Conquered By the Alien Prince: An Alien Sci-Fi Romance (Luminar Masters Book 1)

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Conquered By the Alien Prince: An Alien Sci-Fi Romance (Luminar Masters Book 1) Page 17

by Rebel West

  When another guest makes a comment about Earth fabrics being rough and primitive compared to the Luminarian smart clothes, the ones that sense heat and cold, wick moisture, read heart rate, and respond to your mood, I make a noncommittal shrug and explain how we have similar tech, but that old-style jeans are perfect for visiting the CO2 farms. Everyone falls silent—thinking, surely, about how their own environment is struggling with a technology that Earth has perfected.

  But none of this feels exactly like victory. I’m silent in the hovercraft back to the palace, and cross my arms as Lock walks me down the corridor to my chambers. I don’t even want to look at him.

  He strokes my shoulder. “What is it?”

  “I feel lost. I can’t even stand up for my planet. I’m not having success helping Maxxon. It’s all just... worthless.” I wipe a tear from my eye.

  “That’s not true.” His voice is harsh. “Of course you matter. Your efforts are not worthless. You were incredible tonight—a perfect example of a human, and you impressed them all.” Now he sounds almost pleading. “You are more amazing than you realize, so lovely and bright and smart, such an interesting human. I just don’t want to see you miss a step, do you understand? I’m holding you to higher standards because you can meet them. You’re worth it.”

  “So many Luminarians,” I say slowly, “have ambivalent feelings toward humans, don’t they?”

  He nods.

  I lift my chin. “They are intrigued to meet us, interested in learning about our bodies and culture and world. But also, very defensive, I think. They come equipped with the attitude that Luminarians and Luminar culture is better than that of Earth, and they have to prove it at every turn by bringing up Earth problems, and comparing the two planets unfavorably.” I sigh. “Even the nice ones do it. I suppose it’s inevitable. It’s like a big dick contest, but it’s going to be a long contest, no pun intended, and it will last a long time.” I snicker to myself. “Again, no pun.”

  “I don’t understand. What is a big dick contest, and pun?”

  “It’s a kind of joke, but—okay. So on Earth, people posture when they confront each other about differences, always trying to one-up the other. Animals do it, too, and now I’ve seen it clearly on Luminar. It’s a biological directive that comes from the subconscious brain and makes people stand their ground and protect what’s theirs, in a sense. Trying to win, beat the other.”

  “Yes, that is done here.”

  “And because it’s often men who do it, we call it comparing dicks, which is a slang term we use for penis, to see whose is bigger, as if the bigger one is better. Back to survival of the fittest, I suppose. So when I said the contest was long, I was making a joke about also the length of a penis.”

  Explaining it this way made it seem completely unfunny, but Lock laughs. “That is funny. It doesn’t translate, but it’s funny when you understand the English.” Then he looks thoughtful. “Yes, that kind of confrontation, verbal one-upping, is common here, too, especially in business and politics. I suppose that may be common to all life forms, sentient advanced ones, that is.”

  I nod. “Some Luminarians think they are superior to humans, because they don’t like that humans saved their entire existence. And they don’t want to think that the Luminarian part of the genes is weaker, because it needed human DNA to rescue it from oblivion. And so they are eager to bash Earth when they can, in subtle and not so subtle ways, saying that we have issues with impulse control and undeveloped emotions. To make themselves feel stronger. Yes?”

  “That is a very wise assessment,” Lock says, raising his eyebrows. “I couldn’t have put it better, myself. I believe you are right. Although I don’t believe Luminarian DNA is weaker, or flawed. Nor is human DNA. I think they are both superior in their own way.”

  “I still feel that many Luminarians resent humans.”

  “They will get past that, because we need Earth technology. What you’ve accomplished on Earth with reversing the atmospheric damage is incredible. Bone grafts and genetic engineering, you excel there. And some of the literature is incredible.”

  I twist my hands together. “I just worry that Luminarians are too smug about their technology and too willing to dismiss Earth as a land of, like, losers. Because of our civil unrest and wars and societal issues.”

