Adventures of the Mad Monk Ji Gong

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Adventures of the Mad Monk Ji Gong Page 27

by Guo Xiaoting

  Upon seeing Ji Gong, the old man said: “Teacher! You have returned! I have been very worried ever since you went off late last night pursuing that robber and we did not see you again. I sent some of my people to look for you. Where did you go, sir?”

  Ji Gong replied, “I went to Five Spirits Hill to see the fire at the Fortunate Cloud Shrine. It has collapsed and there is not a single tile left undamaged, nor a piece of wood unburned.”

  Liang Yuanwai directed the servants to prepare wine. After it had been served, the yuanwai raised his cup to the monk and then asked, “Teacher, yesterday when you came, who were the people you brought with you?”

  Ji Gong explained from start to finish about how the old nun at City God Mountain had asked him to go to Yuhang prefecture to search for Gao Guoqin, and how he had brought Su Lu and Feng Xun with him to help find Gao Guoqin and bring him back to Linan. He also explained all that had happened there at the Yunlan market town and the Fortunate Cloud Shrine.

  Liang Yuanwai exclaimed: “So you really came to find Gao Guoqin! I know who he is! He came from a good family. When his father was alive, he used to come to visit me here at Yunlan. I had no idea that they had fallen into poverty!”

  Then he had one of the servants call Gao Guoqin and ask him to come in. In a little while, Gao Guoqin appeared. Liang Yuanwai asked him to sit down and said, “Gao Guoqin, you must know something about your family’s past affairs.”

  Gao Guoqin said, “I do know a little.”

  Liang Yuanwai said, “Your father’s name was Gao Wenhua. He was the most gifted graduate in Yuhang prefecture, and was well known and admired here in Yunlan market town. I was the best graduate in Yunlan. You were very young then—it was more than ten years ago. Afterward, when your father died, you were still very young and I did not hear from you of his death. It was because of these facts that we became separated. I never thought, during all these years in which I did not see you, that you might have become poor. Just now I heard this holy monk say your name, and only then did I know that you were here.”

  When Gao Guoqin heard the yuanwai’s words, he remembered his mother speaking of these things when he was a child. Quickly he rose to his feet and raised his hands in a polite greeting, saying, “So this is the one who is like my old uncle. Your young nephew offers his compliments. I have heard my late mother speak your name. Because we became so poor, I have not been able to keep in touch with friends, and I have not been able to pay my respects to my uncle.”

  Liang Yuanwai replied, “You have in this house one who will be like a younger brother to you. My son, Liang Shiyuan, is just beginning his studies and needs someone to direct him. You need not return to Yuhang prefecture. I will have your family brought here. You may study with your little brother, and if you both work hard, after the examinations you two may be fellow graduates.”

  Ji Gong then spoke. “Liang Yuanwai, as a monk I beg for a donation.”

  Liang Yuanwai answered, “Let the saintly monk speak and it will be attended to.”

  Ji Gong said, “You should use several hundred ounces of silver to buy Five Spirits Hill, the place where the Fortunate Cloud Shrine burned. You should also bring the Daoist novice, Liu Miaotong, here. Give him five hundred ounces of silver and then send him to the shrine at Fortunate Heaven Mountain. Build a small nunnery on Five Spirits Hill that will be called the Fresh Cloud Nunnery. Ask the old nun who is the aunt of Gao Guoqin’s wife to live in it. Gao Guoqin and his wife may live there with her. This is all I, the monk, will ask of you. If it had not been thus, the Daoist Chang Miaoyu would have made you give him many thousands of ounces of silver.”

  Liang Yuan Wai said, “That is so. I will follow my teacher’s commands.”

  He then immediately sent some of his people to find Liu Miaotong and bring him to the house. By this time, Liu Miaotong had quite recovered from the pain of the injuries he had received in the fire. When he arrived, Liang Yuanwai gave him the five hundred ounces of silver. Liu Miaotong thanked the yuanwai for his kindness, accepted the silver, and took his leave. From there Liu Miaotong, following the yuanwai’s instructions, went by himself to the Daoist Monastery in the Clouds, on Fortunate Heaven Mountain. Liang Yuanwai urged Gao Guoqin to remain with him, keeping Feng Xun as well, and sent his own people to City God Mountain to invite the old nun and her niece, Gao Guoqin’s wife, to join them.

