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Hagen, Lynn - Torem [Zeus's Pack 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting ManLove)

Page 7

by Lynn Hagen

  “You have to want to heal in order for it to happen. Remus is pure hatred, so that’s how he was able to touch me and remain unaffected.” Chey blushed, and Zeus was sure it was from having fucked the guy in the first place. Everyone used bad judgment once in awhile. Chey was no different.

  “May I ask a question?” Caymen raised his hand, and Zeus nodded. “Are you an Omega?” the shifter asked Chey.

  The Alpha left that up to Chey to answer. If he didn’t want them to know, Zeus would back him on it.


  “Shit,” a few wolves cursed.

  “Do you know the trouble that will be at our door if any other pack finds out he’s here? They’re rare and valuable. Any pack would kill to have one.” Ian voiced his fear.

  “That’s why this knowledge doesn’t leave this room,” Zeus commanded. “I have given him a safe haven here, and he will be treated normally. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes, Alpha,” the wolves said, but Zeus could see the fear in their eyes. They feared Chey and what the wolf could do to them with one touch.

  “Thank you. Now we need to find Torem. I’ll let Taz, Eagle, and Sully know about Chey when they return.”

  Memphis got to his feet, rage and panic pulling his face tight. “Stay away from Eagle. He doesn’t need to relive a fucking thing. He’s been through enough.”

  Chey stepped back toward Zeus, and the Alpha bared his fangs at the soldier. “I said I would tell them. Take a threatening step toward Chey again and it’ll be you and me, are we clear?”

  Memphis nodded and swung the door open, making it crash into the wall as he stormed from the office.

  “Not exactly how you planned this, is it?” Chey looked up at Zeus with sorrow in his eyes.

  “They’ll be all right. Just let them absorb what we talked about.” Zeus prayed his house wasn’t about to draw a line down the center and choose sides. There was no need for that, and he wouldn’t stand for it.

  Sidney walked around Dino’s kitchen, opening drawers and cabinets, taking a peek in the fridge. There had to be a Red Bull around here somewhere. He’d settle for an energy bar right now.

  “What are you looking for?” Dino asked as he hefted himself up onto the counter.

  “Milk Duds.” Sidney knew if he told Dino what he really wanted, the guy wouldn’t allow him to leave the house to go get it. Why did Torem have to tell him? It’s not like it was a drug. It was an energy drink for fuck’s sake.

  “Sorry, I don’t have any candy here.”

  Sidney tried his best to ignore that deep and alluring voice. He was on a mission, and he would find something to get his focus back.

  “Come here, Sidney.” Dino crooked a finger at him.

  “Uh-uh, you want to tempt me with your candy. Not going to happen.” He wasn’t stupid enough to be rejected twice. Sidney grabbed a fruit drink out of the fridge and ran his finger down the nutritional chart on the back. It had high contents of sugar, but not enough for him. He set it back on the shelf and continued to move things aside.

  “Ow.” He bumped his head when he felt Dino’s hands on his hips. “I said no.”

  The hands immediately disappeared. Why did that grind his buttons? Sidney wanted the hands back and wanted to cuss at Dino for rejecting him in the first place.

  “Do you really mean no?” Dino asked in a husky voice.

  Oh man, he was such a goner. As much as Dino, Sidney wasn’t playing the fool, twice. “Yes, I can only be refused so many times before my ego starts taking offense.”

  “I won’t reject you.” Dino tugged at his shirt. “I need another taste.”

  “Of what?” He gulped.

  “Your lips.”

  Sidney closed the fridge and stood, staring into his mate’s beautiful crystal blue eyes. Fuck, he was hot. Dino ran his hand over the large swell in the front of his jeans, leaving no doubt how aroused he was. Like I couldn’t smell it.

  Sidney licked his lips, his eyes darting between Dino’s hand and his eyes. “Whatcha got there.” He jerked his head toward Dino’s crotch.

  Dino chuckled. “Why don’t you come find out?”

  Sidney backed up for a second and reevaluated the situation. “What’s with the change of heart? Do dangerous situations turn you on?”

  Dino grinned and took a step in his direction. “Maybe, or maybe I thought about being with both of you and found it…intriguing.”

