The Rays and the Initiations

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The Rays and the Initiations Page 46

by Alice A Bailey

  2. The second ray Master who decides to go this way has to negate his attractive, magnetic tendencies and learn the meaning of “isolated intention with a multiplicity of goals.” I know not how else to translate the archaic phrase which describes the objective of the Master's training on this Path. The exclusive has to become the inclusive in an [421] entirely newly apprehended world of realisation, whilst the inclusive has to master the technique of exclusiveness and become exclusive in a new realm of realisation; it is an exclusiveness which has in it no slightest element of the great heresy of separateness.

  I may not here even indicate the type or quality of the intentions of the ray Lords which the Master of the sixth initiation has to learn to comprehend. The training given Him ends in another tremendous decision which will place Him in a group of Lives on some sacred planet or in some solar system which will be a correspondence to Shamballa on our little planet. Shamballa embodies the will or purpose of our planetary Logos. The goal which these initiates (trained on the ray Path) eventually reach is some sphere of activity wherein sublime purposes and divine intentions are worked out.

  6. The Path the Logos Himself is on

  It should be remembered as this peculiarly abstruse subject is approached that the Solar Logos is as far removed (in the evolutionary sense) from our planetary Logos as the latter is from the point of attainment of an accepted disciple. Yet the two are linked by a subjective unity and similarity of objective. At certain points upon the Way of the Higher Evolution Their two lines of energy meet and blend. Our Solar Logos also plays a peculiarly interesting part in the development of our entire planetary life. For the sake of clarity, yet at the same time speaking symbolically, Sanat Kumara might be regarded as a personal disciple of the Solar Logos, with all that that indicates of cosmic responsibility.

  We had much difficulty in considering understandingly the path trodden by Those Masters Who decided to tread the Path of training for planetary Logoi. It is therefore far more difficult and practically impossible to say anything anent this Path which is trodden by Those Great Beings Who are in training for Solar Logoi. Of These, Sanat Kumara [422] is One. Not all the planetary Logoi tread the Path of Solar Logoi, for just as exalted positions await Them elsewhere in the universe. Those Masters, as I have said in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Who tread this Path are rare indeed, and hitherto have had to enter this Path via the angel or deva evolution and by transference then to the fifth or ray Path. Changes have however been made, and a Master can now pass on to this sixth Path directly and without entering the deva evolution.

  This sixth Path is one on which the Masters in training have to work with the devas who are so frequently the mobile agents of the creative process in solar creation. The Masters Who enter upon this Path, eventually and as part of Their training, enter the Council Chamber of some of the sacred planets, before transferring into the group which guides our Solar Logos; this in its turn is only a temporary phase, though in both cases the time embraced may cover vast periods, from the point of view of humanity. They work with principles unknown to us on Earth, though two of these principles will later be revealed; many of them are controlling factors on other spheres and in other planetary schemes which are more advanced than ours; the Master in training then acts as the custodian of these “energetic principles” or as distributing agent; in this way Venus was the custodian of what we call the principle of Mind and brought it as a pure gift to embryonic humanity.

  7. The Path of Absolute Sonship

  As I have previously pointed out, not much can be given out concerning this mysterious Path which leads into a triangle (if I may so express it) formed of three lines of energy of differing and greatly varying vibratory effectiveness. This triangle is in the nature of an open door, presenting unique and unprecedented opportunity to Those Who discover this Path. Just as one of the seven Paths produced ultimately relationship to the Pleiades, so this Path relates our solar system to the constellation of the Great Bear. You have, therefore, the following triangle composed [423] of one stream of energy emanating from the Great Bear, another stream of energy issuing from the Heart of the Sun or from our Solar Logos, and the base line constituted of the seven streams of energy which come from our seven sacred planets. The potency and the effectiveness of this triangle is therefore unique and apparent; it produces relation between our system, our planets and the universe. This “open” triangle presents opportunity to Those Lives Who, from the other side of the triangle to that presented to our solar system and its contents, seek to help our solar system and bring the non-sacred planets to the point of liberation which is their particular goal. Through this triangular door all the great Avatars enter our system and “find the Point where They can serve.”

  The inflow of extra-solar energy is what produces the seven cosmic Paths. There is no such grouping as the seven solar Paths. In most cases, the Paths lead away from our solar system altogether.

  If you will study the more abstruse teaching (more veiled and more symbolic than this) you will find certain statements made which—to the esotericist—will throw much light on the simpler presentations in this Treatise on the Seven Rays. It is simpler because only those points are given which carry in them the germ of possible enlightenment to the general public. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire is not written for the general public; it is strictly a presentation of truth for the initiated disciple. Its line is strictly a first ray and third ray presentation, whilst this Treatise is strictly a second ray approach. This is a statement warranting careful thought, and one that has as yet received no recognition. [424]

  Among the changes necessitated by the abnormally rapid development of mankind, with its consequent stepping up of the qualities of disciples, is the fact that no longer does the Master—faced at the sixth initiation with a stupendous decision to make—enter upon the indicated Path entirely blindly, as heretofore. He is now given a revelation of the true united goal of the seven Paths and likewise a vision of their varying intermediate, individual goals. Hence the name of the fifth initiation is that of the “Initiation of Revelation.” He can thus make His decision with opened eyes and unblinded by the glory.