  Ji Gong went on his way with Su Lu, stopping to eat when hungry and drinking when thirsty. They started at dawn each morning and found a place to stay each night until they reached Linan. There, they saw ahead of them the West Lake, and to the east a wine shop.

  The monk said, “Su Lu, let us have a cup of wine here before we go on.” Su Lu nodded his head in agreement.

  As soon as they went into the wine shop, they saw Su Beishan, accompanied by Su Sheng, just having a drink. Seeing Ji Gong enter, Su Beishan immediately stood up and said, “Teacher, dear sir, you have returned! You must have had many hardships on your way. Were you able to find Gao Guoqin and bring him back? And where did Feng Xun go?”

  Ji Gong then told the story of finding Gao Guoqin and about the other events from start to finish.

  Su Beishan said, “So that is how it was. Our teacher has been to a great deal of trouble. Please sit with us and have some wine.”

  Ji Gong and Su Yuanwai had just sat down when suddenly an old man entered who seemed to be an old retainer. His hair was silvery white. As he walked, he leaned on a tall old-man’s staff. His manner was agitated, and he raised his staff and shook it at Su Yuanwai. Then the old man seized Su Beishan and began to beat him with the staff.

  Su Beishan quickly pulled away and stepped aside out of reach. Shaken and pale, he said, “Han, old fellow, you and I have known each other for many years and there has never been anything wrong between us. Why should you beat me with your staff today? You have no grudge against me. What is the reason for this?”

  The old man replied, “Su Beishan, from today until my death, I reject you. I myself no longer want to live, and my son has already gone to the Chientang prefecture court to make a complaint against you. I will hang myself in front of your gate so that my ghost will haunt you. This is my dying declaration!”

  Su Lu and Su Sheng quickly took hold of the old man, who, as they could see, was beside himself in his agitation. Su Beishan still did not understand the cause. His two household people helped the old man to sit down on a bench. Su Beishan said, “Han, old fellow, whatever the affair is that has made you turn against me, explain it to me and I will listen.”

  The old man simply sat there, hesitating, for some time. Then with a long sigh he began to speak: “Su Beishan, just because my son owed you two hundred ounces of silver, he had to shut down his business. He was trying to sell the building to pay you back your money. You were asked to wait until he could sell it. You not only would not wait, but you sent rowdies with clubs. They seized my daughter and took her away. They beat my son. Do you think that because you hold a note for some money that it gives you the right to take a person’s life? My family, the Hans, have been in business for generations. How could you take away my daughter for no reason?”

  When Su Beishan heard this he said, “My dear old friend! This is utterly wrong. Truly, I knew nothing about this. Although there must be something behind this, it cannot have been any of my people. You may ask anyone how I could do such a thing that offends heaven and all the rules of proper conduct. Who was it that came to you and asked for money?”

  The old man said, “It clearly was one of your household people. At that time when you lent us the money, he was the one who brought the money.” Su Beishan thought for some time, but could not remember who it was.

  Ji Gong laughed and said, “Su Beishan, do not let this upset you. I will take you to find this person. First, send someone to call back old Han’s son. It will not be necessary for him to lodge a complaint at Chien-tang prefecture.”

  It did not take long for Su Sheng to summon Han Wenzheng. As soo
n as he saw Su Beishan, the young man’s face flushed as he angrily exclaimed, “It is all over between us! I want nothing more to do with you!”

  Su Beishan said, “Dear younger brother, we are friends! I had never intended that you should be asked for the two hundred ounces of silver that I lent you. Whoever did the kidnapping has made it seem that I am to blame.”

  Han Wenzheng replied, “It was certainly one of your people who stole my sister away and had me beaten. I will surely make an accusation against you if you do not confess.”

  Su Beishan said, “Oh, no, this is not true. Ji Gong is here now, and I beg this honorable monk to manage this affair for us.”

  Ji Gong said, “You two must not quarrel. In a little while you will all understand everything clearly. Come with me.”

  When the bill for the wine had been paid, Ji Gong led Su Beishan and the two Hans, father and son, out of the wine shop. Going south, they came to a lane, where they entered. Soon they reached the gate of a house where Ji Gong knocked and called out, “We have brought some money for the manager of the Su family finances.”