  “I don’t want intriguing. I want you to say you’re our mate and that you want to be with us…permanently.”

  “How about I show you?” Dino unsnapped his jeans and freed his cock. Sidney almost swallowed his tongue. The angry flared head was weeping with want. And Sidney wanted.

  “What about Torem?”

  “Torem is resting. When he awakens, we’ll help him however we can. I won’t leave him to suffer alone. But until then…” Dino grabbed Sidney around the waist and pulled him close, kissing him soundly. Sidney shoved his tongue into Dino’s mouth, reveling in the feel of Dino trying to suck it down his throat.

  Oh heavenly hotdogs, the man tasted divine. He needed a psychiatrist when he said, “I can’t.” Sidney took a deep breath, stilling his raging hormones. “Torem is in the next room suffering. I need to go to him.”

  “I can respect that.” Dino backed away and readjusted himself. He waved his hand, his face pinched.

  Sidney knew Dino was fighting his lust. That didn’t matter right now. Torem’s pain did. It’s not that he wouldn’t jump at the chance to be with Dino. It just didn’t seem right.

  Both of them crept down the hall to check in on Torem when they saw the wolf still lying on the bed. “I’m going to call Zeus and let him know we found him.” Sidney pulled his cell phone from his pocket and cursed.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I have one of those prepaid phones, and I’m out of minutes.”

  “Here.” Dino slipped his phone from his case and handed it to Sidney. “Use mine.” Sidney scrolled through his phone book until the very end. Torem had given him everyone’s number in the house in case of emergency.


  “Hi, it’s Sidney. Torem’s mate.”

  There was a deep chuckle on the other end that sounded more like thunder. “I know who you are. Is there a problem?”

  “Dino and I found Torem. We’re at Dino’s house now.”

  Zeus grunted. “I’m on my way.”

  Sidney pulled the phone back and looked at it. The dude just hung up on him. Well.

  And how did he know where Dino lived? The man was creepy with a capital C.R.E.E.P.Y.

  “What’d he say?” Dino asked as Sidney handed him his phone back.

  “He’s on his way.” He walked into the bedroom and sat on the bed, running his hands along Torem’s fur. “Something still seems off.”

  “Maybe you just need some rest.” Dino brushed the hair from Sidney’s face, his fingers stroking Sidney’s ear as he tucked the hair behind it. “You look like a fallen angel.”

  Sidney felt his face color. He wasn’t used to compliments and didn’t know how to respond. “Thanks, you look like a hard-core porn star.”

  Dino’s head fell back as he laughed, the dimples making him look rugged and edible. “I doubt anyone wants to see my ass on the big screen but thanks, I think.”

  “I would.” Sidney chuckled. “I still haven’t seen it yet.”

  “You will.” Dino leaned down and kissed Sidney tenderly before standing straight again. “First we need to take care of our…mate.”

  “That word wasn’t so hard, now was it?” Sidney was enjoying this playful Dino. He liked him. Torem whimpered in his sleep, and Sidney leaned down and kissed his nose, nestling his face into Torem’s fur.

  Sidney jumped when someone banged loudly on the front door.

  “I think that’s his quiet knock.” Dino chuckled. “I’ll get it. You stay with Torem.”

  Sidney ran his hands over Torem’s head. “Don’t worry, baby, we�
�ll put a big booboo bandage on you and make it all better.” He kissed his nose again as Zeus walked into the bedroom.

  “Get away from him, Sidney.” Zeus took two steps and was at Sidney’s side, pulling him from the bed.

  “Get your fucking hands off of him.” Dino growled and pulled Sidney from the Alpha’s grasp. “Don’t ever touch him like that again.”

  Sidney was impressed with Dino’s show of protectiveness. As much as the guy tried to deny, he felt the bond or he wouldn’t have acted so he-man.

  Zeus snarled and grabbed the wolf by his scruff. “This is not Torem.”

  Torem stumbled into the backyard. He was dirty, thirsty, and his whole body ached. Whatever had happened to him had taken its toll.

  Every single minute he had spent under Jackson’s rule had plagued him. It was as if someone hit the play button and then fast forward. Some things came to him that he hadn’t thought about since it happened. It was painful, humiliating, and threatened his sanity. What the hell was wrong with him?

