Falling for Dad's Best Friend

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Falling for Dad's Best Friend Page 1

by Scott, Gigi

  Falling for


  Best Friend

  Volume 2

  Gigi Scott

  Copyright ©2020 by Gigi Scott

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author/publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this book are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  The book contains mature themes, strong language and sexual situations. It is intended for mature readers.

  Hiking with Dad’s Best Friend

  Calling Dad’s Best Friend

  Staying Home with Dad’s Best Friend

  Bonus Chapters from Coaching Ruby


  Chapter 1

  Hiking with Dad’s Best Friend

  “This is awesome. Do you come here a lot?” Josh asks as he follows my direction and drives onto an uphill road in the forest.

  “I used to, but not since college,” I say. I still can’t believe I’m on a date.

  I know Josh for only about a week. My friend Erica hooked us up at a party and told me he had lots of girls after him. Josh is on the college baseball team, and he’s cute. When he asked me what I liked to do, I said hiking. He didn’t look interested at first, but when he heard my dad’s friend had a cabin in Angeles Forest, his eyes brightened and suggested we should hike together over the weekend. So here we are.

  Josh whistles as soon as we see the cabin at the end of the path among the cedars. “This is awesome! I’ve never seen any cabin so fucking fancy. Two-story, patio and balcony!”

  “Derek built it himself,” I say proudly. Derek, my dad’s best friend, owns a home construction company.

  I find the key next to a tree under a rock, where Derek told me, and open the cabin door. Inside, it’s all spotless. It’s been dusted. Someone has probably been here recently.

  I give Josh a quick tour in the five-bedroom vacation house. He looks impressed. “This is awesome!” he keeps saying. I wish he had a variety of vocabulary, but I’m so proud I don’t really mind.

  After we come back downstairs, I grab my backpack and get ready to get out of the house, but Josh plops down onto the couch, pulling me with him. “Let’s just rest a bit, babe.”

  I hesitate as I sit down next to him. I was hoping to start the hike early in the morning because it would be cooler and the air would be fresher, but Josh couldn’t get up early. He picked me up at eight instead of six as I had planned and stopped by a McDonald’s for breakfast. Now it’s already ten o’clock.

  I want to tell Josh that we should hurry, but then he drove us here and deserves a rest. So I hold back my complaint and relax—for just a second, though, because Josh’s hand drifts to my shoulder and squeezes it.

  I stiffen, although I expected it and wanted it, sort of. Josh is quite good-looking, medium frame with impressive biceps. Seeing no objection, Josh strokes my hair a bit and stamps a kiss on my cheek. My heart pounds frantically, not sure what to do. This is too sudden. I’m not ready yet.

  But Josh is fast, while I’m hesitating, he already finds my breast and squeezes it through my bra. As I open my lips to utter my surprise, he shoves his tongue into my mouth and pushes it all the way to my throat!

  I have dated one guy back in high school, and kissing was all we did, so I know what a good kiss is supposed to feel like. Definitely not impatient and gross like this.

  I tolerate the assault of his tongue, regretting the date already, when his hand abandons my bra and heads to my shorts.

  Before he unbuttons me, I put both hands on his chest and push him with all my might. “Stop!” I shout.

  “Why?” He looks at me with flushed face and bright eyes, still breathing hard.

  “We’ve got to get started with the hike. It’s getting late and it’ll be too hot before we finish!”

  He rolls his eyes. “Did you really drag me all the way here to hike? C’mon! This is a five-star cabin!”

  “What’re you talking about?” I mumble. I know what he has in mind. Actually, I planned to have sex with him afterward, too. I even brought some condoms, just in case. But at the moment, the idea of having sex with Josh at my dad’s best friend’s cabin seems sordid. “Don’t tell me you don’t care for hiking?”

  “Not really,” Josh blurts, looking impatient.