  “Those are big issues, and they are getting worse, not better,” he points out.

  I scowl. “But that doesn’t make us all bad.”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “I’m sorry, I know.” I sigh. “It’s difficult. I love my planet, my country, but in so many ways it’s broken. I guess I worry that we are inferior to Luminar as a whole, in some ways, even if we excel here and there, bright stars amidst the darkness. And I want to help Earth become the best it can be, even if that sounds overdramatic and grandiose. I think we can do better than we have.”

  “We had turmoil in our past,” he tells me. “Bad, dark times, worse than what’s happening on Earth. It’s part of why we never reached out to Earth again after we stole some humans. We had civil wars that destroyed our society for hundreds of cycles and devastated our planet, our technology. Whether that was due to the influx of human DNA or not, we will never know. Regardless, we fixed it. Slowly, but steadily. You can fix yours, too. I suppose worlds work on their own cycles, and it doesn‘t mean that the brightest minds on the planet are not valuable. At those dark times, they are possibly more valuable than ever, for it is they that will help bring the planet back to the light.”

  “You’re not planning to take over Earth.” I put it out there. “I mean, right?”

  He looks away. “Why would you ask a thing like that?”

  “It’s an obvious question. Two worlds with equivalent atmospheres, which can support each other’s life forms. New resources and land for expansion and colonization. Why wouldn’t I ask? People are asking it on Earth.”

  “I could ask whether Earth is planning to take over Luminar.” His voice is light but his expression is not. “As you said, our planet can not only support human life, it’s more ideal for it in many ways. And you have formidable weapons. How can I be sure you are not planning something?”

  “Well, I’m not personally,” I retort. “And I’m not privy to the government so I have no idea. I would hope they don’t have anything like that planned. Why would they? It makes more sense to partner.”

  But a sense of unease lingers; with the warlike attitude most territories on Earth have developed, and the advanced nuclear weapons that can outmaneuver anti-missile systems, we are back in a cold war of sorts, with many developed countries stockpiling destructive weapons, and only the threat of retaliatory annihilation keeps them out of use.

  He crosses his arms. “We have systems in place to detect and neutralize any threat. Of course, your government knows this. We’ve both already done demonstrations for the other.” He says the word demonstrations as if it has a bad taste. “So now that we know that we are evenly matched with weapons, it is incumbent upon us to work on the diplomatic side of things.”

  Sick butterflies twist in my stomach. “You’ve demonstrated weapons to each other?”

  “Of course. It was one of the first things, when we made contact. We were aware that Earth would not be receptive at first, would be shocked and scared and defensive. So we came in peace, but with a backup arsenal of weapons, just as a... security.”

  I’d do no less in his place, but this is Earth! My world. This thing is so much more nuanced and complex in ways I’d not considered.

  “Why have you learned English so well? And Amara told me that children here learn it, too.” My words come out like bullets, an accusation. “And I still find it odd that you all knew about Earth for centuries but didn’t reach out to us until just recently.”

  He purses his lips. “That’s the part that makes most humans uneasy.” But he doesn’t go further.

  “Can you elaborate?” I squeeze my arms tightly against my chest, armor.

  “Probably not in a way that will satisfy you.” His voice is even. “But what I can tell you is this: we lost our technology for centuries, like I told you, due to civil war. Once we regained it, we waited for a time when we felt Earth would be most receptive, and for a time that would be most beneficial for both of our planets. As to why we learn English? Because we are part human, and it’s valuable for our future. And because we can download bulk knowledge transfers to our children in schools. Someday, Sirene willing, humans will have that capability as well. But it will probably take at least a dozen cycles before human trials are ready for brain downloads. At least, that’s why my top researchers in the field say. We’ll let the IRT share that knowledge to develop the process as part of our tech sharing.”

