Birthright: Lord of Arda

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Birthright: Lord of Arda Page 19

by Cox, Craig

  Another five minutes of pushing and shoving, the crowd broke up to reveal a large square surrounded by three buildings. On the left, the building stood three storeys high, it was made of solid stone blank apart from a few lines etched across the top of the double door. The second building which was straight ahead was the most impressive. It’s columns stood four storeys high with a dome adding yet another storey to the top. It was as wide as it was tall, the dome was made from crisp white marble and seemed to be made from solid gold. On the top sat a nine-pointed star. Braden had been told by the priests who used to visit Farnshire about the great temple, but only when he was stood before it, did he really understand their awe and amazement. Every time, he had asked them to describe it, their eyes would glaze over at the thought of it. Braden stood still in the middle of the square his eyes tracing over every detail of the temple. The top half of each column had writing etched into the stone, each with a story dedicated to one of the nine gods. Some of the stories were triumphant, some of tragedy, but each was so finely cut and detailed that from where he stood across the square he could make out each face. Braden finally pulled his gaze away after reciting the middle storey in his head. He hadn't noticed how long he had been standing there, but the sight of the nobleman from earlier, riding away from the temple, made him look up to the horizon and realise how little time he had left. He turned finally to the third building on the right of the square, it was the smallest with only two storeys and was the least surrounded by people. Braden made his way across to the building, as he got closer he could hear the calling of cattle, a step closer and he could also hear lambs and sheep and then, as he reached the door, a chicken added it’s voice to the ever-growing noise. Pushing open the door Braden was almost knocked out by the smell. At first it was potent and made him screw up his nose but then it made him feel homesick. The smell of livestock, hay and wood combined together made him think of Farnshire and of his mother. He made a conscious effort to hold back the tears, as he walked over to a man who was exchanging a young lamb for coins near to the entrance. Braden kept his distance until the man finished his business and watched the previous customer exit through another door. The man then walked up to him.

  "Good afternoon, a little late aren't you?"

  "Good afternoon, yes there were many people and I got caught up in the crowd."

  The man looked him up and down, he was about the same height as Braden but his build was a lot closer to Alex's and his shoulders were wide from hard labour and his forearms were as thick a man's calves. He was dressed in fine clothes with a leather apron around his waist, protecting his trousers from the debris which had accumulated throughout the day. His thick leather boots were dark brown but Braden couldn’t tell if it was the leather or from wet mud.

  "You’re new here aren't you?"

  "What makes you say that?" Braden asked.

  "You didn’t cover your nose and mouth when you came in, which tells me that you’re a country lad, used to the smell of livestock and mud, unlike the majority of people who come in here, have never smelt anything like this."

  Braden smiled at the statement, he could picture Page's face, if the old man had walked in here.

  "Now what are you looking for?"

  "Umm, a Lamb." he said hesitantly.

  "You don’t sound too certain, who are you looking to buy for? Vila, Lacerta? Kora?"

  "Well, Patella was the patron goddess of my home town, but my mother’s goddess was Kora, so I would probably say her."

  "That explains the lamb. Well, a Lamb is suitable for three gods, Patella, Lacerta and Ori. Kora however, you should be looking for a cow, a bull would be preferable, but unfortunately, I do not have any today. One of the High Lords came this morning and sacrificed nine, one to each god."

  "I don’t think I can afford a cow, I hope I have enough for a lamb, but this is all I have"

  Braden opened his coin purse, he only had a little more than the lamb was worth, Page had told him the usual price for a lamb, but he had took a little more just in case the man decided to try and cheat him because he knew he was inexperienced. The man looked over into the bag and gagged at the amount in the bag.

  "Hmm, you are right, you could get a good sized lamb for that price.”

  The man took a step back from Braden and looked him over again, his eyes stopped on the sword at his waist. Both he and Page had decided it was best, that this time he took his sword with him in case of trouble, he hoped it would allow him to avoid any unforeseen occurrences in the city. Page had made sure he had all the correct papers and documents, so he wouldn’t get arrested by the city guard.

