Mohegan: A Siren's Spell Romance

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Mohegan: A Siren's Spell Romance Page 7

by Stella Marie Alden

  It’s almost seven when they get back to The Nugget.

  “Either let me come, or I swear I’ll follow on my own!”

  That explains why I’m invited back to the flea-bag motel where Mohegan dresses in clothes covered in garbage and vomit, smelling far worse than he looks.

  “Sorry, hun, got to make this look real.” He grins like a kid when he catches my grimace.

  I am so not amused because while he’s kidding around, all I can do is picture him yesterday, when he stopped breathing.

  For the hundredth time I ask, “Are you sure your grandfather’s spell will work, against heroin, fentanyl or whatever they stick you with?”

  The two men shoot me such similar dark gazes that I do a double-take. I’m pretty sure they’ve had enough of me and I need to shut my mouth.

  When the stubborn biker heads out, me and Eduda follow in a rent-a-junk. I’m pretty calm when the door of the dilapidated building slams shut. However, after five minutes, I’m ready to send in the cavalry, even if it’s just me.

  “Calm down, daughter. Reach out your senses. He’s fine.” Eduda holds my hand and pulses paternal energy into me but it’s weird and foreign.

  My father, I love dearly but he was never around much. My mother is lovely but weak. Neither one of them were very good at caregiving and it’s never been clearer. As the old healer continues his grasp, my breathing returns to normal, and I’m certain, Mohegan is fine.

  Nonetheless, I keep my eyes glued on the building and those surrounding it. “Thank you for letting me come with you. I needed to be here.”

  “You care that much for my grandson?”

  I lower my eyes to the floor mat, unable to lie. “How will I know for sure until the spell is gone?”

  He puts a hand over his mouth but his laughing grows until his eyes water. “Do you need help breaking it?”

  I have no idea what is so amusing. “Uh, no. We should save our power for solving this. Does that make sense?”

  “Very, very, wise.” He wipes his ancient eyes, still smiling.

  What does he read in my aura?

  Before I can ask, Mohegan staggers out of the drug house, puts a leg over his bike, and roars away. When a second guy follows, we trail them both at a distance until Mohegan stops near a curb. The way he puts his head in his hands, muttering and singing, I’d swear he was high as a kite.

  The other guy watches for a while, leaves, and Mohegan waves us away.

  The plan was to wait nearby for his call and when my phone rings, I jump a mile.

  “Mohegan? Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. Meet me in the casino, by the poker table, around ten. Wear something provocative.”


  “Oh, for the love of God, just dress like a hooker, okay? Put my grandfather on the phone.”

  Eduda grabs the phone, puts it to his ear, and says, “Uh-huh… Yes… I understand.”

  After that enlightening conversation, he dials a few numbers where he seems to be calling in favors but I can’t be sure.

  “What’s going on?”

  The old gent maneuvers the Ford neatly through the narrow streets, following Google maps past sad old Victorians. When we get back to The Nugget, he parks in the garage, hands the attendant the key, and puts a finger over my mouth when I try to speak.

  Finally, alone in the elevator, he answers my dying curiosity. “The warlocks want Mohegan to win some money in the casino, tonight.”

  “Wait a minute. Is that why they’re shooting these witches up with drugs and enhancing their power? To read auras and cheat?”

  He nods grimly. “That must be part of it.”

  The number in the upper corner flips, there’s a chime, and the sliding door opens. Then he takes my elbow as we exit out into the lobby where the bling-bling of slot machines make more conversation impossible.

  After crossing the floor, it quiets again when we near another elevator bay.

  Eduda whispers, “The Nugget is one of our biggest clients. I gave them a quick heads-up. Told them to expect Mohegan.”

  “Wow. When Mohegan said you were an ancient medicine man…”

  Crow’s feet deepen beside his ancient eyes and he chuckles. “You pictured beads, feathers and bones?”

  “Something like that.”

  Okay, I’m a complete jerk.

  When we exit onto our floor, I moan, turn, and hit the down button. “I almost forgot. I need to go to a store and pick up something to wear.”

