Every Action (The Gifted Realm Book 3)

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Every Action (The Gifted Realm Book 3) Page 1

by Jillian Neal

  Every Action

  By Jillian Neal

  Every Action

  Written by Jillian Neal

  Cover Design by Ana Cruz of Ana Cruz Arts

  Copyright © 2014 Jillian Neal

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincident

  Published by Realm Press

  36 South Court Square

  Suite 300

  Newnan GA 30263


  ISBN 978-1-940174-08-2

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2014902588

  First Edition

  First Printing – March 2014

  To my sons

  The keepers of my heart

  The holders of my hands

  The lights of my world

  Your father and I long only to forever be your Receiver and your Shield.

  Table of Contents


  Only Job



  Take Care of Her

  His Father’s Son

  Fortune Teller


  The Pain

  Fire Watch

  Mr. Lawson

  The Performance

  The Fifteen Beacon Hotel

  Fionna Styler


  Those That Know the Least


  Gala Ball

  Tell the Tales, Listen Close

  What You Share


  The Way Back Home


  Happy Birthday, Emily



  It’s Time to Go


  High In The Tower

  All I Want, All I Need


  Relics of the Louvre Museum

  Imminent Threat

  Lingerie Store Hell



  The Undoing of Logan Haydenshire

  Proper Tea

  The Shield…

  Missing Piece

  Nothing Good


  Inside and Out

  Confessions of Adeline Parker

  Thoroughly Paris

  The Kiss by Rodin

  It Rains And It Pours


  The Price and The Value

  An Icy Sea of Tears

  …And His Receiver

  Two Ways

  Alone With You


  Relative Truth

  Worth a Thousand Words

  Deeds Never Done

  What You Know and What You See

  The Fury, The Audacity, and The End

  A Collective Disaster

  Bogie and Bacall

  The Dance

  Bitter Regret

  The Hiss and Strike of the Snake


  Left Behind

  The Present



  When Rainer pulled into the gated driveway that led to the guesthouse, two of his subordinate Iodex officers waved him through with a warm greeting. The farm would be under constant guard from now until the election for Crown Governor. If Governor Haydenshire won, the family would be assigned security teams for the entire time he held the office.

  Emily bristled at the armed guards standing on her family’s farm; though, she would never argue the necessity. Rainer squeezed her hand as he willed his brain to stop recalling the images of little Keaton, one of Emily’s two-year-old brothers, being choked in the hands of Roberto Vasquez. The shots from Garrett’s gun still ricocheted in his mind in haunting detail.

  Emily would occasionally shudder from the memories. Her energy would tense and churn in sickening twists, if she allowed herself to recall.

  Rainer quickly determined that she needed an escape. Once they’d unpacked all of the luggage they’d taken to the beach house, he grabbed a quilt and guided Emily out to one of the slightly raised hilltops between the guesthouse and the large farmhouse that stood in peaceful reticence, in the distance.

  Everything about the evening reminded him of the day his father had been killed. The weather was similar with the hot, liquid, summer air giving way to the cooler fall breezes. Emily had stayed right beside him on a quilt in the backfields. She’d wiped away his tears and tried desperately to soothe his agony.

  This time, Rainer grabbed a bottle of wine and a few glasses to go along with the quilt. Emily beamed at him as he settled her on the quilt and poured her a glass of wine while they watched the sun set.

  “So,” Rainer held Emily to him. “How about over the next eight weeks or so, if this all gets to be too much, then we just have a night out here, just you and I?” He’d been with Emily since he was eight years old. He certainly knew her well enough to know that she would need an out occasionally. He needed her to know that he would be there, and that he would desperately try to stand between her and the world that had simply taken too much lately.

  “You’re just the best thing ever.” She whispered into the darkening air around them. Rainer shook his head.

  “That’s you, baby.”

  This seemed the perfect solution, until one of the Iodex teams drove by on a golf cart. The Governor had ordered them to locate each of his children every hour or so, unless they were inside one of the houses. However, as the teams currently guarding Haydenshire Farm were not Elite Iodex, they did have to answer to Rainer who shooed them away instantly.

  “I’ve got it.” He assured them. “Don’t come back unless I call.”

  “Yes, Officer Lawson,” they responded. Emily giggled.

  “That’s pretty handy.”

  Rainer grinned at her and pushed a stray strand of her long, auburn hair behind her right ear. He covered her bright red, heart-shaped, birthmark that was hidden behind her ear. She hated it, but he found it adorable.

  “You know I’m going to have teams following you constantly, whenever you’re not with me.” He hated to remind her of this, but her entire family was under attack with her father running for Crown Governor. Lachlan Peterson had joined forces with Dominic Wretchkinsides, head of the Interfeci. Wretchkinsides had vowed to get Peterson elected as long as Peterson agreed to sweep the endless, brutal crimes committed by the Interfeci under the rug during his reign.

  “I know.” She sighed as she lay back on the quilt and pulled Rainer to her. She kissed him heatedly. “I don’t want to think about the election anymore, or what happened at the beach, or anything at all. I just want to kiss you.”