  One point requires elucidation here. The whole standard of the mental equipment of entering disciples is so much higher than it used to be, owing to the mental and intuitive development of man, that this fact has forced corresponding changes within the Hierarchy itself. The Masters Who are now moving forward on to the Path of the Higher Evolution are equally of much greater unfoldment; the will aspect is present to a great degree (little as you may realise it), and this is a new factor, conditioning much. Love and intelligence distinguished the Masters up to three hundred years ago. Love and intelligence and will distinguish Them today. This again is another reason for the comprehensive changes made and it is interesting to note that the bulk of the changes are due to the response of men to the hierarchical work. It is humanity that has forced these events of so far-reaching a nature; mankind has also forced revelations which it had been believed could not be given to men for thousands of years or until the sixth rootrace had come into being. An instance of the expansion of the information given can be noted in connection with the second Path. Nothing is mentioned in my earlier presentation of the seven Paths in Initiation, Human and Solar of a conditioning constellation. In A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, I mention that energy enters our system from an unknown source, via Gemini. In this latest contribution on the subject I mention that Libra, the Balances, is involved. Thus there are found on this Path of [425] Magnetic Work two blended influences, those of Gemini and Libra. You have, therefore:

  The dual energy of Gemini is brought to a point of balance by means of the influence of Libra, and this balanced and dual energy is released then into our solar system. This entering stream of balanced energies forms the second Path. I have given you much information in the above statement.

  I have asked A.A.B. to incorporate at the close of this instruction a passage from A Treatise on Cosmic
Fire, for this teaching anent the seven Paths is as a climaxing comment. I shall not enlarge upon it, but if you have spiritual imagination and speculative ability you can comprehend much. I have also asked A.A.B. to add to this instruction the seven tabulations earlier given so as to complete and round out this triple presentation. I do not urge you to study or to give much time to the consideration of the seven paths. The treading of one or other of those Paths lies far ahead of you, and it would be a waste of time. I would however remind you that every effort to live rightly, beautifully and usefully, to control the mind and to achieve loving understanding, lays the foundation for right decision at the sixth initiation; some day you too will stand at this point of unique choice and it is what you do here and now which will determine the way which you will go.

  An Extract from A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pages 1243-1266

  The seven Paths, at a certain stage which may not be defined, become the four Paths, owing to the fact that our solar system is one of the fourth order. This merging is [426] effected in the following way:

  The initiates upon Path I “fight their way” on to Path VI.

  The initiates upon Path II “alchemise themselves” on to Path VII.

  The initiates upon Path III through “piercing the veil” find Themselves upon Path V.

  This leaves Path IV to be accounted for. Upon this Path pass all those who, through devotion and activity combined, achieve the goal but who lack as yet the full development of the manasic principle. This being the solar system of love-wisdom or of astral-buddhic development, the fourth Path includes the larger number of the sons of men. In the Hierarchy of our planet the “Lords of Compassion” are numerically greater than the “Masters of the Wisdom.” The former must therefore pass to the sun Sirius there to undergo a tremendous manasic stimulation, for Sirius is the emanating source of manas. There the mystic must go and become what is called “a spark of mahatic electricity.”

  These seven Paths are not concerned with nature or the balancing of the pairs of opposites. They are concerned only with unity, with that which utilises the pairs of opposites as factors in the production of LIGHT.


  Attributes . . . . . . Wise compassion.

  Source . . . . . . . . Constellation of the Dragon, via Libra.

  Method . . . . . . . .Twelve cosmic Identifications.

  Hierarchy . . . . . . The sixth.

  Symbol . . . . . . . . A green dragon issuing from the centre of a blazing sun. Behind the sun and overtopping it can be seen two pillars on either side of a closed door.

  Quality gained . . Luminosity.


  Attributes . . . . . . Responsiveness to heat and knowledge of rhythm.

  Source . . . . . . . . .An unknown constellation, via Gemini.

  Method . . . . . . . . The entering of the burning-ground. [427]

  Hierarchy . . . . . . .The third and fourth.

  Symbol . . . . . . . A funeral pyre, four torches, and a fivefold star mounting towards the sun.

  Quality gained . . . Electrical velocity.


  Attributes . . . . . Cosmic vision, deva hearing and psychic correlation.

  Source . . . . . . . . Betelgeuse, via the sign Sagittarius.

  Hierarchy . . . . . .The fifth.

  Method . . . . . . . .Prismatic identification.

  Symbol . . . . . . . A coloured cross with a star at the centre and backed by a blazing sun, surmounted by a Sensa Word.

  Quality gained . . Cosmic etheric vision or septenary clairvoyance.


  Attributes . . . . . . Cosmic rapture and rhythmic bliss.

  Source . . . . . . . . Sirius via the Sun which veils a zodiacal sign.

