Omega Protector: A M/M MPreg Non-Shifter Romance (Snow Falls Omegas Book 2)

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Omega Protector: A M/M MPreg Non-Shifter Romance (Snow Falls Omegas Book 2) Page 7

by Esme Beal

  I wrapped my lips around his tip and proceeded to coat his cock with my spit.


  He groaned my name. There was nothing more satisfying than hearing another man moan in ecstasy. Marshall’s voice was deep with a bit of a quiver as he tried to brace himself from the pleasure. He wasn’t hiding how good it felt.

  “That’s it,” he sighed. “Suck it…”

  I smacked my lips on his shaft. Sloppy sucks of my mouth on his taut flesh echoed through my apartment bedroom. Marshall was so big that I could suck him off and pump his shaft with a fist at the same time. But I wanted to have all of him.

  I lowered myself down and took his entire length into my mouth. His cock firmly planted in my throat, Marshall let out a deep, guttural groan.


  I didn’t care that the neighbors might hear us. I wanted to feel every inch of his cock. I choked on him until I was on the verge of passing out. Then I slid my mouth off of him so that I could finally catch my breath.

  “Come here.”

  He forcefully grabbed my arms and brought me back up to my feet. A sloppy kiss made me hard just the same as him. I worked my jeans down and free myself from the fabric restraining me. My cock wasn’t as big as his but damn if I wasn’t throbbing so hard.

  We took our shirts off and we were finally naked with one another. I took a moment to admire his hard body. Tan skin with tattoos in just the right places. The moonlight hit all of the lines and striations all over his physique. A strong body with muscles from his abs to his hairy, tattooed chest. I couldn’t remember ever being with an Alpha as physically imposing as Marshall.

  “I want you, Omega…”

  He whispered the words but he didn’t have to say anything for me to obey.

  I crawled back onto the bed, my eyes locked on his. I bit my bottom lip to try and hide my smile. The giddy anticipation in my stomach had me so excited that my asshole was dripping wet.

  I gasped when he grabbed my waist and turned me around. He set me on all fours and got up right behind me. His strong hands grabbed my cheeks and spread me open. The lubrication dripped down the insides of my thighs.

  “Oh, God…”

  A moan escaped my lips just from how wet I was. I fumbled with one hand, my wits somehow still with me, and reached into my drawer for a condom. Marshall took it from me and ripped the foil in two. The crinkle of the wrapper was followed by the snap of latex on his shaft. I turned around to admire the sight of Marshall right behind me. A strong man like him, cock primed and ready for my asshole… It was like something out of a dream.


  He grunted as his tip hit my entrance. He slowly pushed himself inside of me, stretching my wet asshole. The lubrication was enough to make it easier for him to slide into me.

  “Oh… Wow…”

  Barely coherent words poured out of me as my jaw dropped. I gripped the sheets as every inch started to split me apart. My eyes shut tight and my jaw clenched, all I could do was remain bent over while he gave it to me.

  Marshall squeezed my waist and planted his cock firmly inside of me. He started slowly at first. Soft thumps to make sure that I was loose enough to accommodate his full-length.

  “Oh… Yes… Just like that…”

  I moaned to try to get him to give it to me. And he gave it to me.

  He grunted hard with every fast, forceful thrust. He slammed his cock into me, bouncing his hilt against my ass. The sound of our bodies clapping together joined the chorus of the mattress squeaking to our rhythm. Now I was sure that my neighbors could hear us but I didn’t care.

  “Keep going… Please… Don’t stop…”

  Marshall grunted even louder with every thrust. I slammed my ass back onto the base of his cock, desperate to feel every inch of him. My own cock was swollen to the point that I felt I was ready to burst.

  I couldn’t help myself. I reached down for my cock and let my face fall against my mattress. Head down and ass up and presented for Marshall, I pumped my shaft and brought myself to the brink of my climax.

