Undesired: A Best Friend’s Brother Romance

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Undesired: A Best Friend’s Brother Romance Page 10

by Sullivan, Piper

Was he serious? “I’m good, Will. How are you?” If he wanted to stick to small talk and niceties, I could do that as well as any Texas born-and-bred girl.

  “Excellent. Now.”

  “Great. How’s your mama?” It was just a little satisfying to hear him stumble over his words at my unexpected question.

  “Uh, she’s fine. Thanks. I’ll tell her you asked after her.”

  “Great.” I had to stifle a laugh. Had Will ever been so off his game and did it make me a terrible person for enjoying it so much? “So … what’s up?” I walked to the fridge to see what I had to offer Mikki and Audrey when they stopped by later, and also because staring at junk food and leftovers from the diner made me feel less sexy. Less desirable. Which, I hoped, meant I wouldn’t be as susceptible to a certain paramedic’s charms.

  “I was calling to see if you were free to go on a date with me this Friday?” Was it me or did he actually sound nervous? Like maybe, just maybe, he wasn’t absolutely certain of my answer?

  The truth was, I didn’t know what my answer would be until it jumped right out of my mouth. “I don’t think so, Will.” Wait a minute, did I really just turn down another date with Will? My Will?

  “You don’t think we’ll have fun together?”

  I rolled my eyes at his persistence, at all the times I’d wished for him to pursue me the way he pursued the cheerleaders, rodeo girls, and sophisticated tourists of our youth. “I’m sure we’ll have fun together but that’s not really the point, is it?”

  “Seems to be the only point, as far as I’m concerned.” Of course he would say that because for him, this attraction was a shiny new thing that hadn’t been fully explored.

  “No thanks.” Seriously, no thanks? That was what I’d come up with? Even I wasn’t convinced.

  “Come on, Hope. We always have a good time together. Don’t we?” That hint of vulnerability in his voice, whether well practiced or genuine, I couldn’t tell, melted too much of my resolve.

  “You mean when you bring food to my house on the down low and we screw until mornin’? Yeah, it was fun. A lot of fun. But that was the past.”

  “Why? Give me one good reason and I’ll drop it.”

  I huffed out a laugh because we both knew that was total garbage. Will wasn’t a man to back down when he wanted something and, unluckily for me, what he wanted now was me. “You ever considered that maybe I just don’t want to go out with you, Will? Maybe all I wanted was to scratch an itch, no strings and all that.”

  He let out a deep rumbling laugh that I tried not to take personally, but the amusement in his voice made it hard. “If I believed any of that, yeah I’d accept it.”

  This was my chance. I could tell him the truth and get rid of him once and for all. Or, I could let him see that this wasn’t what he wanted by going on one simple date. “Fine. One date and then you’ll give this up, right?”

  “If that’s what you need to hear.”

  Damn frustrating man. “Just text me the details and I’ll meet you there. Friday night.”

  “Be ready by seven. I’ll pick you up.”

  “That’s not necessary, Will. I’m perfectly capable of driving myself,” I insisted but it was a waste of breath because Will had already ended the call. Stubborn, handsome, irritating man.

  I just couldn’t figure why Will was so determined to go out with me now? He’d already gotten weeks of commitment-free sex and I never pushed for more because I knew he didn’t have or want more. I couldn’t stop thinking about Will or his persistence, but somehow, I’d managed to place an order for delivery before Mikki and Audrey arrived.

  “I don’t smell any food,” Audrey grumbled and made a beeline for the kitchen.

  “That’s ‘cause I’m not your maid. The pizza and wings will be here shortly so have a seat. I have iced tea and ginger cookies for the pregnant among us and spiked tea for the rest of us.”

  “Bless your heart,” Mikki said, making herself comfortable by pulling three tall glasses from the cabinet. “Mama needs something with a kick.”

  “Long day?”

  She rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out, a move that somehow still made her look gorgeous. “Twice as long as you’re imaginin’. Mama called to see if I was done with my ‘little store in the sticks’ because she’s found the perfect partner. For the family business, not me, in case you’re wonderin’.”

