Omega Protector: A M/M MPreg Non-Shifter Romance (Snow Falls Omegas Book 2)

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Omega Protector: A M/M MPreg Non-Shifter Romance (Snow Falls Omegas Book 2) Page 16

by Esme Beal

  “I know. I just explained it to Noah. You don’t have to explain it to me. That’s just who you are.”

  “As long as Hudson is out there, you’ll never be completely safe. Even with as much money as Ashton paid, even as much money as Ashton himself has… It’s not enough if Hudson is in hiding, waiting to strike.”

  “You’re right. I understand. But… it would be nice if you could relax a little bit. Not for my sake but for yours.”

  I put my hand up to his cheek and brushed my fingers against his skin. Just touching him reminded me of how special he was to me.

  “You don’t always have to be looking out for me,” I said. “You don’t always have to be my protector. Here at the shelter… This is a place of love… That’s all it should be.”

  “I know. You have me now. You have my body. You have my thoughts. You have all of my focus. I promise.”

  He cupped my face in his hands and gave me a kiss. Just looking into his eyes was enough for me to believe him. The same sincere man I’d fallen for was still there inside of him.

  “Come on,” he said. “Let’s go open some presents…”

  His words trailed off.


  I looked up at him but his stare was focused on the street. He looked into the distance like he was lost.

  “Marshall, what’s wrong?”

  “Do you hear that?”

  “Hear what?”

  “It sounds like…”

  Before he could finish, I heard it. The unmistakable growl of engines. It was empty in this part of Snow Falls, so the sound was clear. I looked down the street and listened to the sound grow so loud that it drowned out everything else. And then I saw them.

  Four bikers headed right toward us. Matching leather vests. Even from this distance, I could never mistake the way Hudson looked.

  “Stay back.”

  Marshall put his arm over me and forced me to take a step back.

  The bikes pulled up right to the curb in front of us. Hudson hopped off of his ride, flanked by the three men with him from just a few nights ago.

  “You know, for an ex-military mercenary, you’re pretty sloppy,” Hudson said. “It didn’t take much effort to find you at the restaurant. It was even easier to find you here at the shelter.”

  “I’m not hiding,” Marshall replied. “I’m right here for anybody to find.”

  “Good. I respect someone who faces his challenges like an Alpha.”

  “I wasn’t the one who ran away last time.”

  Marshall’s jaw tensed. His brow furrowed, he wasn’t blinking as he stared hard at Hudson. Both of his fists were balled that I feared he could explode at any moment. With three other bikers there, I worried that it would be too much for even Marshall to handle.

  Hudson looked back with a smirk on his lips.

  “There’s no need to insult me,” Hudson said. “I’m here for your sake.”

  “My sake?” Marshall said. “What could you possibly do for me?”

  “I’m here to bargain with you.”

  “Bargain? There’s no bargain.”

  “But there is. You see, as long as I’m around Snow Falls, you… and the people you care about will never be safe.”

  Hudson looked at me. His face was enough to make me sick to my stomach.

  “You stick around Snow Falls long enough and you’ll never be safe,” Marshall said.

  “I don’t intend on sticking around this city for much longer. That’s why I’m making you an offer.”

  “I’m not interested in any offer you have.”

  “But you haven’t heard it. You see, I never collected my ransom when we took the little girl. It was a risky operation, especially when that rich asshole got involved. Two of my men got shot and another two got pinched. Acceptable losses. Easily replaceable. But I still want my money.”

  “It was never your money to begin with.”

  “You don’t understand. I’m doing this for you, my friend. Give me half of the original ransom and I’ll be on my way. You’ll never have to worry about me again.”

  Marshall scoffed and shook his head.

  “Why would I do something like that?” he said.

  “Because… if you don’t… You’ll regret it.”

  “Here’s my offer. Get out of Snow Falls before you piss me off even more than I already am. That’s a fair offer, considering you’re seconds away from getting dropped right where you stand.”

  The tension was getting thick between the two men. My stomach twisted into knots. I was desperately waiting for this to come to an end.

  Hudson put his hands on his hips and sighed a deep breath. He shook his head and smiled up at Marshall.

  “I was afraid it’d come to this,” he said. “Oh, well… Drastic situations call for drastic measures—”

  Without warning, he took a swing at Marshall. But Marshall’s reflexes were too good that he managed to move out of the way.


  I yelled out just as Marshall tried to strike back. Hudson’s men were ready. The other Hearts converged on Marshall and pinned him to the ground.


  I was cut off by a sudden, stinging hard smack against my face.

  “Shut up!” Hudson yelled.

  The slap was so hard that it sent me into a daze. I lost my balance but Hudson grabbed me to keep me on my feet.


  I muttered the words as best as I could as my strength started to leave me.

  “Come on,” Hudson said. “You and I are going for a ride.”

  He dragged me onto his bike and held me tight. I started to feel myself move as Hudson drove away.

  My thoughts were too cloudy. I’d lost all of my strength and I could barely move.

  The last thing I saw was Marshall continuing to struggle on the ground before he eventually disappeared in the distance.

