Dreamspinner Press Year Nine Greatest Hits

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Dreamspinner Press Year Nine Greatest Hits Page 38

by Michael Murphy

  “So strong.” So amazing.

  “Thank you, darling. This is why I work out.” Tide winked.

  Just for him. Wasn’t that a lovely thought?

  “You ready?” Tide began to let him down, the thick cock pushing at his hole.

  “Yes. Yes, please. So much.” Lance bore down, taking the swollen tip in. It opened him up, forcing him to make room.

  Tide’s deep, low moan sent a shiver up his spine. “Ride me, boy. I want to sink into your sweet ass.” Tide’s fingers were tight around his hips, but not forcing him to move, waiting for him to take the initiative.

  He pushed down, taking as much as he could, his body on fire.

  “So fucking tight. So good, Lance.”

  “Yes.” He pulled up, pushed back down again.

  “Fuck!” Tide pressed their foreheads together, panting.

  “Uh-huh.” Lance squeezed, his body tightening.

  “You’re amazing. A joy.”

  Lance smiled, but he wasn’t focused on Tide’s words. He was all about the spike of heat in his ass.

  Tide let him have at it, moaning and groaning for him, making him feel hot and powerful. His thighs began burning, the workout intense. Soon Tide was helping him, hands tight on his hips, fingers digging in as Tide raised him up and brought him down again.

  “Oh God. Tide. Please.”

  Tide grabbed his cock, squeezing tight. Lance arched, the touch enough to make his balls clench.

  “You’re allowed to come,” Tide told him, pinching the tip of his cock on the upstroke.

  The words still made him shake his head a bit. Allowed to. Then Tide shifted slightly and hit his gland.

  He cried out. “Tide!”

  “Fuck yeah. Right there.” Tide kept banging away at it, making him feel so much.

  His head dropped forward and he fought to breathe, to suck in air.

  “Come,” Tide growled, right at his ear.

  His entire body jerked, squeezed, and he shot hard. Just like that. Just because Tide had told him to.

  “Oh fuck, so tight.” Tide groaned and took a kiss, hips jerking the cock inside him.

  Lance panted, his legs shaking violently.

  “Fuck, you’re amazing.” Tide pressed a kiss to the top of his head.

  “Trying.” He was so trying.

  “You’re succeeding, my beautiful boy.”

  He leaned in, mouth against Tide’s throat. Tide wrapped his arms around Lance, holding on and keeping him up. Lance panted softly. This was his. His.

  Tide tilted his face up and took another kiss, tongue opening his mouth. It wasn’t until Bran moaned loudly that he remembered anyone else was there.

  “Easy, darling.” Tide rubbed his back. “We’re right here.”

  “Right here.” Okay.

  Tide held his gaze. His body clenched, squeezing tight.

  Tide groaned for him. “Oh God. Yes.”

  Lance nodded, moaned deeper in his chest. Tide stood and turned them, putting him on his back on the bench, still buried deep inside him. The heavy cock rocked and shifted inside him, so deep. And Tide began to move again, long, slow thrusts that promised to send him soaring.

  His body was never going to recover. He didn’t think he cared, either.

  Each new thrust came with another kiss. He was beginning to tremble, to shake, completely overwhelmed.

  “Come for me again,” Tide demanded, shifting and nailing his gland on the next thrust.

  “Tide….” His balls were going to fall off.

  “You still remember my name. Good.” Tide winked.

  Tyrone chuckled softly. “When will he start to call you master?”

  “When he’s ready.” Tide kept thrusting like they were all by themselves, like fucking him was all Tide cared about.

  “Shh.” He wanted them to be alone.

  Tide smiled at him. “That’s right, darling. It’s just you and me and this.” Tide’s next thrust was hard and sure, hitting his gland bang-on again.

  His legs drew up, a sharp cry escaping him. Tide kept pushing into him, kept sending him higher. That hard cock slammed into his gland, over and over, bashing it.

  “Come on. Let me feel you.” Tide squeezed the tip of his cock, pinching it. “Come!” Tide demanded.

