Wedding Cake Crashers

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Wedding Cake Crashers Page 2

by Riley, Alexa

  He looks back and forth between me and the cake, utterly stunned as his new bride walks up behind him. She moves beside him and the happy look he had on his face moments ago falls as his bride sees what we’ve done.

  “Honey,” she says cautiously as she looks to Rich and then the cake. “Do you want to tell me something?”

  He looks at me and then to Alisha and for half a second I think he’s going to lie to her. But then I realize this is Rich we’re talking about and he just blurts it all out without stopping to take a breath.

  “I’m sorry I was on the golf cart and there was a wild pack of geese and then they attacked and I couldn’t get the cake and what I saved wasn’t edible and then Hank said he would take care of it and I didn’t know what else to do and I’m so sorry but I didn’t want to ruin your special day but I think it turned out kind of nice and please don’t be upset I’m sorry.”

  He takes a gulp of air after his long-winded confession and Alisha turns to him and puts her hands on either side of his face.

  “It’s more beautiful than the one we chose,” she says before she goes up on tiptoes and kisses him. I look away because it’s far too intimate to witness, but it’s their wedding day so I just wait.

  “Thank you,” Alisha says, walking over to hug me. “Thank you for taking care of my groom who was probably freaking out.”

  “A little,” I admit, and we share a knowing smile.

  I’ve known Alisha for most of my life and she’s like a little sister to me. We know how Rich can be when it comes to her, but it’s one of the reasons she loves him so much.

  “I almost don’t want to cut into it, it’s so beautiful.” She goes back to her groom, and just as she says it, they announce it’s time to cut the cake.

  Since the ceremony it’s been a whirlwind of pictures and dances and getting everything in place. I haven’t even had a chance to eat dinner yet. Now that the hard part is over, I plan on kicking back and enjoying the night free from obligations. The stress of today is finally catching up to me and I walk over to the bar to grab a drink.

  As the happy couple pose for pictures next to my contribution to the wedding, the bartender hands me my beer. I stand there for a moment and scan the room to see so many familiar faces. I’ve grown up with Alisha and Rich together, so that meant plenty of family functions where I met most of her people before today. I wave to one of my cousins and raise my drink as the father of the bride gives a toast.

  When I continue to scan the crowd, I spot a dark-haired girl I’ve never seen before off to the side. She’s got on a blue dress that stands out against the dark colors everyone else is wearing, but with a body like hers she could never blend in.

  I take a long pull on my beer and watch her with the blonde beside her as they whisper to one another. I don’t know the other girl either and I wonder how they know Alisha. They certainly don’t know Rich, because if he knew a woman like that, I would definitely remember seeing her before.

  The blonde says something to the brunette, who leans her head back and laughs. The sight makes me lick my lips as I think about kissing down her exposed neck. My stomach rumbles and I smile as I decide to have dessert before dinner.

  Chapter Four


  “How do you do that?” Nikki asks through a laugh as we enter the wedding reception together, and I can’t help but laugh with her. She’s right. Somehow, we always time it so we walk in right when it’s time to cut the cake. She swears I have some magical watch that tells me when it’s time for dessert.

  “Wow,” I breathe when I look over to where the bride and groom are cutting into the masterpiece. “That looks incredible.”

  My mouth is watering and I didn’t have lunch today, so my morning muffin and coffee are long gone.

  “They look so in love,” Nikki sighs.

  She’s staring sweetly at the couple, but I’m zeroed in on that cake. I want a better look at it, but the bride and groom are still feeding each other and they seem to be enjoying it. Lucky them.

  Nikki snags two flutes of champagne from a server as he passes by. He almost trips over his own feet when he sees her and I stifle a laugh as I take a sip.

  “People aren’t even dancing yet.” She takes a swig from her champagne as she sways to the light music they have playing overhead. I don’t think the dancing is going to start for a little while because everyone is still mingling. “I’m going to make a round. You snatch us up some seats.”