  “There you are.” Chey ran to Torem and pulled him into his arms, petting his fur as he spoke softly to him. “You shouldn’t have run. I need to hold you while you go through this for the healing to finish.”

  Torem winced at the contact. His skin felt like it was on fire and his head was ready to explode from the killer migraine. Everything started to slow down and the memory of the day Zeus challenged Jackson played through Torem’s mind.

  “I am issuing you a challenge. Your people should not be suffering like this while you sit on your ass and reap from their hard labors.” Zeus stood in the front yard of Jackson’s home, no one to back him up. Torem thought he was either the bravest man he’d ever seen or the dumbest. Didn’t the man see all those who stood behind the Alpha?

  “Kill him,” Jackson ordered Torem and his men.

  Something inside Torem broke. This had to end, and if they attacked the man challenging their Alpha and killed him, who would protect them against the real bad guy? Torem was willing to take his chances with a stranger rather than continue under Jackson.

  “No.” Torem stood tall and proud, something he should have done decades ago. But when you are taken from your home at the tender shifter age of thirty, you believe what the man who wields the claws and has the goons to back him up says.

  “Bring me Eagle, now.”

  Torem felt a laugh tear from his chest. It sounded evil and maniacal. “He’s been hidden away. You won’t be using him for leverage today. This fight is all yours.” Torem and his men stepped back and took a stance behind the stranger.

  “What does that tell you, Jackson, when your men stand behind a stranger instead of their Alpha? Are you going to agree to the challenge, or do I have to take you down without your acceptance? It doesn’t matter either way. Your days of terror are over.”

  Torem mentally cheered, and was terrified at the same time because he had no clue who this man was or how he would treat the pack. Torem and his men were willing to risk it to rid themselves and the pack of the devil.

  Zeus shifted. He was the largest Grey wolf Torem had ever seen. Within seconds the soldiers were protecting Zeus, fighting Jackson’s followers to keep them from interfering in the challenge.

  “No!” Torem shouted when Eagle charged from behind the house and leapt onto one of the followers’ back. He shouldn’t be here. Jackson could use him against them.

  Zeus tore fur from Jackson’s body as they tumbled and tussled, clawed and bit. Torem kept one eye on the Alpha as he fought to stay alive, fought for what he felt was right, and most of all, fought to kill these sadistic bastards.

  Zeus pinned Jackson down and growled loudly, the Alpha rolling and exposing his belly. Torem wanted to shout that Jackson couldn’t be trusted, but at that moment, canines tore into his flank. By the time he had dislodged the wolf and killed him, Jackson and Zeus were already gone.

  “Where did they go?” Torem asked Bryck.

  “I don’t know.” The wolves shifted back, the remaining followers fleeing after witnessing Jackson’s downfall.

  “They headed to the back of the house,” Ian shouted.

  The soldiers took off, all running to see what was going on, but by the time they reached the back, Zeus was coming from inside of the house. His rigid body and collection of muscles made them all take a step back.

  “I am a fair and just man. I will not make you do anything you are not comfortable with. This is your home, your life, and your voluntary will to stay here. Those who wish to part company may do so, though I wish all would stay. I owe you a debt for fighting for me.”

  Torem came back to the present. He was lying on Chey’s lap in human form, his body shaking.

  “I have you, brother mine. I will not allow you to walk through this alone. Release the guilt, release the pain, accept what has happened, and rejoice that you have lived through it.” Chey massaged his temples, repeating the same thing over and over again. He could feel his body draining of all the tension, his muscles slowly relaxing. His heart that always hurt seemed to beat a different rhythm now.

  “Sidney, Dino.” Torem’s voice cracked. He swallowed a few times. The pain from screaming had strained it.

  “Shh, they’re safe. How do you feel?”


  “Then sleep, I’ll have one of the men take you to your room.”

  Torem closed his eyes, and for the first time in a very long time, dreams were absent.

  “Ew, ew, ew, I kissed your nose…twice.” Sidney ran his hands over his tongue as if to wipe away the taste.

  “Who are you?” Zeus asked again. Dino could tell the Alpha, as he learned Zeus was referred to, was using restraint. It didn’t take much either considering the man being cuffed by Zeus was only five four, maybe five foot five, one hundred twenty pounds soaking wet with rocks in his pockets.

