The Wrong Girl_Hanson University_Book Two

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The Wrong Girl_Hanson University_Book Two Page 17

by McKenna Kerrick

  “It was my extra credit fifth grade spelling word,” he says proudly.

  “What does that even mean?”

  “It’s the blood pressure cuff at the doctors office. I don’t know, but it’s a damn big word and I can still spell it to this day,” he laughs. “Come on, take a break from writing and let’s grab a bite to eat.”

  “Pizza?” I tease.

  “I was thinking Subway, but we could always crash Killian and Lila’s date and see what happens. Though, the way they both can pack away food I doubt there’s any left.”

  He makes a good point. Our friends are never ending garbage disposals when it comes to food. “Sure, Subway sounds awesome.”

  “Come on then, let’s get going.”

  I shake my head while laughing as I start to pack up my belongings. Alex waits patiently for me to slip into my puffy coat and place my knit hat over my head before taking my hand and pulling me along towards the staircase.

  The world couldn’t get much better than this

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  It came out of nowhere. That sack to the stomach I felt all the way throughout my whole body as the guy on top of me spews some words about how my mother was good in bed last night. You’d think as a college athlete we’d have some better manners, but we don’t.

  We’re all a bunch of snotty teenagers looking to hit it big.

  And in this dude’s case?

  Hit me.

  I’ll be feeling that sack for days.

  But we won the game, so that doesn’t mean shit for him. He can talk about fucking some other guys mom in the locker room and watch what happens.

  Killian slaps me on the shoulder after I remove my pads. “Damn, Alex,” he whistles. “That’s going to turn ugly.”

  I don’t have to glance down to know what my lower abdomen looks like. It’s a giant red mark that’s slowly bleeding purple on my skin. The bruises don’t happen often, yeah I’m that good, but on the occasion some sleazy defensive linemen gets a sack in and I feel it to my bones.

  “What’re you doing after the game?” Killian asks. “Lila and I are grabbing pizza if you want to pick up Grace and come hang out.”

  “Nah, that’s okay,” I shake my head. “I just want to sleep to be honest. I’m tired and I doubt Grace would care.”

  “What about you?” Killian turns to where Ian is coming up. “Are you going to wuss out on me too?”

  “Doing what?” Ian frowns.

  “You should bring that girl you like to eat with us,” Killian grins. “I want to meet her.”

  Ian scowls at him before rumbling a low, “Fuck off.”

  “Come on, man,” I snicker. “We’re just giving you shit. Do you think she came with your sister to watch you play?” I glance over at Killian. “Wouldn’t that be the cutest thing ever?”

  “Totes,” Killian says in a high-pitched voice before speaking normally again. “Seriously, dude. Just ask Megan if you can date her friend. You’re all up in knots over some chick.”

  “I’m not up in knots.”

  “You are,” I butt in. “You were distracted on the field.”

  “We won, didn’t we?” Ian keeps scowling. “So what?”

  “Woah,” I hold my hands up in surrender. “Peace, Ian, chill out. We’re just giving you shit. You gave us shit when we found a girl, remember? Pot meet kettle.”

  “This is different. You at least know the girl. I don’t know anything about her,” Ian shrugs. “And she’s Meg’s friend. I can’t date my little sister’s friend. That’s just wrong on so many levels.”

  “Why? Because she’s four years younger?” Killian snorts. “I don’t see that as being a bad thing. And we already had this conversation the other day.”

  “Megan already said she doesn’t date football players,” Ian blows out a breath. “She told me that after she informed me that that was her friend I just embarrassed the shit out of in the Union. Her best friend, to be exact. So, no, I don’t think I’ve got a shot.”

  “Who the hell hates football players?” Killian gapes. “That’s, like, the shittiest thing you can say on a football campus.” He points to his chest. “I’m offended on behalf of everyone.”

  “You’re such a turd,” I roll my eyes. “Come on, what’s the big deal Ian? Did someone in here hit it and quit it?”

  “Nope,” Ian shrugs. “She just doesn’t like athletes apparently.”

