Birthright: Lord of Arda

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Birthright: Lord of Arda Page 16

by Cox, Craig

  "Where did Skagger go?" Asked Manu.

  "He ran off sharpish once he saw we had the upper hand. I spotted him rounding the corner, as Braden took out my man's leg. Thanks for that by the way."

  Knox patted him on the shoulder causing him to flinch, it seemed he had more bruising there, from when he took down the other man.

  "I owe you thanks as well, Braden." Manu added.

  "See Manu, I told you he was handy to have around in a tight spot, and you doubted my opinion." Knox replied.

  "I guess I was wrong again, now I believe we should make our way back, before Skagger gets a backbone and comes back with more men."

  "Agreed." They all replied.

  Chapter XXXI


  The group turned the final corner before entering the square in front of the Cock in the Crown, they had been joined by four more of Knox's men shortly after beginning the walk back to the tavern. One of the nearby shopkeepers, had seen the group chasing the man and had sent his son to let Badu know who sent a few men to see what had occurred. Knox again talked up Braden's abilities and how he had pretty much saved them all. He was fast becoming a celebrity to the small band of men. As they came into full view of the tavern, Braden saw both Kova and Badu standing at the entrance, Kova broke into a full run as soon as she caught sight of her father. She covered the distance quickly crashing into her father at full force, he heard Knox wince.

  "Sorry." She said quickly and apologetically. However the tenderness quickly faded.

  "I told you didn’t I, you must never leave here with this few men again."

  "Look Kova..."

  "No Dad, I won’t let you."

  "It was a one-off occurrence, Skagger is trying to move in on us."

  "One off? It has happened twice today. I wont let you go out like that again, even if I have to tag along myself." Braden saw something change in Knox's eyes, a little more concern.

  "Ok, Ok I will take more men with me next time. Now go back inside."

  He turned her on the spot, before pushing her back towards the tavern, the rest of the group followed her but Braden slowly slipped towards the back of the group. Looking up at the sky he could see it was getting late, if he stayed too long, he wouldn’t be able to get into High Alton let alone the Citadel and he didn’t want to make Page or anyone else worry about him. Knox noticed Braden slowly slip to the back of the group.

  "Looking to leave?"

  It took Braden by surprise forcing him to stutter his first few words, he needed to remember his story.

  "I need to get back to the place I am staying."

  "You can stay here now, I think I owe you a few more drinks after this afternoon."

  "Thank you. But it’s a sweet old women who has given me lodging and she is cooking me supper and I would feel bad If I wasn’t there."

  Knox patted him on the shoulder, right on the bruise forcing him to shudder a little. Braden looked straight into his eyes, hoping that he couldn’t tell he was lying. He had grown fond of the man over the last few hours and if his future duties allowed it, he would love to visit him again.

  "You are a good man, Braden. My offer of work still stands, if you ever need anything. Please let me know."

  "I will Knox, thank you." The two shook hands warmly before Braden turned away and headed back towards Middle street, he could feel that Knox was still watching him, before he turned out of sight he heard the tavern door open and shut. Braden let go of his breath, he hadn't even realised he had been holding it. As he continued his walk back onto Middle Street he looked down at his bruised knuckles. He went through story after story in his head, wondering how he was going to explain his current state to Page and the rest of the group when he heard a sadistic laugh.

  "Look what we have here boys. I come out to get myself something sweet to eat and I find something so much sweeter, revenge."

  Looking up, Braden's heart sunk as he watched Corla and two friends exit Middle Street. He could see a sword hanging from Corla's waist, the privileges of his status. Both of his friends had long knives.

  "Page isn't here to help you this time Peasant." Braden watched as he slowly drew his blade, the delight shown on the young man's face made him cringe inside. He reached behind him wrapping his fingers around the small dagger Knox had given him which made Corla break out into more laughter.

  "No Page, no Sword, what are you going to do Peasant? I know, scream! You made a fool out of me the other day and now you will pay."

  Pointing the blade at Braden's throat Corla began to advance, his friends took steps to the sides to cut off his escape, or maybe to get a better view. Corla was about ten feet away when Braden heard his name shouted, Corla's face scrunched up in frustration, whilst Braden was filled with delight. He turned his head slightly to see Knox come around the corner, a broad smile across his face.

  "Great I’ve caught up with you. Well now, what do we have here?"

  The older man was breathing heavily, he must have run to catch up with him. In his right hand he held a pouch, he threw it up towards Braden who caught it with both hands, one eye still on Corla. It was heavier than he expected and he almost dropped it.

  "That's for your help today, but I guess I can help you out here as well."

