The Rays and the Initiations

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The Rays and the Initiations Page 69

by Alice A Bailey

  What can I prophesy? What may I foretell in relation to human affairs and of the future ahead of the race?

  I would remind you that even the Hierarchy of spiritual and liberated souls, the Church of God invisible, knows not the way that humanity will choose to go. General trends are watched and possibilities are considered; the energies pouring into the human family are directed and manipulated, and conditions can frequently be adjusted, but men decide for themselves direct action; they make their own choices and exert unimpeded the free will with which they may at any time be equipped. I prophecy not, because I do not know. I can, however, say that the issues at stake are now becoming so clear that right decision is more possible than at any other time in human history. Unless, therefore, emotional stresses are too acute, humanity will decide upon right action eventually. Emotions are, however, running high and the spiritual people of the world are not sufficiently aroused as yet to handle them. It is the arousing and the awakening to the critical nature of the time and to the world problems which is immediately needed, and this all men of goodwill should regard as their paramount duty.

  As I earlier remarked, if the trends which are today being established are rightly developed, the Hierarchy does not foresee the immediacy of war; war can be averted if [641] the nations are fully occupied with the task of reconstruction and if an educational programme in right human relations is launched and systematically and most carefully carried out. If the subjective relations between the nations are emphasised and the outer frictions and the objective disagreements are ignored, a great fusion of human interests can take place; this will be binding and lasting; if the cleavage between separateness and right relations is clearly to be seen, men will know of themselves what action they should take.

  In the war raging today between conflicting ideas, it is essential that this cleavage be made abundantly clear. Only the voice of a trained public opinion and the intelligent demand of the masses for right human relations can save the world from chaos. If this is so, then the duty of each individual disciple, man of goodwill and intelligent thinker is also clear. Let me bring the theme to a close with this thought and this indicated action.


  We completed our consideration of the effect of the four Rays of Attribute upon humanity as a whole and upon the individual disciple. If you will study the relationship of these rays to each other, you will discover that the energies which made their impact upon the would-be initiate were, first of all, two rays: the seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order and the fifth Ray of Science which are both along the line of the first Ray of Will or Power, plus two other rays, the sixth Ray of Devotion or Idealism and the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict, which are both along the line of the second Ray of Love-Wisdom. All these Rays of Attribute were—in connection with the initiations concerned—functioning within the realm of knowledge; it is a knowledge, however, dedicated eventually to spiritual intent and attained through conflict.

  We come now to the consideration of the three Rays of Aspect and their general and momentous effect upon [642] mankind in this cycle, and upon the disciple preparing for initiation. We are dealing, therefore, with

  Ray 1. Will or Power, active in connection with the 5th Initiation.

  Ray 2. Love-Wisdom, active in connection with the 7th Initiation.

  Ray 3. Active Intelligence, active in connection with the 6th Initiation.

  The united activity of these rays lifts humanity to the higher, spiritual realm and concerns those initiations which lie a long way ahead of mankind. They lie also a considerable distance on the Path from the present point of the average disciple. I am dealing with them, however, as best I can, because the next one hundred years will see a demonstrable orientation of trained disciples towards the higher perception. You must make what you can of this information; it concerns primarily action within the Ashram—action which is, however, concerned with human development and welfare.

  The 8th and the 9th initiations, governed by the four Rays of Attribute working in synthesis with the three Rays of Aspect (and working simultaneously), will necessarily be far beyond our comprehension; there is little I shall be able to tell you because I know but little myself.

  Does this last remark surprise you? It should not. From the exoteric angle, evolution means growth and development and is largely applied to the form side of nature, and the term “evolution” might thus be confined entirely to the evolution of the form nature. It might also be applied to development within the three worlds and to the third aspect of the divine Life. However, from the esoteric angle, evolution means a steadily increasing sensitivity to light and illumination. A Master may not possess all knowledge possible from the exoteric angle; this He does not need because (after evolution, along the line of knowledge, decided for Him by His ray type) He is on the “way of light,” and the light which is in Him and in which He lives and moves and functions serves a dual purpose: [643]

  1. It can be used to ascertain whatever is needed in the realm of knowledge by the revelation of where the needed information can be found; this is far more literally so than you realise. (It was through the use of this form of light that I, for instance, found A.A.B.; I was searching for a secretary with more than the usual education and perception generally to be found, and the light revealed her from the personality angle in the three worlds.)

  2. It can be used also to reveal to the Master that which lies ahead for Him, and those further reaches of awareness to which He knows He must eventually attain.

  The lower aspects of this light are in reality generated by the soul, whilst the higher are those which emanate from the Monad. When an initiate takes the fifth initiation (with which we are now going to deal) he has to demonstrate his facility in using the “light available” by initiating some new project in line with the hierarchical Plan and in tune with his own ray impulses. This project must have both an exoteric side and esoteric. (To illustrate further: The exoteric side of the work which I—as a newly made Master—had purposed to do can be seen in the activities which I have been enabled to accomplish in the outer world through the books which A.A.B. has taken down for me and by the establishing of the Service Activities, associated with the Arcane School. The esoteric side is of course known to me, but an analysis of it would be of no service to you, as you are not yet of the required initiate-consciousness.)