  Chapter 23


  Spencer’s cries for help rang in my ears from a distance until they disappeared. But I could still hear them in my thoughts.

  I can’t… No…

  “Stop struggling, asshole,” one of the men said. “Don’t make us do anything you’ll regret.”

  They had me pinned down, my arms at my sides.

  The man on top of me looked right in my face.

  “I’ve got a message. For you. For Webb. Whoever. Give us our money or you’ll never see the Omega again, you understand?”

  No… I’ll get to you, Spencer. I won’t let them get away with this.

  “Hey, you listening to me?” he shouted.

  “Yeah, I’m listening,” I said. “I’m listening to you just fine.”

  I gritted my teeth and shut my eyes.

  Now or never.

  I channeled as much energy as I could inside of me. I’d need every ounce of strength if I was gonna get to Spencer. Every second that went by was a second too long.

  “Good,” the man said. “Get our money quick—”

  I roared as I used all my strength to push the two men off of me. The third man stumbled back and pointed at me.

  “Get him!”

  I bounced up to my feet and shut him up for good with a hard right hand. The other two men tried to converge on me but now they weren’t behind me. I could see everything they were trying to do.

  I moved out of the way just as they charged at me. Then I grabbed one of them and slammed him down into the pavement.


  He swung at me and caught me right in the stomach. He got me good but not enough to take me off my feet. It was all the time I needed to grab him by the collar and slam my knee into his gut. He crumpled down to the ground in a heap, wheezing for breath.

  I stood up straight and looked around. There was no sign of Hudson or his bike. Spencer was nowhere to be found either. I pressed down any fear that was building inside of me and regained my focus.

  I turned to the one man still consci
ous and pulled him up by his shirt.

  “Where is he?” I said. “Where’s Hudson?”

  “I’m not telling you anything—”

  I slammed another knee into his stomach and held him up.

  “Where is he?” I said again.

  “I… I can’t tell you… If I tell you, Hudson will kill me.”

  “And what do you think I’m gonna do to you?”


  I turned and saw Ashton standing at the entrance.

  “What’s going on?”

  “It’s Hudson,” I replied. “He took Spencer.”

  “He took Spencer?”

  “There’s no time,” I said, turning my attention to the man slipping away in my grip. “Tell me now or else.”

  “I can’t—”

  Another hard knee to the stomach had him whimpering.

  “The docks,” he gasped. “He’s at the docks. West Bay. The same place he said he was keeping that girl. Please… That’s all I know.”

  I released him from my grip and he collapsed to the ground.

  I moved over to my bike and got onto it.

  “Marshall,” Ashton said.

  “Get the cops and have these men locked up before I do something even worse to them,” I said.

  “I can get the cops over to the West Bay. They’ll get to Spencer. They can save him. You don’t have to do this yourself.”

  “What are you saying?” I said as I shook my head.

  “I’m saying you’re not the only one who has to deal with Hudson.”

  I was running out of time.

  “You don’t have to do this, Marshall.”

  “What if it was Noah? What if Hudson took your Omega, the man you were meant to be with? Would you just sit and wait for the cops to do something? Or would you handle it yourself?”

  Ashton sighed a deep breath through his nose and nodded.

  “I won’t stop you,” he said. “I know I can’t. But the cops are on their way there. If you plan on doing anything, finish it before they get there.”

  I gave him a nod and revved my engine. I sped down the street. I weaved through the traffic, ignoring everybody honking at me. The speed limit didn’t matter. The red lights didn’t matter.

  I’m coming, Spencer. Just hold on…

  I remembered the address Cyan had given me. I didn’t know where it was exactly. I just had to keep following the roads and signs until I got to where I needed to go.

  Despite how fast I was moving, it still felt like an eternity before all of the people and traffic started to disappear around me. I was on the right street. I kept moving, my eyes wide until I saw Hudson’s bike. It was parked along the side of the curb but there was no sign of Hudson or Spencer.

  “Hey, Alpha!”

  His voice was too familiar for me to forget.

  “Over here!”

  I looked down the street in the distance. Hudson stood in the middle of the road with Spencer in his arms. I rode closer to them, my eyes locked on Spencer to make sure that he was all right. His eyes were open, filled with the kind of fear you’d have if a man like Hudson had you in his grip.

  “Let him go!” I shouted.

  “Why didn’t you just accept the deal?”

  “You should’ve left when you had the chance, Hudson. Now you’re not getting away.”

  “I got away last time. What makes you think I won’t get away this time?”

  I got off my bike and took a step toward him.

  “All right, all right, all right,” Hudson said. “You can have the Omega. Just… Just let me walk away…”

  “It’s too late for that. You could’ve done anything you wanted. But when you put a finger on Spencer, you just signed the only deal we’re ever gonna make.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “You’re not walking out of Snow Falls.”


  Spencer’s voice trembled as he said it. Despite how much I wanted to put an end to Hudson for good, Spencer was more important than anything else. I couldn’t let my anger or frustration get the better of me.

  “Let him go,” I said. “Let him go and I’ll give you a chance.”

