Slave's Honour

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Slave's Honour Page 16

by Sean O'Kane

  He turned on his heel and strode out with a surprised Brian following. Round at the front of the house he found out that the same excitement which had thrust the stables into orgiastic frenzy had driven the members to throw an impromptu outdoor party on this fine summer evening. Tables and chairs were being carried out from the dining room, bottles of wine were appearing from the bar, a barbeque had been liberated from the kitchens, some of the more portable items from the dungeons – like the trestles and benches - were being brought out by the Housegirls themselves along with what looked like miles of chain and rope along with armfuls of whips and floggers.

  Carlo shrugged and grinned at Brian.

  “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. Perdita did good today so we’ll let everyone party. Tomorrow we’ll sort out discipline and have every single one of those randy little whores caned.”

  ”Sounds good to me,” Brian said as he watched while several of the Housegirls shed their gowns and help with preparations in just suspenders and stockings. The tables and barbeque were being set out on the level grass by the first tee, just under the tree that Trouble and Ox had hung from for most of the day. And just as he framed that thought a memory came back to him from only a few weeks ago. He smiled and turned to Carlo.

  “But before we do that, I think Patti and the rest can help us shed some light on matters… …”

  The days that Raika had spent at The Lodge had been a blur of one blissful discovery after another. She was still quite certain that soon someone would come along and forbid her to stay there or would transfer her to another of the coarse and brutal owners who had played such a large part in her life up till then.

  After she had been taken out of the horrible crate Miss Patti had found her a bed. Raika had not had one of her own since she had left home. She even had a bedside table and bed linen! The night that Mr Brian had deigned to bestow his cock on her in her own bed and then left her to go to his, instead of throwing her out had been a high point and she was beginning to suspect that she might be in love for the first time.

  Then after her first night sleeping with the fighting slaves and ensuring they were comfortable and slept well, Miss Patti had presented her with her uniform. A real uniform, not rags like she was used to scrounging for herself it consisted of a shirt of soft cotton which tied under her breasts and made them look wonderfully big, and there was a smart but very short kilt which she had found few men could resist slipping their hands up and feeling around under. She got a terrible blush and a lovely tingling in her tummy when she thought about how exciting it was to be felt up when clothed. Then there were her sandals, high-heeled and strappy – like the ones she had worn at the auction. And on top of all that she had responsibility for the superbly trained and presented slaves of the CSL stable; maybe that was best of all. At her previous stable she had helped tack up the ponies but she hadn’t ridden or driven human or four hoofed ponies since childhood, but the knack had not left her. To be clothed for once and to have the control of such a beautiful creature as Cherry with Jet and Trouble – both so much bigger than her - trotting obediently behind and to have the cool wind of England, of all countries, blowing in her hair as they sped over such green and rolling parkland was an ecstasy which brought tears to her eyes. Beside her Mr Carlo had driven the beautiful Blondie herself about who there was constant gossip in the other stables. But here was little Raika driving beside the most famous gladiator of all.

  Then there had been the contest and Perdita had at last proved herself worthy of Mr Brian. Like the other girls, Raika had found herself getting furiously excited at the sight of the flogging meted out to her and when Miss Patti herself had taken her arm and led her quickly into her office where she had backed her up against the door and begun kissing her and feeling her breasts, she had responded with equal urgency. She admired Miss Patti and the feel of the bigger woman’s breasts pressing against her was intoxicating, as was the knowledge that such an important woman desired her.

  “Got to beat that gorgeous little arse of yours,” Miss Patti whispered hoarsely.

  “Yes, Mistress,” Raika whispered back, licking at her neck, completely awash with a reckless excitement she had never felt with the masters before. A beating from Miss Patti sounded wonderfully exciting and there was bound to be more of this sex afterwards. It was almost as if she was being made love to by a master in a female body.