  “What you have on is fine.” He shoots me am appraising smile, reminding me of his grandson.

  I’m sure my face turns crimson. “Uh, no. Mohegan said it had to have a certain flair.” I clear my throat. “He said I’m supposed to look like a call girl. A working woman? A whore?”

  He nods and shrugs. “Good cover for a man that’s winning a lot of loot in a casino. C’mon. I know just the place to shop.”

  I don’t ask.

  Chapter Eleven


  I’m supposed to win a hundred grand at poker. In truth, I could win ten times that amount but that’d be overkill. I want those guys in the dilapidated house to trust me, not suspect me…

  Holy shit.

  My mouth drops open and my cock jumps to attention.

  Across the crowded room, I spy Olivia. She’s wearing a silky, black number that barely covers her ass, four-inch heels, and a lacy top that’s so tight that the tiny buttons between her breasts strain to break free. Her wild, red curls hang lower than the skirt’s hem, her ruby lips match her shoes, and eyelids sparkle with blue glitter.

  All that, I could handle. It’s her damn aura that turns me rock hard. It’s creamy and milky and shouts to me in a way that says she’s ready to fuck. Her green eyes rake me up and down as she saunters across the room.

  I would say it’s all an act except nobody can fake the glimmering corona around her body. She wants me as badly as I want her.

  I stand and stare, cards drooping in my hand.

  “Hey buddy, you playing or what?” The guy on the other side of the table’s been overly anxious all evening.

  “Sorry.” I look to the dealer, point at Olivia, and throw him a couple chips worth a hundred bucks each. “Get someone to ask that woman to sit with me. I got a feeling she’s good luck.”

  The dealer smiles, putting the chips in his pocket. “You can all order free drinks. Give me a second.”

  He motions over a casino worker who, after a brief chat, takes Olivia by the hand. With a whisper in her ear, he points my way and I raise a brow.

  Sweet Holy Goddess. She gives me this hooker smile that’s so real, I’d bet she could make hundreds of thousands a night if she decided to take it up as a profession.

  Strutting over, she gives me a grin while popping on bubble gum and leans her ample chest into me. “This guy tells me you think I’m lucky or somethin’?”

  “What do you think?”

  “I’m about as lucky as they come, sugar.”

  Her Jersey City accent cracks me up but I don’t let it show. Slowly, I slide a chip down the front of her dress and deep into her bra, watching her nostrils flare and the blacks of her eyes widen.

  Licking her lower lip, she reaches down her dress, caressing her own nipple as she pulls the small disc out and kisses it. Even her aura doesn’t flicker as she sits on my lap and places a wet kiss on my mouth. It may be role-play to her but my cock thinks otherwise.

  I move her hair so I can nibble her ear. “How much can I win?”

  She puts two fingers up in the air and then sucks on them real slow, her cheeks puffing out.

  The two guys sitting on either side of us groan. She’s that good.

  A lifetime spent with this beautiful, sexy witch comes to mind and I consider what it might be like. She’d never be boring, that’s for sure. From that point on, it’s hard work to focus on the game while trying not to overly appreciate her distractions.

  It takes the better part of the nig
ht to win two hundred grand without raising suspicions. Then, before cashing in, I throw the dealer a huge tip, even though it’s coming out of my pocket. He made sure the play was fair. Well, as fair as it could be what with me reading my opponent’s auras and all.

  To be honest, I feel kind of bad for cheating but the table was full of high rollers. To them, winning and losing is more about the rush of adrenaline.

  Olivia follows me off the floor, insisting loudly that I buy her an expensive bracelet at one of the shops in the long concourse.

  “Please?” She blows hard on a pink bubble between her lips until it pops. Then, she picks it off her face, places it back in her mouth, chews, and grins.

  I swear she’s enjoying this act way too much.

  “This one?” Chuckling, I point to a cuff that’s priced about five hundred dollars.

  “Nuh-uh. That one.” She picks out a diamond studded bauble more like three thousand.

  “Fine. I’ll take it.” I take out my credit card as she punches me on the arm and hisses in my ear, “Jesus, Mohegan. You weren’t supposed to say yes.”