  “I think that could probably be arranged.” He lay on his side and cradled her closely as he engaged her in sweet, lush, tender kisses. They watched the sun set, wrapped up in one another, and as the night grew cooler Rainer folded the quilt back up and led her back to the guesthouse.

  Only Job

  By Wednesday afternoon, Rainer and Logan had a better perspective of just what it would mean for Elite Iodex’s only job to be to ensure the safety of the Haydenshires.

  “I mean, I love the little guys and I want them safe, but this just feels like skipping out on work.” Logan commented hesitantly as he and Rainer turned on the TV and
fixed apple juice for the twins.

  “I know, but you don’t want Tuttle watching them while you’re parents are out campaigning.” Rainer pointed out. Logan gave a visible shudder at the thought.

  After Keaton’s ordeal at the boardwalk, Vindico determined that when the twins were out of the care of the Haydenshires that Elite Iodex would be watching over them. As the Haydenshires were flying all over the country campaigning, Logan and Rainer’s assignment, for the next two weeks, was to babysit.

  “Mommy!” Keaton screeched as Logan summoned to have the large screen TV, in the Haydenshire’s living room, climb into the Gifted networks. Logan paused so that the twins could watch the Haydenshires descend another Gifted jet as they waved to throngs of admirers. They were headed to yet another arena where Governor Haydenshire would vow to uphold the Constitution that he helped write and ratify.

  Logan lowered the volume quickly so that the twins didn’t hear the comments from the opposition stating that Governor Haydenshire was abusive for dragging his expectant wife to city after city to campaign for him. They would then ask where all ten of the other children were.

  Most of the adult Haydenshire children were stepping up and hosting events in support of their father. The press often twisted their efforts to make it appear that they were being coerced into action. Vindico was just as concerned with Governor Haydenshire becoming the next Crown as he was with all of the Haydenshires’ safety. He’d personally scrambled the Gifted jets, and either he or his father, the current acting Crown, had spoken with all of the Haydenshires’ offspring’s employers. Currently Levi and Sarah, and Patrick and Lucy were disembarking from planes in cities around the country in support of Governor Haydenshire.

  Rainer and Emily were hosting a gala ball over the weekend in Boston right after the Angels challenged the Bombers. The Governor and Mrs. Haydenshire were planning to attend as a surprise for their fans. Thus far, there were to be nearly eight hundred and fifty people in attendance.

  Henry retrieved his blanket and carried his juice cup haphazardly as he climbed up in Rainer’s lap and sucked his thumb.

  “I want mommy.” He fussed dejectedly. After sharing a devastated glance with Logan, Rainer nodded as he wrapped Henry up in his arms.

  “I know, buddy. She’s helping daddy, and you get to play with me and Logan.” Rainer urged hopefully. Henry nodded though Rainer could tell that getting to play with all of their older siblings was no longer a highly valued prize to the twins. They wanted their parents, and eventually, no one else was going to do.

  Mrs. Haydenshire was coming back to Arlington that evening to see the twins, before flying out the next morning to Albuquerque to meet the Governor. Logan was going to pick up Emily from practice so that Rainer could go over to Will and Brooke’s to finalize the arrangements for Emily’s birthday present.

  Garrett and Vindico would be staying at the house with Mrs. Haydenshire and the twins that evening. Rainer began rocking Henry as Logan flipped through the Gifted channels.

  “Look, Supernova!” Logan announced with mocked enthusiasm. Supernova had the twins out of their doldrums and singing the theme song immediately.

  Scully Supernova was a Gifted kids show that taught Gifted children about all the different kinds of energy. Despite the fact that Scully was a middle-aged man with a pronounced beer gut who wore purple tights and a lightening bolt across his chest, it wasn’t too bad. The twins adored Supernova and his assistant Wavelength. They used energy to solve all kinds of superhero-like problems everyday.

  It gently guided Gifted children into understanding all that their bodies would be capable of, once they’d gone through puberty, and they were able to harness the energies of the Earth and use them in a myriad of ways.

  Once the twins were thoroughly distracted, Logan and Rainer picked up their earlier conversation about Rainer’s surprise for Emily.

  “So, Em has no idea?” Logan grinned.

  “No idea.” Rainer was thrilled over Emily’s birthday present.

  “She’s gonna flip.”

  Rainer grinned then goaded, “Hope she’s wearing a skirt then.”

  Logan pretended to gag rather dramatically and threw a pillow at Rainer as he laughed.

  Adeline’s appointment with the Medio was the next afternoon, and Logan had been fretful all day. Rainer was trying to get him to relax, but it had been to no avail.


  By five o’clock, Rainer was antsy. Logan had gone to retrieve Emily, and Mrs. Haydenshire had just arrived home via her security team, from the Senate. The twins were thrilled, but Rainer couldn’t leave until Vindico and Garrett arrived for the evening. A few minutes later, they entered the kitchen carrying small duffle bags.

  “How you feeling mom?” Garrett quizzed. He looked truly concerned. Mrs. Haydenshire gave him a weary smile and allowed one of her many grown sons to embrace her sweetly to his chest.

