Piper: Iron Angels MC, Book Two

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Piper: Iron Angels MC, Book Two Page 8

by Samantha McCoy

  The thoughts invaded her head again, but she fought to push them away. Deep down, she knew Aidan would never hurt her, and he wouldn’t hurt a child.

  Piper felt her weight lifted from the floor. Wrapping her arms around Aidan’s neck, she pushed all thoughts aside and centered herself on the moment. Everything else could wait. Right now, she needed this. Her life felt like it was on the express train to crazyville. She needed some normalcy. She needed Aidan.

  “Let me in, Piper,” Aidan whispered against her lips when they came up for air. “Let me into your life. Stop pushing me away. I don’t need or want your protection, but I do need and want you.”

  The thoughts started to press in on her again, but this time, Piper shoved them away. If there was one thing that calmed her, that helped to center her, that allowed her a moment’s rest from the chaos that had taken over her life – it was Aidan. And she would be a fool to truly push him away, and Penelope Marie Kimber was no fool.

  “Okay,” Piper replied.

  A deep moan fell from Aidan’s lips as his mouth crashed against hers. It wasn’t just a sweet, sensual meeting of lips. No. This was fire. This was a carnal need on an entirely new level. His hands roamed over her back and down to grope the globes of her ass.

  “I love you, Piper,” Aidan growled as he squeezed.

  Her heart skipped a beat, then kicked into overdrive. Holy Shit!

  For a moment she froze. What was she supposed to say? Did she love him? Is that what this feeling was? So many thoughts ran through her mind, at once.

  “Shh.” Aidan leaned in to kiss her again. “No thinking. Just feel.”

  Piper felt her back hit the wall. It was the moment everything exploded within her. Suddenly, his arms warred with hers. It was a race to see who could remove who’s clothing the fastest. Limbs tangled around each other, clothes started falling to the floor.

  Naked, Piper reached her arms around Aidan’s neck as he lifted her from the floor. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she felt his hardness press against her and a shiver ran the length of her spine. The feel of him was more than she could handle. Rotating her hips, she felt the tip of Aidan’s cock at her entrance. Slowly, she began to lower herself onto him, but Aidan was having none of that. His hands locked onto her hips as he thrust into her.

  “Fuck!” Piper’s insides stretched to accommodate his girth.

  Pinned to the wall, Piper arched her back to help relieve the slight burning sensation of Aidan’s invasion. Something about this moment felt different than the other times they had sex. This was more… intense; this was hotter. This was two people with a fierce need for each other.

  “Bedroom,” Piper moaned. “Now.”

  Aidan groaned in response but did as she asked. She needed more. She needed… she didn’t even know; but she wasn’t going to get it up against a wall. Entering her bedroom, a whine of disappointment escaped her lips when Aidan withdrew himself from her and laid her across the bed.

  “None of that, baby,” Aidan chuckled, as he followed her onto the bed and placed himself between her thighs. In one swift motion, he was right back where Piper wanted him.

  “Mmm,” Piper moaned.

  Gripping her left hip, Aidan’s other hand moved into Piper’s hair and gently began to massage her scalp as he moved inside of her; sweet and tender but quickly the rhythm changed - harder, deeper. At this rate, it wouldn’t be long before her first orgasm hit. There was something about the feel of him inside of her that seemed to light her body on fire. Every nerve ending was electrified.

  “Fuck, Piper,” Aidan groaned. And that was all it took to send her crashing – his name moaned from her lips.

  Piper’s nails found their way to Aidan’s back as she dug them in as the first wave of her release washed over her.

  “Shit!” Aidan grumbled as he quickly pulled out.

  Reaching a hand between her thighs, Aidan found Piper’s clit and applied pressure as he slipped a finger deep inside of her. He continued to play with her pussy as the orgasm rolled through her.

  “Fuck me,” Piper breathed as the waves began to recede.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Aidan replied, burying himself inside of her again.

  “Fuck!” Piper sighed.

  If she could stay just like this, naked with Aidan buried inside of her for the rest of her life, she would die a happy woman. Did that mean she loved him? Or just that the sex was amazing?