  "Who do you work for?"

  "Mr Will Stamford Page, I am to be one of his new retainers when he retires shortly."

  "Oh, Mr Page, I know him, do you have your papers on you? Prove to me that you work for Mr Page and I will loan you the amount for a cow."

  Braden showed the man his papers and after close scrutiny, the deal was struck. Braden signed against Page's name for the price of the cow and after some gentle persuasion, the cow was moved out of the back and led to the side of the building closest to the great temple.

  "These two lads will help you get her inside, you look strong but trust me, if the cow decides to bolt you won’t be able to hold her."

  Braden shook the man’s hand and thanked him again before he took the third rope tied to the cow’s collar. Between the three of them, they guided the cow around the side of the great temple. The throng of people had almost disappeared, allowing them an easy path up to the doors of the white building. As they reached the bottom of a small wooden ramp, two priests approached them. Both were dressed in white robes which covered them from head to toe. One had a blue stripe, the other a brown stripe around the middle of the robes which covered their bodies, Braden could only see their eyes. The one with the blue stripe stepped closer, he looked over Braden and the cow before speaking. His voice was deep and rough, it didn’t match the high-classed clothing he was wearing.

  "Do you wish to sacrifice this animal to the gods?"

  "Yes to the goddess Kora."

  "So you seek justice for something? You are not the first today, we will need to clear the altar. It will not take long, you can wait in the side room."

  Braden followed the two priests back inside, once they stepped through the threshold the brown striped priest and the two lads lead the cow to one side and out of sight. The blue priest explained that the animal had to be cleaned, before he was offered to the gods. There was an odd look in the priest’s eyes when Braden asked the question about what was going to happen next. They entered a small square room, where the priest left Braden, informing him that he would be back shortly. Braden looked around, the walls were clad in wood from floor to ceiling. Intricate carvings of the eight goddesses were in each panel of the walls. He looked at each before looking into the face of the one male god Jouran, whose arms were open towards one of his daughters and to everyone who stood in the room below him. Braden was still staring up at his face when the priest walked back into the room, he coughed lightly to get Brandon’s attention, before motioning him to follow him out of the door and into the main chamber of the temple.

  "Many people who see that room spend hours staring into the faces of our gods."

  "They are truly beautiful."

  "Yes, but compared to this, they are nothing."

  As he spoke they turned into the main chamber, the room was almost three hundred meters in diameter. At one end stood doors leading to the entrance chamber and then finally out onto the streets of Arda. About forty feet from the main chamber, a line of red cloth hung over a small barrier. Behind it knelt nearly a hundred men, women and children all on their knees, pointing in different directions mumbling prayers. Braden followed their eyes to the other end of the room, and took a step back in awe. Across the rear half of the main chamber stood nine statues in alcoves, each two storeys high, all nine carved from pure white marble. Each was dressed in their
typical attire, Patella wore a sheep skin cloak across her shoulders, Ori dressed in an all-black robe with only a silver belt wrapped around her waist. Jouran wore armour, ornately carved and showing him slaying the three ancient dragon-lords who he had turned into the moons, upon his head sat a golden crown. Braden saw that each of the goddesses wore a silver diadem and around their necks sat a stone on a small pendant, even Jouran wore one. Braden and the priest walked out into the middle of the main chamber he looked back to the people praying. The priest explained that only the priests, the nobility and those making sacrifices were allowed past the barrier and into the main chamber. Years before, all the people were allowed in, however, during a year-long drought the capital was inundated with refugees who then flocked to the temple to pray to Patella, the room became so over-crowded that they one of her fingers had been broken off. The King had ordered the immediate closure of the temple, commissioned a new statue for Patella and sacrificed one hundred calves to both Patella and her father. Only after a year and many good omens of things to come was the temple re-opened and this was when the barrier was put in. No one had stepped past the barrier, the promised punishment that anyone caught trespassing would have their entire family placed into a life of servitude to the priests and all their belongings seized.

