Armageddon's Son (HYBRID: The Ethereal War Book 1)

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Armageddon's Son (HYBRID: The Ethereal War Book 1) Page 24

by Greg Ballan

  I have to end this. No matter what I do we're going to rip this plane apart! The silver warrior retreated, allowing its opponent to advance. The gargoyle hissed angrily and its throat began to glow a dull amber and red. The Esper Warrior didn't wait, but leapt forward on powerful leg muscles. His right hand tensed and fingers curled as razor-sharp silver claws tore through the gargoyle's stone-covered throat. Green ichor and bile erupted from the four deep slashes spraying the inside of the cabin. The hybrid pressed his attack, launching a series of powerful blows faster than the eye could follow. Each blow punctured gaping holes in the stunned creature's body. More green blood spilled as the creature struggled sensing its demise. It tried to attack again, but the hybrid caught its arm and with one quick twist, snapped the appendage. The sound of breaking bone and stony armor plate echoed through the cabin. The warrior dragged the heavy gargoyle toward the hole in the aircraft, and with a mighty heave tossed the creature into the air. The gargoyle was able to spread its wings and keep pace with the crippled plane. The dark creature cried out in agony as blood continued to hemorrhage from its mortal wounds.

  This monstrosity isn't going to stop until its dead! It's like a programmed robot. The hybrid pointed his hand toward the creature and tensed his muscles. Again, plasma and jagged arcs of raw power enveloped the powerful forearm. With an almost casual gesture, he pointed toward the flying nemesis. A beam of pure blue energy launched toward the creature, vaporizing it instantly. The groan of tortured metal caught his attention. The tail section of the aircraft was badly damaged and a large chunk of the rudder and control flaps had been torn away and burned from the earlier attack. He could sense the overstressed and fatigued metal around the plane's frame and support joints. The DC3 was literally coming apart and nothing could keep the doomed plane from falling out of the sky.

  "Agent Knight…"The pilot looked back seeing Erik's altered form for the first time. "Holy shit!" he screamed in panic.

  Don't be afraid, it's just me! He projected into the terrified pilot.

  The stunned pilot recovered. "We're losing altitude fast and I can't control the craft, our hydraulics are gone and the plane's control surfaces are shredded. We're going down and there's nothing I can do about it!"

  He could hear the copilot's distress call.


  "No, we didn't have time to load any of the safety gear. This was an unscheduled flight and we were told we had to get airborne immediately. We barely had time to fuel the plane and run a pre-flight check before the call came in from Vatican City."

  Wonderful. Are we near an airport or some kind of open area where we can drop this tub without endangering people on the ground and keep our heads attached at the same time?

  The pilot was quiet for a few seconds. He looked at the hybrid's altered body then shook his head snapping out of his stupefied state. "Sorry, I'm not used to a voice inside my head like that. You are a most disturbing presence."

  I'm sorry, but I can't speak in this altered form. This is how I communicate. He pointed toward the damaged fuselage. What about this crate? Do we have any hope of landing it safely? Erik felt another sense of danger, but it wasn't a threat to them. His wife and son were under attack!


  Milford, MA

  Shanda shot up from her bed. Immediately, she knew Erik was in some sort of danger. She tried to reach out to him but he wasn't answering. The fact that she could still sense his presence was a good sign. "Damn it. Why is this crap always happening to us?!"

  A sense of dread raced through her body and the hair on the nape of her neck stood on end. She heard noise coming from outside the house in the side yard. She peeked out the window. The tree branches were rustling, but there wasn't enough wind to cause such a ruckus. She left her room and went to check on her son. EJ stared out the window, watching the trees. The boy trembled with fear.

  "What is it baby?"

  EJ pointed. "The ghost is trying to kill an angel."

  "What are you talking about, hun?" Shanda closed the window and drew the shade closed. The noises outside grew louder and the shrieks sent shivers down her body. EJ's shaking grew worse.

  "It'll be okay baby. It'll be okay. Just hold onto mommy."