  “You were right. It doesn’t satisfy me.” But I don’t know what will. I believe he’s an honorable being, willing to do what he feels is right. But the whole inequality of the relationship between our planets, at least to this point, will always be a grain of sand in my mind, I think. Still, I believe I can get past this, because I already love this planet, and think that partnering with Luminar is what will help Earth thrive in the future. And I want to be part of that, as badly as I’ve wanted anything in my life. It feels somehow like I’m meant to be here, doing this.

  “And I told you when we met, Cali, and it’s the truth now, still: I want only peaceful interactions between our worlds. When I said that I believe we are better off together, sharing our knowledge and possibly, in the future, our DNA, that does not mean a hostile takeover by any means. From either planet. All it means is that I feel,” and he touches his chest, “for some reason, that our cultures are meant to merge. In a way that may take centuries, maybe eons. But we need each other. And I need,” he clears his throat, a blue blush rising on his jaw, “to surround myself with allies and... friends... who feel the way I do. Who see the same goal for the future, and want to work toward it.”

  I wrap my arms around myself. “I think I want to be alone for a while.” I want him so badly, and yet right now my mind is full of everything else.

  “Are you sure?” He touches my chin with one finger, sending sparks into my body. “Sometimes when a being is sad and confused, touch can be quite... restorative.” He runs his hands over my shoulders. “I care for you, Cali. I think you are wise and beautiful and brave. I don’t mean your planet harm; nobody here does. The competitive nature will be part of the relationship, but I promise you that you personally, and Earth, will get as many wins as losses. And over time, we will grow to be friends, our worlds.”

  I relax slightly into his touch. “It makes me worried. Because right now, I don’t think our Earth leaders have the same vision you do. I share it, but it may not be a common vision.”

  “So let’s not think about it.” His voice is low and persuasive. “Instead, let us celebrate life. Beautiful, diverse life that exists on far-flung planets, following stars scattered like dust across the multiverse. Magical, gorgeous life that should be worshipped for its very existence.” He bends his head down to my neck. “Like I worship the curve of your body, and the taste of you. Your smile, and your laugh. You are entirely entrancing. Like no one I’ve ever met.”

  “You don’t just like me because I’m an... alien to you? Interesting, different?”

  He shakes his head. “I like you because you fill my mind with wonder and desire. Like no Luminarian ever has. Shall I show you?”

  And although he said he wasn’t gentle in bed, his lips are so soft, like butterfly kisses, that I sigh out in pleasure at the feeling on my neck. “God, that feels good.”

  He kisses along my jawbone. “I haven’t yet had the chance to enjoy your pretty breasts. Take off your dress and let me pleasure you, Cali.”

  “But I…”

  “Now.” His voice is a command, but his voice is husky with desire, and I want him too badly to say no. So I stand in front of him and strip the dress from my body, letting the silky fabric fall to the floor like a waterfall of green and gold, a ripple of sunshine.

  “All of it.”

  I’m not wearing a bra, and I shimmy out of my panties, moving my hips provocatively.

  “Taste them for me. Lick the crotch.”

  “Lock, I…”

  “Do it.”

  I slowly lift the fabric to my mouth and stick out my tongue, deliberately swiping it across the gusset. The taste of my own arousal bursts onto my tongue.

  “And now, me.” He holds out his hand.

  Entranced, I stare into his eyes as I hand him the scrap of silk. When our fingers meet, the spark makes me gasp.

  He smiles, and maintaining eye contact, raises the panties to his mouth and runs his tongue along the wet patch. “Fucking delicious. Now lie down so I can taste the real thing,” he orders. “Hands up so I can restrain you.”

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  I don’t argue, but lie down in the required position, closing my eyes in anticipation, sighing when I feel the warmth of his body—he undressed so quickly—hovering over mine. I open my eyes to look right into his deep midnight blue ones. His gaze is so fierce and feral that I’m scared for a split second before I see the passion. He links my wrists together.

  “I like having your hands tied up,” he murmurs, “because that way you won’t move when I do this.”