  Hurriedly she stripped and her ankles were spread and bound to the desk legs, then with almost frantic haste Miss Patti started belabouring her buttocks with a crop. Raika was not surprised that she didn’t deliver the lashes with the same force as a man but she was amazed at how good it felt to submit so utterly to another woman. And even as stinging lash succeeded stinging lash, she could feel that in her belly she was harbouring an inferno which threatened to engulf her and when it did and the crop kept falling even while she orgasmed, Raika drowned in a flood of sensuality the like of which she had never dreamed existed.

  She didn’t resent the fact that Miss Patti continued to beat her even after she had returned to earth and didn’t stop until she too had attained orgasm. But the fact that Mr Brian had witnessed the end of the scene caused her deep distress.

  Hastily pulling her clothes back on and with her backside still aflame beneath the flimsy skirt she had followed the rest of the staff round to the front of the house and helped with the evening’s bacchanalia.

  She was put to work bringing glasses and bottles out from the bar, then opening wine and serving the members. The barbeque was starting to get going and delicious scents of cooking floated beneath the trees as she bustled back and forth keeping glasses full and replenishing supplies. Regularly she was bent forwards over a table and given a casual fuck, no attempt being made to bring her to orgasm, it was purely a man seeking his cock’s pleasure in her body. After the sixth or seventh time that thought alone propelled her to orgasm and as she levered herself up off the table and set off back into the house she grabbed a napkin up and wiped between her legs as she went, then tucked it into the waistband of her skirt; she was bound to need it again.

  Around her the Housegirls had all abandoned their beautiful gowns that she so coveted and were mostly just stocking-and-suspender clad. Like her they were subject to frequent and casual use and as she bustled past they were bent over tables and being shafted in one or other of their entrances while others sat on laps, laughing and giggling. Still others were tied to tree trunks and were being whipped, some were wrist suspended from branches and some were staked out on the turf. The air was thick with the smack and thud of whips, straps and crops and the answering squeals and moans. Raika had never been so turned on. Hands were almost constantly making their way into her shirt and hefting and squeezing her breasts, the welts on her buttocks were felt and then tormented further by fingernails being dug into them. And finally, just as the light was fading, Mr Brian and Mr Carlo appeared with a coffle of naked females behind them. There were cheers from the men as the line approached and Raika saw it was headed by Miss Patti, hands clipped together behind her back, a leash stretching from her collar to Mr Brian’s hand.

  Beside Mr Brian came Mr Carlo holding a bundle of things in his hands, he beckoned Raika over to him.

  “As it’s nearly dark, gentlemen,” Carlo announced. “The CSL stable would like to take the opportunity to illuminate the proceedings for you. If a few of you would care to help with the ropes… ……”

  Raika had no idea what he meant but plainly the men did because they quickly organised the slinging of ropes over eight branches nearest where the tables had been set and laid and without any further words each of the CSL slaves plus herself and Patti were hustled to stand beneath one. Beside Raika, no more than ten feet away Patti stood, head tilted up surveying the two ropes which dangled in front of her.

  “You ever had this?” she asked. Raika had no idea what ‘this’ was and shook her head.

  Patti smiled, bright eyed and excited. “In that case, stand
by for the time of your life!” she said.

  Suddenly Mr Brian was standing in front of her and instructing her to strip. She obeyed without question and held her breasts up for him in accordance with his next instruction. To her surprise he dabbed some acrid disinfectant on several spots on her skin. Then he produced the needles.

  Raika had seen them used but had never experienced them. The sight of the shiny steel sinking into soft feminine flesh she had found deeply and disturbingly erotic. The sighs and groans of the slaves she had never been able to interpret. Were they groans of pain or poignant arousal? She was about to find out and bit her lip as she looked down at Mr Brian’s hands. They held a needle about four inches long with a gaily coloured yellow plastic handle at its top. Without even thinking of trying to shield herself Raika continued to hold her breasts up and offer them to him as he found a spot where he had dabbed disinfectant and calmly stabbed the steel point in. Raika gasped at the sharp lance of discomfort. It wasn’t pain exactly, more a stinging. She shifted her grip on the undersides of her breasts and awaited the next one. And the next. And the next. With perfectly steady hands, Mr Brian jabbed four needles into each breast in a sort of fan shape across their upper curves. Only then did he look up from his work.