  She’s off before I can protest, but she’s unable to sit still. Nikki believes when she finds the one she’ll know it instantly. She’ll make a couple rounds and check out who’s here before coming back and having cake with me in a little bit. She thinks she’s here for true love, but I know the cake always perks her up when she comes back to the table empty-handed.

  I nervously glance around the room and try to find a seat. One of the hard parts about crashing a wedding is seating charts. Sometimes everything is mapped out and people have assigned seats. With others it’s a free-for-all except for the bridal party.

  As I walk around I see the colors for this wedding are deep reds with gold accents. Flowers cover every table and I can tell a lot of time and care was taken with all the details. It’s elegant, but there’s a relaxed feel to the party so I’m guessing no seating chart. I glance around to find an empty table to snag for us and I freeze when dark eyes catch mine. My heart gives a strange flutter of excitement as I stare at the man, but after only a second I jerk my gaze away from him. What the hell was that? He’s moving toward me and I turn in the other direction in a panic.

  My heart is still fluttering and I’m not sure what it is but I know I’m not prepared to face him. My phone rings inside my small bag and I cringe when I realize I forgot to put it on silent. Thank God someone isn’t giving a toast right this second.

  I reach into my purse and pull it out, thankful that it gives me a reason to look busy. I’m certain dark and sexy is following me without having to look back.

  “Hello,” I chirp too loudly into the phone, making a blonde woman turn to look at me. I try to walk away from the party as I peek out of the corner of my eye to see the dark-eyed man standing there staring at me. He has his arms folded over his broad chest and is openly watching me. He’s in an all-black suit, and with the way he’s looking at me, I don’t know if he’s in the wedding or if he’s security. Oh God, we’ve been caught!

  “Sugar, are you there?” Jack’s voice breaks into my thoughts, reminding me I answered my cell phone. Play it cool. If I look like I belong here, then people will believe I do. I repeat the motto Nikki taught me and focus on the phone call.

  “Jack?” How the heck did he get my number and why is he calling me?

  The man in the suit takes a step closer to me and our eyes meet again. They aren't as dark as I thought when he was across the room. From here I can see a honey color that swirls around his irises and it reminds me of caramel—my second-favorite thing after cake.

  “Yeah, it’s Jack from work.”

  I keep forgetting that I’m on the phone while I’m staring at the man. Where the hell is Nikki? If I’m about to get kicked out, she needs to show up. She can flirt us out of any mess. A strange lick of anger courses through me at the thought of Nikki sliding up next to the stranger. I chalk the irritation up to Jack calling me.

  “What’s up?” I say into the phone as I put down the champagne glass and try not to focus on the potential security guard. I can feel his gaze on me and he’s not going anywhere until I acknowledge him.

  “I was wondering if you had plans tonight.”

  “If I have plans tonight?” I repeat what Jack said, unsure if I heard him right. I might not be looking at the handsome man in the suit, but he’s holding all of my attention. I can’t think straight.

  “Yeah, I was near your place and thought—”

  “My place?” I cut him off, wondering how the hell he knows where I live. Before I can ask him, the phone is pulled fr
om my hand.

  I stand there in shock, looking up at the giant in all black. All he needs is a pair of glasses and he really would look like he was with the FBI or something. I guess our wedding crashing days are over. We’ve been caught. I wonder what the charges will be.

  “You’re not coming to her place,” his deep voice thunders into the phone, making my eyes widen in shock. He hits end on the call before handing the phone back to me and I take it from him automatically.

  “Thanks?” I say, but it comes out squeaky. He got me off the phone with Jack, but he stole it right out of my hand.

  It’s not like I can start throwing accusations around because I’m not supposed to be here.

  Chapter Five


  “You want to tell me who you’re here with?” I can’t place her and I don’t see her here with a date and it’s clear from that phone call she’s got admirers left, right, and center. “Your blonde friend doesn’t look familiar either.”

  “Nikki? Which way did she go?” She looks around me with a worried expression and I fight a smile.

