Undesired: A Best Friend’s Brother Romance

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Undesired: A Best Friend’s Brother Romance Page 13

by Sullivan, Piper

  Will froze for just a fraction of a second but my gaze was laser focused on his face, on the subtle tightness around his lips and jaw. But he only froze for a second before he began to move again, this time his hips moved in a powerful, punishing pace that felt too good to lodge any complaint against. He reared up and palmed my thighs before pounding into me, hard and fast and intense. It was a blind focus on pleasure that I couldn’t help but take personally even as I benefitted from it. “Hope. Oh fuck, Hope.” Will fell forward and brushed a kiss to my temple as another wave of orgasm ripped through me. “Hope.”

  One final whisper of my name and Will was spent. His big, muscled body collapsed onto mine as he worked hard to get air into his lungs, giving me time to ride out my own pleasure before I fell asleep in his arms for what felt like the last time.

  I wish I could say I was surprised to wake up alone, to an ice cold bed but I wasn’t.

  This was finally goodbye.

  And all it took was three little words.


  “You boys ready to help some pets find their forever homes?” Scott stood in front of the group of volunteers, including me and two other Hometown Heroes, his big Viking body and boy-next-door smile shining bright for all the world to see.

  I wanted to break his fucking face. But I couldn’t because I had no right. And because he hadn’t done anything wrong. “As ready as we’ll ever be, I suppose.” Nate made no secret of his desire to be anywhere but in the park, today of all days.

  “That’s the attitude!” Scott clapped his hands together loudly, flashing another wide smile that made me feel like a surly bastard. “All you need to do is make sure these clipboards are filled out for every person interested in adopting one of the pets. We need as much info as possible before starting the adoption process.”

  It was really hard to hate a guy who fixed broken animals and went out of his way to find abandoned ones new homes. He wasn’t all that different from the social worker who’d personally driven me to Tulip when she got word Helen was willing to take a trouble kid with a big chip on his shoulder. “I’ll take this little pen right here,” I told Scott with as little attitude as I could manage.

  “Great. Thanks, Will.” Scott turned away to get the rest of the volunteers settled and Nate took the seat beside me.

  “Don’t be a dick to Scott just because you screwed things up with Hope.” Nate’s deep voice and plainspoken words made me angry.

  “Who asked you?”

  He let out a deep laugh and clapped his knee like this was the funniest thing in the world. “No one, but anyone with eyes can see you’re a surly bastard, and smart money is on Hope being the reason. So what did you do to screw it up?”

  Why did everyone assume it was my fault? “Who says I screwed it up?”

  Nate gave me the universal look for “of course you screwed it up” and laughed. Again. “So what happened?”

  “Hiya, Will!”

  “Brandi,” I groaned. “How are you?”

  She bounced, even standing still, as she spoke. “I’m great now that I’ve laid eyes on the sexiest Hometown Hero around.” In skin tight jeans and a white shirt that showed off her tiny waist and ample cleavage, Brandi was the perfect cowgirl for a good time. “Got time for me later?”

  Not wanting to be rude, I stood and flashed a weak smile. “Not tonight, Brandi. Busy.”

  She shrugged it off and stepped up close, putting one hand on my chest before she leaned in and planted her cherry-red lips right on mine. “Maybe another time. See you around, sexy.” She gave a little finger wave and sauntered off, hips swaying and drawing the eye of every unattached man within a five mile radius.

  Nate let out a low whistle. “You, my friend, are courting trouble.”

  “I’m single. Unattached.”

  “So was Brandi and she was a sure thing. You weren’t interested.” He nodded to the table behind us with a sly smile. “Maybe she’s the reason.”

  As soon as his words sank in, I turned in my chair, too fast, and nearly tumbled out of it. There was Hope, head bent close to Scott, their conversation serious. I hadn’t seen in her nearly a week and goodness, she was a sight for sore eyes. Dressed in a pair of fringed denim shorts and a loose blouse that molded over her breasts beautifully. “Maybe he’s the reason.”