  Hierarchy . . . . . . Veiled by the numbers 14 and 17.

  Method . . . . . . . Duplex rotary motion and rhythmic dancing upon the square.

  Symbol . . . . . . . . Two wheels of electric fire, revolving

  around an orange Cross, with an emerald at the centre.

  Quality gained . . .Unrevealed.


  Attributes . . . . . . A sense of cosmic direction.

  Source . . . . . . . . .The Pole Star via Aquarius.

  Hierarchy . . . . . . The first and the second.

  Method . . . . . . . .Process of electrical insulation and the imprisonment of polar magnetism.

  Symbol . . . . . . . . Five balls of fire enclosed within a sphere. Sphere is formed of a serpent inscribed with the mantram of insulation.

  Quality gained . . Cosmic stability and magnetic equilibrium.


  Not given . . . . . . Not given.


  Not given . . . . . . .Not given. [428]

  The World Tension Analysed

  The tension in the world today, (written in April 1947) particularly in the Hierarchy, is such that it will produce another and perhaps ultimate world crisis, or else such a speeding up of the spiritual life of the planet that the coming in of the long looked-for New Age conditions will be amazingly hastened. I would have you consider carefully what I have said here, remembering what I have told you in the past anent points of tension. This present tension constitutes a major problem for the disciple in training, and therefore our particular theme in this instruction is peculiarly apposite.

  There is a great deal of glamour in the world today and a great deal of that glamour is concentrated in Russia, owing to the youth and the basic political inexperience of that people. The United States of America is also young and inexperienced, but not to the same extent as are the Russian people. Today, the Russians are suffering from the glamour of power, the glamour of planning, the glamour of what they consider a great ideal (and such it is), the glamour of prestige and the inevitable—but ephemeral—glamour of totalitarianism. It is this same totalitarianism which also constitutes their weakest point, because it leads inexorably to a revolt of the human spirit. That human spirit is to be found in Russia to exactly the same extent as it is to be found in any other country in the world.

  Freedom is an essentially spiritual attribute, underlying the entire evolutionary process; this should always be remembered as a strengthening and conditioning reality by all men everywhere. It has survived aeons of opposition from the principle of enslaving selfishness and is largely responsible, at this time, for the struggle in which we are all participating.

  The country which is the most free from selfishness today is Great Britain; she is experienced, old, and therefore mature in her thinking; she has learnt much in a relatively short time and her judgment is sound. The most [429] selfish country in the world today is France, with the United States (though along totally different lines) running her a close second; both are materially selfish and capitalistically engrossed. Russia is also selfish but it is the selfishness of a fanatical ideal, held by an immature, a too young a people. The selfishness of the United States is also due to youth, but it will eventually yield to experience and to suffering; there is—fortunately for the soul of this great people—much suffering in store for the United States. The selfishness of France is less excusable; France too is old and experienced; again and again she has been the victim of the armed forces of Germany and cries aloud to the world about it. France forgets that she frequently over-ran central Europe in the Middle Ages, and the Napoleonic conquests are relatively modern history. Her evil destiny (as she regards it) does, nevertheless, give her the opportunity to become spiritual in her life and attitudes, instead of grossly and intellectually (though brilliantly) material. She has not yet learned her lesson, and as yet shows little inclination to do so. Strain, economic privations and anxiety may teach her; the result will be stability.

  In the hands of the United States, Great Britain and Russia, and also in the hands of France, lies the destiny of the world disci
ple, Humanity. Humanity has been passing through the tests which are preparatory to the first initiation; they have been hard and cruel and are not yet entirely over. The Lords of Karma (four in number) are today working through these four Great Powers; it is, however, a karma which seeks to liberate, as does all karma. In the coming crisis, true vision and a new freedom, plus a wider spiritual horizon may be attained. The crisis, if rightly handled, need not again reach the ultimate horror.

  The area of difficulty—as is well known—is the Near East and Palestine. The Jews, by their illegal and terroristic activities, have laid a foundation of great difficulty for those who are seeking to promote world peace. As a Jewish member of my Ashram pointed out (and I commend him on his soul vision), the Jews have partially again opened the door [430] to the Forces of Evil, which worked originally through Hitler and his evil gang. The “sealing” of that door had not been successfully accomplished, and it is the part of wisdom to discover this in time. These Forces of Evil work through a triangle of evil, one point of which is to be found in the Zionist Movement in the United States, another in central Europe, and the third in Palestine. Palestine is no longer a Holy Land and should not be so regarded.

  I would have you bear these points in mind while you investigate the world picture. This picture is taking shape and warrants recognition. It involves the Jews (who are not a nation but a religious group) the Near East and Russia. In the maps which are to be found in the Archives of the spiritual Hierarchy, the entire area of the Near East and Europe—Greece, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Palestine, the Arab States, Egypt and Russia—are under a heavy overshadowing cloud. Can that cloud be dissipated by the right thinking and planning of Great Britain, the United States and the majority of the United Nations or—must it break in disaster over the world? Will it present a task too hard for correct handling by that inexperienced disciple—Humanity?


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