  “Don’t you worry about her. I think she’s in good hands.” I saw her earlier circling the dance floor. The last I saw, my cousin Dean was about to close in on her.

  “Look, just let me go and I promise I’ll never do it again.”

  “Do what again?” I cock my head to the side and fight a smile. “And why would I ever let you go? I’ve been chasing you all over this crowded ballroom.” I step closer as I reach out and touch her chin so she has to look up at me. “Now that I’ve got you, I have no intentions of setting you free.”

  My chest does that weird tight thing again and I have to take a breath. The closer I get to her, the stronger it feels and for half a second I wonder if I’m having a heart attack.

  “But don’t you want to kick me out?” Confusion clouds her face, but she doesn’t make a move to pull away.

  “Why would I want to do that?” I can’t keep the laughter out of my voice this time. “Besides, you haven’t even had any of the cake.”

  She freezes at my words and her eyes widen. “Do I know you?”

  There’s something about her that is so familiar, it’s like I’ve known her my whole life. But as I run my hand down her arm and twine my fingers with hers, I shrug.

  “It feels like it, doesn’t it?” I lead her to where the caterers are set up and they’re cutting the dessert. “What’s your name?”

  “Sugar,” she says, and I see her try to hide her blush.

  “I should have guessed.” I lick my lips, wondering just how sweet she tastes.

  “Hey, Hank, what can we get for you?” the server asks. He was the one who helped me bring the cake in earlier.

  “How about a little of everything?” I look down at Sugar and her eyes widen again, but she smiles and nods.

  “Coming up,” the guy says as he reaches behind him to grab two full-size dinner plates instead of the small ones for dessert and serves us up a slice from every layer.

  “Perfect.” I nod to him as I pass a plate to Sugar, and I take the other as I hold on to her hand and lead her through the crowd.

  There’s a garden outside with a fountain and benches set up nearby. When a waiter passes by us, I ask him to bring us two glasses of champagne outside and he follows us.

  “Thanks,” I say to him as Sugar takes a seat and places one of the flutes beside her.

  I take the seat next to her and put my glass down on the ground as the waiter leaves us in the quiet. The sun has completely set and the stars are beginning to show. The soft sound of the fountain is in the background and the glow from the wedding inside highlights her body.

  “Oh shoot, we didn’t get forks.” There’s a sadness to her voice as she looks longingly down at the cake.

  “I didn’t forget.” I hold up a piece of the dark chocolate for her and she looks down at it, licking her lips.

  She’s hesitant as she leans forward and places her hand on my wrist, opening her mouth. Her soft lips touch my fingers and I feel the smooth, slick warmth of her tongue as she quickly takes the bite of cake and sits back.

  “Holy shit,” she whispers as she brings her hands to her lips.

  “Do you like it?” I look down at her plate and raise my chin. “Let me try it.”

  She lifts a bite of strawberry in her fingers and eagerly holds it out for me.

  “It’s incredible.”

  My lips close over her fingers, and when I slide my tongue between them, her mouth opens and her eyes become hooded. I don’t take my eyes off of her as the flavor of the strawberries and sweet cream hits my tongue. I moan and take my time licking her fingers clean before I lean back and take a sip of the champagne.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever had something that tasted so good.” I watch as she reaches for her own glass and nearly knocks it over.

  “Is it hot out here to you?” She fans herself and I smile as her cheeks flush and she raises the hair away from her neck.

  “I think I might be heating up.”

  I hold out another bite for her and watch as she eagerly takes it, and then it’s my turn again. Each time we spend longer sucking on our fingers and licking cake off one another until I’m too worked up to stop.

  “Sugar,” I warn when I look down and see her lips wrapped around my thumb and I feel her tongue circling it like a cock. “Fuck.”

  She pops off of it and I can’t hold myself back anymore as I lunge for her and pull her onto my lap. My lips connect with hers as I shove my hands in her hair and pull her closer to me. She tastes like sweet chocolate and strawberries and silky cream. She smells like sugar and dessert and my cock is so fucking hard, if I don’t get inside her I’m going to have to go into that reception and put my dick in the cake.