  "What do you expect to do Peasant, I will gut you along with this one?" Corla's voice was layered with anger and frustration. He still had the upper hand however, both in numbers and with weapons. But just then the tables turned as from out of the corner of his eye, Braden watched Manu, Markus and four others come around the corner.

  "Kova?" He asked.

  "I did promise." laughed Knox.

  Corla's eye were wide with rage and disbelief. He swiped his sword back and forth struggling to get any coherent words out, through his anger. For a moment Braden thought he was still going to attack, his chest began to burn again and his arms started to get light. Then Corla took a step back, the burning subsided and Braden realised that Corla had used his sense and was backing down. He continued to shout abusive comments at them, and every other was aimed at him. Finally, he sheathed his sword and stomped away, Knox began to laugh.

  "What did you do to upset him."

  "I stood up for a woman he was about to abuse."

  Knox smacked him on the shoulder again, Braden hoped that the grimaces he made whenever Knox touched him, was not obvious.

  "I would expect nothing less from you Braden. I guess we should walk you back to the house you are staying at just in case the little Lord returns."

  "No, its fine. It’s not too far now. Only a few streets up and in that direction."

  Braden appreciated the offer but he couldn’t have the group follow him, he needed to get back to High Alton and quickly. Manu stepped up beside Knox.

  "We can’t go over there, that’s Brody's area and I am sure he is still upset after your last visit."

  "Good point Manu. Look Braden, keep on the main streets. The little Lord looked a little wrong in the head but he won’t attack you in the middle of the street."

  "Well let’s hope not." Braden replied.

  "Keep that safe as well." He pointed to the pouch Braden still had in both hands. Loosening the string and looking inside he saw a bunch of silver coins.

  "Silver is easier to spend and less likely to bring you attention."

  "Thank you, Knox."

  "Don’t mention it, Kid."

  Knox pulled him into a hug, patting him hard on the back before pushing him backwards, almost tipping him off balance. Manu offered a handshake and a solitary pat on the back, as did the rest before he headed back up to the crown district.

  Chapter XXXII


  Ashe tensed, as the man had whispered 'Arcane' into her ear, she began to flex her hand ready to launch an attack at a moment’s notice. She watched Alex stand up, from the corner of her eye, he couldn’t have heard what had been said, but anyone who had looked in her direction, could see something was wrong, between her and t
he blind man.

  "I don’t know what you mean." She said

  "Well, by the way you are reacting, I believe you do, Arcane."

  "Stop calling me that!" She grunted between her teeth.

  "Are you alright, Ashe?"

  Alex placed his arm in between Ashe and the old man trying to ease a gap between the two. At first, the man didn’t move not sensing Alex in front of him but after a few seconds he took two steps back from the pair.

  "Do we need to leave?" Alex added.

  "I mean no harm, I am here to help."

  "Help what?" Alex replied.

  "Your friend, Ashe did you call her? I can see her gift, and I would like to help her."

  "Who are you?" She said, from behind Alex.

  "My name is Kingston, Kingston Lyfield. I am a historian and researcher of the Arcanes and everything which involves their magic world."

  "I think you are a bit out of date Kingston, there hasn’t been one in Arda since the last one died serving the King" Ashe replied.

  The old man took another step away from the pair, he swung his stick from side to side before it finally struck a stool. He felt around the rim of the stool before turning around and dropping himself heavily onto the stool. He looked up in their general direction and smiled.

  "Why Ashe, we both know that is not the case. Just because no one has shouted, 'Hey I'm an Arcane' or a Lord claimed to have one in his service, doesn’t mean they don’t exist."

  “That is all well and good, but I don’t understand how this matters to either of us." Alex replied.

  The old man laughed and it wasn’t loud he had hardly raised his voice above a whisper since he first spoke. She could hardly hear him over the crowd around them but Ashe was still tense. She had been constantly rotating her wrist, flexing her fingers ever since he had first whispered to her. She didn’t know what the man wanted, but once he had said he was researching the Arcanes and their arts, she was interested. Her father had passed away before he had taught her much of what he knew. Since then, she had been surviving on the small amount of knowledge she had learned from him in those short years. The chance to learn more about her powers was almost too good of a chance to miss. She was amazed when he first told them his profession, but she had heard of many schemes like this used to weed out possible Arcanes. For all she knew there were six or seven men hiding around the corner ready to pounce as soon as she admitted who she was.

  "I understand that you do not trust me, I would not if I were you. But I have something which could perhaps earn your trust."

  Kingston reached into his robe, he seemed to rummage around for a long time before finally pulling out a small leather-bound book. It was about a hand's width in size and a little under an inch thick. The leather was a deep brown, almost black and on the front a red emblem was painted in ink. Kingston rubbed his fingers over the front tracing the outline of the emblem before smiling to himself.