  Ji Gong makes it possible to distinguish true from false; the Chan master meets a hero under the bed

  SOON after Ji Gong had called out, a man came out who had the appearance of a steward or accountant. Seeing him, Han Wenzheng immediately said, “There is no mistake. He is the man who came and demanded money from us, and afterward took away my sister.”

  Su Beishan also recognized him. He was the one who had been called Su Fu. Su Beishan at once told Su Lu and Su Sheng to seize him. Now, this Su Fu had come from Chinhua prefecture many years ago, when for ten ounces of silver his father, a refugee, had sold him to be a servant in the Su family. After he came into the household of Su Yuanwai, the boy had served in the library and Su Beishan’s late father had been fond of him. Su Fu himself soon demonstrated that he knew very well how money was accumulated, and eventually was promoted to the position of steward. As he grew older, he had only one bad trait. Su Fu particularly liked to drink, and when he was drunk, he became recklessly bold and presumptuous, with the blind courage of a drunkard. He would sit at the gate, and, paying no attention to who it was, send a stream of curses at anyone he saw.

  One day, a number of his fellow workers and friends tried to reason with him, saying, “Su Fu, you cannot go on creating such a disturbance. You are always cursing people. If the yuanwai were to hear you, you would be out on your own.”

  Su Fu, made bold by the wine, blustered: “Let me tell you all, don’t talk about the yuanwai. I would cut him up into pieces and I would dare to hit the emperor. I would slap the emperor in the face, even if he had me chopped up. The yuanwai is only a man. Let him hear. What does he dare to do to me?”

  Just as Su Fu started to say these words, Su Beishan returned home and heard Su Fu shouting and swearing inside the gateway. Su Beishan thought to himself, “This Su Fu is something that no law under heaven can control. This behavior and mad talk of his is too bad for other people to hear.” He covered his ears to shut out the sound. However, he had already heard what Su Fu had said, and he became extremely angry. Going inside, he directed that Su Fu be brought before him. In a little while some men brought Su Fu in.

  Su Beishan said, “Su Fu, you have often been like this outside, talking about me, making threats and saying ridiculous things. As soon as you drink, you begin to make trouble. I have warned you before—now, seeing that is your nature, it has become too difficult to bear. I should send you to the yamen to be beaten, but kindness is the way in this house. I cannot have an injury done to anyone. However, if you cannot behave as a human being, I must do my duty. I will not ask for the fifty ounces of silver to release you. I will throw that paper contract into the fire.” He then told the other houshold people, “Get him out of here quickly! See that he takes all his things with him, and never let him enter my gate again!”

  Su Fu had several chests full of clothes, and he also had more than two hundred ounces of silver. After he left the Su household, he stayed for a while at an inn. He had money in his hand—he was still young and carefree with nothing to do. He spent his days in pleasure and he made a friend. The friend was surnamed Yu, with Tong as his personal name. He was nicknamed “the Goldfish.” He lived in Lane Number Three, where he and his wife passed their days. Outside it was often said that he was a kind of go-between, bringing people together, and that he even took men into his own house. He pretended to know nothing of such things, masquerading as a good man.

  Yu Tong saw that Su Fu was a young man who had money. He took Su Fu into his family and made him his sworn brother. Su Fu then lived with the Yu family for over a year. He also spent all his money. When Yu Tong saw that Su Fu had no more money, Yu Tong wanted Su Fu to leave. Su Fu was always wrangling, quarreling, and starting arguments with Yu Tong. The wife of the Goldfish, Ma Shi, secretly spoke to Su Fu, saying: “You must find a way to get some money into your hands. If you cannot think of a plan, Yu Tong says that he doesn’t want you to live here. He says that you have no money and that you are simply a non-paying boarder. He cannot take care of you.”

  When Su Fu heard this, he was distraught. His money was all spent and he had no plans. Suddenly he remembered that Han Wenzheng had opened a shop. Su Fu thought, “At that time Han Wenzheng borrowed two hundred ounces of silver from our yuanwai. I was the one who took it to him. I will go and find him and ask him for it.” On this very day, Su Fu called on Han Wenzheng, who tried to sell the shop to pay back the silver. He had no idea that Su Beishan had driven Su Fu out of the estate.