  "That seems rather extreme."

  "As extreme as the displeasure of the gods?"

  "I guess not."

  The priest finally stopped in front of a large stone table, it stood a foot above the floor and was almost the same thickness. On top was the cow Braden had purchased earlier, the two boys were missing but the cow was loosely tied to two large iron rings attached to the stone table.

  "I assume you know what to do?"

  "Yes, yes thank you."

  Braden had been to nearly every village sacrifice back in Farnshire and had completed a few himself for the village, so he stepped up onto the stone table. As he looked back across the room he noticed that each god had a stone table set up in front of them, some were still covered in dried blood, whilst others were completely clean. He turned back to the cow and the statue of Kora standing before him, she was more beautiful than any woman Braden had ever seen. Her features were almost life-like and with the shadows from the torches around her, it looked as if she was alive. Set to the side of the table was a brass plate and a lit flame. On top of the brass plate sat a large knife, it’s blade curved slightly away from the handle itself. Lettering was etched into the steel. Grasping the handle, Braden lifted up the knife and slowly ran its blade back and forth over the flame, turning it from side to side making sure that every part of the blade had been kissed by the fire. This was to cleanse the blade of any evils so as not to contaminate the sacrifice. After he was sure it was clean he slowly walked to the front of the table and stood between Kora and the cow before turning to face the animal, he then showed the blade to the cow. The animal did not flinch at the sight of the steel. Braden made sure that both eyes made contact with the knife before he stepped beside her, he looked up at the statue of Kora and now with all the preparation done he could make his prayer and sacrifice to the goddess. Kneeling down he bowed his head.

  "I pray, Kora, please give me strength and guidance over the coming days, allow me and those around me to see clearly and make the correct and just decisions. Please watch over my mother wherever she may be. I pray to you Kora, for your just nature to give me that which I am owed and that which I deserve. I pray for your victory in the fight against injustice and your everlasting struggle against the darkness. I pray and give this gift to you."

  As Braden stood, in one clean motion he slid the blade across the cows throat, without a noise the animal dropped to it’s knees, it’s blood rushing out of the wound staining the table red. Groves cut into the tables edge collected the blood and channelled it to the goddess’ feet. The cow finally fell to one side again without a sound, it was a clean and good sacrifice.

  Chapter XXXIX


  The evening had gone quickly and the morning was going faster. After Braden returned from the great temple, he had spent a few hours talking to Page about what was going to happen the following morning. About an hour after the sun set Alex had come back from Cecil's shop, he looked tired out. His eyes were heavy and Braden had spotted a new burn on his fore arm, whatever he had been doing he wouldn’t say more than it was one of Cecil's normal orders and that he was trying to learn all he could from him. Ashe was a little more open about her day’s activities, she went into great detail about what Kingston had told her. She gave a summary of the first few pages of the new book he had given her. She had left the main party shortly after finishing her story, to sit on the balcony and practice. Troy didn’t last much longer before he fell asleep on the sofa opposite, Page had been running the boy ragged, teaching him not only to read but also the basics of the castle layout and the history, nobility and hierarchy of the Kingdom. The boy had a keen mind and was picking it up quickly, he was already able to name each of the High Lords with no hesitation. Page had popped in once or twice during the evening but he hadn’t stayed long. Braden spent a few hours after dinner with Alex whose eyes were heavy after a whole day working in the smithy. After he fell asleep during their conversation, Braden told him to go to bed, that left him and Magnus. The pair sat in front of the fire for a while before the sound of a door opening and closing behind him signalled that Ashe had gone to bed and the balcony was free. He spent another hour looking out over the city, he couldn’t really remember what he was thinking about or why he stood there for so long but soon his own eyes began to droop and after checking on Troy still asleep on the sofa, he went to his own bed. Braden had woken up early the next day, his mind racing. He had struggled to stay asleep even though his body was crying out for rest, his thoughts wouldn’t let him. He eventually gave in just as the sun was brightening the night’s sky. Lighting a candle at Page's desk he pulled out a book on the nobility of Arda. He flicked through the pages idly reading the headings of each chapter, Bradley, Corla, Rathbone, Waldestein and finally at the back under the title of extinct was Drake, he read unto the sun finally rose above the horizon. Starting from his father, back through his forefathers. The day began properly after Alex awoke, Page arrived and ushered them out onto the balcony as an old man with a small leather bag, was led through the room after him. It took a few minutes for him to set up his tools on the balcony ledge. He had Alex bring in a chair from the living room, and sat Braden down facing into the sun. He produced a small blade and he ran it twice along a wet-stone after giving Braden a bowl of water to wash his face. Then he went to work, the man was methodical and an expert as he slowly began to remove the hair from Braden’s face. Not once did he catch the skin. After the shave the man went after his hair with a number of different blades.