  Audrey snorted. “I hope you told your sweet mama where to shove her little society boy. I swear, rich people have bigger balls than bank accounts.”

  “On that we agree,” Mikki said and took a long, fortifying sip from her glass, finishing off with a satisfying smack of her red lips.

  “Will asked me out on a date.” I don’t know why I just blurted it out, but the words just kept building until I couldn’t contain them.

  Mikki’s dark brows dipped in confusion. “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”

  I shrugged. I couldn’t deny my reaction to or feelings for Will. Audrey was more than happy to fill in the blanks. “Will doesn’t date. Ever. He has women he’s seen with and women he hangs out and sleeps with, but that’s about it. The last time he had a real date was his senior prom, I’m pretty sure. They have a few drinks, maybe take a few turns on the dance floor, and then head to the nearest bed, almost always hers so he can make a clean getaway.” And because she was a damn good friend, Audrey sent me a sympathetic smile and mouthed the word, “Sorry.”

  I shook my head, silently telling her not to be as the truth settled over me. I’d never been to his house or his bedroom. Never been invited either. “I shouldn’t have let him talk me into saying yes.”

  “Why not? You want this date, I know you do, so what’s the harm in taking your chance? Go on the damn date and see for yourself that he is the world’s biggest goober.” Audrey’s advice was exactly what you’d expect from a sibling.

  “A good lookin’ goober, though.” Mikki’s words were wistful. She frowned at the looks Audrey and I sent her way. “What? I’m not blind or interested.”

  Audrey laughed and I felt my belly clench. Hard. “He is a handsome devil, isn’t he? Mom always said that was his curse.” She turned to me, her expression suddenly serious. “Give him a chance, once and for all. If this date sucks, you can work on getting over him.”

  It wasn’t the prospect of a bad date that had me worried. “And if it doesn’t suck?”

  She shrugged. “Then give you two an honest-to-goodness chance at happiness. What have you got to lose?”

  The doorbell sounded and I stood, thankful to the delivery boy for a short reprieve. “Only my heart,” I told her as I made my way to the door, but it was also my good sense, my sanity, and my reputation. The last thing I wanted was for all of Tulip to pity me when Will inevitably moved on. I paid and tipped the kid and kicked the door shut. “This is new for Will, not me. I’m already too invested for what I know is going to be a short-term fling.”

  I busied myself with paper plates and napkins while Audrey gave Mikki a quick tutorial on Will and his reluctance to get close to anything resembling a relationship or commitment. “No woman has done it. Yet.”

  “And no woman will,” I said with a certainty that was so right, I felt another crack form in my chest.

  “You don’t know that,” they both insisted together.

  “In fact,” Mikki began with a mischievous grin, “what you need to do is make him see why being with you is exactly what he wants and needs. And the first thing we need is the perfect outfit.”

  I bit back a groan, reluctant to admit that Mikki’s plan mirrored my heart’s greatest desire, but happy to let her do her thing.

  What did I have to lose anyway?


  “Holy hell, Hope. You look stunning.” I felt like an idiot, staring at her with my tongue hanging out. I was pretty sure if I wiped my arm across my mouth, there would be drool.

  She stood in the doorway, backlit by the soft dim lighting of the hall, wearing a shy smile
to go with her greenish-blue dress that showed off shapely legs and arms and just enough cleavage to keep my mind in the gutter all night long. “Thank you, Will. You clean up real nice too.” She stepped back to let me inside and I knew instantly it was a bad idea the minute her sensual flowery scent hit my nostrils.

  “What’s that perfume?” It brought to mind late nights, gardens, and discreet encounters, a ridiculous thought that had me convinced I was losing my damn mind.

  Her blonde brows dipped in confusion. “I haven’t put any on yet.”

  “You smell amazing.” The words came out harsher than a compliment should but Hope flashed another of those shy smiles I was sure would be the death of me. She shut the door.

  “Thanks. I’ll be ready in a sec. Where are we going, anyway?”