  “I call shenanigans!” Killian proclaims loudly. “There’s no fucking way someone doesn’t like at least one athlete. So it’s settled, Ian, you need to date her to prove it.”

  “I’m not dating anybody,” Ian scowls. “Knock it off.”

  “Well it’s not like I can date her,” Killian shrugs. “And Mr. Purple Nipples over there went and got himself his old girlfriend back, so it’s up to you.”

  “I’m not doing it,” Ian frowns.

  “Well someone needs to prove that they can date her,” Killian sighs. “Here, I’ll just ask Gage. He’ll go after anything.”

  “Don’t you fucking do it!” Ian growls.

  Killian doesn’t bat an eyelash. “So date her then. I dare you.”

  “Seriously?” I interrupt. “What the hell?”

  “Are you going to accept my dare or not?” Killian shrugs.

  “Fuck you,” Ian grumbles as he stomps away.

  Once Ian’s out of earshot, I turn to glare at Killian with my arms folded across my chest. “What the hell is the matter with you? It’s one thing to mess with him, but why are you daring him to date somebody?”

  Killian shrugs again. “Honestly? I think he needs a push. The girl probably dated some douchebag football player in high school or something and that’s why she doesn’t want to get involved. But Ian is probably the least likely to ever become a douchebag out of any of us. And if he felt that just from kissing her, then he needs to man up.”

  “What exactly do you think he felt?”

  “Probably the same thing every time I kiss Lila. Like the whole damn world just suddenly became alive.”

  That was probably the most romantic thing that I had ever heard Killian say. Which is shocking as hell in and of itself. But seriously, the guy practically lives through the F word, so romance definitely isn’t his strong suit.

  “Quit looking at me like I’ve lost my Man Card,” my best friend scowls. “I’m serious.”

  “Sorry,” I hold my hands up again in mock surrender. “It’s just surprising is all.”

  “Like that’s not how you feel about Grace?” Killian rolls his eyes. “Please. You’ve got to be kidding.”

  I shrug my shoulders. He’s got me there. The few times that I have kissed Grace, it definitely felt like all the colors in my life became brighter, sharper than they were before. She was a little ray of sunshine that I didn’t even know I needed.

  “Come on, lover boy, let’s get out of here,” Killian sighs and slams the door to his locker shut.

  We grab our bags, thankful that it was a home game this weekend, and shuffle out of the locker room after talking with a few players on the way out. The hallway darkens up before illuminating the path outside.

  There’s always a crowd that comes out here to talk afterwards. Sometimes it’s reporters, parents, or even a news station depending on if they don’t have anything else to run. Beyond them are the girls that lurk around after practice sometimes. The ones that I used to take home for the hell of it.

  Who wants to celebrate a victory alone?

  But looking at them now, grinning and pushing their boobs out, I’m honestly a little disgusted with myself. It might have been four years, countless hours wasted, and it had never been enough.

  “Killian!” a voice jumps out from the back of the crowd. Lila’s fiery hair piled on top of her head practically glows as she shoves through what she calls the Football Bimbo Brigade to get to her boyfriend.

  And damn, a part of me wishes Grace were here to do that even though I can feel the
tiredness sinking in.

  “You did great out there!” Lila beams at both of us. “Seriously, that was awesome.” She peers over at me. “You took a hard hit there at the end, are you okay?”

  I wave her off. “I’m fine, thanks.”

  “Grace said she was going to save us a spot at the pizzeria,” Lila says to me. “She had to pee really bad at the end and said she’d just meet us there.” Lila rolls her gunmetal colored eyes. “I tried to tell her that she shouldn’t have gotten an extra large soda, but she said it was something about calories and being damned about wanting one. I don’t know, there was a lot of dancer talk in there.”

  “Grace is eating pizza?” I’m still trying to wrap my head around that part. “She was at the game?”

  Lila socks Killian in the arm. “I thought you told him.”

  “I asked if he wanted to grab pizza and he said no,” Killian frowns. “Stop beating me, it’s not nice.”

