The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 19: 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women

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The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 19: 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women Page 19

by Bray, Kimberly

  She had tried to talk with him like an adult, but he had put the blame on her, saying that all she wanted to do was control him. No, she had said, when you are able to control things, including me, and take care of the things he's supposed to as a man, instead of waiting for her to do it, then he could come back. That night he had left and she couldn't care less. Or so she told herself.

  “Oh, piss on him!,” she said vehemently, pushing herself out of the chair. Eve strode to her bedroom and got ready for bed. She took her time, scrutinizing herself in the mirror as she discarded articles of clothing. She looked damn good at 28, her skin darkened by the sun, her hair darkest brown, almost black. Her cheeks were country freckled interrupted by a slightly upturned nose. Her lips were full, the lower pouting incessantly.

  She twirled naked in front of the full length mirror, stopping with her back to it. She looked back and inspected her crowning glory. Not a dimple of cellulite graced the skin of her tight, round ass and her thighs were sleek and strong, Eve was proud of her body, the work that she did helped to keep her trim and muscular and she enjoyed it.

  After showering and brushing her teeth, she fell into bed, hoping she would fall asleep fast. This past week had been tough on her, she couldn't stop thinking about her estranged husband and she couldn't understand why he didn't get it when she had outright told him.

  “What the hell was wrong with him anyway?” she thought to herself. “Dumbass,” was all she could think of next. After 10 years of marriage they had never gone to bed angry and always together. Now, she felt lost without him. It was lonely and cold, his side of the bed void of any warmth.

  She fell asleep with those disappointing thoughts, the two German Shepherds asleep on the floor next to the bed.


  Elsewhere in the house, a silent marauder crept past the remnants of uneaten raw meat dosed with a heavy sedative. The intruder, a broad shouldered, hooded, masked man, carried a long, thin, blade in one hand and a length of thin, nylon rope in the other. Slowly he crept through the house, knowing exactly where to go, past the living room and dining room, down the hall past the bathroom and finally to her bedroom.

  The masked intruder listened beside the bedroom door for the dogs whom he had fed tainted raw meat earlier and he smirked with satisfaction. Not a sound came from those mutts except soft snoring. He could hear Eve breathing as well, a quiet, soft whistle blowing gently through her nose as she exhaled.

  The man had chosen Eve after he had seen her in the park, playing with her dogs. The dogs didn't bother him, he knew how to handle them.

  He had watched her for weeks, noting her habits and taking pictures. The man had obsessed over her, hanging her pictures on the wall of his makeshift shrine. He had followed her home and was elated that she lived in a secluded area and had begun to make plans that very night. The only hitch that he could see was her husband. A spineless jelly fish as far as he was concerned, watching the interaction between the couple.

  He had also seen her throw her husband out, tossing his clothes out after him. He became excited, knowing without a doubt that he was meant to be with her. He would show her how to behave, show her who was really boss, give her everything he knew that she needed. He would take his time with this one. She was strong and strong willed, and strong women needed to be taken down a peg or two right off the bat.

  It had been he who watched her in the makeshift shower. He was surprised at her but excited nonetheless. He had hid in the woods making friends with her dogs and was almost caught by Manny, the overgrown, over sexed child.

  He had fed the German Shepherds raw meat for the last three days and taken the time to go through her house while she was gone to avoid any surprises later on. He would have to teach her about taking showers outside though. Teach her well. He smiled at the thought. Yep, he would have to take his time with this one and his smile turned into a toothy grin.

  Experienced and stealthy, he crept further into Eve's bedroom, his breathing calm and steady. The two German Shepherds lay beside the bed, closest to his prize, but that didn't matter, his attention was focused on the sheet covered, sleeping figure.

  He approached the foot of the double bed then quickly jumped on her, pinning her arms underneath the sheet with his knees. She cried out, surprised, and he immediately drew his fist back and slugged her in the mouth. Her head flew to the side and her mouth dripped blood.

  Instantly, her mouth started to swell and tears filled her eyes. He knew she was flailing with her feet, trying to hurt him but the weight of him holding the sheet down kept her from struggling too much.

  “Cohen! Sonja!,” she cried through the blood, trying desperately to free an appendage to knock this piece of shit off of her. He would pay for that punch in the mouth that much she was sure. Confused as to why the dogs didn't come when they were called, she slowly realized that he had done something horrible to them.

  “Get off me!,” she screamed, and earned another punch in the face, this time causing her spitting a tooth. “I'm gonna kill you!” she tried to wriggle out from underneath him, flailing her legs and working her shoulders. She earned a punch in the nose and more blood streamed down her face, mixed with her tears and the sweat of her exertions.

  Crying for her dogs and the pain of her injuries, she stared at the man that held her captive. She looked him in the eyes and knew that her life was in danger but she stared at him, quiet and still. Eve focused on the man's face and with the glow of the moonlight streaming in to her bedroom window, she gathered up blood, spit and snot into her mouth and spat it at her attackers face.