  Later that day the Goldfish said to Su Fu, “If you really think that you can get the money from Han Wenzheng, perhaps I have a good idea. The eldest son of Headman Lo of Purification Street is offering two or three hundred ounces of silver to buy a concubine. Do you think it is a good idea to wait until Han Wenzheng sells the shop? Do you know how many days it will take before it goes?”

  When Su Fu heard this, he spoke out: “Give me some men to go with me and I will go tomorrow. If he does not give me the money, I will take the daughter away by force.” Yu Tong assembled some lawless scoundrels, twenty or more, all completely unscrupulous. Su Fu took Yu Tong, and even Yu Tong’s wife, and together they went to Han Wenzheng to demand the money.

  When Han Wenzheng came out and saw them, he said, “Manager Su, I already told you to ask the yuanwai of your house to wait until I had the money to pay. Why do you come again?”

  Su Fu replied, “The yuanwai of my house said he could not wait in this way. If you do not give us the money, the yuanwai ordered us to take your younger sister away. Then he will not ask you for the money.”

  After Su Fu said this, Ma Shi took some men inside and brought out Han Wenzheng’s sister, put her into a sedan chair, and carried her off. When Han Wenzheng tried to detain them, several of the men beat him. When the old man tried to stop them, they gave the old man a good measure also. Then the next door neighbor came out, and seeing that things were not right, tried to interfere. The men then beat the neighbor as well.

  They carried the girl back to Yu Tong’s home. Ma Shi then sent someone off to Lo’s home, asking for four hundred ounces of silver. The eldest son of the Lo family said, “By and by I will go to Yu Tong’s home and look at the girl. After that we can do some bargaining.”

  Yu Tong and Su Fu were at home, waiting for the eldest son of the Lo family to come for his inspection. Outside, Ji Gong called at the gate. Su Fu thought it was someone who had come from the Lo family and quickly went out to look. Of course, it was Su Yuanwai with old Han, his son Han Wenzheng, and Ji Gong. When Su Beishan saw Su Fu, Su Beishan was naturally very angry. He called upon Su Lu and Su Sheng to seize him. When Yu Tong came out and tried to detain them, Su Beishan ordered him to be seized as well. To the guards in the area, whom he had already summoned, he said, “Do not let these two men go.”

  In that place Su Beishan was regarded almost as if he were a supernat
ural hero, and so the guards immediately took Su Fu and Yu Tong into their care. At the same time, Han Wenzheng went inside to look for his sister and saw that she had fallen forward and was supporting herself on her forearms. She had been bound so tightly that, having fallen, if she were not quickly untied, she would be in danger of dying. Han Wenzheng entered the room and released her. Then he took her outside and called for a sedan chair, telling his father to go home with her.

  At this time the lamps were already being lighted. Su Beishan asked, “Teacher, as to Su Fu and these other rascals, should we have them sent to the guardhouse for the night, or should we send them to the Chien-tang yamen?”

  Ji Gong said, “That will not be necessary. For the time being, have the two men taken to your home. I have my own methods. In addition, I have something else to do.”

  Su Beishan, who trusted Ji Gong completely, ordered Su Lu and the others to convey the two men to his home. When they all arrived at Su Yuanwai’s home, the evening was already past the first watch. Telling his men to guard Su Fu and Yu Tong well, Su Beishan invited Ji Gong to come inside to the library.

  Ji Gong replied, “Tonight I will not sit in that room.”

  Su Beishan asked, “In which room would you like to sit, Teacher?”

  Ji Gong answered, “I wish to sit in your bedroom.”

  When Su Beishan heard this, he said, “Teacher, when you come into my home, it is the same as if it were your own. You may sit in whatever room you like.” He then called upon servant De Fu to hurry with a message to Madame Su, telling her to leave the room. The lady quickly departed.

  As the monk started to enter the room with Su Beishan, Ji Gong stopped in the doorway and asked, “Has he come to meet me?”

  Su Beishan asked, “Teacher, did you arrange to meet someone?”

  Ji Gong answered, “We meet because we did not truly part.” After these remarks, Su Yuanwai, with Ji Gong, as well as Han Wenzheng, who also had been invited, came into the room together.


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