  “Scott? Are you kidding? That man isn’t interested in Hope, not the way you think.” Nate’s amused tone was starting to piss me off and if there weren’t dozens of kids around, I would’ve told him as much. “He treats her like a little sister.”

  It didn’t make sense. Why would she let me believe something was going on between them if it wasn’t? “I don’t think so. I asked.”

  “And she said yeah, we’re sleepin’ together?”

  “No, dammit.” She had said something about a sore vagina but that had been nothing more than hyperbole. “But look at them.” Hope took a step back and laughed with her whole body. Scott laughed along and when Hope held up her fist, he bumped it.

  It was all very brotherly. Very platonic.

  “Will Landon, as I live and breath. It’s been far too long since I’ve seen you naked.” Barb, another of my weeklong flings stood in front of us wearing a sultry smile. “Where have you been hiding yourself away?”

  “Barb, you’re looking beautiful, as always.” She was an older woman, divorced twice and soured on the notion, which made her perfect company when I didn’t want to be alone. “How have you been?”

  “Is that how friends greet each other now?” She stepped in close and wrapped her arms around my neck, pressing her lips to mine in a slow, lingering kiss that should have had me semi-hard and looking for the nearest dark corner.

  Instead, I stepped back with an awkward smile. “Ah, Barb.”

  She flashed a knowing grin. “The rumors are true, then?” She shrugged, disappointed but not devastated. “Will Landon went and fell in love. I’ll bet she’s sweet and fiery too.” Barb let out a hoot of a laugh and turned her gaze to Nate. “Who’s your friend?”

  “No one,” I said with a laugh at the same time Nate stood and extended an arm to Barb.

  “Nate Callahan, at your service, beautiful.”

  Barb let out a tittering laugh and soon they were engrossed in conversation and my gaze scanned the park in search of Hope and her gauzy blue blouse. I spotted her near one of the exits, talking to Scott.


  She leaned in and hugged him quickly, swiping at her cheek with a crooked smile before she walked away. Quickly.

  Good riddance. I still couldn’t believe she’d done it. Hope. Sweet little girl next door Hope was no different than any other woman. I love you. As if those three little words would magically make everything all right. As if that would give any relationship a shot in hell of working. Not to mention, she couldn’t possibly love me after such a short period of time. It took me years to admit I loved Helen, and she took me into her home and her heart. She gave me a family. I didn’t know how, but I did know it was a manipulation.

  Women loved to talk about men but the truth was women were the manipulators, tossing out I love yous just to get their way. Well it wouldn’t work. Not on me.

  “Frowning at the pets might not be the best marketing strategy to get them adopted,” Nate offered with a cheeky grin.

  “Thanks for the advice. Dick.”

  “Just tell me how you screwed up and I’ll tell you how to fix it.”

  As if it was that simple. “She said I love you the other night.”

  “You don’t believe her or you don’t love her back?”

  I glared at him. “Are we gonna put our bras in the freezer too?”

  “You joke, but if you fall asleep first, then hell yes.” Nate leaned back and crossed his leg at the knee. “So you don’t believe her but you do love her. Interesting.”

  “I never said that,” I insisted, angry and acting like a caged animal backed into a corner.

  “Didn’t have to. It’s written a
ll over your pathetic posture.” He shook his head, enjoying my misery too much. “The question is, why don’t you believe her?”

  “She’s trying to manipulate me. Somehow.”

  He nodded and stroked his chin like he was thinking but we both knew he was screwing with me. “Has she been calling you nonstop? Dropping by your place unannounced? The office?”

  “No.” I hadn’t heard from her at all. “I freaked out when she said it and left while she was asleep. Haven’t spoken to her sense.” The words came out reluctantly and out loud; they made me sound like a man who deserved an ass whooping.

  Nate let out another long, low whistle. “Let me get this straight: she told you that she loved you and asked for nothing in return?”