  He took hold of her still disinfectant damp nipple and elongated its already turgid length.

  “Hold still now, Raika,” he advised her. “This might sting a little.”

  She gasped in dismay as she saw the point sink towards her pink flesh and then closed her eyes. There was a starburst of sharp pain behind her eyelids then a strange feeling of something moving inside her before a second lance of pain made her whimper. But when she looked down she felt the oddest swelling of pride inside as she saw that her right nipple sported a needle piercing her top to bottom. She managed to watch the whole proceeding for the left one. Then Mr Brian smiled at her and moved on. She glanced over at Patti and saw that she bore the same decorations now and she too was still cradling her breasts proudly. They had a few minutes to wait before two men came for them with ropes. They were two of the members that Raika didn’t know but the man who attended to her was so confident in his handling of her that she relaxed and took a lively interest in the way he threw a loop around each breast, fed the loose ends of the rope through it and then wound the nylon cord tight around the root of the breast. Immediately she could feel a throbbing where the steel pierced her and a tight feeling throughout her breast. At the command she had placed her hands on her head and thrust her shoulders back proudly to give him as much breast to work with as he could want and when he stood back with both her breasts now tightly bound and throbbing he rewarded her with a curt. “Nice tits.” Then he was gone.

  Patiently she waited for a few minutes more but from somewhere else in the copse she heard a female cry out. It sounded like Tigre and for the first time a frisson of fear ran through her. It took a lot to make Tigre make any noise.

  Patti breathed out in a sensuous sigh. “Oh yes! They’re really going for it tonight!”

  Another cry sounded followed by a male cheer. It had sounded like Jet.

  Raika licked her lips nervously and tried to ignore the increasing pounding in her breasts. But she was getting more and more uneasy about the proximity of the heavy ropes hanging from the branch to those binding her. A horrible suspicion began to form in her mind which was only dispelled by two men approaching. Again she knew neither but they wasted no time. Her wrists were clipped to the ring at the back of her collar then with some difficulty the heavy ropes from the branch were fed under those constricting her breasts and knotted back on themselves. Thin candles were stuck into the hollow handles of the needles and with shocking speed and mind numbing panic flooding through her, Raika was hauled into the air. The world spun around her as she twisted on the end of the ropes and screamed in sheer terror. Above her she could see the ropes creaking against the wood of the branch as they swung. Desperately she kicked her feet trying to find the ground but instead only made herself twist even more. The pounding in her breasts was immense now and the insertions had assumed a menacing accompaniment of discomfort. Slowly she steadied her breathing and whimpering and looked a little lower. To her horror she could actually see her breasts pulled up before her but she also saw that she hadn’t been hoisted more than a foot or so into the air. Her face was just a little above that of Mr Brian who stood before her, smiling.

  “Don’t worry. You look very pretty and will give us all a lot of pleasure. There’s just one more thing to do.”

  Suddenly the air filled with the smell of a struck match and he raised his hands cupping a match flame. He put it to each candle in turn until it was alight then he blew it out and she heard him move on to Patti. Craning her head just a little she was able to watch as Patti too was converted into a living chandelier. She had to admit that she looked very, very sexy with her breasts so grotesquely distorted for the masters’ pleasure, her graceful body bent backwards in its suspension, the long legs kicking a little from sheer instinct. Raika felt that if she looked half as good she would be proud. Male voices approached and as the last of the light drained, Raika was able to see lights shining through the trees. Each point of brilliance representing the complete submission of a CSL slave. She thought it was the loveliest thing she had ever seen and hung in agonised excitement while beneath her a Housegirl was fucked into moaning ecstasy against the tree trunk. Then the wax began to drip.