  It landed square in his right eye, bypassing the black ski mask that covered his face. Another mouthful of bloody goo hit him dead on in the mouth. Before he could swipe the sticky mess out of his eye and mouth, she spat again, this time hitting him in the left eye, driving a sharp edged tooth remnant into the pupil.

  Sitting on top of her, the man roared. This was too much even for him. He wrapped the nylon cord he had brought with him around her neck and pulled tight. Just then he was grabbed by the shoulders and tossed into the wall. Eve scrambled out of the bed, flailing her arms and legs, kicking the sheet away from her.

  She tried to see what was going on but the swelling on her face made it almost impossible. She heard someone ask if she was alright and she let loose a string of expletives that thankfully was garbled. She heard bare fists hitting flesh and she peered through her beat up eyes.

  “Is that you, David,?” she asked

  “Yeah, it's me,” the man said.

  This time she let loose some choice expletives and told him that she was fine, she could take care of herself.

  David banged the intruders head into the wall until he didn't move anymore and turned to look at Eve.

  “There is no doubt in my mind that you can take care of yourself,” he said to her, not letting her see his concern. “But just this once, let me take care of you.”

  Through the pain, Eve smiled. Her husband was back and from the looks of the intruder, he was back with a vengeance.

  David, a tall, broad shouldered, muscular man went to Eve and scooped her up. He gently laid her down on the couch in the living room and called 911. Then he went to check on the dogs and tie up the intruder. He found the two German Shepherds, oblivious to the goings on, still sleeping heavily and knew they would be okay. Then he turned to the stirring intruder and pounded his head into the wall again until he quit moving.

  He tore his ski mask off and hog tied him, behind his back, kicking his knife far away. He was almost through when Eve came in, concerned about her dogs. She saw the unmasked man lying on the floor, walked over to him calmly and stomped on his crotch. She stood on him, then stomped her feet. David, inwardly groaning, but proud of his wife, let her do what she needed to do.

  “He's going to feel like a Mack truck drove into his crotch,” David said to her, smiling.

  “Yeah, if I had the guts, I'd cut the thing right off,” she said vehement
ly, giving the unmasked intruder another shot to the crotch.

  “Easy, thunder,” David grinned, his hand automatically covering his own crotch.

  Eve bent and looked closer at the man's face. Then she suddenly drew back a fist and popped him in the mouth, drawing blood. One more time in the nose and she was satisfied with the rearranging of his face.

  “Told you you were gonna pay,” She spat one more time on his face and then turned her attention to her beloved German Shepherds. She sat down beside them and pet both their heads.

  “They're going to be alright, I think,” David said to her, noting the gentleness she had for them. He remembered how gentle and sweet she could be and his heart swelled with love for this woman who was his estranged wife.

  They heard the sirens then and went to the door to wave them in. At first, Eve refused the medical attention the EMT guys offered, but David persuaded her to acquiesce. He watched the medical personnel wipe the sticky, drying goo off of her face and his heart went out to her. He should never have left. If he hadn't left, this wouldn't have happened to her, he thought. But unbeknownst to him, leaving had saved his life. The intruder had made plans for him as well.

  In the early morning hours, the police finally left, taking the finally conscious intruder in cuffs with them. The police had taken a lengthy statement from them and David and Eve fully admitted to the injuries the intruder had sustained.


  After the police left, she sat down heavily in the lounge chair, knowing she would have to go to work in an hour. Her face hurt, even with the pain relieving shot she'd had. Her mouth felt sore and her nose felt broken. She still had blood in her hair and ears but she didn't care. She closed her eyes for only a minute and promptly fell into a deep sleep.

  David watched and saw that the sedative he had asked the EMT guys to give her was taking effect. He knew she would be stubborn and insist on taking care of her horses, so he had asked them to slip her a sedative without her knowing. He would take care of her horses as she slept.

  He pulled out his cell phone and called his mother to come over to keep an eye on Eve and while he waited for her to drive up, he gently picked up his quietly sleeping wife and took her to the guest bedroom. He laid her on the bed and covered her with a light blanket. He brushed the bloody hair from her face and softly touched her injuries, thinking how beautiful and brave she was.

  David stood up and went into their bedroom, picked up Cohen and brought him into the guest bedroom. He laid him on the floor next to the bed, then did the same with Sonja. He stood with his hands on his hips and looked at his sleeping beauties, love and concern gracing his face. He sighed, thankful they were all going to be alright and turned to go back out into the living room to wait for his mother.


  Eve's injuries had healed quickly, and a little over a week later they were just a light bruising. They were still sore but the memory of her stomping the crap out of the man made her feel no pain. She was extremely grateful that her husband David had showed up when he did that night and proud that he had literally saved her from that dangerous man.

  When asked why he was there to begin with, David had replied that he couldn't sleep and wanted to come see and talk to her. She accepted his response but was still confused, why had he been there so late? He knew that she would have been asleep, she was a very early riser.