  “Oh… Ahh… Ahh…”

  I moaned in ecstasy, my mouth open wide. Stifled whimpers caught in my throat as I neared the edge. My balls were tight up against my body. Every muscle was beginning to throb. Marshall rubbed my walls with his thick, pulsing shaft and finally pushed me over.

  I held my breath for a moment before succumbing to my orgasm.


  I cried out, coming hard all over my mattress. The small spurts of seed spilled out of me. I used my cum to lubricate myself and make it easier for me to stroke my cock.

  “Spencer… Spencer… I…”

  He didn’t finish before his body suddenly seized up. His cock pulsed so hard inside of my asshole that my body shook along with him. Feeling a man as big and strong as Marshall come in my asshole was like nothing else. He held his dick inside of me and kept coming. I tightened around him and milked him for every last drop.

  We both lost ourselves until there was nothing left.

  I collapsed completely on my mattress. Marshall fell next to me. I reached down and pulled the latex off of him, tossing the used condom into a nearby wastebasket. It was the last ounce of strength I had. I couldn’t move if I wanted to.

  Bodies sweaty. Breathing hard. Hearts racing. Marshall and I were two men who pushed one another to the brink.

  But as my thoughts started to clear, I knew this moment with him was only fleeting. Marshall must’ve sensed it because he kissed me softly on the cheek and forced my eyes open.

  I turned my head and looked at him.

  “Tomorrow,” he said. “They’ll get what’s coming to them. We’ll save Amy—”

  “I know,” I said as I ran a hand over his cheek. “I trust you. I believe in you.”

  There were only a couple of days until Ashton would be forced to pay the ransom. But the Bleeding Hearts wouldn’t have that long. Their time was up.

  Chapter 10


  The stress was getting to me to the point that I couldn’t focus on anything but Amy. It tore me up inside that there was nothing I could do and I had to take a break. Even with Marshall by my side, I spent a restless night trying to get as much rest as I could.

  It didn’t work.

  I leaned back in my seat and put my fist over my mouth to cover my yawn.

  “Rough night?”

  Marshall hid his smile behind a bite of his hamburger. I scoffed at him and rolled my eyes.

  “Keep your ego in check,” I said. “You know what’s important to me right now.”

  Amy’s situation was enough of a distraction that the awkwardness of having breakfast with a man I just spent the night with was only passing.

  “I don’t know how hard it is for you,” he said. “But I think I understand. After spending time with those kids at the shelter, it’s easy to get attached to them.”

  “It’s not just about how attached I am to Amy. It’s just about doing what’s right.”

  I looked out the window of the restaurant and onto the streets. I shook my head as all of the wrong kinds of thoughts started to run around in my head.

  “She’s out there,” I said. “And the guys responsible for it are out there, too. We can’t waste any more time. We have to do it now.”

  “Tracking down a rogue motorcycle club is a lot easier said than done.”

  “Are you giving up?”

  “You know I’m not saying that. But letting the frustration eat you up inside isn’t gonna help. All it will do is distract you from the focus you need to have. Ashton was right.”

  “About what?”

  “That the Bleeding Hearts are aware that someone is looking for them. We can’t be reckless. It puts you in danger. It puts Amy in danger. We have to keep our emotions in check.”

  “I’m fine,” I sighed. “I’m just fine.”

  “It’s gonna be a long day. You’ll need your energy.”

sp; I looked down at the food on the table. A hamburger with all the fixings along with a generous serving of fries. I couldn’t deny how hungry I was. My appetite got the best of me.

  The burger made my mouth water when I bit into it. The way Marshall watched me when I ate was funny in a way. He smiled then took another bite of his own food.

  “Burgers for breakfast,” I said. “That’s not something I usually have.”

  “Food is food. I think working at a shelter, you would understand that.”

  “I do. Burgers are pretty heavy though. I guess that’s the difference between you and me. Having this thing sloshing around my stomach for the rest of the day isn’t what I pictured to start the day the right way.”

