Guardian's Challenge

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Guardian's Challenge Page 5

by Green, Bronwyn

  Neeve could practically hear Asher’s thoughts as he studied her marred flesh. Though he had the ability to communicate his thoughts to others, she happily remained immune. However, it didn’t take a scholar to figure out his present opinion. Given his choice in the matter, she’d never return to her adopted home in Hafan.

  Dragging his gaze from her wound to her face, he opened his mouth to speak. Unwilling to open the topic for debate, she slipped her hand behind his neck and urged his mouth to hers. Distraction seemed a far better alternative to another argument. Besides, she wanted as many good memories as possible to take with her when she left.

  His eyes closed as he melted against her, his tongue stroking the recesses of her mouth as his hands trailed over her suddenly needy flesh. With a start, she realized no amount of memories would ever make up for the reality of his hands on her body. Blinking back the sudden burn of tears, she pushed him onto his back and straddled his thighs.

  Asher folded his hands behind his head and watched, curiosity gleaming in his gaze. Leaning forward, she stroked the broad expanse of his muscled chest, dragging her nails over the tight nubs of his nipples and through the sprinkling of hair. The chestnut-brown curls thickened, forming a silky trail to his groin. With teasing nips, she followed the path downward to where his cock began showing signs of life again. Goose bumps rose on her skin at the remembered sensation of his shaft pounding into her. Her attempt at distraction aside, she couldn’t wait to experience his mastery over her body again.

  Tracing the veins in his thickening erection, she watched as his eyes darkened. His desire, only momentarily sated, grew as rapidly as his cock did. Neeve scooted backward, the crisp hair on his legs abrading her inner thighs and her damp pussy. Wrapping her fingers around his burgeoning width, she glanced at his face. From under heavy eyelids, he watched—his jaw tight and his gaze hungry.

  Gripping him firmly, she bent forward and engulfed as much of his cock as she could take in a single motion. His hips arched sharply upward and his breath hissed through clenched teeth.

  “Cariad.” The harshly groaned word was more warning than endearment.

  Hiding a smile of satisfaction, she slid up and down his length, taking him as far into her throat as she could. He tasted of their combined releases—an almost pleasant salty tang that filled her mouth. Her hair flopped over her face as she took him deeper, sucking hard as she swirled her tongue over every vein and thick ridge.

  Asher reached out and brushed her hair from her face, coiling the long strands around his fist. “So fucking beautiful.”

  Pleasure burst in her at his compliment. Using hands and mouth, she worked him faster, wanting to give him at least a trace of the pleasure he’d given her. He shuddered under her ministrations, pumping his cock into her mouth. Just as suddenly, his motion stopped, and he tightened his hand in her hair, yanking slightly.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “Nothing. I just want to be inside your sweet cunt when I come.”

  His quietly rasped words fanned her desire higher, making her clench in anticipation. He pulled his legs from between hers and shifted into a kneeling position. Turning her away from him, he pushed her to her hands and knees before smoothing his palms over her bottom and dragging his fingertips between the cleft of her ass.

  She shuddered in anticipation of his wide cock filling her again as her juices coated the inside of her thighs. Slicking his thumb with her arousal, he spread it over her anus, gently circling the puckered area and teasing the sensitive flesh as he set the wide head of his cock at the snug opening of her pussy. Carefully, he pushed forward, entering her slowly.

  She didn’t want slow. She wanted him to fuck her like he had before—as if he’d lost all control over his body. She wanted to feel his desperation for her, feel every merciless stroke as he plowed into her.

  Without warning, she slammed herself backward with such force that his balls slapped against her cunt. They both groaned at the force of it. Clutching her hips with both hands, he pulled almost all of the way out before lunging forward again. Every forceful plunge pushed a cry from her lips. Need coiled tightly inside her, spiraling tighter with each thrust, with every hard smack of his balls against her clit. As much as she wanted to prolong the pleasure, she knew she wasn’t going to last. Meeting every hungry shove, she threw her hips backward, taking him fully inside her.

