MYSTERY: Laying on the cross - ONE STEP AHEAD: (Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Suspense Crime Thriller) (ADDITIONAL BOOK INCLUDED ) (Suspense Thriller Mystery: Laying on the cross)

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MYSTERY: Laying on the cross - ONE STEP AHEAD: (Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Suspense Crime Thriller) (ADDITIONAL BOOK INCLUDED ) (Suspense Thriller Mystery: Laying on the cross) Page 7

by James Tayler

  While her employer’s body and genitals didn’t turn her on at first, Judy began to get the now familiar warmth between her legs. It felt like something turning over in the pit of her belly, and then her little triangle got moist and itchy. She wondered what he’d do if she reached out and grabbed his prick.

  Clint gave a final nonchalant shake to his head, eyeing Judy’s exquisite body with more interest. “Hey! Judy, aren’t we going a little too far, what if you get into trouble, you are not protected?” he said reluctantly.

  “Do you always worry about such trifle matters when you sleep with other women/” she asked him.

  “But you’re not just a woman I happen to bed with, you’re special to me.” He said.

  “I’m not, I don’t need to, and in a couple of day’s time I’m due to get my monthly cycle!” she said indignantly.

  Clint shrugged, still keeping his cool as Judy gathered his hands and led him to her bed. “If you want to go ahead. I don’t mind.” He said.

  Clint didn’t really believe it until Judy dropped to her knees and grabbed his stiff penis, stroking it with a pleased look. She didn’t really have to make it hard as it was hard already.

  “Ooooohh, it’s nice!” she cooed happily, admiring the rosy look of it, and perfection of the point at the end. A thin blue vein wriggled the length of the shaft. It looked sweet and pretty and cuddly. She squinted underneath and noticed his testicles were equally, nice, rosy pink and delicately ridged with a faint fizzing of hair.

  Clint’s knees trembled with excitement. He shuffled his feet farther apart for balance, and hoped desperately he’d get a good hard-on. He couldn’t let this girl see him as anything but manly.

  “Gee whiz!” she said in an awed voice. “You really do have a big one, Clint!” She was overcome with actually seeing it come erect and alive.

  Both of them were making rapid mental reassessments of the situation, each other, and the possibilities. Clint wondered how far he dared to go with this girl, because it wasn’t the first time and he didn’t know how she felt about things.

  Judy, the daredevil-yet practical female, had leaped beyond him. A really marvelous idea had popped into her mind, but would he? Or would he turn her down, for mysterious reasons she couldn’t understand? Her little muff creamed heavily at the thought, her juices dripping down her thighs.

  Nothing ventured, nothing gained. She opened her mouth as wide as it would go and sucked his hard prick juicily. It felt so good, ticklish on her tongue. Moist at the end, where a faint secretion leaked out. It was warm and yummy, and it seemed to swell right inside her mouth! She sucked noisily, even while Clint bent his knees and collapsed on the bed next to her.

  Clint sank down next to her, moaning with joy of the hot wet pressure around his stiff dick. “You are really something, Judy,” he marveled. He was so thrilled; he wanted to do the same for her. Switching his body around, he leaned up on an elbow and parted her pretty tanned thighs. He slurped his tongue wetly over Judy’s pink labia. Her juices tingled pleasantly on his tongue.

  He found the soft triangle of her clitoris and fastened his lips around it. It wasn’t really red, just a pretty pink. It swelled fatly as he licked it.

  Judy was ecstatic. The more he ate her, the more she wanted to eat him. The more frequently he ran his tongue over her clitoris, the more she sucked and ran her tongue over the scarlet knob. When she couldn’t stand it anymore because the pleasure of her orgasms were so great, she stopped sucking him and then he would stop, too.

  “Golly, Clint, isn’t this fun? She gasped during one brief interval of catching her breath. “How do you like my treat,” she asked him.

  “Couldn’t be better.” He told her in fascination as he watched a flush over her pouting nipples and flat belly and her boobs vibrated with her spasms.

  “Clint?” She rose up on an elbow. “Do you ever regret not having screwed this woman, Barbara?” she asked.