  “Then why…are you here?” I ask, feeling stupid. His intention was clear the moment he suggested the date, and I knew it. I was a bit flattered at the time, thinking it was finally time for me to lose my virginity, but now…I chicken out.

  Josh pauses for a moment. “To help you lose your virginity, babe.”

  I gasp. “How do you know I’m a err… Did Erika tell you?”

  He huffs. “I figured it out. Not that hard.”

  My face feels burning hot. I’m embarrassed. Everyone was making out at the party the night we met. Josh wanted to kiss me, but I pushed him away. I guess I was obvious. “Well, thanks but it isn’t necessary.”

  “Are you serious?” he looks pissed as if he’s never been turned down by girls before. “What’re you keeping it for? It isn’t a badge of honor anymore, you know?”

  “Shut up!” I glare at him.

  “Awesome!” He sneers and stands up. “I will head back to the city, if you don’t mind.”

  “W-what?” I cry. “We’ve just gotten here.”

  “To tell the truth. I knew you were a prude when I saw you but I was willing to give you a shot,” he says with a blank face. “Since you don’t really need me, I’ve got other plans.”

  My mouth falls to the ground. “You can’t just leave me here!”

  He heads to the door without looking back. “You can come with me. I’ll wait for you in the car.”

  I’m so shocked I can’t move. What a jerk! To think I will get back to his car with him after insulting me! I don’t move.

  I hear the engine a moment later, but I still don’t move. I hear a horn a moment later, and another one. And then I hear the car rolling away.

  I sit on the couch for a long time before standing up. I’m not sure what to do. I could probably hike alone. I don’t need any companion because I know the area well, having been here countless times since when I was a child. But Josh’s killed my mood for hiking. The way he laughed at my virginity makes me feel like a prim old lady. What are you keeping it for? Shit. I’m not really keeping it. I’m not a prude. I like sex. I read erotica books and watch porn films. I have tons of sexual fantasies. It’s just that…I haven’t found the right person to try them. Josh might be cute, but he’s immature and definitely not sexy. I want someone manly and I want someone who kisses better.

  Thinking maybe I should get a cab or hitch a ride out of here, I go out of the cabin and look around me. Derek’s cabin is the only one around. It’s deep in the mountains and far away from the main road. I don’t even hear any vehicles passing by, let alone seeing any. Shit. What am I supposed to do? I sit down on a deck chair and pull out my phone reluctantly. I should probably call Derek to ask for his advice.

  Derek answers on the first ring. “Hi Sara! How was the hike?”

  His cheerful voice already calms my anxiety.

  Shit. He thinks I’ve finished the hike already. “Err, actually, I haven’t started it yet. Just got here. Still in the cabin,” I blurt out the incoherent words.

  “How’s the cabin? You find everything you need over t
here? I had someone cleaned it up yesterday. I hope he did a good job?”

  “Yes, thanks, Derek,” I say. “But actually I’m not going to stay here…”

  “What happened? Wait, are you here alone? You keep saying I. Where’s your friend?”

  “He… err… had to leave because of… an emergency,” I lie, too embarrassed to tell him the truth.

  He pauses, as if knowing I wasn’t telling the truth. “What’re you going to do, sweetheart? You want me to come over?”

  “No,” I say in a hurry. “I think I will go home. I just want to know how to get a cab…”

  “Stay where you are,” Derek commands. “I’ll take you home. I’m only fifteen minutes away from you.”

  He hangs up before I have time to protest.

  Even though Derek is the owner of his business, he works every day. I assume he’s with a client at the moment and I feel guilty for troubling him, although it isn’t the first time. I imagine I’ve always been a pain in the ass to him. He’s picked me up from field trips whenever my dad wasn’t available, and he even bailed me out from police custody back in high school when I got involved at a party where some guys were drinking.

  I grew up without a mom but with two daddies. Sometimes when dad wanted to spend time alone with his girlfriend, he would have Derek to babysit me. It’s the reason I’ve spent a lot of time during holidays and summers here at this cabin. It feels almost like my own house. It’s the reason I like hiking so much, although I got busy after I started college and haven’t been here for two years.