  “Just a little tired, sweetheart, but very glad to be home.” She moved from Garrett to the twins whom were both clamoring to get in her lap so she could continue on with the story she’d been reading them.

  “I’m gonna head out.” Rainer waved to Mrs. Haydenshire and the twins.

  “Hey Lawson,” Vindico called. Rainer spun back as Vindico threw him the keys to his MV Agusta F4 motorcycle. Rainer stared at them in stunned disbelief.

  “Are you serious?”

  Vindico laughed at him outright as he nodded.

  “I told you, once you were trained, you could drive it, and you threw me the other day. Not a lot of guys can say that, even in Elite. So, just be careful with her because you may have thrown me once, but you hurt my bike it won’t happen again, trust me.”

  Rainer quickly nodded his understanding.

  “Believe me, I’ll be careful. I’m just going to Will’s.” Rainer laid the keys to his Mustang on the counter.

  “You better,” Vindico warned with a slight smile.

  “I told you he’d blow his wad.” Garrett commented as he pulled a cold Dr. Pepper out of his parent’s refrigerator.

  “Garrett Alexander Haydenshire!” Mrs. Haydenshire huffed from the living room.

  “Sorry, mom,” Garrett grimaced as Vindico laughed at him heartily.

  “Hey, I know I shouldn’t ask, and I wouldn’t, but this would make his year. Would you mind if I drove by Sam’s and let him have a look? He’ll flip.” Rainer vowed.

  “Lawson, I trust you, and I don’t care where you take it so long as you bring her back to me looking better and with more gas in it than when you left.”

  “You got it,” Rainer promised as he tried not to sprint out the back door.

  Rainer couldn’t quite wipe the broad, delighted grin off of his face as he slowed the Agusta and drove it into the bay of Sam’s shop. Sam was shaking his head and chuckling. He dropped the hood on the Camaro he was working on, grabbed a rag, and began wiping his hands as Rainer pulled off the helmet Vindico had loaned him.

  “You trade in your ‘Stang, boy?” Sam looked concerned and mildly hurt. Rainer would never have traded in his Mustang, for anything, and most certainly not without letting Sam handle the deal. Sam had helped Rainer rebuild the Mustang. He was just as much a part of the soul of his pride and joy as Rainer was.

  “Oh, no way.” Rainer shook his head. “This is my boss’s. He just let me take it out for tonight.” A low, slow whistle slid through Sam’s teeth. His contented smile formed on his face. It eased the deep lines etched there and made him appear ten years younger.

  “Well, Rain man, I dare say you better not wreck that boy, lest you be out a job.” Rainer chuckled as he nodded his agreement. Sam began inspecting the bike.

  “Pretty sweet, huh?” Rainer urged. “You wanna drive her?” Sam chuckled and shook his head.

  “Boy, you know I got no need to get anywhere as fast as that thing will take you there. You miss the scenery, Rain man, if you fly by it all with yo hair on fire.”

  “Aww, Sam, the torque and the tra
ction control are epic. This thing will fly.” Rainer urged again.

  “Um hmmm,” Sam dragged the rag over the Agusta as he studied the bike. “Let me tell yo sumpum Rainer. Man don’t buy a bike like dat les he’s looking to spend money he don want and trying to escape sumpum dat won’t let him go. Tryin’ tell the world to leave him be. He wan to be alone. But dat ain’t what he really wants. He felt the need to make a gesture to the world, ain’t a nice one either.”

  Rainer’s brow furrowed as he considered that. Sam was always right, after all. He was the smartest man Rainer had ever met. Governor Haydenshire had stated recently that if the Gifted Realm wanted the man with the most wisdom and empathy to run the Realm, they should elect Sam.

  “Yeah,” he finally agreed. “Maybe. He has had a pretty rough life. His fiancée was murdered several years ago. He’s never really gotten over it.” Rainer’s own comment began tumbling around in his mind.

  Sam nodded his understanding.

  “Well, don know that you spose’d to get over that, but that bike ain’t gon drive him out of that grave. I’ll tell yo that. Gotta learn to let the memories live on, even when the body has gon on without you. That ain’t an easy thing, but I ‘spect you know that.” Sam bowed his head to Rainer.

  “Yeah,” Rainer choked. He’d been having fun on the Agusta. He didn’t want to think about his dad. “It’s not easy.”

  “No t’aint, but tryin’ to drive yo motorcycle outta hell ain’t an easy thing to do either, Rain man.” Rainer drew a deep breath and nodded what he supposed was his agreement.

  “Now, where’s my sweet Miss Emily?” Sam turned his dark eyes back on Rainer. He smiled.

  “Oh she’s with Logan. I’m on my way to Will and Brooke’s. They’re helping me with her birthday present. This is gonna be huge.” Sam laughed at his exuberance.

  “Well, doubt Miss Emily cares too much what it is so long as you remember her day.”

  “Oh I know, but she’s gonna flip. This may be the best gift I’ve ever given her.” Rainer insisted.


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