  A terrifying death shriek shattered the night, then the world fell silent. Shanda realized she'd been holding her breath. She exhaled loudly, still clutching her son. She reached over with one hand and moved the shade. There was no sound. Even the crickets had ceased their ever-present chirping.

  "Is the ghost gone, mommy?"

  Shanda brushed his thick hair. "Ghost?" she looked down at him confused. "I don't know, kiddo. The noise has stopped, but it's so quiet outside."

  EJ shuddered. "It's coming, mommy! The ghost killed the angel. It's coming to get us." He buried his head against her. "I wish daddy was here. He scared the ghost away the last time."

  "Huh? The last time? EJ, do you know what's going on?"

  The window imploded and a deathly cold breeze tore through the tiny bedroom. The bedroom door slammed shut trapping the terrified mother and son. Several toys and garments launched around the room circling madly. A blood-curdling wail broke the night silence and the smell of sulfur tinted the air. EJ was forcefully ripped from Shanda's arms and tossed to the floor by his bed. A dark aura surrounded him, pinning him against the floor. He shrieked in fear, crying out to his mother.

  An icy hand clamped around Shanda's throat, slowly squeezing the life from her. Chilling claws pawed at her nightgown, shredding the fabric and groping her exposed flesh. She screamed in utter terror as the unseen force attempted to violate her body.


  Shanda brought her hand up and grasped the arm of the smoky figure choking her. To her horror, her hand passed through the body. She kicked with her leg and her foot passed through the smoky entity with no effect. She saw spots in front of her eyes and could hear her son crying out in terror. She focused her thoughts and projected a desperate plea for help.

  ERIK! We're dying. It's killing us!


  Somewhere Over France

  The DC3 plummeted through the sky leaving a trail of debris and smoke. In the cockpit, the pilots struggled to keep the aircraft stable while their passenger was inundated with a telepathic distress call.

  Erik heard the plea for help. His wife and son were in mortal danger! What could he do? He was about to slam into the ground at over 300 miles per hour. His own mortality in question. The Sentient Staff buzzed angrily in his grip. He looked down at the weapon. There was a way! He couldn't get there, but his staff could. The Sentient Staff could navigate the ebbs and flows of Netherspace, the alternate space in between time the Seelak had used to their advantage during their war on Earth. The staff could literally travel through the dark netherworld, immune to the passage of time and open an exit portal in his home.

  The Sentient Staff howled like an anxious dog. It sensed its master's wish and knew what had to be done. Erik willed the weapon to expand and with his very force of will he opened a black portal into the forbidden oblivion.


  The staff howled and vibrated burning white hot as it launched itself into the black void. Erik closed the portal behind him, praying his weapon would make it back in time to save his family. Erik looked up toward Heaven, IF YOU'RE WATCHING, I COULD USE A FAVOR RIGHT NOW. TAKE ME IF YOU MUST, BUT SPARE MY FAMILY.

  The DC3 slammed into the ground exploding in a massive mauve fireball. A mushroom cloud of burning fuel and debris ignited the nearby forest.


  Milford, MA

  Shanda felt her body growing numb. The icy hand around her throat leeched her strength and blocked her windpipe. Her
desperate gaze fell upon EJ. Some demonic force held her child immobile. She could hear his cries for help and his screams for his father. Erik wasn't coming to save the day this time. Her husband was in trouble half a world away, fighting God only knew what horrors.

  Above the swirling satanic cyclone, she heard a familiar whine and drone. A dark tear in the very fabric of space opened in the bedroom. Shanda was convinced the very bowels of Hell had opened to claim them. A blinding silvery white orb bathed her helpless child, banishing the dark force keeping him captive. A searing beam of white struck the smoky figure. It roared in agony and lost its death grip on her neck. Shanda heard a savage hiss—the hiss of a battle-primed Esper warrior.

  She looked over at her son. He held a burning silver staff in his hand. EJ had grown to nearly five feet in height and his eyes burned like two pale blue suns lighting up the darkness. His flesh was liquid chrome reflecting the radiant power from the weapon. Those burning eyes focused on the injured demon. She heard her baby's voice scream in her head.