  When Derek’s truck pulls up the path, I stand up and wave at him. And then I go back to the house to pick up my bags.

  When I’m back to the porch, I see a bearded, tall man with broad shoulders, in a grey t-shirt and worn jeans heading toward the house. My breath catches in my throat. I haven’t seen Derek for two years, and he feels different. Derek is an army veteran, and he still goes through rigid daily workout to keep himself physically fit. From a distance he looks in better shape than most of the athletes I know from school. His biceps are twice as thick as Josh’s, and he’s a lot taller. He’s even hotter close up. His raven hair is sprinkled with a bit of salt, making him more attractive. His beard covers his jaw and chin and give him a tough look. My thighs tingle as I imagine the feel of his stubble on my skin… Holy shit. What’s happening to me? He’s Derek, my Dad’s best friend. I’m not supposed to feel this way toward him.

  “Hi Sara!” he says smiling as he opens his arms.

  I drop the bags on the floor and hug him. He smells leathery spice, a scent I’m familiar with, but at the moment it does funny things to my lady bits. I’m also aware of his hard muscles against my boobs and a clench in my belly.

  I blush and quickly pull away, feeling his hazel eyes assessing me up and down. “You’ve grown up!” He chuckles.

  Oh my God. He thinks I’m fat. My Hollister t-shirt is tight and I’m wearing a padded bra. My shorts keep riding up, showing my plump thighs. Shit. I need to lose some weight.

  “So, are you sure you don’t want to take a quick hike or something? It’s still early. We could get to the top before it heats up.”

  I hesitate. It sounds like a splendid idea. I miss hiking with Derek. “What about your work?”

  “It can wait,” he says. “I would love to spend an afternoon with you. I haven’t seen you for a long time, sweetheart.”

  I smile. “That’ll be great.”

  Derek helps me to put one of the bags back to the cabin, and grabs some bottled water from the pantry in the kitchen.

  I gather my unruly blond hair into a ponytail and put on sunscreen. My t-shirt is kind of off shoulder with thin straps. I’m trying to reach the back of my shoulder when he’s back to the patio.

  “Let me help you,” he says after packing the water into my bag.

  “Sure,” I say handing him the bottle.

  As soon as his warm hand touches me, an electric current zips through me. I can feel the calluses of his skin. I used to cringe whenever he held my hand, because it always hurt. But now it feels different. They scrape my skin a bit, but the prickling sensation is delicious, and it sends shivers down my spine. I want him to keep rubbing, and I want him to rub other parts of my body…

  “Here you go,” he says, breaking my indecent thoughts.

  “Thanks,” I say. “Just a minute. Let me do my legs.”

  I quickly squeeze some cream on my palms and bend down to apply it on my legs and thighs. When I rise, I notice Derek’s face is all red, and he’s gulping. I realize I probably bent too low and gave him a tasty view of my boobs. I blush. Shit. I hope he doesn’t think I did it on purpose.

  I force a smile. “Would you like me to put some on for you, too?” I ask.

  “No I’m fine,” he says. “My skin is rough and I’m already tanned.”

  It’s true. He works outdoors so his face, neck and arms are all olive brown, making his hazel eyes more intense.

  We’ve barely gotten onto the trail when Derek asks me, “So, tell me what happened, Sara. Why did the guy take off?”

  I’m taken aback. I was hoping he wouldn’t ask because it was embarrassing to me. What am I going to tell him? That what Josh really wanted was to have sex, not to hike with me? And he took off as soon as he found out I didn’t want it?

  “I…err…” I stammer. “It’s just a miscommunication. You see, I told him I liked hiking, and he suggested the date, but it turned out that… he only wanted to…to…”

  “Okay, Sara, I get it,” Derek says through his teeth. “He’s a jerk.”