  “Screwed Barbara, you mean?” He thought of lying, and decided not to. “No. I haven’t”

  “Well, why not?” Judy asked.

  “Hhhmmmm. I don’t know. Do you think I could?” The idea was certainly attractive, but I was a bit scared.

  “Sure you could have. Why not?” Then she looked at his erect organ and giggled. “Okay, Clint, let’s screw.” Her breath came with a whistle and her eyes were glazing with lust. She turned over, crouching on elbows and knees, her exotic body swaying. Her succulent boobs poked out from her chest, their nipples pinkly pouting.

  He stared at her for a second, confused at what she was doing. He had at least a small bit of knowledge of human sexuality. But he didn’t think he could cope with that. Looking between the girl’s legs, he could see her pussy but the angle looked slightly impossible.

  “Not that way, honey,” he said kindly. Repositioning her on her back, he started to explain. “This is the way most people….oh, hell. I’ll show you.” He couldn’t go into any long explanation with his dick swaying in front of him, bobbing up against his belly.

  Judy didn’t care, as long as they did it they could be standing on their heads. She stretched her legs wide, while he squatted in between them. Clint placed the scarlet knob of his prick in what he hoped was the right position. Then with a smile he swung the girl’s legs up on his shoulders. He’d fit in much better that way.

  “Oh, Clint, are we really going to do it?” she sighed happily.

  “We sure as hell are,” he answered, hoping to make it come true.

  “Come on, Clint, do it! Put your dick inside me!” Judy said impatiently.

  “I’m doing it, I’m doing it!” He had it poised at the right spot and hunched forward. The round knob plowed in a short distance and stopped smack up against a mysterious barrier.

  “My God! Judy, you are tight as a virgin.” He was shivering with excitement. He wanted to let her continue to be one. Even though she was not. Only, his prick was so hot and tight inside her. “I’ll have to plow deep, Judy.” He warned her.

  “Yeah, I know, so do it,” she urged. “You push down, Clint, and I’ll push back. Ready? One, two, three….Go!”

  Clint rammed forward with all his erotic strength, even though it squeezed and pinched his prick. At the same time Judy slammed her pussy forward, using her whole body, twisting the bed sheet with her hands for purchase. Something gave way.

  “Oowwww!” Judy moaned. A quick, sharp pain stabbed through her. To Clint it was the release from pain, and a sudden burst of pleasure. He rolled his eyes skyward, savoring the way his prick was deliciously buried in her hot, tight, wet pussy passage.

  Judy made a face and gritted her teeth. But the pain only lasted a second and she began to feel the glow from her bunny spreading out through her. Even her fingers and toes tingled with the novel pleasure. She could feel her narrow sheath relax around his hot flesh, and the profusion of juices oiling his way.

  “Wow, It feels good already,” she sighed. “Doesn’t it, Clint? Doesn’t it feel great?”

  “Sure does,” he laughed. He’d never felt better in his life.

  Clint began to move experimentally, jabbing her with his stiff prick in the yielding sides of her vagina. Then he settled down into a straightaway pumping motion, more or less evenly tempered. Judy was working hard, he saw….too hard. Her white teeth were clamped onto her lower lip, and her face looked serious and involved. But she picked up his movement, smacking back at him, her strong young back sending her surging forward so her clitoris made delicious contact with his pelvic bone. Then her mouth loosened and a wide happy smile crept over it.

  “I could go on doing this all night,” she said dreamily, and Clint laughed because that was what she said about everything. For a girl friend, she was all right. But she’d just about drained him and he knew it’d be a while before he could get his prick up again.

  Judy plopped down beside him, digging her fingers in his head, as Clint said. “This is the best treat I ever, ever had.”

  Judy yawn
ed. “It’s getting chilly,” she admitted. “But Clint, we can do this again, can’t we?”

  “But you are the one who said that this should be the last time we screwed.” He said.

  “That is because I was getting wet down where it mattered.” She protested.

  “Yes,” he interrupted. He pulled on his shirt and began to hunt for his pants. “You don’t regret your submission, do you Judy?”

  “No I don’t regret it; I could never regret meeting you, my love.” Judy declared.

