Eve's Spawn

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Eve's Spawn Page 6

by Tuesday Morrigan

  It was too much for Eve: the feel of his stubble rubbing against her sensitive skin, his hands in her hair, clutching her scalp, the dominant possession of her mouth, the feel of his mouth against hers. She gave up the battle, opening her mouth for his tender raid. She writhed at the feel of his hot, seeking tongue stroking in and out of the moist cavern of her mouth.

  His hands slid down her body to cup the full mounds of her breasts. His long fingered hands teased and tortured the taut nipples, igniting a fire in her veins too delicious to resist. “Oh God,” she groaned into his mouth.

  “Just Kiros,” he said before bending to surround one hard nipple with his lips. He flicked the engorged bud with his tongue before soothing it with the same tongue. Over and over he repeated the process until Eve was digging her nails into the sheets.

  “Please,” she begged on a moan. Her voice was shaky and sure. She felt just as swept away by their desires as he did.

  A flash of a smile of male satisfaction lit across his face before he took the full tip in his mouth. Eve threw her head back at the feel of Kiros’s suckling mouth. He placed hot, wet kisses against her breast bone before turning to the neglected nipple. He laved the other breast with the same attention, igniting Eve’s lust and desire, sending her pleasure streaking through her veins.

  “I want to please you,” she gasped as he continued to suckle her breasts. Her small, ardent hands tugged on the strands of his hair, begging him to lift his head. His hand drifted down to test the degree of her arousal. One blunt finger flicked against her clit. She shivered in response. When he was satisfied, he lifted his head.

  Her small feet slid up his thighs, teasing him with a ghost of a touch. Eve watched as the color of his eyes darkened in response. A smirk lit her face. Eve knew what she wanted. She pushed at his broad shoulders. He didn’t move an inch.

  She groaned, looked into his eyes, and told him, “I want on top.”

  He simply arched an eyebrow before reversing their positions.

  “Much better,” she mumbled as she viewed him from the new angle. She was immediately awed by his masculine beauty. Hard square jaw, full lips, slashing dark blond eyebrows all culminated to mark the man as dangerous and devastating.

  And he was hers. At least for the night, she thought with some feminine pride.

  Eve dipped her head to place petal soft kisses against the length of his corded neck, against his rapidly rising chest, against the hard muscles of his abdomen, until the thick thatch of pale brown hair surrounding his cock tickled her nose.

  She could hear him waiting with bated breath. He was watching her and waiting for her to make a decision. After what felt like endless moments, she cupped his heavy sacs in the palm of one small hand. With the other hand, she tentatively scraped a nail along the ridged line marking him.

  Eve smiled into the darkness when she felt his answering shudder.

  She wrapped both hands around him, marveling at his length and width. “I can’t believe he fit,” she muttered to herself as she palmed him, stroked him, and teased him with her gentle touch.

  “He didn’t have a choice,” Kiros replied with a harsh groan.

  She had taken him into her mouth.

  Eve marveled at the feel of his long fingers clenching in her hair, guiding her, as she opened her mouth wider, took him deeper. She had to remind herself to swallow as she fit his hard length into her mouth. She had never felt the need to please a man like this. Never had she taken a man so long, so thick, so deeply. But then again, she’d never had Kiros before tonight.

  Belatedly Eve recognized the sound that vibrated above her head. The distinctive sound of teeth clicking shut drifted though the air when Kiros clenched his teeth against the pleasure her hot, slick mouth was reaping upon his cock. The rough, wet texture of her tongue slid along the head of his cock, swirling in the eye of the storm before sliding down the long, thick length.

  With a harsh groan, Kiros pulled her up from his body to settle her on his thighs.

  “I wasn’t done,” she protested with a soft laugh.

  “Neither was I.” He rubbed the head of his cock against her distended clit. They groaned in unison. “Guide me home, sweetheart,” he growled.

  Eve held the thick length of his cock in one tight fist. “You forgot the condom,” Eve said with a soft smile. “Once is dangerous, but twice is playing with fire.” Staring down into Kiros’s beautiful amethyst eyes, Eve couldn’t help but be awed by his masculine beauty. With every touch, he made her breath hitch. Even then, she found her breath coming in gasps. It was no wonder she had gotten caught in the moment when they first made love.

  Both of them had been blinded by the strength of their desires.

  Neither of them had remembered the condom the first time.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked, his voice gruff and full of emotions he didn’t dare voice.

  “Yes, but...”

  “Trust me. I’m clean and infertile.”

  The words shot through her heart. A man as beautiful as Kiros should have been able to impregnate the whole world.

  “I’m sorry,” she said softly. Kiros flinched in reaction. It was as if she had just hit him. She could see the pain and anger in his eyes. More than that, she saw the shocked acknowledgement of the emotions. Kiros hadn’t even known he wanted a child. Fatherhood was not his destiny.

  “I’ve accepted it,” he said, his voice thick and unbending.

  “Still…” she said unsure of what to do.

  “I want to feel you like I’ve never felt any other woman.”