  “My place.” It wasn’t the world’s most original date but after careful consideration, I was sure it was the right place for our first real date. Any appearance of a previous lover would make her more apprehensive and I couldn’t afford that. Not tonight.

  Hope snorted, telling me exactly what she thought of my place. “Not exactly a date, but at least it’s honest.” Despite her words, Hope’s tone was genuine but that only pissed me off more.

  “You know, Hope, you could at least pretend to give this date a real shot.”

  “Oh, come on, Will.” She popped her head out of the bedroom just to roll her eyes at me. “Am I supposed to believe that you suddenly woke up and noticed me, and even better—” she let out a fake gasp, “that you suddenly want the things I want too?” She stared at me, daring me to contradict her while looking oh so smug that I wouldn’t.

  “You think you know me so well, know what I want, but you don’t know a damn thing.”

  A snorting laugh sounded from her bedroom but I wasn’t foolish enough to tempt fate in that way. “Says you and everything about you when it comes to the opposite sex.” She held up a hand to stop my immediate defense. “Yeah, I know, Will. You don’t make promises, and you’re honest up front and let them know what the deal is. And if somehow their heart doesn’t listen and gloms onto you, then that’s on her, right?” She leaned out again in search of an answer, shaking her head when I couldn’t give her one before she disappeared again.

  Her words haunted me as we made the quiet, slightly tense drive to my place. Was I as callous as she made me sound? I prided myself on being honest but according to Ma and most of my friends, the heart wants what it wants, which meant maybe I was a bigger asshole than I realized. “Home sweet home.”

  She stepped from the car without waiting for me to help her, but at least she stayed close as we stepped inside. Hope gasped. “Your place is amazing! So spacious and well lit, even at night.” She looked around like a damn tourist and I grunted at her.

  “You’ve never been here before?” That didn’t seem right.

  “Do you remember inviting me over, Will?” The way my name rolled off her tongue was so similar to the way it sounded when pleasure was wrapped around her words. She shook her head but her smile was still wide and curious. “The flowers are new, I presume?”

  I nodded, taken aback by her change in demeanor. She’d gone from sullen and sulky in the car to bright and open now. My head was spinning at her mood swings. “I’m told women love flowers.” And I’d made sure the place was filled with daisies, tulips, and peonies—Hope’s favorites.

  She dipped her face close to the bouquet of tulips, eyes closed as she inhaled the sweet scent. “Nice touch. What smells so amazing?” She let out a groan that hit me straight in the cock, waking him. He sprang to life, ready to devour the sexy woman who had no idea how she was twisting him up. Hell, twisting both of us up.

  “I cooked,” I said. “The shock on your face isn’t insulting. At all.”

  She at least had the grace to blush even though it accompanied an unapologetic shrug. “Didn’t think bachelors cooked anything but takeout menus.”

  “Except when you want or need to whip out a homecooked meal. I figured we could use some getting to know you time without the whole town weighing in.” And yeah, maybe I also wanted her as close to my bed as I could get her, just in case she changed her mind.

  I was hopeful.


  Ready to seduce if necessary.

  “I find no fault with that rationale. Does this meal come with drinks?”

  Shit. “Right. Wine, beer, or the hard stuff?”

  She shrugged. “Surprise me.”

  Another thing a bachelor learned, whether he wanted to or not, was how to whip up a couple cocktails to impress. “You’re the surprising one, Hope. So many changes lately.” I grabbed the rye whiskey and bitters as she took a seat at the table, green eyes watching me closely.

  “It’s just hair, Will. I’m still me.” She said it as if being Hope wasn’t enough.

  “It’s more than the hair. Something about you is different. Brighter. Livelier. More alive, I guess. Does that make sense?” I didn’t want to offend her, but it was true. Hope had blossomed over the past few months.

  “I do feel more alive, but I guess that’s what happens when you decide to start living your life.”

  “Is that what you’ve been doing?” I wondered if I was part of her living life or something more.

  “I’ve been trying to be more present in my life, sure. Seems to be working out well for everyone else.” She shrugged and accepted her drink. “Wow, you can get me drunk and revive me if necessary. You’re handy to have around Will Landon.”