  Sensation coalesced in her womb as his cock plowed through her swollen tissues. Her hunger wound tighter with every pitiless thrust. As she hovered on the edge of release, the door opened and Joseph entered, his gaze fixed on the carnal scene before him. Neeve’s rhythm faltered, but Asher’s stayed steady.

  As if in a trance, Joseph sank into a chair across from the bed, his features tight and his eyes hard with arousal. As he watched, his hand strayed to his braes. He fumbled with the closure and freed his thick erection. Starting at the root, he stroked upward, his eyes never leaving the bed.

  A rush of moisture flooded her pussy, bathing Asher’s cock as a bead of pre-cum appeared on the head of Joseph’s cock.

  Asher leaned forward, draping himself over her back. “Do you like that, cariad? Do you like knowing he’s watching, wishing he was buried in your tight pussy instead of me?”

  Chapter Four

  Neeve took a shuddering breath, unable to think of a single response. While she’d been at the temple, she and Asher had occasionally had sex while other people occupied the same room, but never had anyone watched with the intensity that Joseph watched them now. Longing brightened the already brilliant blue of his eyes as they fastened on hers.

  She couldn’t look away as he dragged his clenched fist down over his swollen cock, smearing the bead of pre-cum around the ruddy head. Asher had slowed his strokes to match the speed of Joseph’s hand, and it was impossible not to wonder what it would feel like to have both of them loving her at once. Two sets of hands playing over her skin, two mouths kissing and suckling, two cocks filling her…

  She stifled a whimper as shivers racked her body and her internal muscles clenched around Asher.

  “I was right.” He chuckled. The sound vibrated through her body, ratcheting her need higher. “You do like to be watched.” Leaning forward, he skimmed his lips along her spine. “Look at how hard he is. That’s all for you, cariad.”

  The whimper she’d held back earlier escaped, becoming a sharp cry as it passed her lips.

  Joseph’s breath caught in his chest, and she felt the impact of it from across the small room. The tight sound echoed in the pit of her belly.

  Asher dragged his fingertips along her spine as she continued to stare at Joseph. She arched into her lover’s touch, but she couldn’t tear her eyes from the other man. Over and over, the thick head of his cock pushed through the circle of his fingers, becoming slicker with each thrust. She remembered what he’d felt like sliding between her lips the night the three of them had made love with Elizabeth and Micah. Heightened arousal slammed through her at the memory, and she bathed Asher’s cock with a fresh rush of fluid.

  “Are you remembering that night?” he asked, as he pushed more forcefully into her willing body. She couldn’t answer. She couldn’t do anything except cry out at the sensation of his balls slapping her clit with every delicious lunge. When she didn’t respond, he continued, “I am. I can’t forget the sight of your lips wrapped around his cock as he writhed beneath you and I filled your tight cunt. I remember how hard you gripped me as he pumped into your mouth, how hard you came. Do you remember that, Neeve? Do you remember?” he groaned.

  Her arms shook with the force of remaining upright as he thrust faster into her body, keeping time with the other man’s rough strokes. Asher gripped her hips more tightly, digging his fingertips into her flesh, adding a slight pinch of pain. The pain combined with the sensation of Asher pounding into her and the visual stimulation of Joseph sliding his hand over his cock was too much.

  “I remember,” she rasped, her voice barely
audible over the wet slap of flesh and Joseph’s guttural cry as he stiffened, thick spurts of ropey cum covering his hand. His eyes never left hers. The beginnings of release coiled within her abdomen. Her internal muscles rippled and contracted around her lover’s girth as wild bliss coalesced in her womb before rippling outward, washing over her.

  Asher pumped faster, pushing through her orgasm and headlong into another. Slamming into her, he froze. A harsh groan escaped his lips as he came, hot and heavy, filling her completely.

  Seemingly reluctant, he pulled from her body, and they collapsed in a trembling heap onto the mattress. Barely able to keep her eyes open, she noticed Joseph dampen a cloth in a basin of water. He leveled a glance at Asher then smoothed the wet cloth over her face and neck. She sighed in contentment as Asher took the cloth and swiped it over her breasts and belly and between her legs before handing it back to Joseph.

  The rustle of clothing hitting the floor reached her as she let her eyes drift closed.

