An Unexpected Dilemma Bride

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An Unexpected Dilemma Bride Page 19

by Elliee Atkinson

  The thought made her stop and giggle. When she composed herself, she pushed the door open and went inside, feigning a casual attitude. She smiled at him. “Good morning, Joshua.”

  He was seated at the head of the table. He stood when she came in, putting the newspaper down. “Good morning, Laura.”

  She sat in the chair she had always used when James was alive. She was surprised that it didn’t bother her at all that Joshua was seated in James’s chair. In fact, he looked right in it.

  “I’m surprised to see you up, Joshua,” Laura flipped out a napkin and unfolded it to lay it across her lap.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “I know that you were up late. I was enjoying the moonlight and saw you walking in the garden. Did you get any sleep at all?”

  Joshua shrugged. “Enough to be awake right now.”

  She smiled. ‘I’m glad you’re still here. I want to thank you again for what you did yesterday.”

  He shook his head. “You have to stop thanking me. I wouldn’t have been able to keep myself from coming to find you.”

  He set the newspaper aside and took a few biscuits from the basket in the middle of the table. “I’ll butter these for you. Do you like a lot of butter or not a lot of butter?”

  She grinned again, reaching out to take a biscuit from the basket. She picked up her own knife and took a pat of butter from the tray. “This is how much I like.” She spread the butter on the biscuit and took a big bite, smiling the whole time.

  He put a pat of butter on his knife and spread it on one of the biscuits on his plate. “That much?” he asked, looking up at her for approval.

  She scanned the biscuit and tilted her head to the side. “Yes, I think you’ve got it. On the first try. Nice job, Joshua.”

  “Thanks. Now I can always butter your biscuits. Do you drink coffee or tea?”

  “Either one is fine. This morning, I think I will have coffee. I need a little extra energy. Coffee seems to do that for me.”

  “Me, too. I do hope you will allow me to cook a big dinner for you soon.”

  “I wouldn’t want to put you out. That’s a lot of work.”

  “But then how will I impress you with my skills?” He turned to give her a warm smile and continued the process of preparing a breakfast plate for them both.

  Laura watched Joshua as he moved around the table. He wasn’t looking at her. He was very busy with what he had decided to do. She could tell he was holding in a big smile. She was very impressed with him. “Lucinda is intrigued with Nate, you know.”

  Joshua chuckled. “I noticed. Unfortunately, he’s going back to Louisville. He decided he would rather be there than in this little town.”

  “I am so impressed with you, Joshua.”

  Joshua’s smile lit up his face. It made her feel warm and fuzzy inside. He set the plate down in front of her with a look of satisfaction. “What do you think?”

  “I think this looks perfect, Joshua. Just perfect. Do you want to go for a ride or a walk after we eat?”

  “I’d like to, but I think it’s going to rain all day. I’m not a big fan of the rain. I know we need it. Adam says it’s bad in Wickenburg when the rain doesn’t come like it’s supposed to. But I try not to be out in it unless I have to be.”

  “I know. I’m like that, too. Maybe we can find something inside to do. Do you like to read?”

  Joshua laughed. “It depends on what I’m reading. It’s gotta be something interesting. How about cards. You got a deck of cards?”

  Laura felt an excited chill pass through her. She hadn’t played cards since she and James were first married. It was something they frequently did back then and just stopped doing after a while. “I would love to play cards. James taught me poker!” She said it proudly, beaming at him.

  He laughed. “I’m not great at poker, so maybe we’ll play well against each other.”

  When do you have to go back to Louisville, Joshua?”

  He barely heard her when she spoke. “I hadn’t thought about it. I… I have a house out there. I’m pretty established with the people around me. I just don’t… I don’t know if I want to go back. I could live here in Wickenburg. I’m sure Uncle Adam would help me out if I needed to get started, like getting a house or something.”

  “But what will happen to your cottage in Louisville?”

  He shook his head. “I don’t own that property. I don’t own any property, really. Just the clothes on my back and my wagon and horses. I’ve got money in my accounts, just no real property to speak of. Does that make sense?”

  Laura nodded. “It does make sense, yes.”

  “So… I reckon that means I’ll be staying in Wickenburg.” He didn’t look at her.

  She pressed her lips together, scanning his handsome profile. “I’m glad you’re staying, Joshua. I think life might be a little boring without you here.”

  “You weren’t bored before.”

  “I wasn’t alone before.”

  “So you only want me around because you’re alone and you’ll get bored?” He teased her.

  She stuck the tip of her tongue out at him, scrunching up her nose. He didn’t think he’d ever seen anything more adorable in his life. He had to resist grabbing her and putting kisses all over her sweet face.

  “I’m tired of being a bachelor, Laura,” he said, looking at her seriously. “I think it’s time to settle down with a woman I love and have a family.”

  “I think I know who you have in mind for that,” Laura said, leaning toward him with a smile.