  “Don’t you ever forget it, Hope.” Her cheeks turned a sexy shade of red, reminding me of the way her whole body blushed when she was turned on and close to orgasm.

  “Not sure I could if I wanted to,” she mumbled and took a long pull from her very short glass.

  “What other changes have you made?” I knew there was something else, something she was keeping from me and I didn’t like it.

  “You mean my lingerie business? It’s nothing at all, really. Not yet, anyway. I’ve just finished my first line and I’m looking to get it off the ground soon.”

  Holy shit. She was beautiful and funny, sexy as hell, and ambitious too? How had I missed out on all that? “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  She shrugged. “I didn’t think you were interested. You’re more concerned with taking off lingerie, aren’t you?”

  That wasn’t fair but it was true. “Friends share those kinds of details.”

  “Yeah? Did you know I used to design lingerie and clothes before everyone left and I stayed behind to help Big Mama? No, you didn’t. And that’s fine, Will, because we were never friends.” Her lips held a smile but it wasn’t amused or friendly.

  “Now we are,” I insisted firmly. “And I’d like to see your designs.”

  “You already have,” she shot back easily. “A few of them, in fact.”

  My mind raced through all the sexy bits of fabric she’d had on over the past few weeks, a rainbow of colors and fabrics that clung to her curves, or hung loosely and forced me to use my imagination, and one that had been downright sinful and had left absolutely nothing to the imagination. “I’m happy to provide you with a testimonial.” Despite my gruff tone, Hope laughed, affection shining in her eyes.

  “Thanks, I think.”

  “Honestly, I prefer you in nothing at all.” Though I didn’t mind stripping the feminine fabrics from her body because it only made her hotter, more eager for my touch.

  “Good to know,” she said on a hissed-out breath before she buried her face in the last of her drink.

  By the time dinner was served, my nerves and the tension between us was gone, leaving a relaxing and flirtatious atmosphere that was perfect for seduction. “I never realized what pleasure you take in food.” Her moans and groans, the grease on her lips, had me thinking about anything but dinner.

  Hope froze and a slow grin spread from one corner of her mouth to the other. “You’re an excellent cook. You can cook for me anytime.” At the em
phasis on that last word, my cock sprang to life.

  Music to my ears. “Good. Got room for dessert?”

  Her big green eyes were beautiful as they darkened with desire but that hint of uncertainty left me unsettled. “I really shouldn’t.”

  “Says who? Besides, you can’t end the night without getting a taste of my Irish surfer milkshake.”

  Her brows crinkled adorably. “What the heck is an Irish surfer?”

  “It’s a milkshake with Bailey’s and Kahlua.”

  Her laughter was contagious and when she nodded, motioning for me to “bring it on,” I felt like a man who’d just won the lottery.

  “How can I resist?” she asked.

  I winked and licked my lips as she leaned over, giving me an even better view of her cleavage. “I was kind of hoping you’d find the offer irresistible.” I was doing more than kind of hoping. Hell, I was doing everything in my power to make it difficult for Hope to resist me.


  Had I ever felt so good in my whole dang life? The answer, sadly, was no. And worse, all it took was a somewhat gruff paramedic with arresting silver eyes, and a simple but not at all unexpected meal that consisted of a thick, juicy steak, buttery mashed potatoes, and no-frills grilled asparagus. Simple and understated, yet totally delicious. Just like the man himself.

  I felt good. Too good for a woman determined to keep her sexy black and red thong panties where they belonged: covering up all the fun parts. Then why are you hiding in the bathroom, my pesky conscience asked with more attitude than the moment warranted. But, she was right. I had a decision to make.

  I could do what Audrey suggested and basically throw caution to the wind and enjoy this night to its inevitable and logical conclusion. The date had been incredible and beyond a few flirty touches and smoking-hot looks. Will had been a perfect gentleman. The date was, by anyone’s standards, a success. He cooked, which already gave him an extra fifty points, but the fact that it was beyond delicious added another twenty, and the fact that Will was gorgeous, charming, intelligent, and funny made what I should do next a no-brainer.


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