  “Move over,” Joseph demanded. “There’s no way I’m sleeping on the floor.”

  Asher pulled her closer as the mattress dipped at her side and she felt another hard, warm body stretch out beside her. Sighing, she relaxed and let sleep descend.

  * * * *

  Darkness had fallen when the pitching and heaving of the waves woke her. Pinned between two hot, heavy bodies, she panicked in the near suffocating blackness. Thick fear clogged her lungs, and she thrashed, trying to escape the stifling press of flesh against her.

  “Neeve.” Asher, instantly awake, smoothed his fingers across her cheek. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  A wide, warm hand settled over her hip. “Are you all right?” Joseph asked.

  Feeling foolish, she nodded. Then realizing they couldn’t see, she found her voice. “It’s the dark…I just…it’s so…” Embarrassment washed over her, and she fell silent again.

  Joseph lifted his hand from her hip and murmured a few hushed words. Suddenly, tiny, golden lights formed in the palm of his hand and floated upward toward the ceiling. Hovering above them, the lights cast a gentle glow over the room. She could make out the shapes of both Asher and Joseph lying on either side of her.

  Joseph’s hand settled at her hip again. “Better?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Thank you.” Frowning, she sighed. “I’m sorry. It’s stupid. I’m a grown woman afraid of the dark.”

  Asher tenderly brushed his thumb across her lips. “You didn’t fear the dark…before.”

  She knew what he meant by the pause—before she’d run away. She glanced at the ceiling where the little lights shown like stars. She’d been terrified of close, dark places ever since she’d woken in the caves after the Caderyn warrior had attacked her.

  “I know,” she whispered. On more nights than she could count, she’d awoken with the same nightmare—trapped in a tomb of dank stone—excruciating pain ripping through her chest—surrounded on all sides by inky darkness—knowing other people were in the cave, but not knowing who. Terrified, she had been taken prisoner by her attackers, she’d kept quiet, all the while screaming inside her head for Asher to come find her. But he never had.

  With controlled effort, she attempted to block the memories and bury the old fear. They were in a ship on the sea, not a rocky grave. Asher and Joseph were with her—not Caderyn warriors. Fidgeting and unable to relax, she stared at the twinkling glow above them. Joseph pressed to her back and Asher against her front. As the worry dissipated, she realized she felt secure in a way she hadn’t experienced since leaving Maelgwn in what seemed a lifetime ago. Frowning, she knew the sense of peace she experienced was due to being with Asher again. She needed to get control of her emotions. This interlude with him wasn’t going to last. Pushing aside the sensation of comfort she felt, she focused on the expanding restless energy flitting through her body, letting arousal take the place of the fear.

  As if both men sensed it, their cocks began to harden. Joseph’s pulsed hotly against her ass and the small of her back and Asher’s pushed into her belly. She shifted, loving the sensation of the hard, silky flesh gliding over her skin. Right now, she wanted to forget the soul aching loneliness that had plagued her for so long. Right now, she wanted to touch and be touched. By both men.

  She didn’t worry about losing her heart to Joseph as she had to Asher. She liked him, and she certainly desired him, but she didn’t love him. The spark of an idea occurred to her and longing trembled through her middle. Sating her desire with both men might actually serve to protect her and prevent her from losing her heart to Asher again. Joseph might prove helpful in ways she hadn’t anticipated.

  Asher studied Neeve in the glow of the other man’s false starlight. It was as if she’d shoved away the fear that had gripped her and was attempting to replace it with desire. He fought the need to ask her why the dark frightened her, sensing it would only serve to push her farther from him.

  Lying in the half-light, he watched the other man trail his hand over the curve of her waist to follow the swell of her hip. It was obvious. Joseph wanted Neeve almost as badly as he did. Neeve’s heightened arousal as the other man had watched Asher fucking her had been breathtaking. He sincerely doubted she’d object to being taken by both of them.

  Jealousy flared in his gut, but he couldn’t erase the images of both of them pleasuring her, taking her together, giving her the ultimate satisfaction. He wasn’t sure he’d survive sharing her completely with the other man, but for her fulfillment, he would try. Gently, he pushed on her shoulder until she was flat on her back between them. He glanced at Joseph’s hand, now resting possessively on her belly.

