The Billionaire's Son 4 : Secret Society Orgy (Billionaire Erotica Romance) (BDSM Erotic Romance)

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The Billionaire's Son 4 : Secret Society Orgy (Billionaire Erotica Romance) (BDSM Erotic Romance) Page 1

by Quinn, Arabella

  The Billionaire's Son 4 : Secret Society Orgy

  By Arabella Quinn

  The Billionaire's Son 4 : Secret Society Orgy

  Copyright © 2012 by Arabella Quinn

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  The Billionaire's Son 4: Secret Society Orgy

  I was back at the office, not wanting Derek to see my wounded p ride after the humiliating encounter with him the night before. Derek had tricked me into thinking that we were locked in a room downstairs, which was some kind of sex playroom. It was stocked with all sorts of strange apparatus, including a sex swing.

  Shame washed over me as I recalled our passionate lovemaking on the sex swing. I had never in my life had such an intense experience as that. I had given myself to Derek freely and uninhibited. I had held back nothing. And basking in the afterglow of our beautiful experience together, I had felt the seeds of love beginning to take root in me.

  What a fool I had been. He had tricked me, taken what he had wanted and then callously walked away. His intentions couldn't have been any clearer. He was an arrogant playboy that I was better off without. So why did it all hurt so badly?

  I shook my head, trying to mentally scrub his image from my mind. I had been at the office for over three hours, and yet I had accomplished nothing. I would have gone home to nurse my heartache, if only that wouldn't give off some signal of defeat - even though Derek probably wasn't at the estate today, and even if he were, I would be the last thing on his mind.


  Derek was running out of time. After Julia had stormed off the night before, he had searched the rest of the estate thoroughly. Nothing turned up. And now he learned that his father, Jackson, was back in town. He had arrived at the estate early this morning, without Derek's mother.

  The 'event' was scheduled for tomorrow night. Derek would have to keep his wits about him as he infiltrated this event as he had done before. At least this time he was more prepared for the shocking spectacle that would play out before him. But there was something special about this event, just as there was at the one that Elise attended right before she disappeared. He had no idea what was in store, but he was sure it was significant.

  He had one more day to find some answers. Yet, he couldn't do much here at the estate with Jackson lurking about. He should meet up with his private investigator and go over his plans for Friday night. He hesitated before leaving, peering down the hall where Julia's office was.

  He wanted to go see her. He wanted to erase the hurt and betrayal he had seen flash across her face when she ran from him the night before. They had had mind-blowingly amazing sex, and he knew that she felt it too. And he had to ruin it all with that stupid stunt he pulled. He had fun being devious and naughty with her. He wanted her to give herself fully to him, no restraints. But she had felt manipulated and now she was pissed.

  They had unbelievable chemistry together. He was sure he could make her realize how good they were for each other. No, he wouldn't give up with her. First, he needed to concentrate on tomorrow night. And then he would make Julia understand. Julia was his alone. His cock tightened as he recognized the proprietary air he felt about her. Groaning, he pushed the thoughts from his mind. Soon.


  I smoothed my slim skirt to my legs as I walked down the hall. The conservative outfit that I had donned this morning like a shield would work just fine. Jackson had summoned me to a meeting. I hadn't even known he was at the estate when Marcy told me that he wanted to see me in his library.

  I knocked softly at the library door and entered. Jackson stood to greet me, giving me a peck on each cheek. "Julia, so good to see you. Would you care for a drink?

  Smiling as brightly as I could, I answered. "A water would be fine. Thank you."

  Jackson motioned for me to sit on the rich leather couch as he poured some water into a glass for me.

  He handed me the water, complete with a wedge of lemon. "So, did you enjoy the masquerade party? I noticed you with my son, Derek?"

  A red heat suffused my cheeks and I felt it spread over my neck and chest. Hedonistic images of Derek and I popped unbidden into my head. "Ah, er… yes, I met your son."

  Jackson sat next to me on the couch. "Julia, I must warn you that Derek can be somewhat reckless - with money and with women."

  I held up my hand cutting him off. "Thank you for the warning, Jackson. But there is really no need."

  Jackson nodded his head thoughtfully. I sat uncomfortably, my mind racing. What is with these two? Each wary of the other. Warning me off. I was starting to get sick of it all.

  "So," Jackson rested his hand on my knee and then casually removed it when I pointedly looked at it. "Have you made any progress on the case?"

  Squirming, I turned toward him on the couch, subtly moving my knee from his reach. Thoughts of Jackson's sex swing churned through my mind. Where I once thought him an attractive and sophisticated gentleman, now I saw a lecherous old man.

  "I have been going over the books with a fine tooth comb. I haven't found anything that even hinted at impropriety at any of your companies. The few things that you had brought to my attention turned out to be legitimate human error, which resulted in some discrepancies."

  Jackson rubbed his chin, pondering my answer. "Julia, I am certain something is going on with my son. If I got you access to his personal financial information, would you be able to peruse it for me to see if everything is above-board? Confidentially, of course."