  EJ leveled the staff toward the demonic entity and blasted it again. The creature howled in rage and its body began to dissolve and vaporize. The child warrior showed no mercy as another searing blast of immense power burned a gaping hole through the smoky torso, vaporizing the back bedroom wall. The demonic entity was reduced to an amorphous blob of smoke which EJ incinerated with another searing blast of energy.

  EJ studied the weapon in his hand. It purred and moaned, bathing the boy in a bioelectric haze. Slowly the child diminished. Silvery flesh gave way to human skin and burning eyes faded back to the innocent, terrified eyes of a child. EJ dropped the staff and ran to his mother crying out. Shanda wrapped her arms around him holding her son, unable to stop crying as both mother and child fell to the floor trembling.

  "It's over baby. You're safe now."

  EJ still shook, hiding his face against her chest. "Will they come back?"

  "I don't know, baby." She stared up at the stars from the gaping hole in her roof. She also realized the entire back wall of EJ's bedroom was gone, as were the top halves of the pine trees in the side yard of their home. How the blasts didn't obliterate her was a mystery. "My God. What just happened?" She hugged her son tighter. A comforting sound broke the silence. "Do you hear that, EJ?"

  The child looked up. "What?"

  Shanda started to cry. "The sound of crickets. The bad things are gone." She heard a faint buzzing. Erik's staff lay on the floor. "Daddy heard us after all."

  Shanda grabbed a nearby towel and carefully picked up the weapon. She could feel the staff's incredible power. "If I didn't think I'd get zapped, I'd kiss you." She carried EJ and the weapon out of the destroyed bedroom, closing the door behind her even though the room was now blasted open to the outside. They'd sleep at her office tonight and hopefully she'd be able to reestablish contact with her husband in the morning. Erik sent help. That alone told her he was alive. "You're definitely your father's son, lil' man." The exhausted child was fast asleep.


  20 miles west of Rouen, France

  The flames continued to burn from the devastating impact. Trees burned and dry brush burst into flame from the oppressive heat. From the core of the hellish inferno, a lone silver figure walked unscathed. The massive figure looked up toward the sky, gesturing with powerful hands. Overhead, the skies darkened, thunder echoed, and heavy raindrops fell in a torrential downpour. The rain washed away filth and ash from the being's chrome, armored flesh. The powerful being continued to gesture, imploring the airborne elements to do his bidding. The rain fell harder around the silver sentinel. He stood unmoving for nearly half an hour, watching as the torrential downpour extinguished the fiery hell consuming the crippled aircraft and quenched the burning forest.

  The hybrid watched in silence as the fractured skeleton of the DC3 was revealed beneath the dying flames and embers. He sensed the life force of his wife and son. They were alive. The psychic echo registered mild shock and exhaustion, but also a feeling of relief. He looked up at the sky, eyes burning like twin blue stars and commanded the rain to stop falling. Almost immediately, the rain ceased and the heavy cloud cover surrendered to the sun.

  They're alive. Whatever happened they survived it! He looked up to Heaven. I owe you one.

  The sound of rotor blades disturbed the tranquil yet sorrowful scene. Erik willed himself back to his human form and retreated behind a nearby half burnt tree. A large helicopter landed in the mud and ash-covered ground created by his rainfall. As soon as the craft landed, two men stepped out. Both wore black suits, expensive sunglasses, and black leather shoes. They carefully moved through the muck and examined the wreckage. Erik watched intently as the men gathered the plane's black box and examined the charred corpses. One of the men put his hands by his mouth and shouted.

  "Erik Knight! Special Agent Erik Knight, can you hear me? I'm Andrew Foster with the CIA. We know you survived the crash and I know you're out here, watching. I know you can hear me. We're not here to harm you. We're here to take you home, sir."

  Erik sighed in relief from his hiding place. "Would you happen to have a spare set of clothes?" He stepped out from behind the tree, doing his best to cover himself."