  The spurts were weak, but he shot. The sensations started softly and moved through him in ever-growing waves. His world grayed out, faded. The pleasure followed him, though, creeping in around the edges.

  Tide’s kiss was sweet and slow. “Sweet baby boy. So good.”

  He barely noticed Tide pulling out of him, the strong arms wrapping around him, and the next thing he knew, Tide was picking him up, holding him in those strong arms.

  “Taking him to the showers, guys.”

  “I’ll leave some robes for you in the back room, Master.” Bran’s voice was soft, far away.

  “Thanks, boy. I owe you one.”

  Lance just closed his eyes and trusted Tide had him. It was what he needed right now.

  Chapter Thirteen

  TIDE WORKED out hard at the gym, trying to distract himself. Lance had gone home this morning, had work to do. He missed his lover, though. He missed Lance like he had a hole in him that was the size of his boy. His boy with his pierced nipples and his need and his hunger. It made Tide groan, just thinking about Lance.

  “Hey, man. How goes it?” Tyrone grabbed a set of twenty-fives and started warming up.

  Tide grinned at his best friend in all the world. “Pretty good. You?”

  “My boy’s all plugged and fetching doughnuts.”

  He had to chuckle at that image. “You’re good to that boy.”

  Tyrone always made sure Bran knew he was the center of Tyrone’s world. Tide wanted Lance to feel that, to know that he was the center of Tide’s world. And suddenly Tide wanted his boy. Now. Unreasonably.

  He shook himself. He didn’t need to be here working out; he could go find Lance and take his boy.

  “You done?” Tyrone asked, sounding surprised.

  “Yeah. I gotta go.”

  “God, new relationship energy is something else, isn’t it?”

  He gave Tyrone a wide grin. “Busted.” He didn’t even care. “It’s amazing. He’s amazing.”

  “You’re a sap.”

  He tossed Tyrone a finger. Tyrone stuck out his tongue and waggled it.

  “You’d better save that for your boy—I know your relationship energy is still pretty fucking hot.”

  “My boy is blistering.”

  “I believe that’s what I said.” Chuckling, he went and gave Tyrone a kiss on the top of his head. “Talk to you later.”

  “Love you, man. Holler.”

  He patted Tyrone on the back and headed for the showers. It didn’t take him long at all to shower and get dressed, and he was soon on the road to Lance’s place. He wasn’t ashamed to admit how much he wanted Lance, how much he needed.

  Going up to Lance’s apartment, he had a definite spring in his step and he knocked sharply on the door. Anticipation ran through him.

  It took a few seconds, but then the door opened, the chain on, Lance disheveled, pink-cheeked.

  “Hey, darling.” He smiled, thinking that his boy looked freshly fucked. Which made him frown, because he was the only one allowed to make Lance disheveled and pink-cheeked.

  “Hey. Let me get the chain.” It took Lance a second too long to slide the chain, open the door.

  He moved into the apartment, looking around suspiciously. There was a bottle of baby oil, a hand towel, and one of his images on the screen. And everything clicked into place.

  “Lance. Didn’t I say you couldn’t touch yourself?”

  “Huh? I was… working.”

  Tide let one of his eyebrows go up. “Working at polishing your pole.”

  “Weren’t you going to work out?” Lance asked.

  “I did. And then I missed you too much to be away a moment longer. And don’t try to change the subject.�

  Lance shook his head. “You want some coffee?”

  “Stop that and tell me what you were doing with the baby oil, hand towel, and my picture.”

  “I was looking at you. You’re amazing.”

  “Thank you. And…?” He was going to make Lance confess.

  “And… I needed to take care of myself so I could focus.”

  He was so pleased Lance had come clean about what he’d done. “I have to punish you, Lance. I was very clear about not touching yourself.”

  “You weren’t here! You weren’t even supposed to be here.”

  “You should have called me and asked for permission. That’s the rule. Besides, I imagine you’re going to get off on your punishment.”

  Lance loved getting spanked and was going to take to it as punishment like a duck took to water.

  “I… I was working.”

  “Working is not jacking off.” He kissed Lance, stopping any more protests.