  “Asher?” she questioned, her tone tentative.

  Leaning toward her, he took her lips in a hungry kiss, delving into her mouth and tasting her. She whimpered against his lips as he laid his hand on her stomach next to Joseph’s.

  Don’t think this will be a regular occurrence, he spoke into the other man’s mind. She is mine and always will be, but together we can give her a pleasure like no other.

  Joseph’s acceptance rang loudly in Asher’s head.

  Lifting his head, Asher stared into Neeve’s deep brown eyes. “You wanted us both earlier,” he murmured, gauging her reaction. “It’s time.”

  Her eyes widened, and her lips parted. Before she could respond, the other man bent over her and took her mouth. Envy pricked him, but he focused instead on pleasing her. Gently, he nuzzled her neck, dragging his lips over her shoulder and the swell of her breast.

  Slowly, he slid his hand up over her ribcage to tease the underside of her breast, noticing that Joseph did the same. A needy sound escaped her only to be swallowed by the press of Joseph’s lips. Envy and frustration swirled in his gut. It would be harder to share Neeve than he’d thought. He mentally shook his head at himself. He was being ridiculous—he’d shared plenty of women in the past. He’d lost count of the times he and Micah had together brought a willing woman to her peak. But this…this was different. This was Neeve. It shouldn’t matter, but it did.

  Refusing to further examine his thoughts, he rolled Neeve’s nipple between his thumb and forefinger, watching as the other man did the same. She arched off the mattress, into their touch, wordlessly begging for more. Her golden skin glowed under the magical starlight, a velvet softness he couldn’t wait any longer to taste. With slow, deliberate motions, he lowered his lips to the crinkled flesh of her nipple while Joseph did the same. Together, they suckled deeply.

  She cried out, the sound filling the small room as she tangled her hands in their hair. Pushing against them, she demanded more, her hips lifting into nothingness, pleading to be filled.

  Asher slid his free hand over the trembling muscles of her stomach as Joseph’s hand followed close behind. Asher gently separated the silky curls, exposing her slick cunt to the other man who groaned roughly as he stroked her. It was impossible not to hear Joseph’s thoughts.

  Do you want to taste her? Asher projecte
d into his mind.

  Still sucking and biting her nipple, Joseph raised his gaze to Asher’s. Gods, yes. On the heels of that thought, he sent a fully-formed image into Asher’s head. Asher hardened further at the erotic vision.

  Shifting, both men dragged themselves away from Neeve’s supple body. Confusion and annoyance warred in her expression. Asher settled at the edge of the bed and pulled her onto his lap.

  “What are you—?”

  Her words faltered as he lifted her slightly, and set the head of his cock at her snug opening. Slowly, he slid inside her pussy. The angle, the tightness and her broken moan nearly sent him over the edge. Black spots peppered his vision as she clenched him.

  Asher slipped his hands beneath her supple thighs and lifted them so they rested over his, opening her further. Joseph sank to the floor between their spread legs. Kneeling, he edged closer until he could reach Neeve’s peaked nipples. Pushing her breasts together, he drew on one tight bud after the other, while she writhed, impaled on Asher’s cock.

  Stroking the insides of her thighs, Asher kept still, knowing if he moved with her, it would all be over too soon. It might be anyway. He wasn’t sure how much of her agonizing squirming he could take. Her wet heat enveloped him, caressing his aching cock, squeezing every buried inch.

  He couldn’t take his eyes off the sight of the other man sucking Neeve’s nipples—of his lips, tongue and teeth plying her soft flesh. How would it be to watch him fuck her? To plunge his shaft into her willing body? Could he do it? Could he stand by and watch her beautiful flesh stretched by another man’s cock?

  As if he’d heard Asher’s thoughts, Joseph straightened and stroked his cock from root to tip before dragging the wide head through Neeve’s gathering cream. She cried out and clamped down on Asher as Joseph repeated the action, circling her clit with the now glossy head. Gripping the base of his shaft, he tapped it hard against her clit several times as she screamed so loudly, Asher was sure the ship’s entire crew had heard her.


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