  You can see, however, how the above information can throw light upon our immediate theme:

  Initiation V. Revelation. Ray I.

  The Energy of the Will-to-Good. Power.

  This initiation has always been called in the Christian church by the name of the Resurrection, whereas it is the seventh initiation which is the true resurrection. The correct name for the fifth initiation is the Initiation of Revelation; this signifies the power to wield light as [644] the carrier of life to all in the three worlds, and to know likewise the next step to be taken upon the Way of the Higher Evolution. This Way is revealed to the initiate in a new light and with an entirely different significance when the fifth initiation is taken. It is the true time of emergence from the tomb of darkness and constitutes an entrance into a light of an entirely different nature to any hitherto experienced.

  Development and revelation or (if you so prefer it) a developing revelation, form essentially the entire theme and objective of all activity upon our planet. This gives us a clue to the goal of the planetary Logos. All life, from the first descent of the soul into incarnation, is only a series of revelations, all of which lead up to the revelation accorded at the fifth initiation. The relation between the fifth and the seventh initiations is exceedingly deep and mysterious. It is the revelation accorded in the fifth initiation which makes the seventh initiation possible. The Master, as He emerges at the fifth initiation into the light of day, realises in that light:

  1. The true and hitherto unknown significance of the three worlds which he has viewed almost entirely from the angle of meaning. Now i
ts significance is apparent, and the revelation is so tremendous that “he withdraws into the world of light and joins his brothers. He gathers all his forces and seeks new light upon the Plan. That light shines forth and with the force of its revealing power, new loyalties arise, new goals are seen, and that which shall be and the thing which is, both become lost in the radiant light of revelation.”

  2. That the first vibration or influencing energy of the cosmic ray of prevailing energy in its highest aspect is the Ray of Love-Wisdom, and this is now contacted; this is made possible by the Master's response to the first Ray of Power or of the Will-to-Good, experienced in its second aspect at the fifth initiation. Forget not that all rays have three aspects, and that all three can be contacted by the human consciousness of the spiritual man, thus [645] placing at his disposal the energies of the seven rays and of the twenty-one forces. It is this synthesis which is revealed at the fifth initiation and—as I said above—the combination of these forces produces the Ascension; this is an exceeding great mystery and one which cannot as yet be grasped by you. From the height of the Mount of Ascension light is thrown upon the hierarchical Plan in such a manner that the purpose in the mind of the planetary Logos is (for the first time) truly grasped.

  3. From that height also, the mystery of the human soul is revealed and a great triangular pattern will be seen, relating the human spirit to the world of forms, to the united Hierarchy and to the Council Chamber of the Lord. Upon this I may not here enlarge, for we must not diverge too far from our study. One thing only can be said: from that high place, atma-buddhi-manas (will, love and intelligent action) can be seen in united activity and the theory of an existing Plan and the belief in the three divine aspects, or in the Trinity of Energies, is factually demonstrated.

  The first Ray of Will or Power is distinguished by the highest known divine quality (there are others still higher). In the word, GOODWILL, the secret purpose of the planetary Logos is hidden. It is being slowly brought to the attention of humanity by means of the three phrases: God is Love. Goodwill. The Will-to-Good. These three phrases, in reality concern the three aspects of the first ray.

  When a Master takes the fifth initiation He already knows the significance of the first two aspects, and must become consciously aware of the highest aspect: the Will-to-Good. He has developed in Himself “the love necessary to salvation, His own and that of those He loves, His fellow-men;” all His actions and His thinking are qualified by goodwill, in its esoteric sense, and the significance of the Will-to-Good lies ahead of Him and will be later revealed.

  As this first ray is not in incarnation at this time, and therefore souls who can fully express it are absent, the entire theme anent this type of energy, and its influence [646] and quality when related to the energies and the forces, is most difficult to express. Each great ray, as it comes into incarnation, transforms the speech of the cycle, enriches the existent vocabulary, and brings new knowledge to humanity; the many civilisations—past and present—are the result of this.

  I would ask you to consider the relation of the fifth initiation, the fifth Ray of Science and the first Ray of Will, for there lies the key to the revelation accorded to the initiate-Master.

  As you can see, we are venturing into realms far beyond your comprehension; but the effort to grasp the unattainable and to exercise the mind along the line of abstract thought is ever of value.

  It must be remembered therefore (and I reiterate) that the revelation accorded to the disciple-initiate is along the line of the first Ray of Will or Power, and that is a ray which is as yet a long way from full manifestation. From one angle, it is of course always in manifestation for it is the ray which holds the planet and all that is upon it in one coherent manifesting whole; the reason for this coherent synthesis is the evolutionary effort to work out divine purpose. The first ray ever implements that purpose. From another angle, it is cyclic in its manifestation; here I mean from the angle of recognised manifestation—and such is the case at this time.