  “You’re not gonna just let me walk away,” Hudson replied.

  “I will. Leave Spencer out of this. This is between you and me. You beat me, you can leave.”

  “…You’re bluffing.”

  “No,” I said as I shook my head. “I mean it. Beat me again, and you’re free.”

  Hudson gritted his teeth, his brow furrowed with anger.

  “The cops are on their way,” I said. “They’re ready to chase you through Snow Falls until they catch you. This is your only chance.”


  He pushed Spencer forward. I caught him in my arms and held him tight. I looked into his eyes to make sure that he was still with me.

  “Are you all right?” I said.

  “I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. Hudson…”

  “I know. I’ll put an end to this. Once and for all.”

  I looked up at Hudson. He held his hands out to me.

  “All right, Alpha. I kicked your ass before. I’ll kick your ass again!”

  “Stay back,” I said to Spencer.

  I marched forward to meet Hudson. He raised his fists up and swung at me. I moved out of the way and hammered him right across his cheek. I punched him so hard that he stumbled back. But it wasn’t enough to knock him off of his feet.

  He roared as he ran back toward me. He wrapped his arms around me and we both tumbled to the ground. I struggled with him, trying to put my hands on him.

  “Come on, Marshall!”

  Spencer cheered me on. It was like we were the only people in Snow Falls.

  I have to finish this. For Spencer. For our child.

  I got on top of Hudson and put a fist right to his face. I opened up a cut on his eye and bruised his cheek. Another punch made his eyes roll back.

  “Not like last time,” I grunted.

  “No… Exactly like last time.”

  Hudson pulled out a blade. The sun shining off the metal blinded me for just a second.

  Watch out!

  Just as he swung it at me, I rolled off of him. I jumped back up to my feet. His face bloody and bruised, Hudson stared at me with a determination that would’ve frightened anybody else.

  “Big mistake,” he said as he pointed his knife at me. “I never lose when I’ve got my friend here.”

  He charged at me with his knife.

  Stay focused…

  Just before he reached me, I caught his arm and forced his hand down. I gripped his wrist and used my other hand to grab Hudson by the throat.

  “It’s over, Hudson.”

  With all my strength, I forced his hand down and the blade down into his leg. He squealed in pain and immediately became limp in my grip. I let him go as he collapsed onto the pavement in a heap.

  Hudson writhed in pain. He grabbed at the knife but I pulled it out for him. I knew exactly how he felt though. It hurt so bad that I knew there was nothing else he could do.


  Spencer ran up and put his arms around me. I let out a sigh of relief, knowing that it was over.

  “Are you all right—”

  “I’m fine,” I said. “It’s over.”


  He was still in so much pain that he wasn’t paying any attention to Spencer or me.

  “I can end this for good,” I said. “I can put Hudson out of his misery and we’ll never have to worry about him again.”

  I looked into Spencer’s eyes. That innocence I saw was still there. I saw more in him though. I could see my child’s eyes deep inside of Spencer.

  “Is that something you’re going to do?” Spencer said. “Are you really going to…”

  I’m a father now… That’s all I am…

  “…No,” I said, shaking my head.

  Ashton was true to his word. The
police sirens filled the air and squad cars surrounded us. They circled Hudson and took him away while he continued to scream in agony.

  Ashton stepped out of one of the police cars and walked up to me.

  “We’re fine,” Spencer said before he could speak.

  “Are you sure?” Ashton said.

  I gave him a nod and he smiled in response.

  “Okay,” he said. “The cops took care of Hudson’s latest gang.”

  “With Hudson himself getting locked up, I don’t think there’s anything more we need to worry about,” I said.

  I looked at Spencer and finally smiled.

  “Right now, all I want to do is get back to that baby shower,” I said. “It’s time to open some presents.”

  Chapter 24


  I couldn’t help but smile as I held it up.

  “You shouldn’t have,” I said. “How much did you spend on everything?

  “It didn’t cost that much,” Noah replied. “I mean, I convinced Ashton to splurge a little bit. It’s not often you get to celebrate something like this.”

  “It’s perfect.”

  I sighed and set the onesie down along with all of the other presents I’d opened up. Diapers. Bottles. Toys. Most of it was courtesy of Noah and his generous Alpha.

  “Thank you,” I said. “For everything.”

  “It’ll work whether your baby’s a boy or a girl. What do you think?”

  Noah playfully poked at my stomach with an index finger. I couldn’t help but chuckle from the feeling.

  “I don’t know,” I said. “It doesn’t matter though. I’ll love them either way.”

  “Of course you will.”

  The small crowd gathered around me was all smiles. The younger children were even more enthusiastic. Just the sight of someone opening presents was enough to put a smile on their faces. But to me, seeing them was just another reminder of how grateful I was. I looked at all of them and knew that today might’ve been about me but the rest of my time volunteering at the shelter was focused on making sure everybody was all right.

  “All right everybody!” Eunice announced to the room. “There’s still a lot of dessert left over. Who wants some cake?”

  Everybody cheered as they raced out of the room and back into the dining hall.


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