  “Grace was at the game?” I repeat.

  “You were supposed to tell him that part!” Lila huffs before looking over at me. “Yeah, she came during the second quarter. She wanted to get some studying and was on a roll so she missed first quarter.”

  I don’t have anything to say. I’m rendered speechless.

  Grace was at my game.


  She’s been before, but now that we’re something more it feels different.

  “You put that stupid look on his face,” Killian says, interrupting my thoughts. He’s grinning at me. “Welcome back from Planet Lovesick.”

  “Like you were any different,” Lila snorts. “And yes, Alex, she was at the game.”

  “Now do you want to revise your answer on going to get pizza with me?” Killian asks.

  “Lila, can I punch him this time?” I ask.

  She laughs, “No. But if he does it again you can.”

  “Rude,” Killian grumbles and pulls Lila closer to him as we continue on down the sidewalk towards the on-campus pizzeria. It opened a little over a month ago, but I hadn’t had the time to check it out yet.

  Another few minutes of walking and joking around and we enter the new pizza shop. It’s well lit with a good amount of space. I bet it would fit the whole team, and probably nobody else. But, hey, growing boys need to eat.

  I spot Grace before the others do. She’s got on a Hurricanes ball cap and a t-shirt jersey with the double zeros on the front. I round off away from Killian and Lila to pick up my speed and get to the table before they do.

  Dropping down into the booth next to Grace, I grin over at her. “How come you didn’t tell me you were going to the game?”

  She shrugs and blows out a breath, causing her blonde hair to ruffle. “I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to make it. I told myself if I got caught up in studying that I would come, but it looked like a lot more work than it was.”

  “Where’s your coat?” I frown. “It’s going to start snowing soon.”

  “It’s shoved under the booth,” Grace rolls her eyes. “Believe me, I know it’s cold outside.”

  “How the hell did you beat us over here? I thought you were behind us!” Lila gapes as she flops into the booth across from us.

  “You two were too busy talking to notice,” I shrug. “Not my fault.”

  “Oh, whatever,” Killian rolls his eyes. “You just ran over here after Grace.”

  “So?” I smirk.

  “Ooh,” Lila says in a sing-song voice, “look there’s Ian and Gage and some of the other guys.” She lifts her hand and wiggles her fingers.

  “Stop doing that,” Killian swats her hand back down. “We want to be left alone.”

  “We’re on a double date, I don’t think that qualifies as being alone,” Grace snorts. “But nice try, though.”

  Fortunately for us, the guys get set at the table in the middle of the room right next to us. Who knew getting pizza from the brand new pizza shop was going to get crazy after a football game?

  Right. Everybody probably knew that.

  Ian glares over at Killian for half a beat before responding to something Gage says. I don’t think that Killian quite understands just how much of an asshole he was being in the locker room.

  “You alright?” Grace leans into my side and whispers.

  “Yeah, it’s nothing.” I smile back over at her.

  “Is it about us?” she asks.

  I blink at her. “What? No.” I glance over towards where Killian is engulfed in whatever Lila is telling him about. “Killian and Ian got into it is all.”

  “Oh, are they going to be okay?” she asks.

  I shrug. “Probably. Eventually. Right now they just need to cool off and Killian needs to stop being a dick.”

  “Why was Killian being a dick?” Grace frowns.

  Our waitress comes over before I can respond, wanting to know what we’ll have for drinks and if we want any appetizers. As soon as she spins around though, she stumbles and drops her notebook with our order in it.

  “Ian?” the waitress gapes.

  Ian doesn’t say anything to her though. He just glances at her before turning his back slightly towards her, shutting her out of whatever was going on. She doesn’t stick around though, scooping up her notebook and darting back towards the kitchen area of the restaurant.

  “Who was that?” Killian asks loudly.

  It’s the exact same thing I’m wondering. And it’s enough to grab Ian’s attention.

  “That,” Ian answers angrily, “is Megan’s best friend.”