  I don’t think she knows how much I’m worth and the fact she’s worried warms a place in my heart. “You can take it back tomorrow. Okay?”

  In truth, I won’t let her do any such thing. I want this as a reminder for us, for the rest of our lives. That thought stops my heart cold. I was just thinking what we have is real.

  Like a true hooker, she shows her new jewelry around the store, in the elevator, and down the hall to whoever will look.

  Her eyes go wide when I open the door to the penthouse. “Holy shit. This must’ve cost a fortune.”

  “Since when did you start worrying about my finances?” After loosening my tie, I release the top button of my starched shirt, happy to breathe freely.

  “Since you’ve became so extravagant.” She struts over, presses those sweet boobs against my body, and slides her hand through my hair.

  “Relax, Liv. I’m playing the part of a biker who just won a shitload of dough and is showing it all off to a beautiful hooker. Believe me, when the casino sees their bottom line, they’ll be happy enough to comp the cost of this room.”

  I unbutton the rest of my shirt, showing off my chest. She’s been a tease all evening and now, it’s my turn. However, it’s all for nothing because her back is turned as she pours us both a whiskey, neat.

  “How much do you figure those bastards are making by cheating?” She strolls back toward me in those goddamned high heels and hands me a glass.

  The amber liquid sends heat down my throat and pure lust to my cock. “They got to be pulling in at least a mil a week. It’s hard to know for sure.”

  Setting down my drink, I pull her into my arms, and kiss her until her knees buckle. Those tiny, straining buttons on her dress, the ones that miraculously stayed in place all evening? They need to go.

  Laughing, she slaps my fingers away from the useless fasteners, and pulls the stretchy fabric over her head. With her dress on the floor, it’s time to get serious.

  There she stands in this black lace corset with boobs popping out of the top and below, plastic tabs hold up sheer black stockings.

  All this, while standing tall in those God damned sexy-ass shoes.

  I push her to the wall, finally free to untuck those breasts and cover them with my mouth. When I have my fill, I take a breath, and growl, “Want to play some cards?”

  “I, uh, I…”

  Her corset has a shitload of hooks, which I take much pleasure in unlatching, loving how her breath hitches every time I rub a knuckle over her breasts.

  Then, to keep her from trying to take the lead, I hold her hands against the wall, high over her head. As my pelvis presses into her, I kiss her so thoroughly that her heart races and she squirms.

  Those heels make her just the right height to fuck against the wall.

  “I’ve had a raging hard-on all night.”

  “It’s your fault biker-man.”

  Yeah, I asked for it. I just didn’t expect her to be so damn good at it.

  With both her wrists captured by my one hand, I suckle her breasts until she screams and wraps her legs around my waist. Her sexy heels catch at my lower back and even through my suit pants, I feel her damp heat.

  I have no idea how that garter belt comes off but I consider using the knife in my boot until I put my hand to her mound and realize there’s nothing there but curls.

  Ah fuck. She’s been commando on my lap all night? If I had known that, I would’ve excused us for a moment and taken her outside, to hell with the winnings.

  Chapter Twelve


  When Mohegan’s hand goes between my legs, I groan, widen my stance, unsteady in these shoes. He’s so intense, I almost wonder if he’s angry but his aura says no. Ebony lust flares around him, darker than ever before.

  Perhaps I pushed him too far dressed as a hooker but I felt sexy and wanton. I’m used to men staring but not so intensely.

  “What the hell did you think you were doing?” Mohegan presses me against the wall, his hips already beginning to move as if inside me.

  “What you asked, baby.”

  Groaning, he bites down on my earlobe and sucks on my earring stud, causing chills to run down my spine. And without mercy, kisses run down my neck while his hard cock presses near my want.

  I try to tear out of his grasp to unbutton his pants but he holds me tight. “Not until I say so, Liv. You got to torture me all night. Now it’s my turn. Fair is fair.”

  Nothing about what he’s doing to my body is justified. Every nerve is on fire. If I could, I’d crawl inside him to get closer.