  “Hank,” she moans against my mouth as her body moves against mine.

  I release her hair with one hand and slide it under her dress and around to her ass. I grip it hard as I pull her close and pretty soon we’re bumping against each other out in the garden where anyone could walk up on us.

  “Slow down, Sugar,” I say. The thought scares me. I don’t want to get caught like this because I don’t want anyone seeing what’s mine. “Why don’t we take this someplace more private?”

  “Yes.” She’s all too quick to respond and my whole body is vibrating with her approval.

  “I’m in the guest house on the other side,” I say, standing up and lifting her in my arms.

  “Let’s go,” she says, clinging to me.

  Chapter Six


  I can’t believe I’m doing this. I’m blaming it on the cake because I’m in a fog of lust.

  Does it matter at this point, because it’s all delicious. I cling to Hank’s big body and for a moment I question what I’m doing before his mouth comes down on mine again. When his lips touch mine, all doubt leaves my mind.

  The taste of icing and him is too much to take and I moan into his mouth as I dig my fingers into his short hair.

  “Fuck, you taste good,” he says against my lips.

  “It's the cake,” I tell him before I go back to kissing him. His mouth is so soft and possessive, I want it in other places, too.

  “It’s all you, Sugar.” My back meets a hard surface and I’m not going to fight him on it. If he thinks I taste as good as that cake, then I’m going to let him believe it.

  He not only tastes good, but his big body pressed into mine feels unbelievable. I’m small and delicate in his hold, just like those cute brides you see on the tops of wedding cakes.

  He goes for my neck and kisses me there as my whole body buzzes with need. There has to be something wrong with me because I’ve never been this turned on in my life. I wiggle my hips as I try to grind myself against him, needing the friction.

  “Hank?” I plead.

  I know he’ll fix this; I don’t know how, but it’s instinct that he’ll do this for me. It’s that same feeling I got when he asked
if we knew each other. There’s a connection here even though we only met minutes ago.

  Why else would I be letting him take me out of the wedding alone so he can have his way with me? But I guess technically right now I’m having my way with him. Hank understands my desperate need and takes control. His hand goes under my dress and he quickly finds my panties.

  He groans into my neck when he touches them and I know they’re soaked through. They’re sticking to me like a wet bathing suit, and for half a second I worry about what kind of panties I have on. When I feel his fingers pull the wet material to the side, I decide I don’t give a crap what I’m wearing. He rubs the pads of his fingers between my wet lips and my whole body ignites.

  “So wet.” I feel him lick me up my neck all the way to my ear. I want that tongue between my thighs. “I need you on a flat surface so I can savor this.”

  I moan my agreement as his hand moves away from between my legs and suddenly he’s carrying me. My clit doesn't understand and screams in protest as his steps move faster and soon we’re indoors.

  “I got you,” he reassures me before his mouth brushes against mine and he lays me down on a soft bed. “I just want to taste you. I have to know if your mouth is as sweet as your pussy.”

  I release the tight hold I have on him as he kisses me. He leans up and pulls off his dark jacket then tosses it away. His eyes roam over my body and down to where my dress is bunched around my waist. I have no idea where my shoes went, but that’s not important now.

  “Look what you’ve done.” He pushes my dress up farther as his other hand grips my thigh and spreads my legs open wide for him. His thick finger rubs along my panties right over my clit and I gasp. “That sticky sweetness is mine.”

  He drops down and his mouth covers my panties over the wet spot. I feel his warm breath through the cotton material and my face heats with how drenched I am. If I wasn't so turned on and in need, I’d run out of here in shame. Instead I thrust my hips up as I try to grind my clit into his face and encourage him to eat his fill. The ache is so intense now I think I might die. I went from being scared of what kind of panties I had on to wishing panties never existed. They seem so pointless now.


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