  Marshall put his burger down and leaned back in his seat.

  “Back when I was doing special ops training, they pushed us through the worst kind of conditions,” he said. “They wouldn’t feed us much. They didn’t give us much sleep and when they did, we had to do it standing in a hole we dug ourselves out in the open.”

  “Wait… You slept in a hole?”

  “Surrounded by dirt. When it rained, the mud got all over us. They’d flash lights on us but we were all too tired to react to it. Then they’d pick us up and throw us some weapons and expect us to perform.”

  “How’d you do?”

  “It’s strange… You’re tired. You’re hungry. You’re thirsty. There were times when I just wanted to give up. But I kept pushing myself. Somewhere, deep inside of me, there was… something that made me keep going. I eventually got used to it.”

  Marshall wasn’t blinking, his eyes lost in whatever memory he had.

  “It must be nice not to have to go through that training anymore.”

  “They put us through the worst conditions. They tested us. They pushed us to the brink to see how we would react. A lot of guys failed. I was one of the few who made it through. I’ll never have to go through anything that rough again.”

  He looked back at me. Seeing the smile on his face was a relief.

  “I know what it’s like to be at the bottom,” he said. “I know what it’s like when you’re searching for something, anything, to push you up over that edge. I was starving so much that even just a bite of food was enough to energize me for hours. This…”

  He held his half-eaten hamburger up and examined it.

  “…This is a luxury. I know it is. But if we’re gonna do this, we’re gonna need every edge we can get.”

  “I’ve never been more motivated to eat a hamburger in my life.”

  Marshall winked at me and took a heaping bite of his burger. It was nice just being with him even though there was so much weighing on my mind. Our breakfast wouldn’t last much longer, so I figured I would enjoy it for as long as I could.

  “You look like you can still handle yourself,” I said. “Why did you decide to retire?”

  He didn’t answer me immediately, choosing to stuff his face with another bite instead. I thought maybe I’d hit a sore spot but the smile reappeared on his lips.

  “You can’t make much of a living constantly going out on tour,” he said. “I take a lot of pride in what I did. I’m proud of the men and women I served with. I accomplished a lot. But the reality is retiring was what was best for me. Opportunities from multi-millionaires like Ashton Webb wouldn’t have come my way if I hadn’t retired.”

  “You’re still young. What are you? Thirty?”


  “Even younger than I thought. Just a couple of years older than me.”

  “It might seem like a young age but I’ve learned a lot in my years. I’m sure you feel the same way.”

  “Yeah… I’m sure we’ve both learned a lot.”

  Marshall had a way about him that was unlike any man I’d ever seen. His facial hair was getting thicker but he wasn’t in need of a shave. His dark hair was a little messy. But I wouldn’t have had him any other way. Him being more presentable wouldn’t have added to the compassion I knew was inside of him. I could already see it in his eyes.

  He quickly finished his burger before I was even halfway through mine. He even started polishing off some of the fries on my plate because he’d eaten his so quickly.

  “All right,” I said. “We know it’s the Bleeding Hearts who are responsible for this. Now all we have to do is locate them and take care of ‘em.”

  “Easier said than done.”

  “You’re right. But I’m sure you’ve got something planned, don’t you? You didn’t just talk to Ashton about nothing.”

  He raised his eyebrows at me.

  “I know Ashton,” I said with a laugh. “He doesn’t talk to anybody without trying to get his point across.”

  “Right… Well, since the police don’t have anything on the Hearts and it’ll be too late before we get any information on them outside of Snow Falls, our only option is to try some other way to find out more about them.”

  “I can’t imagine that there’ll be anybody willing to talk to us. After what happened at the Croc Pit last time…”

  “Not the Croc Pit,” he said. “We’ll go back to Tsunami.”

  “Tsunami? What’s there?”

  As soon as I said it, it hit me.