  Lance moaned, pushed into him, begging for his touch again. He grabbed Lance’s ass, squeezing tightly as he dragged Lance even closer. Lance rolled his hips, pushed into his hands like the needy slut he was.

  He beat a little tattoo on Lance’s ass, his hands itching to spank his boy. Lance moaned, and shifted back and forth in his hands.

  “Come on. I’m going to put you over my lap and redden this gorgeous ass.” He moved them to Lance’s couch.

  “I was working….” Lance’s prick filled, so quickly.

  “And touching yourself and I’m flattered, but I made you a promise and I’m not going to go back on it.” Sitting, he slipped Lance’s glasses off and set them on the table, then he began undoing Lance’s pants. He wanted to watch the color come up on Lance’s ass. “Your cock is mine, boy. Mine.”

  He helped Lance get out of his pants, then tugged Lance down and laid him out on his lap. Eyeing Lance’s awesome ass, he groaned and began to rub it.

  “I need to work….”

  “You need to count each swat.” He felt around for Lance’s cock, grabbing it and setting it between his legs. He loved the way Lance fit, loved the heat, the swelling. Still, this would be better if he was naked, too and Lance’s cock was against his skin. He rolled his eyes at himself—he should have thought of that before he had Lance across his lap. “Just a second, darling.”

  Helping Lance up, he made short work of getting out of his clothes, then he sat again and tugged Lance back down across his legs. Now where was he? Oh yes, the punishment for Lance playing with his cock without permission.

  Groaning, Tide began to rub Lance’s sweet ass. “Ready, darling?”

  “No. No, I was working,” Lance insisted.

  “You were more than working.” He brought his hand down across Lance’s right ass cheek. He didn’t hold back. This was a punishment, after all. He alternated cheeks, hitting the left, then the right, then the left again. “I don’t hear counting or your safeword.” He held his breath, waiting to see which one it would be.


  “Good boy.” He brought his hand down again, a little harder.

  “Stop!” Lance’s cock jerked, painting precome on his inner thighs.

  Oh no, that wasn’t how this worked. Not only that, but he’d just reminded Lance about his safeword and his boy hadn’t used it. Tide smacked that bubble butt again.

  “It’s my cock! I just needed to focus!”

  “Every part of you is mine now and I said you couldn’t touch.” Tide continued the spanking, a wonderful burn beginning in his palm.

  “You weren’t here!” Lance fucked his thighs, humping harder, faster.

  “Then you have to go without.” He matched Lance’s rhythm, bringing his hand down every time Lance’s ass came back up.

  “No!” Lance grabbed Tide’s calf.

  “Next time you call me.” He brought his hand down harder.

  “Leave me alone!”

  “That was the problem, wasn’t it? I left you alone.”

  Lance’s fingers tightened, gripped his leg hard.

  “You can call me anytime, darling. Any time at all.” He kept the rhythm up, eager for Lance to come from this.

  “I don’t want to be clingy.” The words were soft, low.

  “Oh, Lance, don’t deny us what we both want because you think I’ll believe that.”

  “I want you.”

  “You’ve got me and I always want to be with you.” He caught the edge of Lance’s hole with his little finger when he brought his hand down again.

  Lance screamed, the sound wild and needy, heat spreading on his thighs. He gave Lance a last swat, letting his hand stay there on Lance’s burning hot ass. Lance sucked in a deep breath, then another before the tears started. Tide drew Lance up into his lap, holding his boy close and rocking them together. This was the important part, the release. The support. The connection they were forming.

  He found Lance’s mouth, licking his way into it. Lance moaned, the sound raw, raspy.

  “I’ve got you,” he whispered, holding his boy even closer.

  “Sorry.” Oh, good boy.

  “It’s okay. Next time you’ll know to call me.” He pressed their foreheads together then pulled back to gaze into Lance’s eyes. “Talking on the phone can be very sexy.”

  “You were working out.”

  “You don’t think I’d have dropped everything for a chance to talk to you?” Tide totally would have.

  Lance’s cheeks went bright red.

  “I would have. I will in the future.” He tapped Lance’s nose. “So call next time.”

  Lance nodded, and Tide brushed his fingers over Lance’s ass.