  Both agents did their best to conceal their shock, then burst out laughing. "We have some flight suits on board, Agent Knight. Mr. Denton has been burning up the phone lines and bullying the French Embassy since your mayday was received. The French President, Pierre LaSalle and his daughter, Monique were most insistent when they learned you were in distress."

  "It's nice to have friends." The detective blushed as he boarded the helicopter. The two pilots snickered but said nothing. One pilot tossed him a flight suit and undergarments from on overhead compartment.

  "My clothes burned in the crash," Erik explained as he dressed.

  Erik buckled himself in and the large helicopter launched. The nervous detective constantly glanced out a window scanning the sky for more of the flying demons.

  "This bird is fully armed Agent Knight, anything comes within five miles of us without proper authorization will get blown out of the sky." The agent carefully studied him and Erik grew uncomfortable under the man's scrutiny.

  "What's on your mind?"

  Agent Foster leaned forward. "You certainly live up to your hype. There isn't a scratch on you from a plane crash that should have barbecued you just like those two pilots."

  "They were good men."

  "What happened, Agent Knight? What attacked the plane?"

  "I don't honestly know. All I can say is they won't be attacking anything else, ever again." Erik's eyes were steel hard.

  Foster nodded. He reached over and gave the detective a friendly pat on the shoulder. "You're a hard man to kill, Agent Knight. Thank God for that."

  Erik nodded. "I already did."

  Chapter 8. Revelations

  Erik was tired, not in the physical sense, but emotionally and mentally drained. The detective had been away just a few days yet it seemed months had passed since he left for Vatican City. Every time he tried to come to terms with the revelations and the intrigue involving the Ethereals, the war of Light and Dark, and the involvement of a rogue creature called Molec, his mind cramped. Erik's brain function was enhanced far beyond human capacity but the cosmic implications of what he'd experienced the last few days threatened to overwhelm even his enhanced mental capacity. A voice broke into his brooding

  "We're here Mr. Knight. Are you sure you don't want to go home?"

  Erik stared at the Newberry Comics sign. Relief flooded through his weary mind and warmth saturated his heart. His pulse quickened knowing his wife and son were safely inside. He could sense their presence. "No thanks, this is fine." He stepped out, dropped his duffel bag while handing the driver a twenty dollar tip.

  Loud music dominated the parking lot as he approached the glass door. He quietly stepped inside, blending into the busy crowd. EJ's
distinct laugh spun his head. His friend, John, was on the floor in the far corner with his son playing Tonka trucks. His heart stopped as he heard Shanda's voice at the counter serving customers. He stepped into line, patiently waiting for her to notice him.

  Her distinct telekinetic pulse washed over him like a warm blanket, soft and comforting. Shanda looked up, stunned, as she detected his presence. She ran from behind the counter rushing toward him, her face wet with tears. Erik caught her as she leapt into his arms.

  He heard EJ yell 'Daddy' in the background as he lost himself in his wife's embrace.

  Warm tears flooded his face. "Oh God, Angel, I'm never leaving you again!" He held Shanda tight, lifting her off the ground relishing the sensation of her skin pressed against him.

  "Thank God you're back!"

  Erik felt a tug on his leg. He glanced down to see his son. "Hey lil man! He bent down, scooping up his son. EJ wrapped his arm around his father's neck, kissing his cheek. "Daddy's home! Daddy's home!" the child screamed happily.

  "I'm home, son. It's all gonna be fine now. Daddy's home." Erik looked over at his mountainous friend through his tear-filled eyes. "I owe you big," he mouthed silently.

  "I'm not keeping score, my brother." The big man smiled as he headed out the door.

  An exotic woman approached. "Well, you must be the famous Erik Knight."

  Erik turned, adjusting his hold on a fidgety EJ. "I am." Before Erik could say anything more, Shanda stepped in.

  "Erik, this is my dear friend and right hand, Carla."

  Erik smiled. "Hello, Carla. I'd shake your hand but right now I don't have a spare one to offer."


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