  Brian took a few snaps with his camera to show Amelia when she could next spare a week and then went to find himself a drink and a Housegirl. He was well pleased with the display he and Carlo had devised. Eight breast suspensions supporting eighty candles would provide a son et lumiere that few would forget in a hurry. He had always considered breast suspension the ultimate procedure a slavegirl could be subjected to - the fact that even Blondie had groaned quietly when first hauled up attested to that - but the added use of piercing and candles he thought would provide something even the most jaded of dominant palates could salivate over. He sipped a glass of a particularly refreshing Sancerre and beckoned to a Housegirl who was just sitting up on a table where her last user had left her lying on her back. Flushed and happy she came to him. She was a short girl but shapely and slender, he had seen her around and thought he had probably had her after a dungeon session he had presided over a couple of weeks ago. Her stockings were tattered by then and he ordered her to lose them but to replace her high heels. She had delightfully retrousse breasts - not unlike Amelia’s - and he rather regretted that he hadn’t strung her up too. He took her arm and guided her to where Patti was hanging. He fancied taking this girl right underneath Patti and making sure she heard everything. It would drive her wild with lust. As they made their way through the drifting post-orgasmic stragglers and the frantically writhing couples, past some of the Housegirls still tied by their wrists to this or that branch, some still receiving discipline from masters being fellated by their sister Housegirls, Brian smiled as a new sound was added to the soft nocturne of moans and hissing slaps from whips. From around the copse came high pitched yelps and looking up both of them could see the points of candlelight begin to dance in amongst the foliage.

  “They’ve had the lumiere, now it’s time for the son,” Brian said and dragged the girl forwards.

  Patti was dancing delightfully and beside her little Raika was giving a lovely exhibition too and wriggling like a gaffed fish. On the drum tight skin of their breasts, the candles were depositing their own needles of hot wax, each blob burning hotter for a second before it cooled. Each suspended slave yelled at each drip, her legs bicycling in the air as she struggled. Patti’s breasts were almost purple by then and when Brian slipped his fingers between her thighs and slid them into her cunt she was awash with the secretions of pain-driven excitement. He held her steady by clamping his thumb over her clitoris.

  “You wouldn’t miss this for the world, would you Patti?” he asked. Above him, her face clamped into a rictus round
gritted teeth, Patti shook her head and then couldn’t help a growl as another gobbet of wax landed on her nipple.

  By now, Brian thought, the shafts of the needles would be heating up nicely and the copse was about to get a whole lot noisier. But it couldn’t last long so roughly he threw the Housegirl down onto the grass and undid his flies. She spread her legs invitingly and smiled up at him as he lowered himself onto her, brushing Patti’s helplessly swinging feet with his shoulder as he did.

  “Make plenty of noise when you come,” he whispered to her as he achieved entry without needing guiding fingers and slid deep inside her. “I want her to hear you.”

  When Raika was lowered to the ground finally and the same calm competent hands that had subjected her to the ordeal, unclipped her wrists, removed the ropes and slid the needles out before dabbing stinging disinfectant on her, she just lay looking up at the clear night sky for a long moment. Her breasts were a whole new sea of agony as the blood poured back into them

  through crushed capilliaries. She had been terrified beyond belief but had loved the noises of debauchery she had heard under her as she had hung. There had even been some compliments from the men. One had observed how well her breasts had kept their shape considering all that had been done to them. Another - when the steel shafts had begun to heat up inside her - had complimented her yells of fear as being very easy on the ear, then he had lain beneath her and fucked the Housegirl who was accompanying him. All in all, Raika felt it had been the most outrageously erotic night of her life. Now as she gazed up at the stars she felt deeply content. She was somewhere where danger and safety, pain and intense pleasure were hopelessly intertwined and she realised that she didn’t want them to disentangle. Her thoughts were interrupted by a shape looming over her and obscuring the stars.


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