  The Effect of Ray I on Humanity Today

  Owing to extra-planetary stimulation, to the immediate planetary crisis and to the present invocative cry of humanity, energy from Shamballa has been permitted to play upon the “centre which is called the race of men” and has produced two potent results: first, the world war was precipitated and, secondly, the fission of the atom, resulting in the atomic bomb, was brought about. Both these events were made possible by the pouring-in of the energy and power of the third aspect of the first Ray of Power or Will. This is the lowest aspect, and definite [647] material effects were produced. The destroyer aspect was therefore the first aspect to take effect. It split the thought-form of materialistic living (which was governing and controlling humanity everywhere) upon the mental plane and, at the same time, it produced a great agent of destruction upon the physical plane.

  Thus was the new era ushered in; thus was the stage set for a better future. This was the intent and the purpose of Those Who compose the Council Chamber of the Lord. It rests with humanity itself to take advantage of the proffered opportunity which this destructive manifestation made possible.

  Shamballa having acted in this manner, it is nevertheless the Hierarchy which will bring into expression a measure of the second aspect of the first Ray of Will or Power, and it is for this that the Hierarchy is preparing; it is for this event that the Christ is fitting Himself to be the distributing Agent and the directing Factor, with the concentrated assistance of the united Hierarchy; it is this that will begin to manifest when He appears. You have here the true reason for His proclaimed Coming or Reappearance. The distinction between material living and spiritual living will be clearly demonstrated. This is made possible by the cleavage of the ancient materialistic thoughtform on mental levels; the reorientation of human thinking, as this fact is grasped, will have its first results upon emotional levels through the focussed expression of human goodwill; this is the lowest aspect of the second Ray of Love-Wisdom, implemented and strengthened by the second aspect of the first Ray of Will.

  On the physical plane, the great scientific discovery, called colloquially the “splitting of the atom,” will be turned eventually to the production of those conditions which will enable mankind to follow the good, the beautiful and the true. This men will then be able to do, freed from the dread presence of purely materialistic thinking. This is no idle vision or vague dream. Many scientists today (and particularly those who love their fellowmen) [648] are not only visioning the non-destructive aspect of atomic energy but are already engaged in harnessing—for the good of humanity—some of its products and its radioactive properties.

  Curiously enough, it is the wise, controlled use of the results of this scientific adventure in connection with the atomic bomb which will eventually bring about a specific revelation of the nature of certain forces in relation to light; this event will transform world thinking and lead to a new type of transmutative process, as far as man is concerned.

  It must not be inferred from the above that humanity, as a whole, will be taking the fifth initiation, for such is not the case. Many advanced souls (perhaps amounting to many thousands) may and will take this initiation, but the masses of men everywhere, constituting the sum total of the world disciple will eventually take either the first or the second initiation. The effect however of hierarchical happenings, in conjunction with Shamballa, will lead finally to the great stimulation of the fifth Principle of manas, the intelligence principle in man. A revelation which is not perceived, which remains unrelated and unexpressed, is of no true service to mankind, except from a purely subjective standpoint; nevertheless, through the proposed stimulation, through the efforts of those who have taken or who will take the fifth initiation, and through the new direction of first ray energy from Shamballa, the mental plane will receive such an inflow of energy that the thinking principle, the reasoning factor within humanity, will reach new heights. Thus will the “light stream forth into the minds of men,” and the f
irst stanza of the Invocation prove that it can and does receive an answer to its invocative appeal.

  It would be good to let your spiritual imagination look forward into the future, and then vision—if you can—what is the true significance of the tremendous activity of the Hierarchy. One of the signs of the coming of this new light and energy inflow is a definitely curious one; it is [649] to be found in the instability of the human mental mechanism and the human thinking processes at this time. This is due to their premature response to the new incoming potency. It is a mass reaction, and therefore the statistical returns are somewhat misleading. It is the unready who thus react, and this entails no possible reflection upon those thus distressed (and they are to be found today in all classes and nations). The Law of Rebirth will take care of this reaction, and in the next incarnation these same people will enter a physical body with a better equipment. In reality, it is this energy from Shamballa in its third and destructive aspect which is acting upon certain members of the human family and unfortunately evoking a ready response. I tell you this for your encouragement; destruction always evokes questioning in minds attuned to human welfare and in those thinkers who are apprehensive of the suffering to which their fellowmen are subjected.

  One of the most difficult things for the average thinking man to understand and to interpret is the destructive processes of what he (for lack of a better name) calls “the will of God.” This is one of the results (and only one) of a purely materialistic civilisation which has laid all its emphasis upon the form side of experience and thus regards physical well-being and physical comfort, plus material possessions, as the true goal of all human effort. It is upon this widespread attitude and reaction that the new incoming light will concentrate itself; as the light reveals reality, the world of phenomena and the world of spiritual values will enter into a better, directed relation.


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