  “Stay with me, Piper,” Aidan growled as he slammed into her, forcing her attention back to them.

  “Damn it!” Piper would still be feeling that one tomorrow; and that was perfectly okay with her.

  The hand that just moments ago was soft and tender on her head, suddenly became rough and unforgiving. Aidan grabbed a handful of Piper’s hair and yanked her head back, forcing her to meet his gaze.

  “Stay out of your head, Piper,” Aidan growled, causing Piper’s insides to twitch. A moan fell from his lips. “So, we are going to play like that, huh?”

  “What?” Piper was on the verge of another orgasm and had a difficult time following the present conversation.

  “Stay with me, Penelope!” Aidan demanded, emphasizing each word with a thrust of his hips.

  Piper looked deep into Aidan’s eyes and her breath caught. They seemed to glow from within; the blue more vibrant than anything she had ever seen. Without warning, the next orgasm burst through her.

  What the fuck was that? When did she start coming just by looking into someone’s eyes? What was the spell that he had over her? How could he so easily play her body to his will?

  “Goddamn it,” Aidan growled, unexpectedly pulling himself from her.

  “What the...”

  Aidan used his strength to flip Piper onto her stomach and yank her ass in the air. Before she could say another word, Aidan buried his face against her pussy. The first swipe of his tongue had her flying apart, but he didn’t stop. Piper felt the pressure of a finger against her ass, renewing her orgasm.

  Oh fuckkkk! Aidan was a true master of all things ‘Piper’.

  A deep growl rumbled from Aidan as he devoured her from behind. Increasing the speed, he fucked her just how she needed. Unexpectedly, Piper felt the sharp sting of Aidan’s hand smack her ass and she shattered. The orgasms seemed to never end. Just as one would start to ease, Aidan would push her over the edge again. The pattern continued until Piper was completely breathless and undeniably soaked.

  As the last orgasm hit her, Piper felt the bed shift as Aidan moved into position behind her. With a swift motion, he buried himself deep inside of her again. She felt him everywhere as he began to move. The sensations were overwhelming. Her pussy. Her ass. Piper had no idea where to concentrate her attentions; so, she just let everything fall away except for the way Aidan made her feel.

  “Mmm,” Piper moaned. There was nothing else she could say.

  “You’re mine, Piper,” Aidan growled. “No more pushing me away.”

  This was not the time to talk about this, but she couldn’t bring herself to form any real words. The sensation of him in her ass and pussy at the same time, was too much. She couldn’t link words together, even if she tried. Aidan was everywhere.

  “I can take care of myself,” Aidan continued. “I. Am. More. Than. Capable.” He emphasized each word with a hard thrust that had him hitting her g-spot perfectly, causing Piper to scream out. Pain mixed with pleasure had her coming for what felt like the hundredth time tonight.

  Oh shit! So deep…

  As she came back down to earth, Piper felt Aidan withdraw his finger from her ass and automatically she missed the fullness that it had caused. As Aidan leaned forward and bit down on the back of her shoulder, Piper exploded again; however, this time, Aidan followed her over the edge.

  As the two laid there in bed together, completely sated, Piper couldn’t help but notice the warm heat that filled her chest at the thought of having Aidan inside of her again. What was happening to her? Is this what love felt lik
e? Or was it just the sexual energy between them? So many questions flew through her mind; too many to even concentrate on.

  As her eyes grew heavy, she snuggled closer to Aidan’s side as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest. A contented sigh escaped her lips as sleep began to pull her under and just as she drifted off, she heard Aidan whisper against the top of her head…

  Chapter Twelve


  As he laid there in bed, looking at the ceiling, Aidan knew he had fucked up. He never should have said the three words that he knew would send Piper running. He didn’t want her to run; at least not away from him.

  How in the hell am I going to fix this?