  His lips leave my ear and he lets go my hands, only to grasp them again in front of my navel. Reaching quickly down to his boot, he slides out a knife.

  “I don’t care how much this belt-thing costs, I’ll buy you a new one. Hell, I’ll buy you a dozen. Don’t move.”

  Cold steel meets my waist with the blade facing out. With a quick snap, my stockings fall to my knees.

  “Oh man.” Resting on his knees, he presses his lips to my inner thigh, and lifts my foot.

  Slowly, torturously, he takes my right stocking in his teeth and pulls it over my calf, my ankle, and off. When finished, he kisses the delirious cheerleaders between my legs and my knees buckle. Holding me up, he undresses my other leg while I lean onto the wall, open and naked. Because of the amazing things he does to my core, I start inching down the wall.

  Kissing me one more time, he stands and wedges his knee between my legs as a kind of anchor. My hands wrap around his neck and I taste myself on him while his beard tickles my cheeks and nose.

  “Wrap those long legs around me.” His coarse whisper sends zings to my clit and I do as commanded.

  Like that, he walks me over to a king-sized bed and from under a pillow pulls out fuzzy pink handcuffs with Atlantic City written on the side.

  Despite how turned-on I am, I giggle as I imagine him purchasing those in a store full of tourists.

  He laughs too, even as he clamps my wrists and attaches them to the headboard. “You don’t like this, you’ll tell me, okay?” His eyebrows raise and he stops what he’s doing.

  My eyes lock on his gaze and I nod, licking my lips. “It’s all good. More than good.”

  “Ah shit, Liv. Your aura is so fucking incredible right now. Like you, it’s all velvety.”

  His spectrum is spinning, centered in a black storm just below his navel.

  After kicking off his boots, he slowly unzips his fly. Then, while watching me watching him, he lowers his pants and his underwear. Fully naked and his huge member free, he climbs up my body where he stops to tease a nipple.

  His warm breath is labored as he whispers in my ear, “Inside there is one very, dirty witch.”

  “You have no idea.” I latch my ankles way up behind his neck.

  He laughs and unlocks them, placing my feet flat on the bed. “Always in such a hurry,
Olivia. Tsk-tsk-tsk.”

  Kissing back down my body, he pauses at my navel, and his tongue plays with the piercing. At the same time, his hands reach up to squeeze my breasts. The lips between my legs long ago stopped cheering and instead beg.

  “Please, Mohegan.”

  He glances up from my midsection. “Oh, so now you want me to be merciful, after sitting on my cock all evening, with your boobs about to fall out.”

  “I didn’t mean…”

  “Oh, you meant to and so do I.” He lowers his mouth to my clit and when I moan, he chuckles. “Oh babe, look at you.”

  His finger rests close to my aching need and I arch, urging them to touch someplace else. I almost get what I need but he moves his hand away and places another kiss on my nub, making me swell more, ready to explode.

  His tongue explores my opening but not where I’m most desperate. “C’mon Mohegan. Stop messing around.”

  “Mmmm… Let me think.” He thrusts one finger into me, then two while I push repeatedly against his hand.

  “Ride me, babe. I want to see you come. Want to hear you scream.”

  I can’t help but do as he says. I’m so damn close, right on the edge of the most incredible orgasm ever.

  Just as I reach the precipice, he stops and I cry out, “Noo…”

  He climbs up my body, undoes the handcuffs, and tosses my legs over his shoulders. My butt hits his balls when he thrusts hard and I’m off the charts.

  I shiver and buck, thinking it can’t get any better than this but it does. Oh yeah, it does. With his hands on my hips, he holds me in place, and takes me higher and higher.

  “Shit, oh shit.” I clutch his hands, interlocking our fingers.

  Then I clamp my sheath around him so damn tight, he’ll stop with the teasing.

  “Liv. Dammit. Oh fuck.” He swells inside me while I squeeze with all my might to make sure he gets as good as he gives.

  My whole being shudders with him as he shoots his fluids into me and finishes with three more animal-like grunts.

  My core won’t stop pulsing, not even after he unlocks my heels and collapses on top of me.


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