  "I offer this a gift, read it and if you believe me then, I will see you again tomorrow, shall we say same time same place."

  Ashe and Alex stared at the man, Ashe's eyes kept flicking to the book however wondering what was inside. After a minute of silence, Kingston smiled again in their general direction. Grabbing his stick he hauled himself back onto his feet, he laid the book down on the stool and gave them one last smile before walking off into the crowd, smacking a few people on the ankles, with his stick, as he made his away across the road. Ashe took a few steps over to the book reaching down and picking it up from the stool, as Alex slowly walked over to the edge of the crowd keeping his eye on the old man as he walked away. It seemed to almost glow in her hand, she flipped it over a few times to see if there was any other markings on the leather before turning it back over to look at the red symbol. She ran her fingers along the edge, she could feel the raised ink, which was how Kingston knew it was the correct book. She was about to open it when she felt a heavy hand on her shoulder.

  "Perhaps best not to do that here." Alex said.

  "You’re probably right. Do you want to head back to the Citadel?"

  "Sounds good, I can get an early night and then head over to Cecil's early."

  Ashe smiled at the Alex's enthusiasm.

  Chapter XXXIII


  Braden walked through the halls of the Citadel, servants were working tirelessly around them, slowly lighting the candles and the fires as the sun began to dip under the horizon. A man walked round the corner barking orders at the men around him, from the quality of his clothes and the jewellery adorning his hands and neck Braden guessed he was a Lord. As the group got closer, Braden moved to one side of the hall to give the man a wide berth. He remembered at the last moment Page's words the night before, and lowered his head in respect. The nobleman looked over in his direction for a split second before continuing to shout at the men around him. Once he had passed, Braden raised his head and continued on towards Page's quarters. Finally reaching the doors, he tried to sneak in, he was much later than Page had told them to be and the knocks and scrapes all over him was probably not going to help the matter. He needed to slip in quietly and hopefully get to a wash basin before anyone noticed him. Opening the door fractionally, he looked through the gap, he couldn’t see anyone in the general vicinity so he opened it a little further before slipping through the narrow opening. Closing the door behind him the room seemed empty, walking further into the room he began to relax. Sitting down on one of the couches facing back towards the door he began to pull off his boots, half way through pulling off his second one, Magnus pounced from over the back of the couch. Braden shouted as he fell off of the chair, falling down onto his already bruised shoulder, he cried out. Looking back up at Magnus who was staring down at him with his large yellow eyes. He let out a little curse towards the cub, Magnus's reply was to plop himself down on the couch and begin to groom himself.

  "Magnus, who’s there?" It was Ashe's voice.

  Braden laid back down on the floor kicking off his remaining boot. Her raven hair appeared over the top of the couch, at first she didn’t see him, only looking at Magnus as he groomed his right paw.


  Ashe jumped and screamed, once she realised it was him she picked up the pillow Magnus was leaning against, forcing the lion cub to topple backwards and flung it at Braden's face. She was hyperventilating from the shock, as he pulled the pillow away from his face. She took a sharp intake of breath, causing her to have a coughing fit. He guessed it was in reaction to the way he looked, he reached his hand up and touched the side of his face where he had taken the first hit in the morning. The swelling had started to subside but he guessed it was still not a pretty sight.

  "What happened to you?"

  "You should see the other guy."

  A cheeky smile crept across his face. Finally pushing himself from off of the floor, pain stabbed through his shoulder, forcing his arm to buckle. Ashe grabbed his other arm and helped him up off the floor setting him down on the sofa next to Magnus. The lion cub pushed against his hand forcing Braden to scratch his head and neck before snuggling down next to him.

  "Wait here."

  Ashe walked off into the other room, Braden rested his head back against the high back of the couch. Closing his eyes, he could feel the strains of the day sitting heavily on him. He hadn't realised how tired he was until then, he felt his head drop to one side as sleep took over.

  "Wake up. I have only been gone two minutes."

  Opening his eyes he watched Ashe pull the table in front of the couch, closer to him, setting a bowl down, she rinsed a small cloth before leaning across to him.

  "Who did this to you?"

  "It's a long story." He replied.

  "Well we have the time, Page took Troy to the great library about an hour ago and he said they wouldn’t be back until after midnight."

  "How is he going to keep Troy awake that long?"

  "I don’t know, but Troy seems to enjoy it, I think Page does too."
r />   "Can Troy even read? And where's Alex?

  "How would I know, he went to the baths, he found a smithy down in the West Alton."


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