  “I’m sorry for being such a pain in the ass,” I say, feeling guilty again.

  “What’re you talking about? Sara! You’re like a daughter to me. I would do anything for you, sweetheart,” he says in a low voice while gazing into my eyes.

  My knees turn to jelly. “Thanks, Derek! You’re the best.”

  As Derek predicted, we get to the top of the hill before noon. The sun isn’t that fierce, but we’re both sweaty. Derek’s t-shirt sticks to his skin, showing me a complete topography of his muscles. My bra with thick pads feels hot and I really want to take it off.

  “We’ll rest in the shades over there,” Derek says, pointing at an enormous boulder under a pine tree.

  It looks nice and cool. I nod quickly and speed up.

  I can barely wait to drop onto the ground and lean against the smooth surface of the rock. The spot is not only cool but also has a fantastic view of the city below.

  Derek sits down next to me, passing me a fresh bottle of water and a bag of trail mix.

  “This is so good,” I murmur while gazing at the view, my head leaning against Derek’s shoulder. “I missed hiking!”

  “Me too,” he says.

  “Why? When was the last time you hiked?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. A year? Two years? When were you last here? After your high-school graduation. And now you’re finishing up your junior year.”

  “Are you saying you haven’t come back here since our last hike?” I ask, feeling incredulous.

  “Yes, Sara,” he says, chuckling. “Hiking alone isn’t fun, besides, I’ve been busy.”

  The information flatters me. Could it be Derek only loves hiking with me? Or could it be he doesn’t care for hiking at all, and only does it for me?

  “You work too much, Derek,” I say, copying my dad’s frequent advice to his friend. “Money isn’t everything, you know? And it’s time for you to… err… get a girlfriend… and you can hike with her.” Oh, shit. I sound ridiculous.

  He laughs. “Oh, Sara. I still can’t believe you’re a grownup. Just a few years back I was giving you piggyback rides, and now you’re giving me advice on my lifestyle!”

  “I’m sorry!” I say. “I don’t mean to be….”

  “It’s okay,” he says. “I appreciate your advice, sweetheart. But I’m doing fine. I’ll tell you what, why don’t you come back here once in a while to hike with me like be

  I grin. “Sounds good!”

  I finish the last piece of raisin in the trail mix, but I don’t want to get up. It feels relax and safe being with Derek. I want to sit here next to him for the rest of the day and the rest of my life.

  A bee hovers over me, probably attracted by the sweet flavor of the raisin that lingers on my lips. I know I’m not supposed to fan it away, so I sit stiffly. But when it gets too close to my face, I whimper and fall into Derek’s arms, burying my face against his chest.

  “It’s okay. It’s going away.”

  I stay in his arms long after the bee is gone, trembling.

  “It’s gone,” he whispers into my ear.

  But I don’t move. I love sniffing his body scent from his T-shirt and love listening to his loud heartbeat.

  After a while, I feel his hand stroking my back and his warm breath on my bare shoulders.

  I rub my face against his chest and hold him tighter. His breathing quickens instantly, and I feel a movement down his jeans, too. I look and see the bulge. Oh, my. He’s turned on.

  I peer up at him and see his intense eyes gazing at me.

  The lust in his eyes is another proof that he’s feeling the same way as I have for him.

  “Kiss me, Derek!” I whisper.

  He swallows and hesitates. And then he bends down and stamps a kiss on my forehead.

  “We’d better keep moving,” he says as he stands up. “It’s getting hot.”

  I pout and let him pull me up, too. “I like it hot,” I murmur.

  He doesn’t respond, but leads the way like he always does.

  We take a different route going down.

  When I see Angeles Lake, I can’t resist the urge for a dip. It’s more like a pond, but the water is clear because it’s fed by a stream constantly. It’s also hidden among the pine trees, and not as well-known as the other lakes in the area.

  “I’m going down the lake,” I say.

  Derek tries to stop me, but I run off the trail anyway. I’ve swum here before.


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