  “And you bailed in the middle of the night?” I nodded because admitting that out loud was humiliating as hell. “You think she’s manipulating you somehow even though she hasn’t even confronted you about hittin’ it and quittin’ it?”

  “When you say it like that,” I began with a huff of laughter.

  “It’s sounds crazy as hell? That’s because it does, man. Real fucking crazy.”

  I couldn’t deny the truth of Nate’s words. Instead of trying to manipulate me, Hope seems to have washed her hands of me altogether. She picked up an extra shift at the diner and when I accidentally stumbled into her section, she gave the table to the other waitress, Ginger.

  It stung like hell, but maybe it was for the best.

  I didn’t believe that, but at this point, I didn’t know what to do about it. Was there anything I could possibly say or do that would have any effect on Hope?

  Today the outlook wasn’t all that good.

  Luckily, there was always tomorrow.


  “That’s not the face of someone about to witness her first fashion show.” Audrey stood with her hands on her hips, pregnant belly starting to intrude into the space between them, and a scowl on her pretty little face. “What gives?”

  Audrey was right and the hopeful, expectant look on Mikki’s face made me feel like an ungrateful fool. A lot of people had put in a lot of extra time and effort to help me make this fashion show happen. Mikki donated her space—after hours, of course—and Nina and Audrey had pretty much threatened or cajoled everyone woman in town into helping in some way. Even Walker and Nate had helped build the runway. “Just taking it all in.” That was mostly the truth. This was a big moment, probably the biggest of my life up to this point, and it was all happening while my heart was breaking. “How much time do we have?”

  “Fifteen minutes,” Mikki answered, her Mississippi twang growing stronger when she was stressed, like she was now. “Don’t be nervous, hon. All you need to do is say a few words about the collection and what it means to you. Sell it a little and then let the fabric and the designs speak for themselves.”

  That sounded easy enough but as the shop began to fill up with women, the meddling matchmakers were right up front, and my nerves took over. Nina and Janey were there along with Penny and Max, as well as a bunch of little girls who were far too young for lingerie. Their support meant the world to me, especially now when I needed something to look forward to.

  All of my friends, here to support me, got their very own happy ending. Nina and Preston couldn’t be more different if they tried, but they loved each other and somehow made it work. Ry and Penny managed to fall in love with a small child and an awful ex in the picture. Even cynical Audrey managed to find her own happy ending with her brother’s best friend, a man who had a list of qualities his future wife had to possess. Audrey possessed none of those qualities, but just like the others, he fell in love with her anyway.

  Love. That was the difference. Will didn’t love me. Maybe he couldn’t or maybe he just refused to, either way the result was the same. It hurt like hell to think about it, but saying it out loud even to Audrey and Mikki was too embarrassing. But saying it to myself made it easier to give up hope that one day Will would see me as a woman, a possible partner. Not just a convenient bed buddy. It was easier to give up, sure, but it still hurt like hell.

  “I know this is about my stupid brother but don’t let him screw this up for you. Go out there and tell these women why they need your sexy lingerie to spice up their lives, to make them feel better about themselves.” Before I could even take a deep breath, Audrey shoved me towards the stage. “Go get’em, girl.”

  Staring out at all the faces packed into Audrey’s shop, I felt a sense of hope. Of lightness. Maybe Will didn’t love me. Okay he definitely didn’t and he probably never would love me back, but that was okay.

  At least it would be.

  Someday soon.

  For now, I would have to fake it, so I pasted a smile on my face and tapped the cordless microphone Nina had provided on loan from Black Thumb. “Good evening, ladies and the few gents who were brave enough to show up to support me tonight.” A few cheers went out that made me smile and as I spoke, my shoulders relaxed. “This line has been a decade in the making but recently it all kind of just snowballed, thanks to a few kind words and supportive statements from the right people.” I smiled down at Big Mama who sat front and center wearing a big ol’ smile. “This line is simply called Dreams, because it’s never too late to try and achieve yours.”