  “Yes, Sir,” Lance said immediately.

  “Good boy.” He tilted Lance’s face and took a kiss, spending time just exploring the taste of his boy.

  Lance moaned, the sound sweet, needy as they cuddled.

  “What were you doing that got you so worked up, darling?”

  “Looking at your photos. You’re so hot, you make me ache,” Lance admitted.

  “As much as you make me ache, hmm?”


  “You don’t think you make me need, make my balls ache and my cock hard?” Tide did need as badly as Lance. This was a two-way street.

  “I can’t be as cool as you.”

  “No, you’re hot.”

  Lance’s answer was a chuckle, a shrug.

  He growled. “You are. The hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  “I’m glad you think so.” Lance leaned into him, rested against his chest.

  “I do. I do more than think so—I know so.” He kissed the top of Lance’s head.

  He kept touching, stroking along the hot, swollen flesh of Lance’s ass. It was sexy as hell, the heat that he’d put there. He used his nails, scratching a bit, and loving it as Lance arched.

  “Pretty boy. You make me hard.” Tide was aching too—his palm was hot, his need was great.

  Lance’s fingers curled around his shaft, thumb sliding on his skin. He groaned, swallowing hard. Lance’s touch was fucking good.

  “You want me? This?” Lance asked.

  “I want your mouth.” Tide figured he’d just be honest and lay it out there.

  Lance’s grip tightened, squeezing Tide hard. He bucked, his body reacting automatically.

  “On your knees, boy. I want to see your red ass while you’re sucking me.”

  Just the words had his prick jerking in Lance’s hand. Lance eased himself to the floor, and leaned over Tide’s prick.

  “Stick your ass out for me.” He shifted, encouraging Lance to back his knees up a little so he could lean his ass back enough for Tide to have a good view. Oh, so fucking pretty. He loved it.

  He slid his hands though Lance’s hair, tugging his boy toward his cock. Lance opened up, hair brushing his belly as heat wrapped around him. It had him moaning, his legs closing slightly to surround Lance. The connection, the pressure seemed to relax Lance instead of mak
ing him tense.

  “Don’t stop,” he ordered, Lance’s mouth perfect around him.

  He felt the gentle hum rather than heard it. It vibrated in his balls, and he gave Lance a soft, needy moan. Lance swallowed, drawing him in deeper, holding him close. He wrapped his hands around Lance’s head, not keeping his boy in place. Yet. The sensation of heat sliding along his shaft was enough to make him clench his teeth. Lance was so good at this, making him feel amazing.

  Lance wanted to make him need, wanted to make him want. It was working too. Tide moaned for Lance, let him hear how good he felt. Lance took him in, swallowed against him.

  “Fuck!” Crying out, he came, pouring himself down Lance’s throat. His boy made him feel like he was ten feet tall and bulletproof. “God. You’re something else. So special.”

  “That’s why I touched myself. I was looking at you and I needed you.”

  “And next time you’ll know to call.” He leaned over and rubbed at Lance’s ass.

  Lance exhaled sharply, hips rolling.

  “Kind of amazing, isn’t it?” Tide asked.

  “Uh. Uh-huh.”

  He tugged Lance back up into his lap, fingers rubbing over Lance’s sweet, hot ass. He knew his boy was burning, buzzing. “So tell me exactly what you were working on that made you so hot.” He knew it was a picture of him on the computer, but he wanted the details. Hell, he wanted to make Lance hard again just from talking about it.

  “I— The images.”

  “Yeah? You were looking at them? Cataloging them? Seeing which ones worked?”

  “Yes. They’re so erotic that I felt breathless.”

  “Let’s see them, then.”

  Lance beamed, immediately hopped up and led him to the big screen. The images flashed by, stunningly erotic, purely sexual.

  “Damn, these are amazing, darling.”

  “Aren’t they?” Lance asked.

  “Yeah. You are something else.” He was impressed. Oh, he knew Bran, Tyrone, and he were all hot, but these pictures….

  “Thank you. It’s going to be hard to give them away. I’m sort of like, they’re mine.”

  “Yeah. Of course you’ll be keeping copies, right?”


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