  “No,” I said as I shook my head. “You can’t trust that guy—”

  “Cyan is my only lead at this point. I doubt he has any ties to the Hearts. If I’m thinking this thing right, he’ll be eager to get the Hearts off the streets. Cops are on edge because of the abduction. Once the Hearts are done with, the heat will die down on every biker gang in Snow Falls. It’s our best shot. Unless you have a better idea.”

  He waited for my response. I sighed because I didn’t have anything.

  I took another bite of my burger and set the rest of it down on my plate.

  “What’s wrong?” he said. “You don’t like it.”

  “I like it just fine. I’m just full. I don’t have the appetite of an Alpha—”

  Before I finished, he picked my burger up from my plate and started chewing on it.

  “If you wanted it so bad, I could’ve fed it to you,” I said.

  “There’s no point in letting food go to waste. But the thought of you feeding me does seem… interesting.”

  “Interesting indeed. I think I’d prefer to feed you something more appropriate than a half-eaten hamburger.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like, I don’t know… Maybe some fresh fruit… Grapes or strawberries… Something sweet like some ice cream with whipped cream on top… Then there’s…”

  Marshall had stopped paying attention to me. He put his hamburger down and looked out the window of the restaurant over my shoulder. He looked like he’d seen a ghost.

  “What?” I said. “What is it—”

  “Pay the bill. We have to go. Now.”


  He jumped out of his seat without another word and stormed out of the restaurant. I sighed as the waiter collected my money from me.

  “Keep the change,” I said.

  I rushed out of the restaurant and immediately saw what had alarmed Marshall.

  Five bikers were all gathered around Marshall’s bike. Each one of them was wearing a similar-looking leather vest with the patch that was burned into my memory.

  That guy…

  I recognized him immediately. The one from the Croc Pit who’d gone running off. He stared at me with the kind of sinister intent that would make anybody feel uncomfortable.

  “Well, well, well,” one of the bikers said. “It looks like we finally found you.”

  “Who are you?” Marshall said.

  “Oh, I think you know who I am. You know exactly who I am.”

  “Bleeding Hearts,” I muttered.

  “Bleeding Hearts,” the man said. “Apparently, somebody has been looking for us.”

  “You son of a bitch!”

  I rushed forward but Marshall grabbed me.

  “Not now,” he sai
d. “You can’t.”

  “But he’s the one who took Amy! Let me go! I’ll kill him myself!”


  Marshall calmed me enough that I stopped struggling to break free from him.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” the man said. “To accuse me of taking someone… Most men would be offended by that kind of slander.”

  He smirked at me, stroking the dark hairs of his beard through his fingertips. He looked just like every other biker in his club. Long, black hair that needed a wash. A dirty face that was covered in grease like he’d been working on his bike. All of the dust on his denim and vest looked like he’d been on the road for a long time. All indications that he’d come a long way to get to Snow Falls.

  “You’re not going to get your ransom,” Marshall said. “Give us the girl and you can go on your way. This is your only chance of making it out of this alive.”

  “Ransom?” the lead biker said. “Girl? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Then what are you doing here?” I said. “Are you here to threaten us?”

  “I’m not here to threaten anybody. The truth is, I heard a rumor that someone was looking for us. After news of what happened at the Croc Pit, my friend here spotted you. Took note of your plates. It wasn’t hard to spot a nice ride like yours though.”

  He took a step toward Marshall and looked him right in the eye.

  “This is your last chance,” Marshall said.

  “How many times must I tell you that I have no idea what you’re talking about? You go on your way. I don’t take kindly to having one of my men being followed.”

  Marshall and the man were staring so hard at one another that I knew it was only a matter of time before one of them took a swing. Even with me there, we were still outnumbered.

  They knew where Amy was though. Nothing would stop me from getting the information out of them.

  “First warning,” the man said as he started to back away. “I can promise you the second one won’t be as pleasant.”

  He got on his bike and the rest of his gang did the same, their eyes locked on Marshall the entire time.


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