  I tilt my head back on the booth and glance over at Grace who looks beyond confused. “That’s what the fight was over,” I whisper towards her. “Killian was being an ass about the girl Ian likes.”

  “Oh,” she nods her head in understanding. “Poor girl.”

  Poor Ian.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  There’s tension in the air in Mrs. Voit’s dance class.

  We haven’t been doing much this past month but watching old films and dissecting dance moves. I think Mrs. Voit finally gave in to the realization that the majority of people were in here to get closer to the football guys than actually care about the world of dance.

  It’s a shame.

  I feel bad for her, but there’s maybe a handful of us that actually give a damn about dance right now, and the rest of the group is just ruining it.

  “Guys,” I hiss at Ian and Alex, “knock it off.”

  Alex opens his mouth and silently points to himself as if to say, Me?

  “We’re not even speaking right now,” Ian grumbles.

  “What?” I frown.

  Alex rolls his eyes. “Don’t listen to him. He’s pissed we gave him shit about that girl he likes, even though I disagreed with Killian stepping over the line, Ian is still mad at me.”

  “Grace, would you tell your boyfriend that it doesn’t matter that he didn’t say it, he still participated?” Ian shrugs.

  “You’re acting like two year-olds,” I huff and turn around to stare at the movie currently playing in the lecture hall we got ushered into.

  I’m sitting in the front, with Alex directly behind my seat and Ian a seat away from Alex but in the same row. He might be pissed at Alex, but they’re still friends. And as for the groupies that are obviously only in this class to catch an athlete? They’re all staring dagger holes into my head hoping I’ll explode.

  “Just pay attention,” I mutter under my breath.

  Alex nudges my seat after a few minutes with his foot. I turn around to glare at him, but he’s grinning down at me. It should be illegal for this man to smile. It sends a shot of butterflies straight through me.

  “What?” I hiss.

  “I wanted to ask you something,” Alex smiles and leans down in his seat towards me.

  “Okay, what?”

  “Do you wanna go on a date with me?”

  I open my mouth to answer, a little shocked that he would choose this exactly moment to ask something
like that.

  “Oh my God,” someone behind him screeches. “What the hell.”

  Everyone shifts in the room to turn to look at the girl. She’s standing up by her chair, glaring down towards the front of the room where I’m sitting.

  “No, that’s some joke right?” the girl continues on ranting. “Alex Hunter did not just ask some nobody out.” She shakes her head adamantly. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  My mouth falls open. Is she for real? We’ve been going out probably two weeks now, it’s not like we broadcasted it or anything but come on.

  Alex tightens his mouth as he leans back in his seat. His back straightens up as he raises to his full height while sitting down.

  One look at Ian and it’s clear that he’s on team pity, with his mouth turned down and eyes soft like he feels sorry for me.

  It’s not like I wasn’t expecting this. I’m actually shocked it doesn’t happen more often than it does. But the nerve of some of these girls, to just outright call foul because they didn’t capture the quarterback's attention. Like they have some God-given right to him that I don’t.

  “Alex?” the girl screeches.

  He doesn’t say anything or turn around to acknowledge her, but it’s clear from the look on his face that he’s pissed off.

  “I don’t really think it’s any of your business,” I finally manage to say to the girl.

  “None of my business?” she scoffs. “You’re just so girl with a magic crotch for the week. He’ll get bored.”

  I shouldn’t react or engage. All those don’t let the bullies see you crumble motivational speeches my grandmother used to give me in middle school come rolling back through my head. But I’m also stubborn and prideful, which is why I have no problem airing my dirty laundry. “Oh, you mean like he did a few years ago? When we dated for almost three years?” I give a mock gasp. “Jeez, I had no idea he didn’t know how to have a girlfriend.”

  “You’re dating your ex?” someone else asks.

  Alex shakes his head slowly. “It’s none of any of your fucking business.”

  Well, that was blunt.

  “You’re serious,” the poor girl deadpans. “You actually have a girlfriend. I thought that was just some stupid rumor.”


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