  “I think you do, too.” He put his hand out and she laid hers on it. His hand was much larger. She knew he could and would protect her with those hands. He would never let anyone hurt her. “I’m not going to hide how I feel for you, Joshua. I know some of the ladies in town might think it’s too soon after losing James, but… I don’t feel that. I think James would be happy for me. He was never a jealous type of man.”

  “I doubt you ever gave him a reason to be jealous.”

  Laura giggled. “No, I never did. I didn’t see the reason behind something like that. I wanted him to have happy feelings, not painful ones. And jealousy is painful.”

  Joshua nodded. “It is.”

  “So we will have a day of cards today?”

  “Yeah. That sounds like a lot of fun.”

  The fire licked the top of the fireplace. Laura looked at the fire, noticing how much it was sparking.

  “That isn’t good wood,” she murmured. “I better get some more in here. That’s sure to burn out quickly.”

  “What are you murmuring to yourself, dear?” Joshua asked. He was seated in the long settee right next to her.

  She had her legs pulled up beside her and she was leaning on his chest comfortably. “I was just talking to myself.”

  “You do that a lot, did you know that?”

  Laura laughed. “So I’ve been told.”

  “James used to tell you that, too?”

  “Yes, he did. And it’s okay that you tell me, too. It’s just something I do.”

  “Well, I think it’s cute. You go ahead and talk to yourself all you want.”

  “I’m just trying to remind myself of things I need to remember,” she smiled up at him. “Oh Joshua, this is a lovely night. I’m so glad I get to spend it with you.”

  “Yes, it’s been a good day. Seeing all of our friends at church. Letting them know there will be a wedding soon… Yeah, I loved telling everyone about it.”

  “I know you did. I could see how proud you were. How proud you are.”

  “I can’t help it. I have a beautiful woman in my life, finally, after all these years. Just one beautiful woman.”

  “And you plan to stay with that woman, don’t you?” She put one finger up and traced the front of his shirt where the buttons were. She moved her finger around his collar and then up under his chin. He kept his eyes on hers. She knew he wanted to kiss her. She could see it in his eyes.

It’s okay, Joshua,” she said quietly.

  He raised his eyebrows. “What’s okay?”

  “It’s okay if you want to kiss me. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been kissed.”

  “Hopefully it won’t be the last.”

  “It will never be the last kiss. Not with us. There is too much love for that.”

  He bit his bottom lip, putting one arm around the back of the couch, surround her shoulders. He pulled her closer. She pressed herself up against him. She was shorter than him, so she lifted her whole body and met him in the middle, their lips pressing together firmly.

  She never wanted the kiss to end.



  Joshua sat anxiously, his hands clenched together.

  In the corner of the room, Nate was relaxed in a high backed chair, one leg slung over the arm rest; a newspaper spread open in his hands. He looked up at Joshua every now and then. “You really gotta relax, Joshua,” he said with a smile. “There’s nothing you can do to speed up the process.”

  “I’m not worried about how long it’s taking,” Joshua said firmly. “I’m worried about her health. I’m worried about her.”

  “I know you are. But that baby will be big and beautiful and you know it.”

  “I hope so. I hope he’s as healthy as can be.”

  “Or she.” Nate smiled.

  Joshua looked at him, confused for a moment. “What? Oh, yeah. She. But I think it’s gonna be a boy.”

  “Based on what?”

  Joshua shrugged. “I just have a feeling.”

  “You pick out names?”


  “What are they?”

  Joshua smiled. “I’ll let you know when I know what the baby is.”

  A young lady put her head through the door and looked at Joshua. “You can come in now. She’s had the baby. It’s a beautiful boy! Very healthy!”

  “How’s my wife?” Joshua asked. “Is she all right?”

  “Oh yes, she came through just fine! She’s a very strong woman! You should be proud of her.”

  Joshua nodded, practically pushing the midwife to the side as he went into the room to see his wife and new baby boy. He was at her bedside in seconds, touching the soft baby cheeks tucked away in a blanket. “He is so beautiful, Laura. We’ve had a beautiful little boy.”

  Laura nodded. “Yes, we have. I’m so glad to see him.”

  “So are we still naming him Nicholas?”

  “Yes. I really love that name.”

  “I do, too.”

  They were quiet, looking down at the little boy, who didn’t make a sound. His eyes were barely open and they were looking in Joshua’s direction.

  “Do you think he can see me?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t think they focus for a little while.”

  “Sweet child,” Joshua leaned down and put a kiss on the baby’s forehead. It prompted the first smile Nicholas would ever bestow on his parents.

  “Oh did you see that?” Laura cooed. She looked up at Joshua. “This is so wonderful. I never thought I would have a husband and a child. I thought it would always be me and James, never to have children. Doomed.”