  The music began and I moved off stage as the models strutted past in varying shades and fabrics. They looked beautiful. The lingerie was definitely the superstar, and my heart swelled with pride at the looks everyone wore.

  “You did good, girl.” Audrey wrapped an arm around me and held me close. “These designs are bangin’, honey! I wish I could fit my big ass into one of them.”

  Leave it up to Audrey to make me laugh even when my heart was breaking into a million pieces. “I’ll make you something sexy, I promise. Not that you need it; you’ve already got everything this lingerie is meant to help you get.”

  “That much is true but trust me, sexy clothes work every damn time.” She laughed again and the sound was contagious. “I’m so horny all the time that poor Walker is staying late at work just to get some rest. It’s ridiculous, really.”

  “Somehow I doubt that’s what he’s doing. Maybe he’s reading up on different sex positions for pregnant women?”

  “Oh, now there’s a thought.” She tapped her finger to her chin like she was deep in thought before another laugh bubbled up out of her. “Seriously though, I’m proud as hell of you.”

  “Thanks. It feels good. Even better than I thought it would.” No matter what happened next, with Will or my lingerie, I planned to savor this moment. To remember it and repeat it as often as I possibly could.

  “So things with you and Will?”

  “Done and over with. I accidentally blurted out that I loved him and he freaked out—left while I was asleep. I haven’t heard from him since.” Not one word and I refused to cry about it. Again.

  “Shit. I’ll kill him.”

  “No, don’t bother. I’m glad it happened because now I know. Will is incapable of love or maybe he’s incapable of loving me, whatever the reason behind it, that’s the simple truth. I can’t hide from it or deny it any longer.”

  “He’s an idiot and I hope he lives to regret it.” Audrey offered up a friendly smile and nothing else could have made me feel better in that moment.

  “Thanks, Audrey. Take it easy on him. He’s not a bad guy. Just not the guy for me.”

  “You’re being very mature about this, Hope. It’s kind of freaking me out.”

  “I figured since everyone around me is getting hitched and making babies, it was time to grow up.” Or get left behind.

  “I’m never growing up, no matter how many kids Walker puts in my belly.” Somehow, I believed it and could picture Audrey with silver hair, causing a ruckus just like the older women in town now. “Don’t sell yourself short. Being mature is overrated.”

  I laughed and pulled her in for a hug. Life might not be all it was c
racked up to be right now, but at least I had my friends. And a town full of people who would love and support me. No matter what.

  It wasn’t what I pictured, but it was enough.


  “No offense, Janey, but what the hell is all this?” She’d called me up late last night to meet her in the park at the butt crack of dawn for our official Hometown Heroes photoshoot. Now here I was in the park and other than a ton of photography equipment, it was just me and the ambulance. “Seriously.”

  Janey rose from where she was looking at lights or filters—something to do with taking pictures was all I knew. Hands fisted on her hips, she glared at me. “Is there a problem, Mr. Landon?”

  Mister? I held my hands up in defeat because despite evidence to the contrary, I wasn’t a fool. “No problem at all, Janey. Just curious about your creative vision, is all.”

  She grinned and it was part evil, part mischief. “You’ll see when your co-stars arrive. They should be here shortly.”

  “Co-stars? Who said anything about other people being in on the shoot?” That wasn’t what I agreed upon and suddenly I was struck with a vision of one of my one-night women strolling in, wearing a wedding dress. Or something equally terrifying.

  “Just relax. Have I led any of you guys wrong so far?”

  She hadn’t but I shrugged. “There’s a first time for everything, Janey. Besides there was that moment when Ry and Penny looked like they might have killed each other during their photoshoot.”

  “Hush your mouth and stand still so I can test out this tricky lighting.” She fell silent again, fiddling with her equipment and leaving me with my own thoughts, exactly where I had no damn desire to be. Not after getting an earful from Audrey. And Ma.

  And even Walker.


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