  His question knocked me off balance. I felt warning bells going off in my head. This was dangerous territory and I had to tread carefully. Jackson was worried about his son's business practices, yet here he was asking me to do something that was not only unethical, it was illegal. What little respect I had remaining for the man was slowly seeping away.

  Carefully weighing my response, I answered. "It will take me several more months to finish an exhaustive review of your companies, and then I will be confident in my assessment that everything checks out perfectly. I can't look into any of Derek's private financials unless I have his express permission. If you like, I can make some discreet inquiries, but I'm afraid that won't give you the full picture."

  Jackson stood. "Ah, yes. Of course, Julia. And I don’t want to tip my hand to Derek just yet. Continue on with what you are doing. And thank you for the lovely dance at the masquerade ball. It was quite fun."

  Jackson had dismissed me. I could see that his mind was already miles away. I stood and left the room, thankful to be gone. I was more confused then ever. What in the world was going on?


  It was Friday evening, and luckily I had not run into either Jackson or Derek all day. I would go home, and instead of working late, I would curl up with a good novel and a glass of wine. Marcy, one of Jackson's staff, had already been into the office earlier to tell me that everyone must be off the premise for the weekend by 6:00 PM sharp. Marcy confided to me that, on occasion, Jackson would host very exclusive parties that no one on his staff had a
ny knowledge of. The staff would return on Monday, with no clue as to what had transpired. She thought it to be very mysterious. I brushed it aside. Maybe the man just wanted some privacy every once in a while.

  It was 5:30 already; I might as well start my weekend. I was stuffing some files into my briefcase, just in case I got the urge to do some work at home, when the door swung open with a bang. Derek, who was always intruding in my thoughts, filled the doorframe. My stomach flip-flopped just at the sight of him.

  A dark scowl flashed across his face. "What are you still doing here?"

  Anger bubbled up inside of me. "It's none of your business. Now leave me alone."

  His face softened, "What I meant is that no one is supposed to be at the house tonight. You need to leave now."

  I felt like gauging his eyes out. "I was just leaving. What's the big deal anyway?"

  "My father has a special meeting tonight. Just go home and stay away for the weekend, if you know what's good for you." His dismissive tone grated on my nerves.

  I remembered when Derek accused me of being his father's whore and I was still outraged by it. I'm not sure why, but I couldn't stop myself trying to provoke him. "I'm sure that Jackson wouldn't mind…"

  A dark look of anger washed across his face. His body tensed as he punctuated each remark by jabbing his finger toward me. "Don't fool around here, Julia. This is not a game. I warned you about Jackson. Don't take this lightly. I want you out of here in ten minutes."

  His quick anger scared the fight out of me. "Okay. I'm leaving now. No need to be so rude about it."

  "I'm sorry. Please just listen to me for once." His anger dissipated as quickly as it appeared. "I'll see you on Monday." He turned and left the room.

  My earlier confrontation with Derek had left me jittery and shaken. I had come home and downed two glasses of wine with my dinner and tried getting cozy on the couch with a new mystery novel. But my racing mind would not allow the words in the book to sink in. All I could think about was Derek.

  Derek had made a fool of me time and time again. And I had to fully acknowledge now, to myself, that I had given him my heart. It was dumb and reckless, but I could no longer deny it. Now I would just have to suffer through the heartbreak privately. I would never let him know. I could not endure any more humiliation.

  And to keep it hidden, I would have to keep my distance from him. I would double down on my work, and once I was done, I would never see him again. The thought sent a sharp jab of pain through my core, but I would get through it. The only way I knew to take my mind off the agonizing self-deprecation was to fully throw myself into work and let figures and data numb my brain.

  My finger ran down the latest transactions, scanning the column of numbers again. I hadn’t caught any discrepancies yet, but a jittery feeling was niggling at the back of my mind. My senses were on high alert. I was well aware of this feeling; I had felt it many times before and I had rarely been wrong. Something wasn’t adding up here. My pulse quickened. After months of non-stop searching, I may have found the tiniest first clue as to what was going on with Vaughn’s business. It was like locating a hairline fissure on an enormous concrete dam. If I looked closely, this first minuscule clue would lead to others.

  Possibly quite soon, I would have what Jackson Vaughn was looking for. When I found the truth, I would document it with air-clad proof and hand over the results of my thorough investigation. Then I could take some time off and really enjoy the money heading my way. I smiled secretly as I felt the tingling anticipation within me that I always felt when the thrill of the hunt started leading me to a successful conclusion.

  I needed to run down this seemingly insignificant lead while it was still hot in my mind. I was always nervous that my senses wouldn’t pick up the same signals if I waited too long. Once I latched onto a clue, I was as relentless as a bloodhound, pursuing all avenues until I was victorious.

  The transactions were from three years earlier. I needed to check files from around that date. I glanced through the few files I had managed to grab before I was unceremoniously asked to leave Vaughn’s private estate. It seemed the files I needed were still in the office. I could always wait until Monday, but deep down I knew I would never sleep until I found out if this lead was the one I had been searching for all along. It was only 10 PM. I had a good four hours of productive work time ahead of me. I did some of my best sleuthing late at night.