  Eve mentally groaned as she felt the last wall surrounding her heart crumble at the tender words he spoke. Her mind told her no, but her heart told her yes. Eve knew which one she was going to heed. Because tomorrow she didn’t want to regret not opening herself to the one man who made her heart skip and jump.

  Eve gave Kiros a tremulous smile before wrapping her fingers around the length of his cock and slowly lowering herself onto him, inch by tantalizing inch. The slow exquisite journey was sweet torture for both of them. They groaned in unison when he was fully seated to the hilt. She could feel her muscles stretching to accommodate his thick length. He filled her completely, stretched her to the limit, like no man had ever before.

  Their breathing was fast and labored. The rough rasp of need echoed through the still night.

  His fingers dug into the full flesh of her wide hips, guiding her movements, telling her without words how fast, how slow, and how deep he needed her to move. His strong fingers lifted her wide hips in a rhythm as old as time. Together they moved to a pace of pleasure.

  “Kiros,” she said, gulping for air, fighting for sustenance. She threw her head back to suck in a deep breath.

  Eve tentatively tightened the muscles between her thighs. “Son of a…” Kiros growled. She smiled to herself as she felt her pussy clench around him. He stared wide eyed at her. She grasped his head and pulled him to her for a quick kiss.

  He flashed a devilish smile as his fingers found the button of pleasure at the apex of her pussy.

  “Oh my god,” Eve screamed as she climaxed.

  Kiros growled at the same moment she screamed. His fingers dug into her skin as he pumped furiously, lifting his hips and plunging deep inside her aching pussy. He took one final thrust, spilling all of his seed before expelling a satisfied growl.

  Chapter Nine

  The Summoning

  The dawning sky was split by a brightening light of pink and peach rays. The night was over, morning was coming. Kiros’s night with Eve was over. They had parted with a kiss.

  With a force of effort, he zippered his leather jacket before putting on his matching gloves. His movements were slow, methodic, and purposeful. He had to concentrate to get the task done because all he wanted to do was turn around and walk back into her apartment. It was as if the beast in him had sensed something right in Eve and wanted him to stay, despite his own objections.

  He stood outside he
r apartment wondering if he was making the right decision. Something inside of him questioned his actions, along with his sanity. He had never wanted to spend the night with a woman before. Have sex -- yes. Spend the night -- no. Spending the night meant concern, appreciation and... cuddling. He never, ever spent the night. But he wanted to spend the night... and more with Eve. Therein laid the problem.

  Kiros was a vagabond by nature, a traveling man who never stayed in any one place long enough to make a friend. He’d survived centuries by spending hours, days, and at the most weeks in a place. But he wanted to spend his eternity with Eve.

  That was definitely a problem.

  Frustrated, he ran his fingers through the tousled strands of his blond hair.

  Never look back, he thought as he walked into the dawning light. A man like him could never afford to look back.

  Even if it meant leaving his heart behind.

  * * * * *

  He needed to make a call. Things were getting out of hand. The situation was progressing too quickly.

  He could feel it in his veins.

  Marcus pulled the slim, silver phone from his pocket and flipped it open in one blinding move. He pressed the speed dial number and waited for the phone to ring.

  The other man picked up on the first ring.

  “Have you found him, Marcus?”

  “No, sir.”

  “Then why the hell are you calling?” Nikos growled.

  “I found his scent,” Marcus replied.

  “So?” Nikos barked out.

  “I scented it to a woman.”

  “And?” he asked, clearly irritated. What the hell did a woman have to do with anything he thought, annoyed.

  “A human woman,” Marcus said with a smile in his voice.

  “Of course he would never take a chance with a were or fey.”

  “His scent was not only on the woman, it was part of the woman.”

  “Are you trying to tell me...”Nikos said incredulously.

  “Yes, sir,” Marcus responded letting his voice fill with his own shock and awe.

  “Does he know?”

  “He’s not there with her, sir. She’s alone.”

  “So he doesn’t know.”

  “No, sir. I don’t believe he does.”


  “Yes, sir. I don’t need to be told.”



  “Marcus?” Nikos called with more anger in his tone.

  “Sir, there’s a were in the area, a male, and it’s not Kiros. Hurry, sir. I think they found her. The traitor has found her.”

  The loud buzzing dial tone informed him that Marcus was no longer on the line. He slowly placed the phone in its cradle before putting on his long, black wool coat. Leashed power radiated from his every pore as he walked from the room.

  He could only pray for the unknown were’s sake that he meant no harm. It would really be a shame for him if he did. For his presence had summoned the Master of the Corridor.

  Chapter Ten

  The Weaker Sex

  Unease slid down his spine as he gazed at the dawning sun. Something was wrong. He could feel it in his heart. The large organ pounded to a staccato rhythm. He ran shaking fingers through his hair twice before he admitted that what he was feeling was not going to go away.

  At least not if he kept harping on it.

  He threw his legs over the bike, gunned it, and relished the vibrations of the reassuring purr.

  “Eve is fine. Nothing is wrong,” he muttered to himself as he put on his helmet. She had to be fine, he thought as he pushed down the apprehension in his gut.

  Eve had to be fine because a one-night stand only involved one night.

