward stroke and a basic block with a forward thrust. He had me do the movements over and over, with Ridwan occasionally changing my stance or how I held the blade.

  By the time my shoulders were a quivering mess, the sun had set.

  “Enough for now.”

  I started to let the tip of the blade drop, but stopped it before it hit the ground. Lifting it slightly, I looked at Inias. Was it bad to let a blade touch the ground? I wasn’t sure and thought to err on the side of caution, holding it up. I had learned the hard way what would happen if I didn’t treat my weapons correctly.

  Ridwan took it from my hand, nodding in approval, and sheathed it. He then stored it in the Void as well. I dropped my hands, shaking them out.

  “I think the hot tub would feel wonderful about now.” I pulled one arm across my body in front of me, trying to stretch out my shoulder muscles.

  Ridwan’s eyes lit up. “Agreed! Let’s go soak!”

  Inias shook his head. “I need to report into Enoch.” He walked away from us.

  “Party-pooper.” Ridwan mumbled, but I could hear him. I suspect that Inias could too but he just ignored him. Ridwan threw his arm over my shoulder and started walking in the opposite direction.

  “My staff.” I turned my head, looking around for it, but he pulled me along.

  “Inias has it.”


  Ridwan rolled his eyes. “He will bring it and make sure nothing happens to it, Nica. Let’s go soak.” He continued walking in the direction of the parking lot.

  “I am not soaking naked with you, you know.” I knew Ridwan by now. He was the jokester to Inias’s seriousness. Except when it came to nakedness and sex. Then he was serious about the subject. Getting naked was one of his favorite things. Getting me naked seemed to be one of his favorite goals.

  Even though, I wasn’t sure if he really was serious. God only knew what would happen if he was.

  “Humph!” He snorted, shaking his head. “Lucky for you, the gym has separate hot tubs for men and women, then.”

  “Lucky for me, the women have individual hot tubs we can reserve. I called ahead earlier and have one reserved just for me. I figured I would need it today.”

  His head whipped around towards me, his face shocked. “No!”

  I smirked. “Yep. Don’t you guys have private hot tubs?”

  Now he pouted. Even that didn’t detract from his good looks. “Not that I’ve seen. Perhaps I need to look around a little more.”

  “Let’s go, Oblivious Man. Let’s see if you can soak in privacy. If not, you can just think about me in my private hot tub while you enjoy soaking with other guys’ junk.” I had to laugh at the look on his face.

  Chapter 8

  I was still snickering when we met up later, after I had the chance to soak in the hot tub. It appeared that all three of the private men hot tubs had been reserved and he had to use the communal one. Poor baby!

  There was a choice of ten private hot tubs in the women’s area, which went fast if you didn’t reserve. It was discrimination in my favor. While I felt bad for the men, I was glad I had a ten percent chance of getting a hot tub all to myself.

  I was relaxed and ready for a nap, but they insisted that we had to meet Enoch for dinner tonight. And for some reason, not at Luther’s.

  I must admit I pouted about having to wear a skirt, until they told me where we were going to eat. The restaurant was worth the hour drive into Boston to get there. Inias explained that we were going there because we could get a private room, to which they would add a privacy ward so no one could listen in. I was just happy that I would get a really good meal. I wore my knee-high boots, with a sheath for my dagger, a soft white sweater, and my black tartan skirt.

  Enoch was waiting for us at the table, sipping his scotch neat. His blue cable knit sweater fit his chest perfectly, matching the blue of his eyes. He was looking down at the table, his face pensive.

; Inias just pulled out his seat and sat down, not saying anything to him.

  “Enoch.” Ridwan nodded respectfully.

  I stood and looked at him for a moment, before turning and looking for the restroom. I could feel all three sets of eyes staring at my back as I walked away, but I needed a moment all of the sudden. Going into the stall and standing with my back to the door, I crossed my arms over my chest, gripping my arms tightly.

  I wasn’t sure why I was suddenly uneasy. Something about seeing those three together right then felt wrong.

  I heard the door open and stilettos tap across the tile floor, pausing in front of each door. They stopped in front of mine. I turned around, facing the stall door, backing up a couple steps.

  “Little bird, little bird! I have a friend who is looking for you!” The voice was soft and sultry. While it may have attracted another person, I just shivered.

  I said nothing.

  “Come on, little bird! I want to be the one to bring you to him.”

  I shuffled a little closer to the toilet, turning to the side as a fist came through the stall door. I squeaked. Shit!

  I pulled my dagger from my boot. I was so glad Inias had told me to bring it tonight. Without thinking about it, I drove the knife down onto the arm.

  “Fucking bird!” The voice had dropped about two octaves and was a rough growl now. “I am going to fuckin’ kill you!”

  I tucked myself next to the toilet, my dagger ready. I was shaking, but I gritted my teeth and wished I had something a bit larger, like my sword.

  A hand grabbed the stall door and started to yank it off, when the main bathroom door open again. Darn! Someone walked right into my shit storm! I was so worried that they would get hurt, when light filled the room, and I heard a swish and then a thump. A head rolled towards me, under the stall door. A pale blue eye peeked through the hole that the fist had made, blinking once.


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