  Shaking her head, she chose not to pursue the matter. He had saved her life, that's all she knew for sure and for now that was enough.

  She stirred a teaspoon of sugar into his ice tea and brought it out to where he was splitting wood for the winter.

  “How's it going,?” she asked sweetly.

  David looked up and wiped the sweat off his brow. “Hot, humid and lovely,” he said, noting that she looked a lot better today, the swelling was gone and the bruising had almost disappeared.

  She handed him the ice tea and he drank the whole glass. “Thank you,” he said to her.

  “You know that winter is still months away, right?,” she asked him.

  “Yes, but I want to get this done for you so you don't have to worry about it when it does get here,” he replied, smiling.

  Eve hadn't yet decided to let him come back and she didn't want him to think just because he saved her life doesn't mean their marriage was all better. Him getting the wood ready for the wood stove in the house before winter hit was a step in the right direction but she wanted to make sure he wasn't going to go back to being complacent.

  “That's a great idea,” she said to him, smiling back.

  Her missing tooth was blatant when she smiled back at him and his heart went out to her. He dropped the axe that he had in his hand and before she could move away, he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her gently and sensuously on her sore lips.

  “I love you Eve,” he said as he pulled his head away, “I have loved your fiery spirit the first day I laid eyes on you.”

  “I love you too, David,” she said, looking into his eyes. “And if I haven't said it yet, I apologize. Thank you for saving my life.”

  Eve grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the growing pile of wood. He followed her, confused.

  She took him over to the oak barrel hanging from the huge oak tree, towed him inside the enclosure and closed the quickly constructed door. She looked in his eyes as she lifted her t-shirt, tore it off and tossed it out. Then she lifted and tore his t-shirt off. She reached behind her, unhooked her bra and let it slip off of her ample breasts, down her arms and she flung it over the top of the enclosure. As she looked into his eyes, she unbuttoned his jeans and then her own. They both kicked their shoes off and stepped out of their jeans.

  Completely naked now, she reached for her husband and as they entwined themselves to each other like the honeysuckle entwined the latticework, she reached up and pulled the cord hooked to the barrel.

  Immediately, they were softly rained upon, the warm, minty rain water falling gently from about a hundred tiny holes that had been drilled into the bottom of the 75 gallon oak cask.

  She kissed him again, wrapping her arms around his neck and holding him close. She pushed her hips against him and began a slow gyration, rubbing her hard belly against his hardening cock. She slowly moved, down and around and up. She pressed hard into him, feeling every inch of his beautiful cock against her slick, wet, skin.

  The water flowed over and between them, the cool minty feel to the warm rain water was energizing and fresh and the sweet scent of honeysuckle wafting through the air mixing with the thyme underneath their feet was intoxicating.

  Eve stepped back a little to allow the water to more fully fall on her husband. She stared into his eyes as she reached down and grabbed his growing, throbbing cock in her hands. She let them travel the full length of his cock as he stared back at her and he quickly drew his breath.

  He brought his hands to her face and as he pulled her in to kiss her, she squeezed and pulled gently. She was becoming more and more sensual as she touched him, holding his balls as she stroked him softly, making his cock jump and reach forward.

  Realizing goosebumps were showing on his neck, she slowed and lightened her touch. Looking down she licked her lips then looked up into his eyes as she slowly kneeled down. As the warm, cooling water flowed, she wrapped her luscious, full, lips around his cock and took him deep in her mouth. Hearing him gasp and grab her hair, she hardened her tongue and pulled her head back slowly, sensuously. Again she took him deep in her mouth.

  As she pulled back, the minted water fell where he was exposed. She heard him groan loudly and felt him strengthen his grip on her hair, pressuring her to take him inside again. Teasing the engorged head with her hardened tongue, his cock pulsed, and when she licked the full length of him and took his balls in her mouth, she heard him draw in his breath sharply.

  Eve was enjoying herself, taking her time, bringing her husband to the brink of orgasm, then slowing until he relaxed again. She could feel his cock getti
ng larger and saw the head was getting darker with his blood pumping harder through it. His balls tightened as she sucked him and his grip on her hair became almost painful.

  Empowered by the excitement she produced from her husband, she took him inside her mouth again, all the way down to the base of his shaft. Holding her breath, she kept his cock deep inside while her tongue swirled and licked. Finally out of breath, she pulled her head back quickly, sucking his cock as she pulled sensuously away from him.

  Then she took his cock into her mouth again and as she gripped his balls, she tightened her full lips around his cock and began an up and down motion, stroking his cock with her lips and tongue. She heard his breathing become heavier and felt him pull her head closer. He gasped as she went faster, the grip on his balls became as tight as the grip on her hair as her mouth traveled the full length of his cock.

  Eve smiled inside as she looked up at him and when his eyes met hers with his cock in her mouth, it was too much for him to bear. He gripped her head between large hands and pushed his cock into her throat. Then he pulled her head away.


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