  Her joking demeanor made Joshua smile. “Well, I’m here now. Nicholas is here now. We are your family. And don’t you worry, this is only the beginning.”

  Laura looked at him, widening her eyes. “Uh oh. Are you saying I should expect more?”

  Joshua nodded slowly. “Yes. Many more. Many, many more.”

  “Oh no. I don’t know if I can handle it.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll always help out. You know how I am.”

  Laura laughed. “I do know how you are, husband of mine. I’m glad that when it comes to helping people out, you put your wife and child first. Otherwise, I would never see you.”

  “Yeah, since I came here, I guess everyone thought Adam could use a break. Now it’s all Joshua Crawford and what can he do for you today?”

  Laura gave him a knowing look. During her pregnancy, she had practically had to run off the townspeople. Countless times she’d had to tell people that Joshua was busy preparing the nursery or running errands she could no longer do, not until she had the baby, anyway. It was amusing in a way. However, it could also get a little annoying. She looked up at his handsome face and knew she could never hold anything like that against him. He was a good man. A very good man.

  “I love you, Joshua Crawford.”

  “I love you, Laura Crawford.”

  When Joshua looked down at his beautiful wife and the plump little face of his newborn son, he knew he couldn’t have asked for anything more. He was no longer a bachelor. He had property. Most of all, he had love.

  And that was all he’d ever really wanted.








  MountainSky House Publishing Co.


  A beautiful woman with a beautiful sister…a handsome cowboy with a lonely best friend…and a family in need of salvation…

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  Almost Brothers

  Now that Daryl Parker has decided that he’s ready to marry, he just has to find the right woman. He could choose from any single woman in town, and probably a few of the married ones, but he wants to find his perfect bride. His best friend is courting what will be his second wife, and she has a sister…if Daryl is willing to go on a blind date.

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  Before Daryl can woo what he’s discovered to be the woman he’s waited for his whole life, he has another pressing problem to deal with—his violent neighbor is once again threatening his wife. She and the children flee to Daryl for his protection, putting Daryl in the middle of a fight that could cost him everything. Now he must choose…protect the woman from her husband in any way that works, or pursue the woman who’s already captured his heart…?

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  Daryl Parker sat on his horse at the top of the hill behind his house, surveying his land. Heath, his closest friend, would be there soon. They were making plans.

  Friends since they were boys, Daryl and Heath Bartley were the same age, born on the same day to mothers who were also best friends. They weren’t related by blood, but for the two of them, it didn’t make a lick of difference. For 29 years, Heath was the guard and Daryl was the brains. Both had lively, eccentric senses of humor that mixed well together and kept them laughing.

  He turned in his saddle and looked down the road to his house. He could see past the tree line and over to the Fisher place. There were no children outside, which was rare. James and Esther Fisher had four children. They didn’t often attend the schoolhouse, but it must have been one of those days when Esther decided to send them.

  Daryl felt a bit sorry for Esther. He was aware that her situation was difficult. She was married to a brutal, cold man and raising four unruly children by herself. She was in her mid-thirties, older than he, but he could tell that in her mind, she was still just a child in desperate need of guidance.

  His eyes moved from their one-level ranch back to the road. A horse and rider was approaching. He squinted to focu
s better and recognized the unmistakable brown cowboy hat that Heath always wore.

  He smiled. Always on time. That was definitely Heath.

  He turned Prince to move back down the hill and meet Heath at the house. Heath was a widowed man. His wife had died young from a killing disease Daryl knew nothing about. She’d left Heath with a little boy to raise. That little boy, George, turned out to look exactly like his mother and Heath doted on him. He tried to discipline him and raise him to be a great man, but couldn’t help spoiling him a bit.

  Daryl understood Heath’s pride, even though he had no children of his own. He hoped to someday, but hadn’t found the right woman yet. When he did, he hoped to have a son to dote on the way Heath did. Or a daughter. It didn’t matter to Daryl. He loved children and couldn’t wait to be a father.

  Heath tipped his hat in greeting when he saw Daryl approaching. Daryl returned it.

  “How you doing this morning, Daryl?” Heath called out. Daryl waited until they were closer before responding.

  “Not too bad, I’m alive and haven’t killed anyone yet.”

  Heath gave him a narrow look. “You makin’ plans to kill someone today? I need to know if you are. I only got a certain amount of bullets on me. Wasn’t plannin’ on a shoot out.”

  “I ain’t got plans to shoot anyone. I got plans to fix a fence and survey some land to buy.”

  Heath laughed. “Funny, I had the same plans!”

  “I think that’s what we should do. Did you eat breakfast?”

  Heath nodded. “Had some ham biscuits and eggs with George this morning before sending him off to the schoolhouse.” Heath chuckled. “Funny how much that boy likes his schooling. He’s always bringing home books and reading them to me. Interesting stuff, though. But I never paid a lot of mind to schooling. Must be his mother did.”


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