  "There you are sir, all done."

  The man brushed off the cut hair from Braden’s bare shoulders handing him a damp tool to wipe himself down.

  "Thank you."

  Alex was next, Page had asked for a tidying up for his friend. The man started on his beard, keeping the length but cleaning up the stray edges which had taken hold over the past month. His hair was easier and only took the man a few minutes. He finished by brushing Alex down before packing up his things and making his way towards the door. Braden ran his hand over his bare chin. It felt weird to be clean shaven again but he enjoyed the cool air on his skin. He turned as the main door opened and the familiar sound of Panorin and his helpers. The girls quickly went to work setting up a space in the middle of the room, ready to dress them both. Making their way back into the room Panorin pointed to the two sets of clothes set out on either side of the room. Braden made the way to his own set, after stripping down to his undergarments, he began to pull on the custom made clothes that Panorin had designed for him. First, the black trousers with a dark purple streak down the right side, then a black shirt. It fitted him almost like a second skin, the shirt’s buttons were made of gold, and o
n each side of the shirt, lines of golden thread wound their way up and over his chest. Looking at himself in the mirror that Lydia had set up for him, he did up each button pulling the two sides of the shirt together. Finally when he reached the top, the outline of a golden rose sat in the middle of his chest. He pulled on his black leather boots which finished half way up his shins, again gold thread wound down the side and over the top of the boot. As he picked up his jacket, he saw Troy approaching.

  "Wait you have got to put this on first."

  Troy also had new clothes, he had almost a miniature version of what Alex was wearing, black trousers, white shirt and a white jacket. The jacket was the only thing with any detail, gold and purple thread lined the edges. Troy also had a new short haircut, but what caught Braden's eye wasn’t how well the little boy scrubbed up, but what he was holding. Outstretched in his hand was the sword Bronn had given to Braden. The sheath was new black leather, a golden leaf design spiralled around the bottom third. The leather was polished to a perfect finish, the steel pommel and cross guard had also been polished, new white leather had been wound around the grip and the single white rose which sat in the middle looked as if it had just been picked fresh from the King’s personal gardens. Braden ran his fingers over the flower before gripping the blade in one hand, the sheath in the other. Pulling the sword free he looked at the shimmering blade it had been reground and polished. Braden had kept it in good order but not even when Bronn had first given him the sword, had it looked so good. Smiling, he placed it back in its sheath and thanked Troy. The sheath was attached to a black leather belt by two small gold chains. As he strapped it around his waist he checked the blade, it hung at the perfect height easy enough for him to draw and was also out of the way. He thanked the boy again before he finally pulled on his jacket. It was a bright white, the edges black. It finished just below his waist, the back slightly longer and more flared out than the front. The shoulders were padded making his frame seem even more dominant. The jacket left the top two buttons and his belt buckle uncovered and was fastened by three golden clasps. He looked at himself in the mirror again, he could hardly recognise himself from the person who had left Farnshire and even less so like the one who had arrived in Alton. He turned to the side as Panorin walked up beside him.


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