  “Hang on, honey, till we finish this crazy woman’s matter, I’ll make you the happiest girl in town.” Clint said in earnest.

  “I know, Clint, I’ll be waiting for that day.” Judy said as she snuggled close to him.

  Judy suddenly sat up in bed and said. “Hey! I got a bright idea, why not we pose as lovers to the outside world at least temporarily and I’m sure it would make this Barbara woman to come after us through jealousy.”

  “A bright idea, but a bit risky, I don’t want to jeapodise the life of my little girl” Clint told her.

  “You seem to forget one thing my dear, there’s no gain without pain. You don’t have to worry about Tina, because I’ll be there always by her side to protect her, even at the risk of my own life.” She told him in earnest.

  “Well, if you are so sure that you can flush this woman out into the open, why not we give it a try.”

  The Jealous Adversary.

  After Clint left her room Judy lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling. She listened to the quiet in the house and tried to concentrate on the little girl she’d been hired to protect. That was the problem, actually. She’d let Clint’s appeal distract her, when all she had to do was keep her mind on the job.

  It had been unprofessional to permit him to get her the way she had….especially when she’d been warned to expect that sort of thing from him. Movie stars thrived on adoring women; she’d known that for years.

  Thinking of the day’s events kept Judy awake for quite a long time. However much she tried to force herself to sleep she found it a vain attempt. There was something that disturbed her mind.

  Taking her robe, Judy went down the hall to Tina’s room to look in on her charge. A night-light cast a soft glow around the room. She went over to the bed and peered down at the girl’s angelic face. She was a precious child. What a tragedy that her safety was threatened simply because of her father’s fame.

  As she stared at the sleeping girl, she thought of her own childhood….her heartache in having a father who wouldn’t acknowledge her and love her like a daughter. While looking at Adam’s little girl brought tears to her eyes, and she turned to leave the room. But she only got as far as the door before stopping and looking back again.

  It took a while for Judy to fall asleep that night, but she finally did. Her dreams, which came immediately, were full of anxiety. She was thrashing about in her sleep when a hand shook her awake. She looked up into a face above her…a woman’s face with eyes as wide as her own. The sound in Judy’s throat fell just short of a scream.

  “Ma’am, ma’am!” came the breathless voice. “There is someone. I am very frightened.”

  Only then did Judy realize the face she was staring at was Jean’s. She lifted herself to her elbows. “Who? What are you saying?”

  “Outside,” the housekeeper said in an anxious whisper. “There is someone outside. I turned off my light. And outside my window I saw someone. I am very afraid. It is this Barbara. I am sure.”

  Judy threw back the covers and got out of bed. She picked up the 9mm pistol on the bedside table.

  “Oh, Jeeesus,” Jean intoned at the sight of the gun, crossing herself.

  Judy took the woman’s arm. “Did you see her clearly? Are you sure it was Barbara?”

  “Not her face, no. But who else could it be, ma’am?”

  “A burglar, I suppose. Don’t worry, Jean, I’ll take care of it,” She could feel the woman trembling. “I want you to go into Tina’s room and wait there while I check it out. If someone besides me comes in, start yelling at the top of your lungs.”

  “Yes, ma’am. That I can do.”

  Judy went to the telephone by the bed.

  “What you do now?” Jean asked.

  “I’m calling the police.”

  Jean crossed herself again and stole silently from the room. Judy dialed 911 and gave the dispatcher the address and a brief description of the problem. Then she went into the hallway. The house was dark. She wondered what time it was. She crept along the hall toward the master suite. She saw an antique grandfather clock and the time read somewhere around twelve-thirty. As she passed Tina’s room, Judy looked in and saw the housekeeper in the dim light, sitting on a chair next to the sleeping child. Her head was bowed, her hands were folded in her lap. She appeared to be praying.

  Just then she saw motion out of the corner of her eye. Her heart leaped. Turning quickly, she saw a figure outside, going past the window frame. She had only a glimpse…not enough to identify the nature of the apparition. Judy could feel her heart race. Her finger was nervously resting on the trigger guard of the gun.