  It wasn’t like he could just say ‘Oh never mind. My bad. Just kidding.’ Plus, he didn’t want to take it back. He did love her, and she needed to know that. He knew Piper loved him too because she had mumbled it once as she drifted off to sleep the other night.; but he wasn’t exactly sure if she remembered saying it or if it was even meant to said out loud because she never mentioned it again. And neither had he.

  What if she didn’t realize she had said it?

  What if she hadn’t meant it?

  What if all she wanted was to be friends – friends with benefits?

  The thought caused a pain to ricochet around in Aidan’s chest and his breath to catch. If she didn’t remember and only wanted to be ‘friends with benefits’ – it would hurt, worse than anything he could imagine.

  With a frustrated groan, Aidan pulled Piper a little closer and closed his eyes. What was done, was done. There was no way undoing it. He would just have to deal with the consequences in the morning. If Piper was distant, then he’d know – love was not in it for them.

  * * *

  Sleep had not been Aidan’s friend, as the alarm clock buzzed, he opened his eyes for what felt like the hundredth time that night. He needed to talk to Piper but demanding to know how she felt about him at five in the morning, was not the best plan.

  He felt Piper begin to stir and quickly reached over and hit the snooze. Sliding out of the bed, he walked into the bathroom and turned on the facet. As the water warmed up, he could only stare into the mirror. He had no idea how this morning would go. There had never really been an awkwardness between them, but Aidan had a feeling that today would definitely be different.

  “Good morning, handsome.”

  Aidan turned to see Piper standing in the doorway. She looked beautiful with her hair a mess and the signs of sleep still on her face. No matter the time of day, or what she was doing, Piper was always beautiful. She never failed to take his breath away.

  “Goo… Good Morning,” Aidan stammered.

  “What’s wrong?” Alarm was clearly written on her face.


  This was not how Aidan wanted the morning to start out. “Nothing. Just woke up,” he tried to cover up his nervousness.


  He watched as Piper walked over to the cabinet and pulled out two washcloths. As she walked over to him, she handed him one and kept the other for herself. Mesmerized, Aidan watched her hands and she placed hers under the spray of water and then wrung it out.

  Those hands…

  Those hands that have touch every inch of his body. Those hands that felt like the finest satin. Those hands… if he didn’t stop thinking about them, he had no doubt that he would embarrass himself in his boxers.

  Wetting his own washcloth, he stood next to Piper as they both cleaned their faces. Something so minimal, but at the moment felt so… big. This is what couples did every morning. They woke up together. They got ready for the day together. They talked, planned, and lived – together. This was the life Aidan wanted.

  “So, what do you have going on today?” Piper asked.

  “Um,” Aidan tried to think. She was obviously going to ignore his declaration. “I have to look at a few more potential places for the new bar. Other than that, I have a liquor order coming in today.”

  “Sounds like a busy day,” Piper grinned.

  “Yeah, pretty much,” Aidan admitted. “What about you?”

  And are you really going to ignore what I said last night? Aidan silently asked.

  “Going over case files.”

  “That reminds me,” Aidan said, still edgy over her denial. “I want to take a look at what you have so far. See if maybe I can help… I mean, if you’ll let me.”

  “Sure,” Piper answered. “At this point, I’ll take any help I can get.”



  “Okay,” he grinned. “Good.”

  All he wanted to do was keep her safe. And the sooner this case was closed, the faster that would happen.

  I also need to call Sasha Aidan reminded himself.

  Aidan knew if there was information to be found, it would be by her. Sasha was an amazing hacker. She inherited the trait from her father. A genius in intel. She also used to be his handler and Aidan trusted her with his life – literally, on several occasions.

  I’m gonna have to tell Piper soon… Aidan sighed.

  He wasn’t ready for this talk, but knew Piper deserved to know. If she knew who he really was and what he was capable of, she wouldn’t have worry lines marring her beautiful face right now. She wouldn’t fear what may, or most likely may not, happen to him.

  “Why the heavy sigh?” Piper asked, placing a soft hand on his upper arm.

  “Just thinking of ways that I can help you.”

  “The best way to help me is just being here,” she replied. “Just hold me and love on me when I have a bad day.”