  He kisses my clavicle, then licks between my breasts, making me squeal and giggle. But when his mouth closes over my nipple, I make a sound of pure passion, squirming as he licks and bites down gently, and then moan louder when he sucks hard, the pain and pleasure combining into a mixture of pure bliss.

  He lavishes attention on one breast, then turns to the other, repeating his ministrations until I’m whimpering with need.

  “On Earth, I know you have nipple clamps,” he tells me. “We have something similar, devices that provide stimulating pleasure and pain to breasts. Would you like to try it out?” He gives me a wicked grin. “Oh, but since you are tied up, I suppose I get to decide what you try. And I decide yes.” But he waits, watching my face.

  “Yes,” I whisper, feeling my cheeks get hot.

  He produces a pair of silver rings that seem to shine and undulate softly in the light. “Here.” He slides the rings over each nipple. For a second, all I feel is the coolness of the metal.

  “But they’re too big.” I look down. “If I move, they’ll fall… oooh!” Because like the anal plug, the rings are now reshaping to my body, contracting, until soon they are fastened tightly around each nipple, providing a squeeze that is just shy of painful.

  “How does it feel?” asks Lock, bending down to run his tongue over the tips of my nipples that extend out of the rings.

  I squeal, my skin so much more sensitive now. “Oh,” I cry, writhing in my bonds, raising my hips, lowering them. “It’s sooo... wow.”

  He swipes his tongue across them again, over and over. “And if I do this…”

  He gives a command and the rings tighten until they hurt a little bit. I suck in my breath, but don’t ask him to stop. I like the pop of pain. “It hurts,” I moan, but I spread my thighs to let him know how wet I am.

  “Then it’s just right,” he says with satisfaction. “The pain will enhance your pleasure. See?”

  He sucks on each nipple in turn, now taking the whole ring and nipple into his mouth and drawing hard. The pressure from the tightened rings creates a stinging pain, but when he licks me, the pain fades away, and I only felt the exquisite flashes and bursts of sensation with each flicker and lick. The rings loosen and tighten in response to my body, keeping the sensation ever new, never knowing what will come next.

  “God,” I cry, unable to process the feelings. The rings are so in tune with my body; whenever it gets almost too painful, they release just enough to keep me on edge.

  “You see?” He sounds smug. “And imagine if you had the other device in your ass. The pleasure would drive you fucking insane, Cali.”

  I twist my hips. “Please, plea

  “Please what?” he snaps, lifting my legs and slapping my ass hard, once and again.

  “Please fuck me,” I pant.

  “Not yet,” he says, moving one hand to my mound and touching softly. “I may decide to tease you for a few segs first, like we talked about earlier.”

  “No!” I push my hips up at him in supplication. “I can’t wait that long! I need it now.”

  “But you won’t come until I say,” he directs. “I think you can hold it yourself, but if you need help, I can apply a clit controller.”

  “A what?” I toss my head on the pillow.

  He gets up, retrieves a tiny silver device, and holds it between my legs, and it attaches to my clit in an instant. “If you start to get too close to orgasm, it provides a different sensation to keep you from that edge. Until you learn to control your own reactions, this will help. It’s a great training tool. With this, I could keep you from an orgasm for many segs... or suns. Imagine if you were disobedient and your punishment was to wait seven suns for your next orgasm. I’d still have mine though, of course, and I’d use your body to get them, keeping you constantly on edge,” he explains.

  This is both terrifying and arousing. “Please don’t make me wait that long,” I whimper. “I’ll do anything.”

  He laughs and strokes between my legs, driving me to a level of need I’ve never experienced. “The device can also tell me if you’re trying to avoid orgasm, or trying to force one anyway. And I can use that information to punish you with the strap, as part of your training and discipline. So I encourage you to fight the orgasm, unless you want a striped red ass tomorrow.”

  I almost scream, “Lock, please!”

  But he just smiles and continues to torment me with the softest of touches, bringing me over and over to the edge, only to pull me back against my will. Then he leans in and sucks my nipples again, and the pops of pain drive my need higher.


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