  I had spent the majority of the last two months at Vaughn’s estate, and I had explored it quite well. I knew I could slip in the side entrance, head to the office and retrieve the files I needed, and leave without anyone ever knowing I was there. I had a key and the necessary security codes and if I ran into his staff working the party, I was sure they wouldn't even think twice about it. Derek had warned me off, but I was in no mood to listen to the egotistical jerk. He was probably exaggerating the situation just to annoy me.

  I slipped some sweatpants and a hoodie over my skimpy pajamas and was out the door within minutes. My mind was preoccupied with trying to puzzle together the mysterious numbers I had seen in the file while I drove the 20 minutes to the estate. I pulled up to the keypad at the gated entrance and entered the code. The gates swung open. I drove slowly up the long tree-lined drive. Curiously, the estate was darker than I had ever seen it. No exterior lights were on. There were about twenty cars parked all around the circular drive. I parked near the back and got out. I didn’t know much about cars, but these cars screamed money. I guessed this was a pretty fancy affair. I would stay well out of sight, especially as I was donning my comfiest, yet cheapest clothing.

  My sneakers were silent along the cobblestone driveway as I made my way toward the side of the massive house. I wished I had a flashlight, but I hadn't expected it to be almost pitch black. There had been a few gatherings while I had worked there over the past months, and always the estate looked so warm and inviting. Someone must have switched off the outside lighting by mistake.

  I finally felt my way to the side entrance, only tripping over a few shrubs on the way, and felt for the keypad. The keys lit up at my touch. I entered the numbers carefully, not wanting to set off the alarm. The door unlatched and I stepped inside. I sighed in relief. I could be in and out with the files in less than five minutes. I quietly headed down the back hallway toward the office that was put aside for my personal use.

  I was halfway down the darkened hall, lit sporadically with flickering candlelight, when the utter silence was pierced by a long, chilling woman’s scream. I froze in my tracks, heart thumping in my chest, silently listening. Was somebody in trouble? I stood paralyzed, not knowing what to do.

  I wasn't sure what was going on. With the strange lighting and the gut-wrenching scream, I decided I didn't want to know. It was time to get the hell out. I turned to head back down the hall toward the exit when I heard voices coming from that direction. Panicked at the thought of being discovered, I lunged for the nearest door, relief sweeping over me as the knob turned, and quickly ducked inside.

  The sight that befell my eyes was shocking. The first thing I saw was an unusually tall woman dressed all in black leather. She had gloriously red hair, which hung far down her back and she wore a mask covering her eyes. Just as I had entered, she had raised and cracked a long solid whip against a man kneeling in front of her. I flinched at the whip's sharp crack as my eyes followed its target. My agitation only increased when I saw the old man. He was restrained in what looked like a medieval stockade. His head and two hands protruded out the holes in the solid board, leaving the back half of his naked body exposed. I heard the man's moans after the whip made stinging contact with his ass. I shook my head with confusion as I realized that he was masturbating while being flogged.

  The tall woman turned to me. I started backing slowly towards the door, terror ripping at my insides. Lightning fast, she strode over to me and grabbed my arm in a steely grip. She leaned in close to my ear, whispering harshly, "Who are you? And what are you doing her

  I could barely force the words out. "I, uh, work for Jackson Vaughn, and I just came back for some papers. What's going on here?"

  She didn't let up her painful grip. "You have to get out of here before they find you! And it's a ritual night. My God, if you're caught…"

  Her growing panic fed my rising hysteria. "What do you mean; what will they do?"

  She was looking around wildly. "The last girl went missing. Usually they just turn up dead in a back alley. They wouldn't hesitate to stop you if they thought you saw too much."

  I could hardly believe her chilling words. "But I haven't seen anything really. You think someone would kill me?"

  She seemed quite convinced. "If it wasn't a ritual night, I would take the chance. We have to figure out how to get you out of here without being seen. Here, take my mask and put it on. Maybe we can pass you off as one of the girls…"

  I slipped on the black leather mask she handed me while she was busy eyeing my baggy sweat pants and hoodie. "What do you have on under there?"

  "Just my pajamas." I whispered back.

  She dropped my arm and moved close to the door listening. "Okay, take off the sweat suit and sneakers."

  I looked over at the old man. He had not moved a muscle in several minutes. He looked almost dead hanging on the stockade. I quickly unzipped my hoodie and removed it and my baggy pants. I stood in my bed shirt and comfortable black pajama shorts.

  The woman looked over at my outfit. "Lose the t-shirt and it just might work."

  I was reluctant to strip out of the shirt, but her urgency was all too real. I pulled off the shirt and stood trembling; my breasts bared.

  She moved away from the door and back to whisper at my side. "Okay, that will have to do. I'll try to get you to the side door without anyone seeing us. Once you're outside you should be okay if you leave right away. If anyone catches us, don't speak. The girls here never speak - it would be a dead giveaway. Just play along that you belong here."


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