  “That’s it?” Aidan asked.

  “Yep,” Piper smiled.

  “Hmm,” Aidan said. “Speaking of love, want to discuss last night?”

  “What about it?” Piper asked.

  “You know what,” Aidan cocked a brow.

  “Oh,” Piper grinned. “Are you referring to the amazing sex or when you said that you loved me?”

  Aidan took a moment to look into her eyes. She was toying with him. So that had to mean she wasn’t scared, or freaking out, or ready to run.

  “We can talk about the sex later,” Aidan replied. “For now, let’s talk about whether or not you feel the same way.”

  A slow smile spread across Piper’s face as she stepped into his arms. A soft hand touched his stomach and he felt every muscle tighten. Her hands on his flesh were heaven. He released a long sigh that ended on a moan.

  Piper stepped closer to him and pressed a kiss to his chest. It was in that moment that Aidan felt as if he could finally take a full breath.

  Not so fast. She hasn’t said anything, idiot.


  Would she? Or would she just continue to toy with him?

  “Piper?” Aidan groaned when he felt her nails slide down his side.


  “Please.” Aidan didn’t know if it was a statement or a plea, but he needed to know.

  Piper reached her hands around his neck and pressed her lips against the skin just below his ear. “I love you too, Aidan.”

  Before he could think about it, Aidan’s hand was in Piper’s hair. Pulling her head back, his lips found hers. The kiss was intense. It was heat and passion. It was life. It was everything.

  “Mmm,” Piper moaned.

  Aidan’s hands found their way to Piper’s hips as he lifted her onto the counter. In one fluid motion, he pulled himself free of his boxers and slide inside of her. They both released a deep groan.

  Slowly, he moved inside of her. This was a moment he didn’t want to rush. She loved him. Him. Hearing those words slide smoothly from her lips was like an electric shock to his system.

  She loves me!

  Placing his hands on either side of her face, Aidan leaned in and kissed her, sucking her bottom lip gently between his teeth. The kiss started off just as slow as their love making, but quickly the heat transformed them both. Moans filled the room as Aidan filled he
r. Over and over. Normally, their sex was hot and heavy, but this morning was different. This morning was… Aidan didn’t even know. He had no words to describe it. It was just… different.

  Chapter Fourteen


  The feel of Aidan inside of her was amazing. Every time she got close to the edge, he slowed his movements. It was driving her crazy. Maddening. But felt incredible.

  He loved her. And she loved him. It was wild and crazy, and Piper was sure nobody would understand, but that was okay. They didn’t need to. She had secretly been in love with Aidan for years. And if there was one thing she had learned a long time ago, it was to embrace love and happiness when it comes into your life because at any moment you could lose it. In a flash it could all disappear.

  Aidan’s lips against hers as they made love was the most erotic thing Piper had ever experienced. This time was different for them. This wasn’t just sex. This was making love. This was feelings and emotions. This was… beautiful.

  Piper could feel her orgasm approaching. A tingling sensation that seemed to spread through her. It was everywhere, taking over her completely. Just as she was about to fly over the edge, Aidan pulled out and crouched between her thighs. Piper was about to protest, but the moment his mouth touched her sensitive flesh, Piper exploded. She felt him everywhere. It was all too much, yet not enough.

  Aidan continued to devour her throughout the orgasm, never letting up. One turned into two until Piper lost count. She lost track of time. The moment seemed to go on and on. As he inserted a finger into her, a deep moan fell from his lips.

  “Fuck,” Aidan breathed. “You are so damn wet.”

  He removed his finger and brought it to her. Piper sucked it into her mouth while maintaining eye contact. The taste of herself on his skin was intoxicating. She watched as the heat ignited in Aidan’s eyes.

  Slowly, still not breaking contact, Aidan swiped his tongue lightly over her pussy. Just the faintest brush. The sensation drove Piper right back to the edge and caused her to just hang there; suspended in air. The heat of his breath against her flesh was maddening. Her body trembled. Everything inside of her was screaming for release, but Aidan wouldn’t give it to her – not yet.


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