  * * * * *

  She woke at the feel of a large palm pressed over her mouth. Her first thought was Kiros is playing a sex game. But the man’s scent told her another story.

  She and Kiros had showered together before his departure. He had left smelling like her perfumed soap. The man holding her down did not smell like her. His scent was thick and musky, reminding Eve of long hours spent under the sun.

  He was not Kiros.

  She stared up at the figure above her, trying desperately to make out his face. But the black mask hid him from her view. All she could see were large, cold blue eyes staring back at her.

  She did not need to be told they were the eyes of a killer.

  Panic assailed her senses and she instinctively kicked out at the man holding her against her will. Her foot connected with flesh, hitting hard enough to strike the bone. She groaned against his hand, flinching at the shooting pain streaking across the nerve endings in her foot. Eve felt like she had just kicked a titanium pole.

  The masked man didn’t even flinch. Not once.

  She closed her eyes as visions of her demise played in her mind.

  Suddenly, with renewed urgency, she struggled against the man holding her down. The least I can do is make his life difficult, Eve thought in a moment of insanity.

  “We don’t need her awake. We just need her alive.”

  The throaty voice belonged to a woman, not the man holding her down.

  On a panicked note, Eve wondered just how many people were in her bedroom, her apartment. And what did they want with her that they needed her alive? Not that she was complaining. She’d prefer to be alive, rather than dead. But thoughts of a gang bang wouldn’t leave her mind.

  “We must be careful with her,” the intruder said before pulling out a piece of black cloth. Within seconds he had it placed over her mouth and tied. Eve attempted to open her mouth to scream, but found it secured in one position. Her jaw didn’t even move.

  “I’m not going to hurt you,” the masked man whispered.

  As if she was foolish enough to believe him.

  She tried screaming again. The fear surging through her wouldn’t allow her to accept that no one would hear her.

  All that came out was a muffled squeak.

  The intruder’s gaze flickered to her face for a second. Then he dismissed her and quickly tied her hands and feet together.

  Eve grunted when his shoulder punched her in the stomach as he threw her over his arm. Stars danced before her eyes as he carried her like a ragdoll. Her vision cleared long enough for her to see that he had made it out of her bedroom.

  “I suggest you put the human down,” Marcus growled into the pitch black room. He could feel the presence of the two Other Kin, but it was the male he focused on. He could see the large man in the corner of the large loft style apartment. He could make out his silhouette, see what he was wearing, but he couldn’t see his face. It was covered.

  But Marcus didn’t need to see his face. He had scented him. There was a traitor in their camp. One of their very own pack members was attempting to betray The Corridor.

  He knew the identity of the traitor.

  The knowledge burned in his gut.

  A traitor, a were traitor, a brother. It was sickening.

  It was up to him to make sure the traitor didn’t succeed in bringing down their house.

  Marcus saw the other were flinch at the sound of his voice. Rubio had not been expecting him. He had not scented him either.

  Marcus was too old and too fast for Rubio to scent.

  Rubio immediately threw the bound woman across the room to land on the couch. Before she even landed, he was in battle mode with his legs set apart, arms up and in clenched fists.

  Marcus lunged at Rubio, opting for speed, knowing it was his best asset. As he moved, he was very conscious of the third person in the room.

  Rubio was not prepared for his actions. Marcus saw Rubio’s eyes widen as he made his way to him. He knew that he moved quickly, almost too quickly. He was a mind blowing swirl of hypnotizing movement.

  Before Rubio understood what was happening, Marcus laid a blow to his jaw. His head flew back with the force of the punch.

  Rubio immediately righted himself and then aimed a punch at
Marcus’s middle section. His fist connected, throwing Marcus off center.

  Marcus squinted his eyes as the pain radiated from his middle. Rubio’s fist had slammed into his abdomen with shocking strength. It was as if Rubio were on steroids.

  Rubio laughed with a slow smile. “I guess you weren’t expecting that,” he said before throwing a fist aimed at Marcus’s face. Marcus easily ducked the hit and came up with an upper cut to the other man’s jaw. Before Rubio recovered from the blow, Marcus struck out with his leg, kicking Rubio in the ribs. With their preternatural hearing both men heard the ribs crack with the force of the blow.

  “Son of a bitch,” Rubio growled as he stumbled back, holding his left side. Marcus followed the younger man, charging him, intending to lay the final blow and put an end to the short battle.

  Rubio took another step back to steady himself, straightened and then crouched low to the ground. His limbs lengthened, his face grew longer, and hair sprouted all over his thick body. He burst through his clothing landing on all fours, a very large black wolf.

  Realizing Rubio’s intent, Marcus kept running toward him, changing as he ran. He reached the large black wolf in his own wolf form.

  In wolf form, Marcus circled Rubio for a second before lunging at his throat.

  The single sound of a gunshot echoed through the room.

  As the metal ripped through his flesh, a single thought occurred to Marcus. He had made a grave mistake. He had underestimated the third person.

  The second intruder had decided to end the fight a little sooner than he had planned.

  He, like many men before him, had underestimated the fairer sex.

  Chapter Eleven

  A Family Reunion


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