  “I think you can let him go.” Dino pulled the guy from Zeus’s grasp.

  “I don’t like to be deceived,” Zeus snarled.

  “Me either,” Sidney added with an indignant sniff.

  “Give the guy a break. Look at him. He’s scared shitless.” Dino reached down and cupped the guy’s jaw, tilting his head back to meet his eyes. “Who are you?”

  “Tristan, sir.”

  “No need to call me sir. I’m Dino, and that’s my mate Sidney and the Alpha Zeus.” Dino let the guy go as he fell to the floor at Zeus’s feet. “I am sorry for deceiving you and looking you in your eyes.”

  Dino hissed when he saw the scars across Tristan’s back. What the fuck was going on? “Get up, Tristan, bow to nobody.” Dino grabbed Tristan under his arm and pulled him to his feet.

  “Sir, I’m sorry,” Tristan begged Zeus.

  “No need to apologize, and Dino is right, never bow to anyone.”

  “What the hell is going on in…holy shit.” Quinn stepped into the room. “Why are you guys staring at a naked man?” Quinn grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around Tristan’s shoulders. “Come on. Let’s get you something to wear.”

  Dino watched Quinn walk the short man out. “Did that just happen?”

  Sidney wrapped his arms around Dino’s waist, resting his head on his shoulders. “Where is Torem?”

  Dino pulled Sidney into his arms. “We’ll find him.” For some reason, having Sidney and Torem for a mate wasn’t such a bad idea to him. Although Torem drove him nuts with his commands, he felt a connection with the guys that he never felt with anyone else.

  “We need to let the pack know he hasn’t been found yet.” They walked out of the bedroom with Zeus.

  Dino saw Quinn sitting on the couch with Tristan wrapped tight in the blanket on his lap and talking softly with him. He’d never seen Quinn act this way before. They guy never took anything seriously, but now he was acting like a mama bear with her cub? Dino groaned. Enough with the animal analogies.

  The three rode in Zeus’s monster truck back to their house, Dino praying Torem was unharmed and that they would find him

  “Can we stop at a store? I need to pick something up,” Sidney asked.

  “Sure,” Zeus said. Dino’s mind was a thousand miles away, wondering where Torem was.

  Chapter Seven

  Sidney cried as he ran into Torem’s arms. “I was so scared.” He buried his face in his mate’s shoulder.

  “I’m okay, Sid.” Torem wobbled a little but stayed upright. What had his mate gone through? “I need to sit down, baby.”

  Sidney wiped his face with his sleeve and nodded, his hands hovering as Torem sat on his bed.

  “You look a little peaked.” Dino walked up behind Sidney.

  Torem winced and then lay back. “I had a trip down memory lane that had roadblocks all over the place, blew out a few tires, and then wrecked at the end.”

  “What can I do for you? I know how to boil water, and I’m pretty good at fluffing pillows.” Sidney ran over to the dresser and started opening all the drawers, getting frustrated when he couldn’t figure out what he was looking for.

  “Did you get into the Red Bull again? I’m not having a baby. I’m just sore.”

  “Maybe, why?” Sidney raced across the room and grabbed the pillows from behind Torem’s head and fluffed them, then tossed them on the floor and ran his hands over it like he was kneading dough.

  “Dino, help him out please.” Torem smiled down at him. Sidney tried to make his hands stop moving around, but they wouldn’t listen. He picked the pillow up and tossed it on the bed, crawled over Torem, and lay down next to him.

  “Are you sure I can’t do anything for you?”

  Torem pulled Sidney in his arms. “No, babe, but thanks, I just need rest. Why don’t you spend some time with Dino?”

  “I have been spending time with him.”

  Torem winked at him, and Sidney blushed. “I was waiting for you,” he whispered.

  “Don’t wait on me. He’s your mate, too.” Torem kissed Sidney’s forehead and yawned. “I need some rest.” Sidney lay there and cuddled for a moment until Torem was sound asleep. It felt so good in his arms.

  “Come on, Sidney, let him rest.” Dino tapped Sidney’s leg. “Take a walk with me.”


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