  Whoever it was seemed to be circling the house methodically. Jean’s room was at the other end of the structure, near the kitchen. Judging by the direction of movement, the person had come around the front of the house and was progressing toward the rear.

  Fingering the gun, Judy slipped back along the hallway. A glance into Tina’s room told her Jean was still fervently engaged in prayer. Judy crept through the living room, catching a glimpse of the shadowy figure outside in the shrubs before it disappeared from sight.

  Next she entered Adam’s room, by the time she got to the bed, she could see it was still made. Apparently Adam had not slept on it. The stalker would be coming here if she had guessed right. Judy’s mouth was dry, her breathing staccato. She squeezed the handle of the gun and hid in the shadows.

  She saw movement in the foliage at the edge of the patio. Before the figure emerged, a loud buzzing sound broke the silence. Judy jumped.

  It was the sound of the intercom at the security gate. It was probably the police. She stole quickly to the entry hall, where the central control system was. Pushing the intercom, she heard the voice of a police officer.

  “There’s an intruder,” she said into the speaker. “A moment ago he was in the shrubs off the patio behind the house.”

  The officer acknowledged and Judy pushed the release button, activating the security gate. She hurried back toward Tina’s room. Entering the hall, she ran smack into someone in the darkness. She screamed.

  The figure recoiled. Instinctively Judy swung her gun hand, catching the intruder on the side of the head with the weapon. The figure collapsed at her feet.

  She jumped back, aiming the gun at the prone form. “Freeze!” she shouted. There was no movement, no sound apart from the pounding of her own heart. Keeping the gun aimed at the motionless heap, she backed to the doorway, searching the wall with one hand for the light switch. The room suddenly filled with harsh light.

  Judy squinted at the figure… a man. Taking a step forward, she took a look at his face. Her mouth sagged open. It was Clint Adam.

  “Oh, my God!” She knelt beside him, eyeing the stream of blood flowing across his temple and down his cheek. “Clint, I’m sorry! I had no idea it was you.”

  As she touched his face, he groaned. She heaved a sigh of relief. He groaned again and his eyelids fluttered. For a moment she thought she had killed him. Judy lifted his head onto her lap. She felt tears welling in her eyes.

  “Clint, please forgive me.”

  There was a sound at the doorway and she looked up to see a police officer, his gun drawn.

  “You all right, miss?”


  “That’s the intruder?”

  Judy nodded, biting her lip to keep from crying. “I thought he was an intruder. He isn’t. He lives here. This is his house.”

  The policeman hol
stered his weapon as the second officer joined him. “Who are you?” the first asked.

  “Judy Garret. I’m a P.I. Mr. Adam here hired me to provide security.”

  The officer smiled. “You certainly did that.” he knelt down to look at Adam’s head. “He took a good whack, Eddie,” the policeman said to his partner. “Better call for medical Assistance.”

  “That won’t be necessary officer; it’s just a scratch I can get my housekeeper to attend to it. But I know one thing for sure, that I’ve got a real woman to handle my security.”

  “I say amen to that.” the officer said. “How come you got bashed?”

  “Just as my housekeeper and Judy saw I too heard someone lurking in the dark so I slipped out of my room to investigate and saw a woman disappear into the dark side of the house, that was just when you buzzed, perhaps the intruder cold feet.” Adam informed the officers.

  The officer picked up the gun lying on the floor. “This what you hit him with?”

  She nodded, biting her lip.

  “You’re licensed?”


  “Don’t suppose you have an ID.”

  “In my room. Do you want me to get it?”

  “Well, no, forget it.”

  Adam was mumbling again, trying to lift his head. “Tina? Tina?”

  “You just relax, sir, your little girl is in safe hands, your housekeeper is with her, whenI looked in she told me she didn’t want her to be disturbed.”

  Adam was still feeling a bit groggy, he tried to focus on Judy. “You clobbered me?”

  She nodded. “I didn’t know it was you.”

  Adam smiled and said. “Remind me to announce my arrival with a fanfare, from now on.”

  Judy grimaced. “Why didn’t you use your key and come in the front door?”

  Adam winced. I was testing the security.”

  Judy shook her head. “I believe you know now that it works.”


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